4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 272: Clouds in the sunset

The sky in the sunset has become more and more dim, but the residents on the eastern continent do not know this.

Their horizons have long been covered by a thick fog that is darker than the night.

This thick fog is now slowly moving.

Along with the sound of flames, a giant ship continued to move forward in the dark fog. Although it was burdened with heavy burdens, it continued to advance.

This makes Lin want to see if it is what is used as jet energy.

However, this matter will be said again.

‘Hey! Under the impact of the explosion, a large crack appeared in the side of the ship, and a large amount of crystal powder was sprinkled in the broken shell, but Lin still did not see the position of Muktu.

"It's there, there." The brainwaves of the brain worm have been reminding of Lin's goal, but it is not very accurate, and the ship has begun to counterattack.

The brilliance of the flames flashed on the deck, and a large volcanic crystal structure appeared on the deck. They were like a small volcano, and spewed flames from the back, burning black microbes around them.

However, an explosion ended them.

'boom! 'A volcanic crystal structure blasted open, and the crystallized debris scattered on the surrounding deck...

Then another explosion followed, and a nearby volcano crystal was smashed by half.

Lin does not need arrows to shoot now. Microbes in dense fog can quickly synthesize explosives and detonate anywhere on the ship.

Although the power of the explosion is not strong. But the effect of cleaning up those remaining troops is very good.

The entire ship's deck kept echoing the explosion, and the crystal structure above could only be seen in the impact of any time. Turn into pieces.

The crystal structure has been cleaned up, and to destroy the entire ship, it must be done.

After clearing the deck, Lin let the microbes in the black mist change. They not only stick to the ship, but also begin to combine and grow into a muscle-like structure.

They were combined on the ship into a large number of black tentacles that penetrated into the cracks of the ship. And it becomes a shell of the deck of a ship that cracks the ship like a root structure.

These tentacles also extend longer and longer in the black fog. A large number of microorganisms are gathered by the forests. They gather together to form a large number of pipes, and these pipes are directly connected to each meeting around the ship. The unit that fired the bomb.

After the connection, the units began to release the bombs in the mouth, and the bombs were transmitted to the ship through the connected pipeline.

Some explosives are broken down into smaller states on the way of transportation, or explosives in liquid state. Then, through the tip of the channel, it is injected into a large number of cracks and gaps in the ship...

Through these pipelines, the entire force transmitted a huge amount of explosives to the ship of Mktu, and the black tentacles that spread in the cracks injected the explosives into every gap in the ship...

In this way, the entire ship will be turned into a huge bomb.


Suddenly, Lin felt a hot pain, and a violent glow shone in Lin’s army. Numerous microbes and snipers, as well as several arrows, felt this strong heat wave at the same time.

Most of the arms were swallowed up by this heat.

Lin immediately let them spread out quickly, and the black mist around the troops instantly separated into fog, and large shells were burnt on the outer shell of the escaped stone.

this is……

I saw a giant sky covering the sky above the black fog. Even at dusk on the verge of darkness, its whole body shone with dazzling brilliance.

This is a huge cloud. The diameter is a hundred meters wide, and the bottom of it has opened a big hole, just the light seems to be shot from there.

This pattern of clouds...not a sudden appearance, the original islands of clouds surrounded by insects have disappeared.

Yes, this group of islands is a combination of the islands. However, Lin did not observe how they combined. They just approached each other and brought the surrounding clouds together to form a huge island.

The power of the beam of light released by it is almost the integration of several islands. It can burn through this black fog and cause considerable damage to Lin's troops.

It is a similar way to get rid of the previously surrounded swarm, and this cloud island has a special feature, it seems to maintain the protection of the clouds while shooting the beam...

The creator seems to have used all his strength to make a variety of ways to stop Lynn from attacking the ship, which also makes Lin feel that the ship may be important to it.

No, not necessarily the ship is important, it may be that Mktu is more important, because according to the information of the brainworm, the creature connected to the whole ship is only one Muktu.

Although the creator has countless controllers, it is the first time that a creature like a brain worm has encountered it.

But... it can't control them after all.

