4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 205: Collision in the void

Unstable energy reacts to the ground.

This is the most dangerous place in the meteorite area.

It is like an alternative floating in the meteorite group. Its surface is sparkling with an alloy-like luster, and there are some huge reactions in the day and night.

Lin has experimented with various reactions here. At present, there has been a lot of progress. The structure of the whole base is different from the past. The former appearance looks like a rock structure. Now, Lin has transformed them all into alloy-like structures. .

This new base will allow the experiment to proceed safely.

However, although the base is strong enough, it may be vulnerable to the iceberg.

At the base's location, it is already possible to see the distant icebergs slowly advancing. It eats all the rocks on the road and grinds them into pieces.

It seems to be attracted and moving in the direction of the base.

Lin can no longer continue to explore in it.

It must be destroyed.

Leviathan is still penetrated by its tentacles on its back, and it is still unable to move. At present, there is no way to use it. However, after all, it is an important base, and Lin has done a lot of protection around.

‘嗡...’ A burst of sound that was not a voice, spread throughout the rock around the base, the stones trembled rapidly, and the radishes and some of the moon creatures hiding in them flew out and fled further afield.

It seems that the surrounding creatures have been expelled, since this is the case...

The rocks around the base began to turn slowly, and they pointed the 'head' to the distant iceberg.

At this moment, they will turn into a real rock!

‘Hey! The sound of the explosion echoed in Leviathan's mind. With Leviathan's vision, you can see that the distant meteorites began to move. They suddenly speeded up and went straight to this side.

'boom! ! ! A meteorite flew in an instant, and it hit the back of the empty iceberg. The loud sound of the sturdy ice layer is perfectly displayed in Leviathan's brain.

There is no reaction in the Void Iceberg. Under the tens of meters of megaliths, its strong ice layer is still intact, but Lin can feel that it has suffered pain, and its emotions, Lin can feel in its body...

There is not only one stone. Numerous meteorites followed the three straight, and they hit the back of the empty iceberg like a meteor shower. Even a body with a diameter of 30 kilometers would inevitably tremble under the impact of successive waves.

Under the continuous roar, you can see cracks in some ice layers.

‘Hey! ’

Suddenly, huge tentacles rushed out of the ice on it. An approaching meteorite was pierced by tentacles and broken into countless pieces.

More meteorites smashed into this creature, and the ice layer on the surface of the empty iceberg also spread a lot of cracks. A lot of blue-white **** spewed out and collided with the meteorites in the air, bursting with magnificent fireworks. .

This creature... actually has this ability?

In the crack, more white **** fly out of it. These spheres perfectly hit all the flying meteorites, causing them to smash before they hit the body of the iceberg.

That being the case...

When a large number of meteorites flew toward the target, some of the stones did not move, but slowly opened the surface, revealing the muzzle inside.

At the moment when the muzzle sticks out, dozens of lights flash in an instant. When the other party has not had time to react, there are a lot of holes in the empty iceberg...

This is a new type of shelling that Lynn accidentally discovered and created. But it seems that the effect is not very good, the pierced Leviathan can see that the holes left in the iceberg are not very deep, only very shallow traces.

But this behavior seems to irritate the Void Iceberg, which has always maintained a relatively 'leisure' speed, but now it suddenly turns and speeds up, and Lin feels that his body is constantly trembled and seems to have opened a certain part at its tail. The structure of the spray.

The position of Leviathan is now invisible. The only thing I can know is that it is flying faster to the base!

At the same time, a large number of fire flies emerged from the cracks in the ice. They ran to those places with holes, a lot of them around, they are repairing scars?

No matter how much, the previous shelling was an experiment, this is the real unit used to fight it.

Next to the base, a large number of meteorites leaned to the sides, they gave way to a passage, a huge meteorite slowly flew in the passage, and constantly speeding up...

This meteorite has a diameter of ten kilometers. Even if it is a void iceberg, it does not dare to hit it directly. It slows down and sees more white spheres on its back.

These spheres feel like ice, but they explode. They hit the surface of the meteorite in succession. The white fragments are scattered everywhere, and the surface of the meteorites also has a lot of cracks.

As the cracks continue to spread, the Void Iceberg simultaneously ejects more spheres.

Their successive impacts caused the meteorite to collapse, some stones were removed from the meteorites due to the explosion, the whole meteorite became smaller and smaller, and the speed became slow again. Seeing this situation, the empty iceberg speeded up again, and I got the cracks on my back.

The limbs at the mouth of the mouth swayed quickly, as if you wanted to tear the rock directly.


However, among the meteorites, a voice that only Lin can 'listen' sounds.

The two sides are quite close, the limbs of the Void Iceberg begin to touch the surface of the meteorite, and the barbs on the limbs pull down the large rocks and send them into the mouth of the empty iceberg.


Almost at the same time, the whole piece of meteorite burst instantly, and a creature shining with silver light flew out of the meteorite.

Its conical mouth slammed into the body of the empty iceberg, and the original sturdy ice layer broke in this impact. This creature penetrated the ice and slid into the hollow iceberg. .

The Void Iceberg finally felt the real fear this time, and its body began to tremble violently, which is most evident in its body.

This is a new pioneer created by Lin, with a total length of one kilometer. The whole body is covered by new shells. It is more solid than all the objects that Lynd has seen. The neat spray structure arranged from head to tail allows it to This piece of void moves at will.

The Blazers originally wanted to be used to drill into the depths of the red tumbling, not for combat, but now it seems that the combat effect is quite good...

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