4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 206: Travel in the body

‘嘭——! ! ! ’

This sound is like a volcanic eruption.

At least, Lynn thinks so...

At the moment the pioneers drilled in, the Void Iceberg trembled violently. It sprayed a large amount of dense fog from the cracks in the ice layer on the surface of the body. In fact, there were countless tiny particles in its body. Floating around, almost covering the body of the entire iceberg...

At the same time, in the position where the Blazers got in, this huge amount of small particles also spewed out, they were completely blocked in front of the Blazers, and filled all the surrounding spaces.

This kind of thing makes the pioneers feel that it is difficult to act, they even blocked some of the pioneer's jets.

‘咕噜...’ From the inner ice wall, Lynn could feel a wonderful vibration.

‘Hey! Once again, like a volcanic explosion, the pioneers who were drilling in the icebergs were hit by a strong impact on the head and were sprayed from the body of the empty iceberg...

It seems to be in a way of defense. After the creature squirted the Blazers, Lynn found that it was turning quickly and seemed to be leaving.

Lin can almost confirm that the intelligence of this empty iceberg is not very high, although it is very powerful, but only to prey, they will choose to escape when they encounter a greater threat.

Even the biggest creature in the void will not die for food.

This kind of Nether creature is quite difficult to deal with, but it seems that as long as it is injured, it will give up. If it does not leave, although Lin has a way to destroy it, it will also cause great damage to the surrounding. So this situation should be the best.

When the Blazers were ejected from the smoke they sprayed. Lin found that the creature had turned around and flew slowly in the direction of the exchange.

Leviathan was still pierced on the tentacles of the Void Iceberg, which is now slowly retracting into the ice, but because of Leviathan, it is stuck on the ice.

The Void Iceberg seems to be quite concerned. It is trying to pull back the tentacles. In the process of its hard work, Leviathan suddenly broke into two pieces. Its tentacles have also been successfully retracted.

After retracting, the ice layer slowly merged, as if nothing had ever been drilled out.

There is no blood or viscera in the section of Leviathan. It looks like the skin around it. Each of the two Leviathans can fly independently. They leave the misty iceberg body and The direction of the base flew back.

When pierced, Lin made Levitan's body with two layers of shells, and at the same time changed the visceral structure, so it can be split in time.

And this empty iceberg has been flying farther and farther along the route it has eaten. The thick fog on it slowly spread out, and it seems that it is intended to leave the way. This time, Lynn also noticed that there is a huge mouth that can be sprayed on the back. It may have been combined before it was discovered.

Although Lin wants to grab it and study it carefully, it is not bad to let it fly away.

This creature is quite wonderful, although watching the flight speed is not very fast, but it must have some way to travel in a wide space.

It may be close to a creature, the creature drawn on the alloy plate found in it.

Probably not only that, the Void Iceberg may have been to more wonderful places.

Lin wants to follow it. While studying it, I also study the way it acts and see how it lives...

This creature may live in the void for a long time, and it is much better to follow them than to launch a flying object in the void.

Now, the Void Iceberg has slowly flew away from this jungle meteorite area. It was quite excited before eating it, but now it seems that it has not seen the meteorites around the plants at all, just want to fly away quickly.

Soon it left the jungle area and flew further afield...

It seems that it has not noticed that several rock-cutters have remained in its body.

In its body, there is no special change. Although there are many things happening outside, it seems that it has not been affected. On the ground of strange meat plants, the rock-cutters began to disperse and poke the plants.

At first, Lin thought that these meat plants were the organs of the iceberg, but now Lin thinks they may be parasites, they use self-explosive methods to breed.

Most of their cells are hidden in a thin layer of skin that can harden instantly, but when it is touched it softens and bursts immediately...

And the most important thing is that the rock-cutters can eat them and use them as food. Lin can make more troops here.

Lynn asked a rock-cutter to become the ‘Queen’ of the arms, and the other was responsible for collecting the alloy plate that Linde discovered before.

