4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 30: Environment caused

After that... I have had a lot of staying up late.

It’s not very comfortable for the dragons and the jade dragons to live by the glaciers. They only face the cold. Although the occasional crystal trilobes will surprise them, there is nothing else to do.

Lin also did a lot of things at the same time. While observing the ancient Shu, the Ark was also constantly changing, and Lin also investigated the entire northern continent again.

This survey is a meteorite survey. Lin found that there is almost no trace of meteorites in the northern continent. The meteorite fall rate here is much lower than that of the dinosaur continent. The dinosaur continent is not only a lot of meteorites, but also a lot of large meteorites. There is almost nothing here, small pieces of meteorites are not easy to find, but small ones don't care.

This feels good, which means that the disaster may be less.

At the end of the investigation, Lin’s ark also completed the change.

To say that the previous Ark was just adding some movable attachments to a large stone, the current Ark is a complete 'biological', which has a huge internal organs and circulatory system, which makes the Ark even heavier. Some, but the activity is still no problem.

The first ark is located at the exit of the canyon connecting the ocean, which is now blocked by a lot of mud.

'boom! The ark suddenly accelerated, and the whole body slammed into the wall formed by the mud. Under the loud noise, a large number of rocks fell on it.

But this was not enough. The Ark then had a large number of tentacles in front of them. The surfaces of these tentacles were quite jagged. They began to dig quickly on the mud, and the walls slowly disintegrated under the action of tentacles.

It didn't take long. Lynn dug up a spacious passage. It is getting closer and closer to the glaciers that are blocked behind.

After dig the last pile of rock. At the bottom, the water has started to flow out. This is the water at the bottom. Lin immediately digs up in this place. After digging a lot of rocks, a lot of water starts to rush out, and all the tentacles immediately stretch out. Block all the leaking places.

These tentacles then secrete large amounts of viscous material. Sticking to the mud and mud around, this is the first step.

The tentacles begin to grow slowly on the epidermis. They are like the roots of plants, spreading to the surrounding rock formations. They devour and re-bond all the mud and stones around them, and grow up. Finally, they can form only Lin. 'dam'.

The word dam is very strange. In short, it is the thing used to block water. The mudstone that originally blocked it is not very stable, so it is necessary to establish a convenient control.

At the same time, the head of the tentacle has also entered the lower water of the glaciers. They begin to rapidly transfer nutrients in the ark and grow.

According to Lin's detection, there are also several 'warm points' in places very close to the sea. However, these places do not have an ancient residence, but they can find their wreckage nearby.

Ancient plaques have no skeletons. After they die, the corpses will soon disappear. Even in cold environments, there are scavenging organisms. However, their teeth are usually preserved, so they are well recognized.

Lin thinks that it may be caused by the fact that there is no crystallization, or that the ancient plaque here will not build complex crystal buildings. Perhaps those ancient ancestors living deep in the canyon are smarter?

The ark's tentacles grew rapidly under the glaciers and touched several nearby warm spots. The tentacles dug open the warm areas and “rooted” here to export the warm current beneath the warmer rocks. With the support of heat, the tentacle grows more rapidly, the tentacles will continue to increase in the ground, and there are many tentacles extending upwards to begin to dissolve the ice.

Lin will transform the terrain here, and it will become a place for the emerald dragon to live. The viscera and circulatory system made by the Ark actually provide nutrients for these tentacles. Finally, all the energy will be transmitted here through the tentacles. A green environment.

The place where the dragon lived...maybe hundreds of kilometers away, at the other end of the canyon, where the ancients lived.

Nine Dragons and Emerald Dragons will not meet again until the world returns to warmth.

The second Ark has also been remodeled for this purpose. It is too much trouble to move the entire ark to the land, so Lin intends to let the Ark give up the shell...

‘咔...’ sounds like a crack in the rock formation, and the back of the second ark on the sea slowly splits, and a huge object is revealed in the bursting shell.

The object began to expand slowly, and finally the rock shell on the back of the ark was completely crushed, and then it rose from the ark.

Like an adult, it escapes from the original Ark and rises into the sky. The object looks like the shape of an empty jellyfish. It has a huge streamlined body. It starts to spray gas at the tail and goes to the land. Fly away.

