4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 240: The fall of the sky

Useless population.

No matter how much education you receive, how much knowledge you know, or how much you know.

They are still incompetent and still stupid.

Combat, operation, control, will.

They can't connect, they can only be active with their limbs, no matter what they do, they don't do well enough.

We miss the individual we first met. ‘It’ is very different, but its descendants have not inherited its advantages. They are weaker than the first generation, and one generation is more incompetent than the first generation.

The entire population has shown a useless state, and even the brain has few parts that can be utilized.

This is their last battle, and if they fail, they are dealt with.

More effective populations have been found to be absorbed after disposal.

............ deal with it?

Lin looked at the sky in the distance and is now completely dark.

Behemoth is still on the two islands that were previously destroyed. In the second island showing the weather, Lynn found some special information.

These things were hidden in a deep place, and Lin was discovered by chance.

In the layout showing the weather, Behimus’s tentacles found strange jars filled with liquids and small Slim-type creatures in the liquid.

The body is only a few centimeters in diameter, but it contains some special information, and it will send out this information whenever it is touched.

This information can be translated using a special interpretation that is known to the Master, although it is not complete.

This seems to be the message directly sent by the creator, and the content inside... seems to refer to the white dragon.

Lynn tried again to debug it, using a tentacle to stimulate the slime and let it send out more information.


Slim once again sent the same message as before. It seems that this is the last message.

Although the information is rare, it is basically understood.

Bai Xiaolong may have been abandoned by the 'creator'.

They think that the white dragons are useless races. Maybe at first, when they saw the crystal madness, they also found this race very useful. The ‘will power’ of Crystal Mad is indeed quite rare.

However, the later Bai Xiaolong never appeared in this individual, and may start to have a similarity. In general, the personality will inherit, but it has been slowly diluted in many generations of reproduction.

Bai Xiaolong itself is not very useful at present. Lin found that their role in the creator is to use the brain to feed those who control the gold, or to convert memories to the soul stalker.

To Bai Bailong’s education, Bai Yulong learned only how to suspect more things.

Bai Xiaolong is really useless, so will they be disposed of?

However, Bai Haolong... It seems that it is going to be completely destroyed now.

Dim sky, whistling storm. Falling ships and huge swarms.

All this is also the last sight in this war...

The third layer of the sea of ​​clouds has been completely shredded by the storm, and the screams of the white dragons in the ship have been transmitted to the outside storm, and the ship hundreds of meters long is rushing to the ground at a very high speed.

"Oh!" A group of white dragons huddled on the console in the cabin and were constantly trying to operate the things above.

But no matter how they are pulled. The ship did not respond. In fact, the ship's spray device did not start after the start of the fall...

In fact, the console inside is just a thing to look at.

The gold controlers who actually control the vessel throughout the entire ship are scattered within the vessel and have complete control over all parts of the vessel.

Originally they were reacting whenever there were white dragons or statues pulling things on the console.

But now they will not have any reaction, because... Bai Haolong ‘Betray’ the creator.

However, this is not only because of the gold control, the statues on the ship will also try to start the jets, but they can not do it.

That's because there is still a creature that controls the ship - the leader...

It is now hiding somewhere in the college hill. But it still affects this battlefield, it makes the entire ship unable to start.

And it seems that there is no clear purpose for everything it does now.

The white dragons in the boat are very clear. If they fall at this speed, they have absolutely no way...

Only the creatures that were originally hostile to them - the Inca group.

The swarm of the sky has not maintained the shape of the pterosaur. But they are still connected together to form another form.

If you look in the distance, like a hand that stretches out from the sky, it opens a huge ‘hand palm’ and grabs the ship that is falling.

Numerous insect swarms tightly surrounded the entire ship, and they flew their wings neatly and flew upwards.

It seems that it is saving the ship in general.

'Boom! The moment the hand was caught by the insects, the whole ship suddenly jerked, but the speed of the fall was eased.

