4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 44: Atmospheric organism

Over the northern continent, it has now been shrouded by squally winds. The pompoms **** their own fluff into the ice of the ground and tighten their bodies. Although they are swaying in the storm, they can still observe the changes in the sky.

In the dark storms mixed with snow and ice, you can see a group of creatures appearing in the sky. They are very numerous. They dance in the air with a strong whirlwind. They come to the mainland like cheers...

Those are...Atmosphere Slim, Lynne has been looking for them for a hundred years, but they have no trace at all, although Lin is not very serious to find...

Until now, Lin saw them again, and Lin thought that they had already frozen to death.

These creatures expand like a squatting wing in the air. Although they are extremely light, they seem to know the wind direction of the storm. In this case, they can still move freely. They only need to swing their wings slightly. Changing the direction of the flight, the two slime never hit each other.

They approached the frozen land that once twisted the jungle with the storm, although they couldn't get close to the ground under strong winds, but Lynn could feel... they seemed to be watching here, watching the pompoms on the ground.

Why is this creature now appearing here? And they have about a thousand, with the wind blowing everywhere, covering a wide range of sky, it seems that they live well in the cold, at least have a number of advantages.

But Lin is more concerned about the situation in their bodies. The composition of these creatures may be completely different from the usual creatures. When the moon approaches, there are more interesting things.

Lynn looked at the creatures flying around in the air. Until the storm slowly weakens. The storm is common though it is cold. But the continuation is usually not very long.

After the storm stopped, these slimes did not leave, they kept circling in the air, as if they were holding ceremonies.

Suddenly, a few slime rushed down from the air, they swooped at the ball at a very fast speed, while the pompom pulled the fluff out of the ground and escaped it at a faster rate.

It turned out to be the case. They really are looking for food...

Lynn also found that some of the slime flew to the canyon in the storm, flying around the shell, some slime sticking to the shell with the body, seems to want to find a place to drill in, although they can not see them Have eyes, but can accurately target those creatures in the canyon...

And they didn't pay attention, and Lynn is also targeting them.

‘Boom...’ On the side of the gorge, the frozen land burst open, and a huge barrel of guns stretched out from the ground, aiming at the airborne flying Slim.

‘Hey! A bomb exploded to the side of a slime. At the moment of the approach, the bomb suddenly stretched out eight pairs of sharp joints from the surface, and the limbs immediately hugged the slime in front. Then he fell to the ground with slime.

The surrounding Slims suddenly fled and fled, and the one caught by the bomb continued to struggle.

This slime can't fly anyway, even though it has a wingspan of more than five meters, but it is very light, and the end of the limb that has emerged from Lin's bomb has now plunged into its body and released. A subtle unit of arms.

This creature...it is.

Under the subtle detection of the arms, Lin once again felt the emotion of surprise, although Lin said some thoughts before, but did not expect that there really is such a creature...

The body of the atmospheric slime...is free of cells.

All the structures in this organism are completely different from the common ones. It is accurate that it has no internal organs, but there are some visceral saclike, reticular structures, but not all of them are composed of cells. The whole thing.

However, the ingredients in the body are still the same as the cells, which is exactly like an amoeba, an amoeba that has been magnified many times.

That is, the shape of a single cell is retained, but it grows to such a large creature.

In fact, Lynn has also seen some large but not cell-combined creatures, like a creature called ‘myxobacteria’.

The creature looks a lot like a fungus, but it's actually a deformed like an amoeba. A creature that can move around is a huge creature compared to an amoeba that is about the size of a cell.

However, both the amoeba and the slime mold have an incomparable gap with this 'atmosphere slime', and its structure is also many times more complicated than the amoeba, just like the original multicellular creature and the current dragon's gap.

But they have similar characteristics, this slime...may not be the evolutionary product of the first two creatures,

Because there is no control, many parts of Lin don't know what to do. Some Lin thinks that it is similar to the internal organs of ordinary animals. They also use the solution to digest the prey. The head... actually it has no head. However, there is an eye-like structure in the front position, which is completely different from the general eye composition, but Lin thinks it can see things clearly.