In addition to the two creatures, there are many other strange things on the alloy plate. Many don't know what it means, but there is a row of spheres of different sizes at the bottom.

Lynn thinks this seems to be a good understanding, it seems to be a combination of a row of tumbling, and the biggest one is a star?

According to the scale above, the star is too small.

On the third ball behind the star, there is a line extending from there, and then there is an arrow at the end of the line, pointing to a strange symbol.

This symbol is a bit like a creature called 'Sea Angel', and there is an identical symbol behind the two creatures.

Does this mean that they live on the third tumbling person? This strange symbol is what they are riding on?

Although I feel that this is quite correct, Lin believes that there should be no living things on this board to write where they live.

Is it a map or something? Although there are more symbols around, I don't know what it means.

However, if you throw your place of residence into the void and happen to be discovered by other creatures, other creatures will definitely want to take a look, no matter what the reason...

Lin believes that the empty iceberg should be close to the area where these creatures live, and it may not find these creatures. Lin feels it necessary to let it go back again...

The method is very simple, just let it be interested in the creatures on these paintings. Since it will eat the plants on the rock, it can also eat the creatures on this painting.

In order to make it interested in this kind of creature, Lin must first find its brain, so it is necessary to create more rock-cutters to explore.

However, Lin does not have to find their place of residence to see this creature.

That's right... Lynn can put them together and use the method of piece together new creatures. Although they have never seen such creatures, they are very similar to most creatures, so it should be simple...

Before, Lin had been hesitant to make a new form for Moss. It seems that the shape on this board is more suitable for them.

They are similar to Moss, but not exactly the same. The creatures on the painting don't look like hairs or tails. It doesn't seem easy to maintain balance, but you should get used to it if you practice.

This kind of creature can be a new form of Moss, but there are still some tests to be done, because it is a creature that has never been synthesized before.

In order to carry out this test, Lin plans to do something in her dreams.

At the same time, in the Shishi District, Lin also plans to repair...

Hundreds of meteorites have been eaten by the empty icebergs. If Lynn does not attack it, it may have been eating until all the stones here have disappeared.

Although the plants were eaten a lot, none of the radishes were eaten, and they had long since escaped.

The meteorites here will be repaired. The main method of repairing is to pull new stones from other places, then let them grow plants, or directly use the pieces to synthesize new meteorites.

At the same time, Lin has to build more troops. This area has been quiet for hundreds of years without any threat, but now it seems that this place is not completely safe...

Need a combat force with powerful capabilities, at least to deal with the creatures of the empty iceberg...

After several days and nights, the Void Iceberg has been far away from here. It flew out of the meteorite area and flew to the distant void...

It accelerated slightly as it flew off the meteorite area, and after that, it did not accelerate any more, and even the jets behind it were closed.

Lynn is very curious about how it flies to places where other creatures can be seen, because the nearest stars are quite far apart.

If the Void Iceberg is not a wonderful acceleration method, there is a wonderful way to move, and Lin can follow it to witness it.

As the empty iceberg flies farther and farther, the color on it seems to change, and it will soon be invisible. Finally, this huge creature disappears into the stars of the void.

Now, in its body, the rock-cutters have begun to proliferate, and a rock-cutting person has changed his shape in situ, turning into a tent-like shape.

It does not produce rock-cutters, but another small army of caterpillars that consume little energy and quickly spread out in this place and into other caves.

The remaining rock cutters are responsible for blasting nearby meat plants and collecting the debris they have blown up.

Not every meat plant will explode, but those that don't blow up are easier to handle and can be eaten directly.

When Lin accidentally lost a meat plant, it was found that beneath it was not a strong ice layer, but a cave.

In this cave, there is the kind of otter that Lynn had seen before, but it is very small and not aggressive. After eating the rocker, Lin found it has a wonderful ability.

This ability can greatly enhance the ability of Lin's units to move in the void. (To be continued.)

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