Numerous insect swarms suddenly emerged from the black mist and rushed to the combined island floating above the sky.

It is almost impossible for the swarm to be completely eliminated in one go, because they have never all been together.

At the moment when the swarm swarmed toward Yundao, the huge beam of light was once again radiated from under the cloud island, and the light instantly hit the swarm of swarms.

This light made countless insects turn into ashes, and even a **** inside was decomposed at high temperatures, but the light did not completely penetrate the entire swarm, and it had dissipated before it approached the black fog.

There are many individuals in the swarm that cover the ashes, which are more difficult to penetrate than the black fog of Lin.

At the same time, Lin also successfully transmitted all the bombs to the ship.

Now it will be turned into art!


The violent fire shrouded the entire ship in an instant. From the bow to the stern, all the bombs exploded together. The sound of the sound was difficult to describe with words. Even the desert on the ground was due to the huge air. The sound was trembled.

After the explosion, the black mist in the sky has almost dispersed. Although the sky that has entered the night has long lost its light, it is still clear that a huge ship with strong coke smoke is flying fast from the air. With.

The ship was almost fragmented, and the complex structure was revealed beneath the fragmented outer casing. Most of these structures were damaged, and a large amount of smoke rushed out of it. The ship appeared to be on the verge of destruction.

But although it looks like this, in fact, Lin only blows up part of the outer layer. The main power of the ship is not a problem, and the jetting device at the stern is still intact.

Therefore, it can continue to fly forward quickly in the sky, but after destroying so many places, the connection process between Mktu and the ship should have been interrupted.

As long as you kill the controller hidden in the hull, it will affect the connection process of Mktu. If you blow up a lot at a time, you may be able to completely interrupt the connection.

However, because of the explosion, it also got rid of the adhesion of the black mist and flew away at a faster and faster speed.

However, Lin had already prepared for this. Some new troops flew out. They launched silver wings and rushed to the sky ship at the speed of the burst.

Lin’s original troops once again turned their targets to the floating island of the clouds.

This time, it is necessary to completely defeat it.

The black mist scattered by the blast was gathering quickly, and they again served as the cover of Lin, and Lin’s army rushed to the air with the black fog.

'哔——'The dim sky is shining with dazzling brilliance. The huge beam of light cuts a burning crack in the Inca swarm, and the scattered light sweeps the remaining swarms at the same time. The debris of the insects is like rain. Scattered, immersed in the black fog flowing below.

At this moment, countless bombs penetrated the black mist, passed through the insects cut by the light, and fell into the huge cloud island...

The dull roar echoed in Yundao, and the sounds quickly quieted down. It seemed that no single bomb caused the actual damage, and the light beam of Yundao once again shook from the island...

The light column penetrated the black mist of Lin, forming a radiance from the sky in the night, hitting the desert on the ground, and the violent glory even caused the gravel to deteriorate.

However, in the range where the light column is not touched, the black fog is still rushing upwards, and the large darkness is in contact with the outer clouds of the cloud island, and quickly surrounds the entire island.

Although the light column is powerful, but it can only be shot, it is of no use.

The troops in the dark fog have already touched the outer layer of Yundao, and several arrows open their tentacles and hug the outer clouds.

This layer of things like clouds is actually a structure similar to the sea of ​​clouds, even like the ‘cloud city wall’ that Bai Longlong built before.

However, the ability of this 'wall' has been greatly improved in any aspect. It can even block some powerful impacts, and at the same time, it can make a huge amount of explosives enter the sea like mud. Nothing happens.

However, dealing with this kind of thing is very simple.

Just eat them up.

The sucker of the arrow stone tentacles is covered with serrations. They can use the solution of the dissolved liquid and the rapid vibration to continuously tear a large number of pieces from the cloud block, and the other branches of the army also act together. They cooperate with the arrow stone in Yundao. The edges begin to dig, and as the protection of the clouds continues to tear, they are getting closer and closer to the central island body.

PS: Thanks~ Hey! Hey? ~10000~~! !

Thanks~ a lot of book friends' rewards~ because there are too many~

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