4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 339: Despair and hope

"This feeling, very familiar, know? Very familiar!"

Under the dim sky, the waves swayed gently with the cold wind. On the gray sandy beach, a round and fat figure squatted on the ground. Underneath it was pressed against a solidified transparent gel, and only a worm-like type was seen. The creature was sealed there, and it seemed to be completely unaware of it.

"No response." The brain worm looked at the creature that was sealed. The robbers behind it also said: "Your stupid brain has nothing to feel, nothing can be known, this is how close you are. The stupid person's end..."

"Look at the sky, once the familiar weather is coming again, you can't feel it, you can't roll over at sea again, you can't yell loudly, your race is destroyed along with your stupidity."

When the roaring worm said this, some white objects fell from the sky with the wind, making the surrounding sand more white.


Several white objects hovered over the brain worm, and it immediately rolled off the transparent gel and rolled back onto the boat parked at the beach.

Before rolling back to the cabin, it looked at the gelatinous thing and said: "Continue to sleep, stupid Montezuma, you are on this dead gray beach, together with the stupid people, buried in the endless cold in."

The brain worm's troops also left as it embarked on the ship, and the transparent gum was still on the beach, and countless white objects hit it, and it didn't react at all... just like this, A little bit buried is buried...

Endless... cold?

Yes, now more than 30 days and nights have passed since the creators burst themselves. During this period. Lynn discovered the creation of the creator. It also found its fear, which means that the disaster is not over yet... Finally, this continent has begun to have an unusual climate like never before...

The sky covered by dim clouds, the whistling wind is now a common weather here. This is very unusual for the dinosaur world that is not a heavy rain or a sunny dinosaur. Some hot plants have begun to shrink, but the most terrible is . The cold wind in the atmosphere is accompanied by some white, cold objects.

These are the objects called ‘snow', and this climate is not unusual in the northern continent.

On the dinosaur continent, almost all creatures have never seen ice like this for a lifetime, although there are occasional phenomena called 'ice shovel', but there are very few, like this snow, they are still See you for the first time.

Although the snow phenomenon only occurs in a few small areas of the mainland, Lin has already felt its seriousness...

This is a change, and now it is also a 'summer' in the northern continent. In the normal state, it is impossible to snow, which means that something big happened somewhere. So it will lead to this abnormality...

The suffering of this continent's creatures seems to be insufficient.


"Don't... isn't it enough for us to suffer? This is already the fifteenth!"

On the edge of the ruins of the Emerald Dragon City, the emerald dragons gathered outside the broken walls. Although they have recovered from sorrow, they don’t know how to be good. They can only build tents outside the city. From simple houses, with heavy thoughts, live a heavy life.

The whole city disappeared, and the various situations encountered in the war, together with the hundreds of thousands of emerald dragons in the city, were not known, and no dragon thought they were still alive.

Now, these thousands of emerald dragons are the last hope, but because there are almost no prey around, they can only look for plants or bugs, as well as jade and small dinosaurs as food, it is very difficult...

Some hungry dragons try to smash the roots of the creators, but the dragons that do this will soon die, no dragon knows why...

This is a crisis close to the extinction of the population.

But the crisis they encountered did not end... During the period of living outside the city, some dead dragons suddenly appeared in the Jade Dragon, and they did not know what the reason was. These jade dragons suddenly fell down. The whole body is suffering and needs other dragons to take care of.

So Jade Dragon built a larger tent and placed these sick dragons there, but recently these dragons are getting more and more, because the food is lacking, and it is getting harder and harder to take care of them...

"Why..." Susumumi stood outside the tent and watched another sickly jade dragon being carried in. He couldn't help but clench his hands. It seemed to be expressing anger, or helpless... since it saw himself After the ruins of the city, its emotions never stabilized.

"Wang, it's hard to find food recently..." Mukla stood next to Susumi and said: "The weather doesn't know why it's getting colder. The bugs and the little dinosaurs are hiding. Should we give up these illnesses... ..."

“Give up? Is it like giving up the city?” Susumi suddenly turned around and looked at the gravel that once was a city. He said loudly: “Why? Why does it disappear? Why are they all dead? Oh, ah, ah!"

