4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 291: Manufacturing source

"‘琳琳, still here!”

The scream came from a composite body, holding a 'Lin detection device' in his hand, and was surprised to see where the floating soul was.

How was it detected?

Is this a new detector? After carefully scrutinizing it, Lin found that the detector she was holding seemed to be different from Lin’s.

Interestingly, however, although the detector detected the location of the floating soul, the composite could not see the appearance of the floating soul, so it was staring at the wall here.

“Lin is here?” At this point, a group of composites appeared from the far side of the passage, holding a cylindrical weapon in their hands, quite similar to those used in the previous golden structures on ships.

"Yes! It's here!" The synthetic body that detected Lin called excitedly, and the composites flew immediately.


"Where is it? There is nothing here!" A group of composites stared at the position of the floating soul, but in their eyes, it was exactly the same as the surrounding walls...

"This detector has just reacted, definitely here!" The original composite picked up the detector to the position of the floating soul, but this time, the detector did not make a click.

"That thing is new, there may be judgment errors." "Yes, Lynn should have escaped, not here."

When the surrounding composites saw no sound, they looked like a sigh of relief, and then they spread out.

"No, it must be here!" The synthetic body of the probe said: "What if there are some invisible microbial states?"

"That thing can't tell the microbe." Another compound said: "And we just killed it."

"Then kill it again!" This composition seems to believe that Lyn is here.

Other synthetic bodies are also a little scared that Lin is really here. A synthetic body raises the weapon in his hand: "If this is the case, kill it again..."

'call! A strange liquid ejected from the arms of the composite. Lin's floating soul immediately went to hide. However, a small part of it was sprinkled by this liquid, and suddenly lost consciousness.

This seems to be a high-temperature liquid that is very effective against microbes.

This group of synthetics is using this thing to spray on the surrounding walls, as if they used this to kill microorganisms.

However, its high temperature does not last long, it will cool soon after spraying, and the floating soul can stay in those places that have been sprayed, waiting for the opportunity.

"Look in the room." There was a composite that floated in front of the door of the room where the detector was placed, which gently opened the door. The floating soul immediately climbed behind it.

After entering, the composite began to clean the room, while the floating soul was observing this place...

It seems very interesting here, with some tall shelves everywhere, and a variety of alloy objects on the shelves.

There seem to be a large variety of different devices, and the Lin's detector is placed on a tall shelf in the room closest to the door.

The floating soul climbed onto the shelf and looked at the detectors carefully. Each detector has a date and purpose written below, and. Lin found a lot of different looks, albeit basically cylindrical. But the details are different...

Their diaries are from left to right, and each time they go to the left, the detectors are updated.

From the very beginning, Lin first discovered that the earliest detectors were used to identify Lin's arms, but to detect the health of the creatures.

When I look back, I also find that there are many and the same use, but the function is more enhanced than the old one.

It wasn't until Lynn saw the second half of the shelf that he found the name ‘Lion Detection Device’...

There are only three kinds of backs from here, and the kind that Lin brings back seems to be in the middle.

The latest one, about 30 centimeters in length, is the one that just detected the floating soul, and it seems to distinguish non-multicellular creatures.

It turned out that it seems that they are indeed making progress, but before Lin thought of this, after the floating soul changed the skin slightly, it could not detect it.

However, where did these things come from? Although Lin saw the place where the detectors were placed, there was no place to make these things. I didn’t see it on the map before...

In general, Lin will go looking for another room, because it may just be written on the map, and there is actually that use.

But now, the floating soul did not leave, but climbed to the center of the room.

Although this room is full of shelves, except for the center, the center does not put anything, but deliberately let out an open space.

On this open space, a disc-shaped crystal with a diameter of more than ten meters is located here.

This thing... quite suspicious.

The floating soul moved slowly in the room. When it climbed over the crystal of the disc, it split a part of the body and let the body jump onto the disc.

Lin has doubted since very early.

The research devices on this research island have a variety of things, not produced by themselves, but... shipped from other places.

Where is it from? Perhaps this disc crystallization can explain this answer.

Because this disc is actually an aircraft, it is not used to escape, but to transport things made somewhere in the distance.

Lin thinks so, so try to see if you can start it.

"This should be almost the same." The synthesis that was cleaned up in the room was about to leave, and Lin found that only one of them came in this room, everything else was still outside, and the door of the room was now closed.

Maybe you can take a look at it.

The floating soul at the top of the room moved his body and quickly climbed in the direction of the composite. At the moment of approaching the target, it jumped from the top and opened the body and hugged the head of the composite body...

"Hey!" The composite struggled while screaming, but it only lasted for a few seconds and it fell to the ground.

The floating soul drilled a hole in its epidermis and quickly penetrated into its 'brain'.

this is……

Lin suddenly found that the controller inside the composite has begun to self-dissolve, and the original composite also has false memories? It seems that when it goes in, it reacts.

But... this doesn't mean there is no way. (To be continued.)

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