"Hey... look at that!" The dragons and emerald dragons living on both sides of the glaciers noticed the changes in the Ark. Under their surprised eyes, the new floating ark flew over the glaciers to the depths of the canyon. .

The ark quickly flew over the cold desert, flew over the snowy jungle, and as it reached the end of the canyon, it began to slowly descend and landed on the glaciers.

Now the sky has begun to darken, and the Ark is still moving. It stretches out a large number of tentacles from underneath. These tentacles begin to dissolve the ice and penetrate deep into the ice and reach the waters at the bottom of the ice.

While doing these things, Lin also began to let the transporters take the dragons who lived by the sea to the end of the canyon. At the same time, Lin also used the nutrients of the northern base to create a large number of 'light collectors'. It is mainly used to absorb the energy of the sun. It is not enough to rely on the warmth inside the canyon. Lin needs more heat and nutrients.

Now is the time to transform the environment, all of which requires the tentacle that the Ark stretches out to complete.

In the following days and nights, a large number of tentacles first covered the entire bottom layer of the offshore canyon, forming a huge 'succulent carpet', and also began to dissolve the upper ice layer, which melted all the water into the sea, and then Insulated transparent shells are replaced.

Now, it is like a new underground world. The top is almost 100 meters above the ground. Lin feels enough. Apart from the pterosaurs, other creatures don't need much height.

Lin has been extending the 'rug' of the ground for a length of hundreds of kilometers. When it feels the same, it turns and grows upwards, creating a wall of shells that separates the canyon from the glaciers behind it.

After getting almost the same, the 'carpet' inside absorbs all the water and then discharges it into the sea through the ark. The carpet then begins to dissolve the ground and creates a layer of nutritious substance on the body surface. Planting plants as 'soil'.

A place that is more than a dozen kilometers wide and hundreds of kilometers long requires a lot of nutrients, and the ark at the exit of the canyon is like a mouth. A large number of troops constantly collect nutrients from the sea and transport them in. At the same time, Lin also swallows many The various plant residues in the jungle, etc., as for the shell material Lin is directly decomposed into the rock.

However, it takes a long time to get these. When I get it, Emerald Dragon has to stay outside the glaciers.

At the end of the canyon far away from here, another ark is also making the underground environment in the same way, but unlike before, Lin just dissolves the ice layer and replaces it with transparent shells, while the water inside It is still retained because it is necessary to live in ancient times.

And on the ground here is not the 'carpet', Lin has made the tentacles one by one connected to the pipes in the warm rift and distributed on the ground here.

When Lin made these things, the ancients began to be scared, but they later discovered that these 'pipes' were very warm, and then some ancient urns began to build crystal structures along the pipes, and many ancient shuns The pipes went out to find food. The food around them was almost finished, because there was no good way to keep warm, and there was no way to go too far.

And the appearance of these pipes of Lin makes them see hope again...

The ancient scorpion lived in the bottom waters, and Lin kept it at a height of about 30 meters, which was higher than when it was frozen. Because the ancient 鱿 likes to swim at the bottom, it doesn't need to be high.

The second floor is the place where the dragon lived, up to more than 100 meters. The waters inhabited by the ancient rafts are separated by shells. The dragons can live in this area and plant the roots of the dragon wood, the dragon wood. It will extend directly into the lower waters, and the roots need to be wrapped with a layer of 'skin' that filters the salt so that it can absorb water, but because there is no nutrients, it needs to be provided separately.

At the top, Lin is also covered with a layer of transparent shells, completely separated from the cold weather outside, thus forming a huge 'greenhouse', where the dragon can swim to the lower waters at any time, and The ancients exchanged.

Although it is unlikely that they will reach a dialogue.

The whole size is extended to hundreds of kilometers continuously, which is larger than that of the emerald dragon. However, mainly because of the large number of Snapdragons, there are many gnomes. If the number of cockroaches increases, you can consider adding them to them.

In addition to these two dragons, Lin also put in many small dinosaurs. In the area where the dragons lived, Lin also put in a special creature, which is the kind of plant called ‘house tree.’

They live in the form of animals, but because they absorb light energy, they don't have to hurry to find food. Lin wants to see what they will look like.

After all this is done, it feels more relaxed... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ soul seeker ~ Liu Yan ~ rewards ~

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