4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 239: Storm in the storm

The mainland of the East is now at night.

The third layer of the sea of ​​clouds did not successfully fall to the ground.

The violent airflow swept through everything in the sky, and the third layer of the sea of ​​clouds had been torn into pieces by the airflow, which in turn was torn into smaller clouds, dissipating in the wind.

In the dark sky, a behemoth is resisting this gust of wind. This behemoth is more than 700 meters long and has more than 300 meters in the widest part of the body. This is the army built by the Air Force group of the Inca.

All the aerial populations are united, and each bee-type unit uses its mouth to bite the former companion, making the entire army a huge form.

This form looks like a giant pterosaur, and there are more than Inca insects in this army. At the beginning of the storm, there are many atmospheric Slims that don’t know where to float. They use the Inca group. The method sticks to the back of the army, forming a pair of wings-like structure, which makes this huge pterosaur look like a pair of small wings on the back...

If you look closely, you can see that the pair of small wings made up of slime are blue, because these atmospheric slime have a layer of blue, grease-like things.

They were all Slim, which had been sprayed with a strange blue mist by sandblasts. It seemed to have been infected, and they began to help the Inca.

This temporary combination of behemoths can be stabilized in the gust of wind that can smash the entire sea of ​​clouds. Through the numerous wings of the insects, the huge pterosaur begins to turn and go in one direction. Move away...

They have not forgotten the previous goal - the ship of legend.

This huge ship is also shaking in the storm. But it can barely keep the boat from flipping or falling.

But it is different from the stability of the ship. The condition inside the ship is already in a very unstable state.

'clang! A golden head was thrown to the ground.

Here is the second cabin on the ship. A large number of white dragons are gathered here, in addition to a group of golden statues.

They all looked at one thing on the ground - the golden head.

"Look! They are not brave at all, just an alloy!"

A white dragon stands next to the golden head. It picks up the golden head and pulls out a soft thing from the inside: "It is this kind of thing that controls them!"

"Hey..." The white dragons around him looked at this scene with a stunned look. In fact, many white dragons know that the statues have alloy bodies, but they don't know that there is a thing like Slim in the 'control'. To make them even more surprised, this white dragon dare to stand in front of the statue to do this kind of thing...

"We don't have any creators here!" The white dragon said with a statue and said: "Everything here is what they say lies!"

Next to it, a white dragon asked: "Don't you say... the golden warrior is actually this strange, soft thing?"

“Yes!” said the white dragon with his head: “They are just some monsters!”

"Kill it!" said a statue: "This is a dragon that renounces the creator!"

After the "..." white dragons heard it, they stayed in place and did not move.

If in normal times, other white dragons will immediately push the white dragon to be slaughtered, but the surrounding white dragons are now hesitant.

They are now more and more skeptical about the statue, but it’s just that the 'the promise of the statue has not been reached' or the avatar of the 'creator' actually flees in the face of the enemy', this kind of thing is not enough Bai Xiaolong doubts the statue, and the main reason for them is some external factors.

Not far from the ship. The college established at the peak is releasing some brain waves.

This brain wave comes from the Master, which will arouse some special emotions of Bai Xiaolong. Let Bai Xiaolong have great doubts about the statue. As for the white dragon with the head, it was originally a member of the Master who did not believe in the creator.

Some of them are mixed in here, creating trouble at critical moments.

Why are they doing this in the end, the reason is not clear...

“Do you want to betray the creators?” A statue went to the front of the Bailulong group: “Since this...”

'boom--! ! ! ’

A violent roar caused the entire ship to slam, and the disputes suddenly stopped.

Beyond the ship, the giant pterosaur has already flown to a distance of several tens of meters, and the flank of the pterosaur's open mouth is shining with flames.

Sand-blasting insects, these large jetted insects are mixed in this huge group of swarms, and they are located in the 'thoracic' position of the pterosaur.

When the pterosaurs open their mouths, they can eject a fireball with strong energy!

‘Hey! ” Just like a giant monster in a fire bomb, several fireballs fired again from the pterosaur's mouth, and a huge hole was blasted on the deck of the hull.

Although the white dragons have hid to the next level, they still can hear the violent explosion and the roar of the wind.

"Oh! They are still attacking here!"

The white dragon in the cabin screamed, and a statue stood in front of them and said, "You are a sad betrayal, you only have..."

"No! Hey! We have not betrayed!" A large group of white dragons rushed to the statue and said, "Save us! Those worms must be outside!"

"Don't care about the alloys!" In the group of Bai Xiaolong, a voice sounded: "We have to live on our own!"

I saw a white dragon rushing out of the dragon group. It ran to the console of the cabin and yanked a joystick on it.

At the same time, the phoenix outside spurted a large number of fireballs again, but the jets under the ship suddenly closed, and the entire ship suddenly lowered its height, avoiding the fireball.

Moreover, it is still falling down at a very high speed.

"Oh! What have you done!" The white dragons in the cabin felt that they were falling and screamed again.

"The only way to get rid of it..." The white dragon has not finished, and a golden spear has penetrated its body.

Two golden statues came to the console, and a statue slammed the lever.

...but nothing happened, the ship was still on the way down.

The white dragon was not pulling the lever to let the ship fall, and the ship did not have the lever to close all the jets.

After the pterosaur in the air saw the fall of the ship, it also waved huge wings and rushed down. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ the ex9~ the emperor's anger rang through the mountains ~ the monthly ticket~

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