4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 302: Post-war doubts

When the wind and rain subsided, the city's smoke had not dissipated.

Green residents gathered in the burning towns, which transported the seawater in a relay, trying to extinguish the fires in the city. Many guards were gathering the fleding babies and taking them to a relatively safe place.

This sudden war is over, but the scars it left can last for a long time...

Lin looked at the scene and felt that there was a special emotion in her thoughts.

It seems that there has not been such an emotion before, but it is not an important issue.

Obviously, Lin’s defense around the East’s mainland is not foolproof. There will always be some golden hairs flying away, and one of these feathers came to the northern continent.

Lin has already ‘renewed’ the original unit, and the golden sapphire detector should not be detected.

However, it seems... it didn't detect Lin's arms before launching the attack. This attack seems to be specifically for the Jade Dragon, and where did the attacking tower-like unit come from?

Lynn’s ark slowly floated above the port.

The following Jade Dragon waved constantly against the Ark, and the sound of cheers continued. The Ark was the same thing for them, and it has been recorded in some ancient historical records.

And this thing, what do they think?

The ark flew over the town and looked down to see the first part of the destroyed tower.

It was penetrated by the Ark's warhead and the entire body was split into two halves. Although seemingly fragile, it is quite fast. Can evade at the moment of launch.

It seems that there is some way to move quickly, although Lin had thought of some ways to deal with it at that time, but did not expect that this group of jade dragons helped.

Occasionally, the towns of Jade Dragon are occasionally attacked by large flying creatures, so they bury a large number of guns with chains in the town to capture those flying creatures.

These chains have also played a key role in this battle.

Lynn feels that these giant tower flying objects of the 'creator' have some sort of instant judgment. They can judge that the shelling of the ark is extremely threatening, so they will avoid it in an instant.

And they judge that the arrow shot by the Jade Dragon is not threatening. So I didn't hide at the beginning, after which they found that they were hooked, but it was already late when they wanted to escape...

In this battle, the Jade Dragon can play this role, and this feeling is really wonderful.

Although their kings are still far away, they still yell at the name of the king and watch the ark fall slowly over the city...

Extend some tentacles at the bottom of the ark. The scattered debris on the ground, as well as the break of the giant tower flying object, slowly dragged it up.

"What is it doing?" "I don't know, maybe I want to eat that monster!" "Is the island eating monsters?"

The emerald dragons around them curiously chatted. The Ark looks strange and huge in their appearance, but these dragons have no fear.

It seems that their sense of goodness in the other boat is very high.

Maybe. There is also the possibility of letting them fight in the future. If these dragons are provided with some more powerful equipment, then they can really fight.

However, Lin is most concerned about now, where did the giant tower that attacked the Jade Dragon Port come from?

Lin’s defense around the mainland is not perfect. It’s true that there are some golden little jade that are only one meter long, but this huge tower. Is it possible to escape?

This feeling is too low, and the air vibration generated when it moves, Lin can feel more than ten kilometers away.

Giant objects are difficult to conceal. Even if the figure disappears completely, it must be in a state of inactivity to be concealed.

It is easy to be discovered as soon as it moves...

In this case, the tower may have been outside at first, not from the East.

Is the creator's sphere of influence outside the mainland? This feeling is not impossible, mainly because Lin does not know how long it has developed.

What is certain is that this is not the first time the creator has encountered an emerald dragon. Perhaps a long time ago, they were secretly active here...

That starts with the island of Inca's attack research.

On the island of research, although most of the composites are inextricably linked to ‘weakness’ and ‘selfishness, there is a very special individual among them, located deep in the island.

This individual has a strong sense of glory, a sense of the same kind, and a loyalty to fight for the king.

It controlled the alloy spinosaurus that it had made, and fought the Inca insects to the last moment. After that, Lin looked at the dream of this creature a little...

But before I watched it, Lin almost guessed what it was.