The small insects only do to catch the ship. The real thing that pulls the ship is the crackers in the swarm. They can move with strong jet force and can pull up quite heavy things.

However, the ship’s fall still did not stop, and the Inca’s shackles only allowed the ship to ease.

However, I have won some opportunities for the white dragon inside...

"Oh!" In the cabin, a large group of white dragons are gathering in front of a round door on the bulkhead.

In fact, Bai Yulong's ship has something like 'escape port'. This is the only ship structure that all white dragons know. It looks like a circular door. It can be opened to the outside as long as it is opened.

However, they don't have any equipment, even if they open the escape, they can't leave, but they don't seem to have that much now. They think that no matter what, it's better than breaking with the boat...

And the storm outside can blow up the white dragons, and they also create the illusion that the storm can be safely landed.

"Oh...just a little!" A white dragon grabbed the ground tightly with his claws. It had climbed to the switch of the escape, and the escape port, like other places, was also controlled by the 'golden control'. .

"Oh!" But when the white dragon pulled the switch hard, the opening suddenly opened, and the wind came in, not the wind, but a lot of insects!

At the same time, the ship is almost close to the ground.

The whole ship slammed into the sea of ​​clouds on the ground with the insects on the ground. The hull instantly tore the clouds and directly hit the ground under the sea of ​​nearly 100 meters.

At the moment of the impact, a violent sound rang across the sky. The whole ship broke into several segments when it hit the ground. The insects that wrap the ship had already escaped. They looked at the edge of the big hole that came out of the clouds. The ship crashed completely.

Now, the ship has not seen the original look and turned into a pile of metal fragments.

And the creature inside should also be shattered together with this ship...

But it doesn't actually.

"Oh! What do they do for us?"

Near the big hole that the ship crashed out, a large number of insects stopped on the sea of ​​clouds, and they were still in close contact with each other. In the outermost group of insects, almost every one of them caught a white dragon.

At the moment when the white dragons opened the escape, the Inca swarms pulled out a large number of white dragons inside.

There is more than one escape, and there is a large number of insects outside each escape. The swarms begin to notice traces of the door on the wall, and they may feel there can enter.

The reason why the Inca swarm seized the ship was not to prevent it from crashing, but to catch the white dragon before it crashed.

But because of this, Bai Haolong was not completely destroyed.

All the white dragons on the sea of ​​clouds, except those blown away by the storm, are gathered on this ship, they can be called the last crystal mad descendants...

All the swarms in the sky slowly fell down, and they gathered in large numbers on the sea of ​​clouds on the ground, and also surrounded the white dragons that were caught.

"What do they want to do..." The white dragons were pressed to the ground by the insects, but the insects seemed to be paying attention and did not harm them.

"Oh... what is that?" Bai Xiaolong saw in the swarm, and walked out of a black creature.

"You understand."

This is the only unit in the Inca group that will “talk” – the shadow monster.

It looked at the group of white dragons and spoke some strange words in the white dragon language: "Speak the information you know."

"Know the information?" Bai Haolong looked at each other in confusion, because the storms had eased, and they could clearly hear the shadows.

"Speak the situation you know, the things you adore, everything you know."

“These worms ask the creator?” a white dragon said in a whisper.

"Hey..." Another Bai Xiaolong also whispered: "Maybe,"

The shadow blame went to the white dragon who spoke at the beginning, and looked at its eyes and said: "Description."

"..." Bai Xiaolong seems to be scared by the appearance of the shadow blame, and he hesitated a bit, and then he said something about the creator.

Bai Xiaolong said the creator's things, but because they don't trust the creators now, they don't have the feeling of worship in the past, but this is more clear.

Moreover, Bai Xiaolong also found a lot of doubts on his way to speaking.

In fact, they have never seen the creator who used to believe in themselves. What appears is ‘incarnation’ and ‘transition’.

In his own description, Bai Xiaolong seems to understand some things.

Silver armor may be correct. There is actually no creator here. Everything here is caused by another kind of creature.

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