'boom! ’

It seems that every creature reaches a certain level and will like to explode.

The roaring sound has continued in the clouds and the huge creatures have fallen from the sky.

The war has been going on for a long time. On the battlefield, only one kind of atmospheric creatures has survived, but they are also continuing to collapse.

The huge clouds fell from the sky, their bodies were torn and shattered, and instead of flying them in the sky, there were countless purple figures.

The insects of Inca have covered the sky.

Previously, the Inca group had only a small number of flying units, but now their reinforcements have arrived.

Numerous flying insects are surrounded by the air. Most of them are bee-type creatures, and the attack method is relatively simple, but they can easily tear large atmospheric organisms.

After covering the sky, the Inca swarm began to advance in the clouds and continued to defeat the atmospheric forces on the clouds.

This group of creatures called ‘Kai Kai’ is not so powerful. There are only a few types of combat units, and the attack methods are not very strong...

In the presence of the Inca group, they were able to resist a few times initially, but now they are beginning to retreat.

If ‘Kai Kai’ also fails, then no creature can save the white dragon and the golden statue.

Unless... those 'creators' appear in person.

This is also the thing Lin is concerned about.

‘creators’, they use white dragons, golden statues, composites, and atmospheric creatures to fight.

But they never came out of their own, but Lin believes that as long as they capture all their troops, they will appear sooner or later.

In front of Behemoth, the second island of composite body. I also risked the smoke falling from the sky...

After Bechymos slashed the two islands in succession, the composites fled into the remaining islands. They did not continue to fight, but instead planned to flee here on the island.

Behemoth did not catch up with them, on the one hand because the islands moved quite slowly. On the other hand, Behemoth found something on the second island that crashed.

There are a lot of hollows in these islands, and even if they crash, they will not fall into the sea of ​​clouds, but will float in the sea of ​​clouds.

Behemoth was flying on the island, and a large number of tentacles stretched out into the building on the island to observe the situation inside.

This island is very similar to the island of Synthetic that Linde had seen before, and there are many things that make synthetic bodies. But the island has one more room than I have seen before.

There is quite a lot of crystal in this room.

And these crystals are mounted on a strange device that looks like a large plane, and the crystals are placed around this plane, showing many strange patterns on the plane.

These patterns look like a bunch of white objects that are constantly changing. In fact, Lynn has seen this pattern. If you look at the pompoms above the void, you can see a similar pattern.

That's right, this is the dynamic pattern of the cloud. Although Lin has not kept watching the pompoms in the void, these patterns are easy to recognize.

But... How did this group of creatures see these clouds? This needs to be observed at a fairly high level to be visible.

And the clouds above are constantly changing. Does this mean that they are constantly showing changes in the current cloud?

Can you say... what is observed in the void, and then the information is introduced here?

But I don't feel any signal here.

... Is the ‘creator’ in the void? Their 'nationality' may be quite high. The islands of these composites can't fly so high, and only in the void can the picture be transmitted.

This picture means...have they observed here in the void?

But Lin never saw anything weird in the void near the pompoms. Even if they avoided suspicious things, they couldn't avoid some Leviathan fragments that were scattered in the void.

In short, there are a lot of strange places in it.

What is worth noting is that on this pattern... there is a huge swirl shape on the left side of the pattern, and the vortex is still rotating.

This seems to represent a storm, and there is a big place near the storm that seems to mean this continent?

When it comes to the storm, Lin has never seen a storm on this continent. If the storm happens, the sea of ​​clouds will be blown away. It should be like a cloud of different sizes like the dark clouds, instead of being connected together as it is now, and the clouds that cover the entire mountain will blow away.

In fact, before Lin found that some storms would approach this East China continent, but those storms stopped when they approached.

It is not turning to other places. It completely dissipated.

Lin has always felt that there are any reasons, but I haven't found it yet, but what do they mean by showing the pattern of the storm here?

Behemoth also tested the first composite island, but there was no such layout as the cloud state, but there was a large diamond-shaped crystal at the top of the island's building.