Most of the controllers of the research island are absorbing the memory of the white dragon, so the personality is different, and the leader of this controller is the memory of the jade dragon.

Of course, the general jade dragon and the white dragon are similar in character, but it is the memory of the special character, so the character will be so strange... strange.

Its memory object is... Mukla.

Mukla is an emerald dragon that is about the same age as Susumu, so it died a long time ago.

The usual jade dragon is buried directly in the soil, but the jade dragon as a 'royal member' will have a special cemetery.

The cemetery was built in the emerald dragon king city of the canyon, under the ground of the palace castle, and after Mukla died two nights and nights, its body disappeared.

Lin didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing at the beginning, but now I think about it, it is a bit strange.

There is only one passage for the ‘the royal cemetery, and there are many guards in it, because there are many precious things placed in it as ‘burial’.

The creatures living in the canyon should not have the ability to enter the cemetery quietly, but the ability to enter is incapable of moving the body inside.

There are no bones that are even less capable of eating.

So the only creature that makes this possible is... a foreign creature.

And some of the controllers have a high degree of concealment, or some atmospheric creatures? In short, the creatures with strong hiding power steal the body of Mukla.

However, it seems that it has not done anything to other jade dragons, or it is not clear, because Lin does not always look at the situation of each dragon...

But in general, there is no such thing as a large number of missing emerald dragons, so this matter has not been noticed.

Until now, after attacking the island of research, Lin found that the controller controlling the spine was probably... Mukla.

Of course it can't be said to be Mukla itself, but a creature with Mukla's memory.

However, it mainly inherits its character, as well as some vocabulary, ideas, etc. in the past, but it has long forgotten the things of Susummi and Emerald Dragon...

This feeling... very special, Susumi entered the dream after he died, and has lived to the present.

And Mukla is... living in the present with a similar, but different approach?

It is a pity that they will not recognize each other even if they meet each other.

However, there are still some problems. At that time, Mukla had already died for two days and nights. The brain cells have already died a lot. Why, can they absorb the memories in this state?

Although it was an glacial period at the time, it was very warm in the canyon, so there was also a phenomenon of decay. Especially in the underground, it was faster than usual. Why can they **** the memory of Mukla at this time?

And... Why does the creator do this? What is the special role of Mukla for them?

At least... it shouldn't be there now. It is a leader of the controller who stays in the research island. It does not do anything special. When the island is attacked, they don't get any rescue.

Or after it was used up, it is no longer useful.

But let Mukla as their leader is really suitable, it has the ‘master temperament’ that the general dragon does not have.

Now, Lynn has locked this Mokla character's controller in one place and tried to extract the thoughts in it.

If it is successfully extracted and placed in the brain of an emerald dragon, then Mukla will resurrect.

Although it is not a real resurrection, after all, there is no connection with the previous Mukla, but at least it looks exactly the same.

Susumi has always had a special ‘remembrance’ for Mukla. If Lin wants them to fight, it is also good to let Mukla’s “resurrection”.

Of course, it is more than just them.

Now, the Ark has almost recycled all the debris. After moving these things away, the Ark flies again in the direction of the sea, slowly sinking into the sea in the cheers of the Jade Dragons...

After the jade dragons cheered past, they continued to do fire fighting work in the city, and the creatures that helped them also left their town.

Xiaolong, after the attack began, many dragons entered the city of Emerald Dragon. Although these two races have maintained their respective territories, they have not fought for a long time, even if they meet alone in the wild. How about the other party.

Sustained peace makes them possible to cooperate, but in order to ensure that the character of the Jade Dragon does not affect the dragon, their communication needs to be limited.

Lynn intends to make some special 'improvements' to these races because of the creators' attacks... Lin believes that it will reappear and may be anywhere in the world.

And the next place might be...the dinosaur continent.

PS: Thank you ~ one year old spring breeze ~ rewards ~

Thanks to ~ccrv~ for playing the monthly ticket of the Tibetan ~ in the book~

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