Here is... a dark world, though dark, but bright, and the blue glory in front of you is more dazzling than ever.

However, this feeling only lasted for a while, and Lin's vision quickly fell down, and the surrounding area was quickly covered again by a gray color.

This is already the highest point that Lynn is currently reaching. By the ‘eyes’ installed on the warhead, Lin saw the surrounding environment...

It felt like it was at the center of the day and the night, on the one hand, the endless darkness, on the other side, the white that was previously familiar... the moon was in the distant darkness.

At the same time, Lin also saw the world where she is, which seems to be the same as the moon... is a huge sphere.

It turned out that although Lin had thought about it before, but did not confirm it, and now, Lin will still be a little surprised.

Maybe... every ball in the sky is a world. It turns out that the world has been tumbling all the time, so there will be day and night...

More than just the moon, all the **** are star-studded.

When you are close to other giant spheres, you can see the whole picture, and then you can see the endless wonderful creatures... This feeling is really good.

Then let's start by seeing the moon!

The distance of the month is farther than Lin thought, but when Lin made these launches, she also learned a lot of information.

First of all, at the higher the place, the air content is thinner. Lin believes that there is almost no air between the moon and here, so it is completely impossible to rely on the method of jetting air to fly...

And because there is no air, there is almost no dust around. So there is a strong light coming in... but the most important thing is. There is no ‘barrier’ between heaven and earth. Everything is because of the gravitational relationship on the ground. Gravitational Lin knew this problem a long time ago, but knowing that gravity is meaningless, how is gravity generated? Why does it work on all objects, is there a way to eliminate it?

Under the influence of gravity, the warhead fired out by the turret will fall down when it reaches a certain height. Lin believes that a certain degree of speed can get rid of this gravity... Maybe after reaching a certain distance, Lin can be free from gravitation.

But maybe the speed of the power warhead is not as fast. And if it is affected by gravity, you may have to use another method to fly.

This plan was not exactly the same as Lin originally thought. Lin originally thought that she would directly rush to a certain height, and then she would be attracted to the attraction of the moon by the moon, but it seems that the stone would reach a certain height, and the moon would The attraction will be weaker.

Lin thinks that perhaps the phenomenon of the floating stone is not only because of the moon, but because the ground and the moon have a certain role at the same time will float. In this case, it is impossible to fly only to the moon by the stone.

So you must use a new solution, if the world is a gravitational sphere. It is best to use this method, but it needs some new preparations. Especially the preparation of energy.

Now the energy carried by the island is not very high. I think, Lin asked the island to drift away from where it was before and fly in the direction of the once twisted jungle.

The way the island flies is not by jets, but by Lin Xin’s method called 'brain wave movement method', which releases the brain waves to drive the island caused by the whole stone, which needs to be in the month. Effective, Lin wants to try this method can not be used in the general arms.

During the flight of the island, there was always a large group of slime flying around. The island slowly drifted past the jungle. At the end of the night, Lin arrived at a place.

Here is where the mountain was once, and Lin feels that she can find some energy here.

Although the mountain is now covered with snow, it still stands here. The island has opened some holes underneath, and a large number of large arms flew out from under the island and landed on the ground.

These units look like caterpillars that are more than five meters long. They have a lot of sharp hair on the back. When they land on the ground, they release a lot of gas from the back, which makes the body thinner. Then they dig in The snow and ice around the mountain began to pick up quickly after touching the ground under the ice and snow...

They swallow a lot of dirt and stones into the body, but they are not eating on them, and Lin is looking for an energy explosive.

There have been countless cognitions about dynamite, and many types can be made, but simply they are almost one nature, exploding through synthesis, burning or impact. Lin now has a new name. In the way that brain waves are detonated, some explosives erupt a huge amount of energy and can use this method to continuously push the object forward.

If the launch can only fly to a certain height, then the continuous release of energy advances.

But this energy needs to be huge to guarantee a certain speed, so Lynn has to pick out those very high-energy explosives.

