4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 271: Approach


A shining beam of light burned the darkness of the darkness and created a spacious tunnel in this misty sky.

At the time when the insects and the black mist were burned out, the crystallization army rushed to the distant ship at the fastest speed through the tunnel shaped by the light.

The light is the most powerful light that Lynn has ever seen. It can even burn the black mist, but it will also... pay for the island that emits the light column.

The sharp warhead crossed the sky and hit the island that fired the light column.

‘Boom...’ After a loud noise, the island began to shake, and the damaged part made it difficult to maintain its flight. It began to slowly sink from the air.

In the case of ‘clouds’ protection, the arrow stone cannot shoot down the island and can only cause damage to the island, but when the island is exposed, the arrowhead's warhead can hit an island with one blow.

Even if the creator knew this, it just opened the shield and shot the beam of light. It was all because... the ship behind the Lin army was threatened.

Among the ignited passages, a large number of crystallization units advanced at high speed, and the remaining islands followed them.

Do they want to approach this ship?

If you want to attack, they can do the same at a distance. There is no need to rush like this. Lin thinks they might want to get close to the boat to do something...

Lin’s troops directed the direction of the attack against the group of crystallized troops, and they also pointed the weapons at the same time.

The sound of shooting, in an instant, resounded through the sky.

In a matter of seconds, Lynn felt the pain of hundreds of snipers. Even an arrow stone felt the shell torn by countless impacts. The internal organs inside rushed out. The huge body also fell from the sky.

The crystallization of the troops also has a large number of structures that have been fragmented, and they are scattered from the air like raindrops...

Moreover, under this crazy attack, the ship behind the Lin army was also attacked. A large number of streamers hit the ship, and the reverberating sound of the reverberation caused many cracks in the outer shell of the hull.

In the mutual attack between the two sides, although it seems that both sides have losses, the loss of the crystallization unit is even greater.

All of Lim's arms can use the ability to instantly eject. The black fog can make Lin know the trajectory of all attacks, and the troops will spray instantly and hide in the position where there is no trajectory recently.

Larger units will also resist attacks for small units, and these units will only be hit if they are completely unavoidable.

The crystal structures were completely evasive. Under the bombardment of each other, the crystallization of the troops quickly lost most of them, and the remaining troops began to retreat around, and the huge cloud islands flew forward.

Most of the attacks did not react when they entered the cloud island, and their clouds had a strong defense.

but. They are only resistant to shock or high temperatures.

"Bound, east." Under Lynn's signal. The army of the Inca genus appeared around several islands.

After losing the surrounding defensive forces, the swarm swiftly surrounded a cloud island in the east. Although the bombing had no effect on the clouds, the swarm could tear it open with a big cockroach.

'boom! In that case, a fire instantly enveloped the surrounding insects, and a strong fire sprang from the surrounding islands, burning the insects together with the black mist.

But at the moment when the island flamed, it also issued a bang! A loud bang, the attack of the arrow stone hit an island, it swayed in the air, and then fell.

Now, there are three islands left, and the swarms continue to gather quickly in the air and begin to rush to the next island.

Although the insect population has a lot of losses, their number is still quite large.

This is because of the relationship between the sea of ​​clouds, they have smashed the clouds of more than ten kilometers, and these energy can be poured down here as they are now.

After the consumption of the swarm and the last Lin's attack, most of the crystallization units were cleared, and now the tactics that match the insects can directly blast these islands.

And when the swarms are about to surround the next island... Lynn suddenly heard a loud noise.

‘嘭——! 'It’s like an explosion of sound. From the rear of the ship, I saw that the giant ship began to move. The vents and tails opened several jets, especially the tail was still spurting like a flame. The violent light, the black fog behind the ship has been blown away by this strong impact.

"It's almost done!" The brain worm sent a message at this time, and it was constantly struggling in the fluff of the pompom: "Must, find it, stop it!"

Lin immediately let the troops turn to the direction of the ship, countless bombs hit the side of the ship, and the impact of the burst did not have a stopping effect on the ship. The entire ship was constantly moving. Moved forward.

‘Hey! Under another loud bang, its speed suddenly increased suddenly, and the huge ship suddenly rushed out!

It seems that it wants to leave this place, but...

When the ship almost flew to the edge of the black fog, its shape suddenly jerked and it slowed down in the air.

And its jets are still constantly ejecting, but in any case, it can't be accelerated.

Because, it was glued.

Lin just let all the microbes in the black mist secrete a huge amount of mucus, which sticks to the deck of the ship, on the side, and anywhere except the jet.

Moreover, they also stuck to all the microbes in the surrounding black fog at the same time. They were glued to each other and reinforced with a strong spider-like structure. At the same time, they also glued Lin’s army together. The whole black mist turned into a huge black cloud at this moment.

When Muktu’s ship tried to move, it would move the black cloud sea more than ten kilometers in diameter, making it difficult for the whole ship to move forward...

The cloud islands of the creators have not been glued into them, they are still in the loose black fog, and are surrounded by a large number of insects.

In this way, you can continue to deal with this ship.

Lin’s troops were also difficult to move in the sticky sea of ​​clouds, but the arrow had already pointed the head at the ship before, and the sticky microorganisms also let go around at this time, giving up a warhead. A pass through the target.

‘嘭——! ’

But this is not the sound of a warhead.

Once again, the ship suddenly accelerated to move forward, and it actually pulled the entire black sea of ​​clouds! (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Love Angel Xuanyuan Xuan ~ 1888~!

Thanks ~ cool! ~ rewards ~

Thank you ~ lonely ~ monthly ticket ~

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