4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 235: Looker in the distance

"Hey!" The head of the fat worm exploded, and at almost the same time, the swarm swarmed up and looked at the direction of the sky...

The reason for the explosion came from there.

Numerous atmospheric slimes and rolling thunders scattered away, behind them, there was a huge figure.

Its shape is like a dragonfly. It fanns a transparent giant wing that is nearly forty meters wide and slowly flies down in the sky.

This kind of creature is called the cloud, they usually wander in the dark clouds, but they are not independent creatures, but a part of a huge group...

This creature is collectively referred to as ‘Kai Kai’ by Bai Yulong, and it can be translated as a “cloud ghost”, which seems to be the only division of labor in the atmosphere.

This cloud fan swayed with huge wings, and some tiny spheres sprinkled under its wings like powder.

When they fall into the swarm, countless squeaks also sound.

This is an explosive, although the power is not strong, but it is easy to blow to the vital parts, such as the eyes and the like.

Under the burst, many swarms were blown up and bruised, some of the bugs were blown up, some were blown off their heads, and the chibs were stabbed to intercept the exploding spheres.

At the same time, dozens of red figures also rushed into the sky, a group of explosives are planning to blast this target.

And Yunxiao’s body also flew a lot of creatures. They are like smaller clouds. The wingspan is only 1 meter, but the speed is much faster. They collide with the blasting blast, in a continuous explosion. After that, no one bursting armor can successfully hit the sky.


Under the brilliance of the explosion, a pair of big cockroaches rushed out. Caught the slow moving clouds. What followed was tremendous pressure. The head of the cloud is instantly smashed.

The **** can instantly kill any atmospheric creature other than the light dragon. The cloud that has been smashed in the sky swaying in the sky, and finally falls into the swarm...

Some of the fat bugs climbed onto the clouds, and they were extracting the information from the clouds with their sucking mouth.

The success rate of extracting atmospheric organisms is quite low, but the Inca population will still try.

However, the battle is not over yet, and the sky has more giant shadows, and dozens of clouds have followed the fallen companions in the sky.

Almost all the atmospheric creatures on the front line have escaped. But there is a group of creatures that have not retreated. They are shaped like thorny plants and have large, spiked bodies that are also members of the ‘cloud ghost’.

This time the opponents are different from before, they will definitely be more united, and even if the Inca insects have experienced countless battles, there is no intention to withdraw.


And while they were fighting, Lin was paying attention to other places.

Lin initially thought that Yunhai would face a one-sided situation facing the Inca worms, but Bai Haolong and the group of statues used the various methods to sustain the war for quite a long time.

But there are more than just atmospheric creatures in this battle, and there are some things floating in the distance.

At a distance of almost five kilometers from the battle site. Lynn saw some huge islands floating there.

In general, Lin called them the island of synthetic bodies, and Lin had destroyed many of them. When the statue attracts atmospheric creatures, these islands also drifted from afar...

But they are not directly involved in the battle, but floating in the distance to watch, there are a large number of synthetic bodies flying around the island, they occasionally take out a metal rod to look at the direction of the battlefield.

And more of the composites seem to be carrying a square thing, they move these things between the islands, but I don't know what it is.

Are they coming to visit? Still planning to participate in the war? Anyway, Lynn feels that they should have something special to come here, so...

'boom--! ! ’

A sudden loud noise came from a composite island, and the surrounding composites were suddenly shocked. They looked at the direction of the bomb.

I saw a huge figure, appearing in the air in the distance...

Behemoths, originally located in the sea, but recently Lin let it fly to the sea of ​​clouds, and it has been especially strengthened in the sea, although the body is still olive-shaped, but the body length is added to a hundred meters, because there is no need for oxygen, The body can load more things.

“Hey!” A group of synthetics around the bombed islands were panicked by the appearance of Behemoth, who hurriedly moved a large number of squares to an island behind them, while some composites took out a metal. The bar rushed over.

They seem to fight back? Lin’s impression of them before is that they have always been creatures that can only escape.

But don't worry so much, if you destroy these islands, what interesting things should happen.

‘Hey! Two bombs were fired from Beth Moss, and they circumvented a group of composites in front of them and slammed directly under the island behind them.

It is the main power station, because Lin has destroyed many of these islands, so Lin knows their structure quite well.

“Wow!” The composite saw a screaming sound behind the scene, and saw that the island that was hit had a lot of smoke. It began to be difficult to maintain its shape in the air, falling from the sky and crashing. Into the sea of ​​clouds.

The sea of ​​clouds looks like it was hit by a big hole.

Seeing this scene, these composites seemed to be angry, they rushed to Behemoth at a very fast speed, and violently cast out the metal rod in their hands.

The metal rod stretched into a sharp spear at the moment of flying, and Lynne had seen them many times.


‘Hey! After a moment, a large number of spears were tied to the head of Behemoth, and the blood ran down the spear.

This spear is much stronger than the power that Lynn saw before... Can it penetrate the skin of Behemoth?

'boom! boom! boom! 'A large number of small bombs scattered from the back of Behemoth, these bombs hit each composite accurately, and when they cast the next spear, they turned into a pile The end of the air.

Lin did not pull out the spear that pierced the head of Behemoth, but slowly ate the spears with the wound. Lin wanted to study and study what they had...

By the way, destroy them all.

Looking at the remaining islands, Behemoth once again prepared a new bomb.

Within the island, a large number of synthetic bodies have also flown out, and they seem to be swearing to guard the island...

However, Behemoth’s bombs still flew over... (to be continued.)

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