4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 45: Fireworks under the blue moon


After an instant, dozens of days and nights passed, listening to the roar of the ice, Lin knows that it is time...

At this time, the heavens and the earth are still surrounded by the cold, and the flying Slim is still hovering in the air. These days, they have been flying here, even if they have not eaten, they do not see any signs of fatigue.

Because they almost don't need to flap their wings, they are completely floating in the air, not flying, but they don't eat at all. They sometimes fly down and sneak into the jade, and these slime are not completely without cells. Lynn has seen some bacteria. Classes are parasitic on them, some are algae-like creatures, and it is estimated that the energy that absorbs light is provided to Slim.

But that's not enough. These slime need food, so they wait for the same things as Lin waits...

In the starlight of the sky, a round of blue light illuminates the ice-blocked land, and its arrival makes the ice of the earth rumbling.

The month has approached a specific location. Now it has reacted to the underground shale. They squeezed the surrounding frozen soil. A large number of cracks spread quickly on the ice on the ground. Snow in many places also The collapse, under the continuous roar, some boulder has already drilled the surface, slowly drifting into the sky.

The influence of the moon, Lin is waiting for this moment, and the same is true for the slime. When a boulder is flying high, a large number of slime around gather immediately, they surround the stone and they are frozen. The mud piece peeled off and then swallowed into the body.

There are many wreckage and nutrients in these muds. Slime is waiting for these things to rise from the ground. Then eat them. They obviously know about the stone, and Lynn wonders why they didn't come here last time.

What Linde has to do is not to get nutrients, but to be close to the blue sky of the sky, to see the origin of the creator!

'boom! At this moment, the thick ice layer on the surface of the sea made a loud noise, and the cobweb-like cracks spread like an explosion, covering an area of ​​hundreds of meters in an instant.

Then, these cracks are turned into countless pieces after the next loud noise. Under the unfrozen seawater, there was a big wave, and an island-like giant rose from the sea and flew slowly into the air.

The 'island' is round in shape and has a diameter of about one kilometer. It is almost entirely a giant island shaped by the stone. In the early days, Lin built the island. It is hidden under the sea and has been I am waiting for this moment.

Because there was no test, Lin had some concerns before whether it could fly in the coming months. Because it is too big, there are a lot of things loaded inside. It seems that there is no problem at all.

Originally, Lin thought that if he couldn't fly, he would act directly on the sea, but now he should let it come to the mainland, which is closer to the moon.

The island was built from an ark. When its huge body flew up to the sky, the creatures in the canyon looked up at the flying island.

What does this island symbolize? No dragon knows, but they all feel very shocked. At the same time, they also notice the constant roar around.

At the time of the creek rising along the gorge, there was no movement in the gorge, because Lin had cleaned up the shale of every piece of land in the gorge, so that it would not affect them in the coming months. .

Under the blue moonlight, the island flew over the canyon and drifted across the desert. A lot of curious Slim flew around the island. They flew around and around the island to see if there was food.

At the same time, the brain worm also stayed in the rocky mountain. It looked at the huge island road displayed in the front of the display: "Login, then... tumbling, really can... do it?"

The island flew over the desert and stopped in one place.

It was originally the crater of the Inca worm group, but now there is nothing, only the endless yellow sand is covered here...

Lin feels that this is the location closest to the month.

At this time, many holes were opened at the bottom of the island, and a large number of stones and sand fell from them. These were 'pressing heavy objects'. After the throwing, the surrounding slime immediately flew to the ground to see the seafood. Things, while the island slowly rose to a higher position.

At the same time, above the island, the shell made of the stone slowly opened a hole, and a pair of sharp corners slowly rose from it.

This is an electric gun made by Lin, which is much larger than the original Ark. The warhead is more suitable than before. When Lin found that to strengthen the power of this gun, electricity is the only problem, that is, the stronger the energy, Can make this warhead fly faster and farther.

Therefore, Lin has created a large amount of power generation capacity. The island has a huge power generation organ controlled by hundreds of brains. It uses the pipes all over the island to input huge electric energy into the turret and eject the warhead inside. Go out, the shuttle bomb will rush in the direction of the moon!

It seems that it is already the highest height here.

The island floated into the air and stopped. The height here is already the highest. If you want to be taller, you may have to throw more things. However, Lin will try it out first.

Lin also prepared a variety of bombs, this is only the first one. If Lin will continue to use the next one, Lin believes that there will definitely be a kind of thing, but the original one is of course the best.

Then, let's go to the moon!

All the brains in the island began to release strong brain waves. Under the operation of the power generating organs, all of these currents were piped into the fort on the surface of the island...

After a moment, it was a loud noise.

The warhead rushed into the sky and turned into a flash of light, leaving Lin’s vision, but Lin could feel that the warhead’s feeling, its speed was unparalleled, and the intense friction caused the air to burn on its body surface, and the warhead’s The outer shell is made of Linde's shell material excavated on the sea floor. It is shaped by a complicated way of merging the brain and will not dissolve because of this high temperature.


After flying to a certain height, the warhead began to slow down and fell from the sky like losing all its power.

So, is this not enough? Although not successful, but... Lin already knows some problems.

What is this 'barrier'? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Liu Yan ~ Shui Yunnian ~ the heart of the insect group ~130709123...~ Amazon Jungle ~ rewards ~

Thank you ~ Shui Yunnian~ monthly ticket~

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