4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 290: Mode of operation

"It escaped! Escape!"

In the panic sound throughout the island, most of the composites are in a state of not knowing how to be good, but there are still some lucid creatures among them.

They have locked in the goal of running away.

Lynn’s worm has flown a few kilometers away from the island, and the huge body of more than 20 meters is tight and tight, flying like a warhead.

Because there are eyes behind him, Lynn can see a large number of round holes open at the top of the island's building.

Then there are countless flickering objects ejected from the holes, and rushed over here with the raindrops!

It seems that they don't want Lin to escape, but...

‘Hey! In a burst of blast, the worm slammed up and slammed the blasting bullets in the back, and the worm slowly leaned back and flew in the direction of the ground.

The vast desert has already appeared in front of Lin's eyes. As the sand is getting closer and closer to the worm, the worm suddenly opens its mouth and a burst of intense energy erupts from the worm's mouth.

At the moment when the speed slowed down, the worm also landed on the sand, and the worms without any damage immediately plunged into the sand...

At this time, those bombs were late, and a large number of bombs blew up the dust on the sand, but none of them hurt the worms that had already penetrated the sand.

The worm moves quickly under the sand. After moving underground for dozens of seconds, it enters a pipe buried in the sand. When the worm passes through the pipe, the sticky pipe wall cleans the sand from the worm. Second, the worm reached an open place.

It's like an underground cave, but it's actually a new base built by Lynn, right next to the floating research island.

The worm spits out the floating soul in the mouth, and the floating soul climbs to the wall with a crack in front.

‘Hey! The crack on the wall of the cave suddenly opened. The floating soul climbed in.

This place is a versatile cabin with a variety of functional tentacles that can be dismantled for research.

Then, let's start to study them well...

The controller with false memory first puts aside, and this thing may trigger the ability of autolysis if it triggers a false memory. So I will pay attention to it later.

First, let's take a look at this special device for detecting ‘琳’.

This thing is a cylindrical object of up to one meter long. It seems to be made of alloy. It has a protruding crystal at one end. This structure is like the probe of the imaging device.

The other end is narrower and has an opening. You can go from this place to the inside.

Lin first put a miniature unit into it and slowly researched it inside...

In fact, Lynn has been very curious about this thing. How did they make this thing? It is also a strange place why I can make such a thing after Lin’s research has stopped.

... In this way, after a thousand seconds, Lin has almost figured out the structure inside.

It turned out to be a structure like this... very interesting feeling.

There is a controller inside the detection device as the main body. There are also alloying devices around them that receive and transmit signals.

When the controller is subjected to certain stimuli, it sends a signal similar to the brain wave, and then sends the signal to the protrusion crystal at the front end of the detector through the surrounding alloy device, when the crystal emits these signals. There is also a special kind of light.

At the same time, it can also receive the reflected signal and light to detect the target.

The detection was successful. It will make a sound of ‘咕噜’, like the sound of a bubble, and the failure is ‘哔’.

In fact, the alloy device inside is basically used for sound, and the main function is completely the controller.

The main function of its detection is to detect the life activity of the target. It can detect the epidermis of the target object, and even some cases in the body. It can even detect the number of cells in a region and distinguish which cells are the cells of the organism. , which are parasites, etc., as well as waste on the surface of the skin, etc. are counted. These are found in the memory of this controller.

It turns out that... It does have a very good way to distinguish Lin’s arms.

Because Lin's arms look like ordinary creatures, there are many differences in the details.

For example, the surface of a living organism usually has a huge amount of parasitic microorganisms, while Lin has few, and there is almost no body.

There are also ways in which cell activity is very different from that of normal organisms, in general. The cells of most organisms have been in the process of constant replacement, but Lynn is not the case, because cells are rarely damaged and the frequency of replacement is slow.

At the same time, because of the high absorption efficiency, Lin's arms produce very little waste, but the most important sign is that there is almost no brain.

This device is mainly used to detect this aspect. Lin just tested it and asked it to detect a Lin's common unit. It can indeed be distinguished.

At the same time, it can distinguish the difference between multicellular organisms and atmospheric organisms, so if a unit is mixed in a group of synthetic bodies, this thing can be recognized instantly.

However, the floating soul used by Lin at that time was a creature similar to atmospheric creatures. Simply speaking, it was like an amoeba being magnified, so there is no ordinary cell structure, and it cannot be distinguished...

But if they continue to study, it is easy to distinguish between the floating soul and the usual atmospheric creatures.

This feeling is very interesting, they actually know how to use this method to separate, although Lin can make corresponding countermeasures, but it is easier to detect the information it sends...

There seems to be no way to detect a single microbe or a single cell, so it is not good enough.

But this may be continuing to improve, but when Lin's main doubts, why can they create such things without test objects?

Is it simply made by guessing the structure of Lin's arms?

Or they used other methods to obtain intelligence. For example, at the time of the war, some crystalline structures detected the structure of Lin's arms and recorded it.

This is a big possibility... This should be a very useful thing, but the creator puts it in a less reliable place – the research island.

The study island floats above the desert, and although it has many weapons like crystal bombs, there is nothing to protect around.

And after the war, it did not fly away from here... It can be seen that the ‘creator’ does not pay much attention to this place.

However, those synthetics inside think that Lin did not find them.

Now that you have finished researching this detection device, then go on to study another thing - a false dream.

This is relatively simple, just think of ways to directly bypass the outer layer of memory, to observe the inner memory.

But Lynn is more interested in the way it works, because false memory is an additional layer that does not affect the controller's activities in peacetime, and the key moments play a role...

The creator is quite good at getting things about memory.

After studying for a while, Lin found that the controller had not fully integrated the false memory.

After the false memory is injected into the controller, it will slowly attach to its own memory, but this is not so fast.

However, Lynn can also research it, and Lynn can create a new type of micro-arms to drill through this layer of memory without stimulating it.

And it's also possible to research more content when it's not fully integrated.

If you study after fusion, it is easy to trigger its autolysis reaction, which is very difficult to get.

Lin intends to give this part of the study to the instructor to see if it can do something interesting, and it should be helpful to it who always wants to make the controller...

Now, Lynn lets a worm go with the controller in the direction of the instructor.

At the same time, Lynn is also making another plan.


On the vast sand, a small eyeball emerged and looked into the sky...

The floating island of the cloud is no longer in that position.

They don't want to attack, but they escape from the distance...

After Lin's worm fled, the controller inside thought that Lin would bring troops back to attack them, so they quickly left the original position.

Lin knows so clearly, mainly because there is still a floating soul left on the island.

This floating soul is not disguised as a composite, but sticks to the top of the room and looks at the panicked adult.

But its main task is not to look at these things, but to find the source of that detection device.

If you find it, you should be able to find out what methods they use to get information about Lynn...

The floating soul moves rapidly on the wall, its camouflage ability makes it impossible for the composite to find it, and Lynn already knows where their detection device was originally.

Because, when the floating soul climbed out of the room to the passage, you could see a ‘study map’ on the wall.

The location of all rooms is indicated on the map, and the room in which the detection device is placed is identified as the 'receiving room. ’

The following is also the main thing to write about this room, which is used to place a variety of special devices, including Lin's detector.

Although the name is very strange, Lynn can go there to have a look.

The floating soul slowly climbed from the top of the channel to the target room, so it was very soon because it was not far away.

The round door is closed, but the floating soul has a way to go in...

"Oh." Just as Lin thought, a bubble-like sound suddenly sounded behind him.

PS: Thanks~ Hey! Hey? ~ 3776~! !

Thank you ~yfangoz~15984567854~Holiday ~ Han Hanjun~ monthly ticket~

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