Susumi yelled and rushed into the city.

"Wang! It can be dangerous!" Mukla and the soldiers around him quickly caught up, but Susumi ran much faster than them, and they quickly recovered in this area full of gravel. Susumi...

"Dangerous? There is no danger in this world!"

Susumi ran all the way in the ruins. It didn't know how long it ran for itself. It kept running until the breath was running, and the surrounding cold could not feel it...

Susumi gasped a few breaths and closed his eyes. It seemed to be thinking about something, and then it opened his eyes and looked at the scattered stone piles around it. Its eyes were concentrated on a stone that was more than two meters high. .

"Here is..." Susumi suddenly ran to the back of the stone, and then squatted on the ground and dig it up by hand.

Even if the hand was scratched by the stones inside, Susumi did not stop. It dug a large hole that was more than a meter deep. When it found what it wanted, it immediately took it out.

"I finally found..."

The thing that Susumumi dug out was a piece... a pompon statue that had been broken halfway.

Susumi found a large stone from the side. It lifted the stone and smashed it to the pompom statue. After a continuous mammoth, the statue was broken, but there was a piece in the debris. A smaller pompon statue, small enough to hold in the palm of your hand...

Susumui picked up the statue and lifted it up into the sky and shouted with all his strength: "If you hear, please respond to me...!"

"I have... come to an end, I... we need to... help!"

Although there were not many words, it almost exhausted all the power of Susumumi. After that, it fell to the ground, but its head still looked at the dark sky, as if waiting for something.

"..." Susumi looked at the sky like this, and after a thousand seconds passed, it didn't have any action until...

"Wang!" At this moment, Susumumi suddenly sounded a voice behind him, only to see Muklae ran with a few soldiers.

"Wang! We are looking very hard..." Mukla and several soldiers gasped and said: "It seems to be the original palace area? What are you doing here?"

"...nothing." Susumi stood up and patted the dust on his hand: "We... go back."

‘Hey! ’

Suddenly, a sound came from behind Susumumi, and the dragons immediately looked there, only to see a broken slate on the ground.

"Is this thing falling from the sky?" Mukla was still wondering, but Susumi immediately ran over and grabbed the stone slabs to piece them together, showing a pattern.

"What is this?" Mukla looked at it, but it obviously couldn't understand it.

However, Susumi is very spiritual, and his thoughts seem to have become more stable than before.

"Let's go." Susumi said: "Leave here, we are going to find a new place to live."

"Leaving?" Mukla said: "But... there is a serious shortage of food, we can no longer..."

'boom! Mukala hadn’t finished yet, and there was another loud noise coming from nearby. I saw a huge ball falling about ten meters from Susumi...

Muklaa was scared, but Susumui seemed to be very happy.

"Now, the food is enough, push that thing, let's go." Susumi said: "We will not perish."

The remaining jade dragons once again gathered under Susummi's call. They carried the sick, pushed the weird ball, and left the city of Emerald Dragon.

Under the cold sky, they started their journey again, and this time, Susumumi was full of hope.

Yes, everything is not over... it will never end...

This is fun, but it takes a little effort.

... At the same time, on the other side, next to the coast of the northern continent.

"This is the sea..."

A group of gray dragons walked out of the forest on the coast. They looked at the endless sea and could not help but make a loud voice...

Some of the dragons have heard of the sea, but almost no dragons have actually seen them. Almost every dragon has amazed emotions, except for a few dragons who have completed dream trials, because in the trial of dreams. Can see the sea...

"Yes, we follow the sound of pompoms to get here." Liddell said at the forefront of the dragon group: "The jungle prey is very rare, but it is said that there are still many in the sea, we need to find enough food here, Then wait..."

"The leader! What is this?" Suddenly a few screams of Snapdragon came from the side, and Lidd turned around and saw that they were white with their hands and then floated down the sky... (To be continued, please search Floating astronomy, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks for the ~qjde hole wu~feifeiiu~

Thanks to the monthly ticket of ~metallicclaw~

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