The strong air current is slowly passing over both sides...

The battle at the port of Jade Dragon was over, and the research island was completely occupied by the Inca.

Of course, this does not mean ending, Lin is still paying attention to some things... an escaper.

Among the research islands captured by the insect swarm, only one controller successfully escaped the island, and it was given an important mission by 'Mukra': take a golden sphere, flee the research island, and then arrive at a certain Place a golden sphere to an object.

However, although this controller succeeded in escaping, it did not carry a golden sphere because it escaped the outer skin of the composite body...

Moreover, it does not really escape, because Lin stuck to the escape boat it took.

It has now flew more than 200 kilometers from the island of research, but it seems that it has not yet reached its destination.

This kind of vessel is also controlled by the controller. It is usually in a state of immobility, and the controller should be able to control its speed and direction.

So Lynn has a question, why the speed of this ship is getting slower and slower.

Before the speed of the ship was quite fast, the speed per second was more than one kilometer, and all the Inca insects could be smashed in an instant, but after a short flight, its speed slowed down.

Now it's almost a kind of floating speed, only 20 meters per second. Even the speed of the giant tortoise is not so slow...

It should be very anxious to go back, eager to find reinforcements, and fear that there will be chasing troops, but why is it so slow? Does it already know. Lin's floating soul stuck to its hull?

It's not possible to feel this... but maybe the creator knows.

It is not directly detected by it. But it thinks of this possibility. So refused any reinforcements and slowed the ship, but how did it slow the boat?

This is inconsistent with the controller's thoughts inside. Now Lin can feel that the controllers in the ship are very anxious. They don't feel their emotions when they wear synthetic skins, but it is very clear now.

It is now anxious to go back, but the ‘creator’ does not allow it, which means that the creator has slowed the ship by remote control.

But Lin didn't feel any signal now. Otherwise you can find the target along the signal.

Can you say... is that way?

But before you figure this out, there is something on the other side that needs to be clarified.

In the island of research, Lin is studying the golden sphere that Mukla's controllers took them away. There is nothing special in it, but a pile of crystals.

This type of crystal block has a different shape and does not have a fixed shape. It seems to be useless, but in fact it has a special effect on the creator.

These crystals are called 'memory crystals' and its first role can be used to control the controller.

These contents were learned by Lin in the dream of the Master. As long as the crystallization is placed on the controller, the controller's body will automatically devour the crystals. This process seems to be beyond their control...

After the devour, the controller's behavior will change, it will perform some special actions, and these actions have nothing to do with their memory.

They use this type of crystal to read a message and then automatically act on it.

The instructor has studied this kind of thing a little, but it doesn't touch much, but it is enough for Lin to understand these things.

In addition to the influence on the controller, these crystals have other uses, that is... triggering the crystal discs that display stereoscopic images...

All the image discs are displayed according to the strength of the toucher, and these memory crystals are specially made into a special weight, which will display a special image as long as it is placed on the disc.

Mukla's controllers let them take back the golden **** filled with this crystal, apparently indicating that they can display some special information to convey to the creator.

The specific crystals are only used on a specific image disc, so nothing is shown on the disc of the study island.

So, in the case where the controller's ship can't go back, everything is useless.

What Lin wants to do now is to let it go back soon.

Now, the floating soul is in the ship it is riding. The ship is ten meters long, almost the same as the ship that usually sails on the sea. There is nothing on the deck, but there are some cracks that can be opened and let the controller Go in.

And if it doesn't open, the floating soul can also get into the crack.

There are some complicated parts inside, which seem to block all the way, but Lin believes that when the controller comes in, these parts will open a road and let the controller directly reach the core of the control.

Lin's floating soul can also be drilled from the gaps in these things.

Although they look like a lot of uses, most of the parts are not activated, and they don't know what it is. The only thing that really starts is the jet power core at the center of the ship...

And the controller is on this core...

Among the piles of dense alloy parts, the floating soul looks at the anxious controller, which is on a platform that is trying to signal the surrounding ships.

If you look closely, you can see that there is a crystal in the transparent body, which is affecting its action, making it impossible for the ship to go to the destination.

It may be that the creator has long expected that this will happen in the ship.

This kind of memory crystallization is only effective for one type of controller, that is, the controller with other biological personality, if it is accurate, it has the name of the ‘soulter’.

However, Lynn can make the impact of it disappear...

The floating soul slowly climbed to the unsuspecting controller. The floating soul quietly extended the body a little and hardened into a sharp shape, piercing the controller.

The tip of the thorn slowly releases the anaesthetic toxin, and the controller's physical activity becomes slower...

At the same time, the floating soul stretched out another tentacle into the body of the controller, grabbed the crystal, and slowly pulled it out...

The floating soul swallowed it in and crystallized it in the body. Lin found that the crystal contained some special ingredients that could affect the controller's behavior...

Now, as long as the effect of the toxin is over, the controller will wake up and sail the ship to wherever it wants. (To be continued.)

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