These materials can be found anywhere, including in the soil, in the sea, and in all kinds of organisms, but Lynne likes to look around the foot of the mountain.

These caterpillar arms are used for this purpose. They are constantly consuming large amounts of impurities. They have numerous tentacles in their bodies, quickly judge and select effective raw materials, retain them and then discharge other impurities. .

Some of the full caterpillars will inflate again into the sky. These materials will be further decomposed in the island. Some will undergo complex reactions such as synthesis with other things, make them into explosives in various ways and store them. .

Because it seems that there is no oxygen on the journey to the moon, Lynn has to make something that can provide them with continuous combustion of oxygen.

This should not be very difficult.

When the caterpillars collected fuel, there were a lot of slimes flying around in curiously. They watched the caterpillars eating something on the ground while they were learning the caterpillars.

Immediately, it was very disgusting to spit out...

Although seemingly fun, it seems to prove that they have a good learning ability, these Slim's intelligence is even higher than Lin believes.

Hundreds of caterpillars are constantly collecting fuel on the ground, and then the island is constantly decomposing and recombining them. Some explosives are made to react with some other things, but some are Lin directly using 'cell tweezers'. Piece together.

Sometimes they release very toxic during the reaction, so they need cells with strong anti-virulence ability, or they can be protected with a layer of shell material. Some explosives will release a lot of toxins when they are burned intensely. Lin believes that these toxins may be It will pollute other things, so after a lot of tests, Lin found explosives that would not be toxic and capable of releasing powerful energy.

Now Lin is the latest manufacturer, the explosive used to fly last month is called 'flying moon', although Lin usually does not give these things a name, generally called explosives, but they are indeed many types, initially Lin Still discovering the explosion of explosives from a creature called a silver beetle...

Although this kind of creature has experienced the event of less oxygen, it is probably disappearing under the glaciers...

Lin is now beginning to break down some of the brains in the island. They were originally used to provide electricity, and now they are useless.

After collecting a certain amount of fuel, all the caterpillars stopped collecting and floated back into the island.

Then, a large number of reconstituted fuels are transported to the center of the island and placed in the arms of a unit...

After the loading is completed, the outer shell of the island slowly opens, and a giant creature emerges from the island.

With a length of more than two hundred meters, the body is still streamlined. This unit is brand new, but it inherits the previous name - Leviathan.

Lin’s former Leviathan had been killed by the creators when he stayed in the dinosaur continent. In fact, the creator solved almost all of Lin’s mainland troops. Later, Lin’s reinforcements were built from the outer islands. from.

However, the name is very good, so Lin will use it again to name the new generation of arms.

The new Leviathan does not rely on air to fly. It is now just a head on the island. It is slowly carried to the surface by the giant tentacles in the island.

Leviathan's outer shell has the ability to withstand high temperatures and various shocks under the special reinforcement of Lin, and can completely block the killing of cells inside the light of the eccentric ultraviolet light.

Its tail has six huge jets, and the inner layer is covered with a shell that is extremely resistant to high temperatures. This shell is specially synthesized by Lin, but because the temperature of the explosive is too high, it may be slow. Slowly melt.

Although Lin uses muscle to control all of this, the jet at the end is a pure shell, controlling its muscles far away, ensuring that it won't touch the high temperatures there.

And it's just a slow melt and there isn't a big problem. Lynn can reach the moon before it happens.

Although it is the first time, everything is calculated. Leviathan will constantly release brain waves to calculate the situation around him. Everything is under control. Lin needs to be successful for the first time, otherwise It’s very troublesome to get another.

With the help of the tentacles in the island, Leviathan's head was raised higher and aligned in one direction of the sky.

It is not the direction of the moon, but the place where the sun rises.

Then... let's go!

The explosives were synthesized in the body of Leviathan, and the huge energy that erupted made an incomparable roar. Leviathan’s body rushed to the sky, and when the surrounding Slim was frightened and fled everywhere, Lee Weitan has moved away from this jungle... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ 流颜~metallicclaw~ monthly ticket~

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