This slime has a lot of holes in the whole body, plus it is very light, can fly in the sky without consuming energy, there is a jet mouth behind the body, it seems to be used for emergency acceleration, it also has some hardened structure in the body. Used to maintain its overall shape...

In addition to these, there are some very wonderful structures, the role is unknown, although the same ingredients are used, but Lin has not seen this combination, some may have a very powerful role, maybe there is any structure in it Defending the cold, if you conduct research, you may be able to discover these characteristics, some features that Lynn has never seen before.

Just as Lin saw the spider silk before, she didn't know that such a simple composition would constitute such a flexible object.

Lin is not sure if it has a brain. Lin can feel that there is some weak current in the body, like a brain wave, but it is not concentrated at any point. It cannot be confirmed because it is a combination that has never been seen, even if there is a brain. It is also different from the common multi-cell brain.

It turns out that not many cells can develop to this extent. This can be a miracle. Lin believes that the limbs and spines have evolved in the early days of the worms, and this slime may be in the cell age. The common creatures now evolve separately.

After almost all the investigations, Lin has drawn a picture of the slime in her thoughts and recorded the composition of each part of it.

Then, let it go.

Now, Lin is different from before. Observing a creature does not need to kill the decomposition. It can be comprehensively observed in the state of no damage to the ontology, which is very helpful for observing some rare species.

Is this kind of slime rare and rare? Lin feels that it is not rare for them to maintain this amount in a world that has been frozen for so long.

But how do they breed, how to live, where is it usually living in a fixed place or flying around is still a mystery.

Slime flew into the sky immediately after being released, but it did not fly too far, but hovered in the sky, as if he was going to attack at any time.

Lin can feel some 'breathing' from it through the brain waves. This may be its emotional reaction, but it is different from the secretions that usually occur when the creatures are emotional. Lin still can't know what this slime is now. mood.

But probably it’s just like anger.

This creature should be classified as a new creature: ‘large non-multicellular creatures’, but because it is too cumbersome to call, it is better to call them atmospheric creatures.

This creature does not need to touch the ground. It doesn't even have 'legs'. Only wings are enough, so Lin thinks they live completely between the clouds, but when they need food, they will be close to the ground...

And there are certainly more than one kind of creature. Just like there are countless kinds of multi-cellular organisms, Lin believes that there are quite a lot of such creatures. The atmospheric creature of this kind of slime is just one kind.

The olives that used to be seen in the Inca worms are also an atmospheric creature. They are different in shape and emit some strange sounds for attack.

And Lynn thinks that the thing that was discovered under the mountain that Lili excavated in the past is also part of atmospheric biology. That thing is very big, so Lin believes that there are quite a lot of atmospheric creatures...

You should be able to see more similar creatures... if they are not frozen to death.

Lin, who used to communicate with Muktu, feels like the slime they see now, but it may be different, because these slime don't seem to have high intelligence, Muktu is unlikely. Will go see them.

Lin thinks that these Slim's intelligence is similar to that of the pterosaurs. The attack behaviors are similar. I don't see any special places. Although they are together, they have no teamwork.

But at least be sure that they do have brains... or have intelligence like brain creatures, maybe an organ, or a nerve knot like a banyan tree.

Some creatures in the canyon are also watching these creatures together with Lin, including several dairy trees.

This tree can be said to be the only creature in the valley that has experienced both the dinosaur continent and the icy and canyon events, and is still alive.

Their lives are particularly long, similar to ordinary plants, and some trees are called 'elders' in the group of dragons because it knows a lot of things.

But they also cannot explain the wonderful sights in the air.

Looking at the airborne flying Slim, Lin has no special plans now, because they don't know where they came from, and they can't find their habitat.

Moreover, more important now is ... month. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ 瞳~~ 588~

Thanks to ~Yanyan~'s reward~

Thanks ~ Nanhao Tianlong ~ Yuanhao ~ monthly ticket ~

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