What is the preparation of the island for the preparation of these islands?

Now, Behemoth looks at the third island, which has now flown almost five kilometers away, and the shape of the huge island is still clearly visible.

Behemoth stretched out a tentacle and the new bomb had already aimed at the target.

“哔——!!” And when Behemoth was ready to shoot, the distant island suddenly made a strange noise, and saw a light coming out from the top of the island and going straight into the sky.

Moreover, Behemoth also saw the same light from other islands around, no, it should be said... light column.

The light was very dazzling, and it did not look dull at all in the sun, and it was clear that there was a huge crystal at the top of the island's building, which seemed to use this crystal to emit the light column.

So, the islands are the same as the first island...but what does it mean to launch this light column?

And, more than just here.

On the battlefield in the distance, the swarm has already won, and ‘Kai Kai’ has fled the place under the attack of the swarm...

There are no atmospheric creatures blocking the insects. The insects have almost destroyed everything in the sea of ​​clouds. The city of the clouds that was originally built by Baijilong has not been seen in a piece of debris, and the insects have turned to the final attack. Goal... that ship.

At the beginning of the battle with the atmospheric creatures, the swarm did not attack the ship of the white dragon, but now they began to attack again, and a large number of insects tried to continue to expand the cracks on the deck.

The ship was once again in crisis, and at this moment, the deck of the ship’s head was opened again, and a dazzling beam of light was shot from the inside. The intense brilliance instantly hit the sky, even in the far away, Lin could See this light.

The swarm seems to be a bit strange to this light column, some insects are close to the light, but they immediately fly away.

The Inca group does not seem to like this light, it may be hot inside or something else...

Lin also saw this light.

It is almost identical to the light emitted by those islands, but it is not used to attack, it seems that this is a kind of signal, what the statue and the composite are going to do with this signal...

The Inca group seems to be aware of the problem.

Numerous insect swarms suddenly greeted them, and they used the body to completely obstruct the light column, and the light on the ship disappeared instantly.

However, this does not seem to affect the effect of light.

When they fired out the light beam, Lin saw that the picture in the second island had changed.

The whirlpool, which originally represented the storm, suddenly began to accelerate and approached the mainland.

Are they using the light column to summon the storm?

Can they do this kind of thing? What can be confirmed, however, is that the legendary ship has a lot of effects, not just summoning atmospheric creatures.

However, Lynn thinks this is their 'last resort'.

When the attacks of atmospheric creatures fail, they can only use this way...

Looking at the storm pattern on the second island, Lin can also feel the airflow in the distance is moving.

It is really a storm that will land on this continent, and its direction... is directly to the sea of ​​clouds.

The intensity of the storm is quite large, and it is estimated that the entire cloud will be torn, and the Inca population will be hit hard.

The large beetles of the Inca group contain a lot of gas and holes in their bodies, which makes their troops very light, so they can gather in the sea of ​​clouds without causing the whole cloud to sink.

However, this also leads to a problem that they can easily be blown if they are blown by strong winds.

The Inca swarm should also be able to feel the storm, but they seem to have no way to defend, still gathering above the clouds.

Relatively inactive, the Inca group, Lin found that the sea of ​​clouds had a reaction.

After the storm's airflow was felt, the microbes in the clouds began to move, and Lin placed micro-arms in many areas of the sea to observe their activities.

Usually, the sea of ​​microorganisms keeps the gas and water in the cloud sea in a balanced state, but now they are quite abnormal. These microorganisms squeeze a large amount of light gas and collect a large amount of water and heavy gas.

Some microbes begin to secrete large amounts of liquid and solidify themselves in it. Their series of changes are everywhere in the entire sea of ​​clouds...

The actions of this group of microbes seem to be prepared for the storm, and they are constantly adding to the entire sea of ​​clouds.

If you continue this way, the entire cloud will become difficult to maintain buoyancy.

At the end, it will become a situation: the sky will fall.

PS: Thank you ~ love the blood of the land ~ red heart heart ~ sanl52id ~ monthly ticket ~

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