4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 31: The disappearance of Mktu

Lin's huge construction environment activities are continuing. In addition to the front end of the emerald dragon living and the end of the dragon's residence, the middle part is the original Indo-Arabia settlement. Lin intends to make a dinosaur on the third Ark.

Although the warmth and part of the nutrients in the inside are provided by Lin, these creatures still need to hunt or plant themselves to get food.

Lin estimates that at least hundreds of days and nights are needed...to complete this huge event, and Lynn’s only concern is whether it will get colder during this period.

The brainworm is worried about... painting.

During the construction of Lin, the brain worm was still trying to figure out the mystery of Muktu's roll away. It looked around the rock and roll day and night to try to figure out the secrets.

The word around the clock sounds a strange feeling...

The brain worm does not live in the 'greenhouse' of the canyon. It intends to live outside. Although it has not yet decided on a good location, it also wants to build a greenhouse made of stone and mud.

But before that, the brain worm was very concerned about Muktu.

This is indeed a strange thing. Once Mktu liked to paint with slate. According to the truth, if Mktu is leaving, it will leave some information in the rock mountain.

However, the brain worm has investigated most of the rock mountains, but nothing has been found.

It found some slate, but the content of the painting is not directly related to the departure of Muktu. It is something that records everyday life.

Why didn't Mktu leave a slate? If it is not deliberately not left, is it because it suddenly left?

And also took away all the troops.

Lynn was also curious about this matter, so let some troops go to the investigation. Because the jungles and oceans of the northern continent are separated by deserts. The footprints around the rocky mountains disappeared into the desert. Because the sand will be rolled by the wind, so the smell is not left behind...

There is no evidence that Mktu is running into the sea, although that is the most likely.

The brain worms are going to investigate by tracking the brain waves, because they will unconsciously release some brain waves when they are in life, but Lin feels that the brain wave is less likely to remain in the air.

But the brain worm still wants to test it. Later, Lin asked it to use a new method. Lin asked the brain worm to send brain waves to the sea by the sea, so if Muktu goes out to sea. It is possible to receive this signal.

It’s just possible...

Lin searched for the slate that he had left behind. Although there was no record on the slate that Mktu had left, Lin found that Mktu seemed to be doing something strange.

Most of the hunting on the slate, as well as the mutated state of the larvae, etc., Lin also found that there are several slabs painted with Muktu itself, and it is with some strange creatures, the shape of this creature Very weird, it seems like an unfixed shape, it feels like...clouds.

But in Muktu's painting, it shows that these things will move. And they will eat food, and there are several paintings that have Mktu and their communication scenes.

This is very strange...

Does Mktu actually have direct contact with those creatures? It is not the same as the brainworm. It is not going to get out of the fight and it is less likely to be in direct contact with other creatures.

This is a very dangerous behavior.

Mktu’s actions were weird, and Lynn did not find anything about the record cold in its slate... Did it leave before it got cold?

The brain worm is also difficult to understand, but the strange creature that communicates with Muktu can still find some conformity in Lin's thoughts, that is...Slim.

It looks like an atmospheric slime, but why is it exposed to that creature? Lin felt that it was necessary to study and study.

First, grab one to observe and see. Lin said that Lin has never carefully decomposed the appearance of this creature, but their location is very unclear, and it is usually seen occasionally in the air at sea.

From the outside, this creature is very different from the usual organisms. Most of them are transparent, but they don't see any structure like viscera or brain. They seem to have cells in the body, but they are rare. The number of species and ethnic groups is completely unknown.

If you want to find them, only in the air, Lin let the brain fly to the air off the mainland, and continue to release a large number of brain waves around, if there is a reaction in the brain wave range.

... Then, after dozens of days and nights.

Lin's brain was not found, and some places on the edge of the mainland and offshore have been found. There are no traces of the atmospheric slime, and the method of the brainworm has failed. The brain waves released by it have not received any response.

"It completely rolls away and chooses to give up." After the brain worm said so, it was no longer interested in finding Muktu. The brain worm allowed its troops to choose a place in the twisted jungle and then began to build their own rock mountain. Unlike before, the rock worms built by the brain worms are tightly attached to the ground, making them look like caves, while food is found in the jungle, but in order to create sustainable nutrients, the brain worm is trying. Let a larva mutate and some kind of algae reach a symbiosis.

That may be quite difficult, but the twisted jungle is still very big. The plants that die here are nutrients that can last for a long time...

However, any method of finding Mktu seems to have been interrupted... Lin wants to continue to search farther, but finds more problems at sea...

Almost every day and night temperature is falling. Even if they wear warm leather, it is difficult to keep warm. They need a place to live. Moreover, Lin found a strong blizzard that is coming to the mainland.

The abnormal temperature seems to cause the weather to become abnormal. Lin needs to accelerate the completion of the greenhouse in the canyon. Although many parts of the canyon greenhouse have not yet been built, the outer transparent shell has been completed, and the water inside is also extracted. A lot, you can temporarily let them stay inside, under the guidance of the pompoms, the jade dragon and the dragon quickly hid in the canyon.

Now that the sky is getting darker and darker, the dragons are looking at the sky with a nervous mood. Through the transparent shells, they can see the surging of the clouds. They are like the rough oceans, and the storms are whistling. The sound also passed into their hearing.

Lin wondered if it was necessary to make the shells soundproof.

Wait... what is that? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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