4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 383: Aggressed aggressor

'boom! ’

The spherical object, along with the whistling sound of Lin Si, flew from the void, and squatted on the ‘Deck’ of the drifter.

A large number of creatures are drilled from the ball, crawling along the deck of the alloy and finding the right place to start the hole.

At the same time, more **** were dropped from the voyager around the drifter.

These **** contain a large number of arms, which are the troops used to land the drift number.

Before, Lin had been letting the voyages turn around the drifting number. It was for this purpose. They did not attack wildly, but continued to consume the ammunition of the virtual people. When they were weakened, they began to continually go up. Throw the troops.

However, at present it is only weakening, and the firepower of the virtual people has not completely disappeared.

The powerful cannons are still being madly fired, and many of the **** thrown out are shot into smashed debris.


"There are more and more creatures falling down! The firepower is no longer able to stand up!" In the communicator, the screams of the virtual people continued to ring.

"Hurry up and close all the doors! Let the troops solve the things that got in!"

Listening to their voices, Lin’s troops have already penetrated into the wanderings, and at the same time, in the mountain research institute, Lin is looking at the interior of the 'Wandering Number' about the virtual people. structure.

Lin transported most of the things in the ships of the Western Continent to the Institute of Mountains in the East, which allowed scholars to continue to use these things for research, and to use these things to give some images, such as drifting. Nothing related...

"It is a city. It is better to say that it is a prison."

And for the drift number. Scholars are so appreciative...

In a stereo image. The internal structure of the entire drift number can be perfectly seen.

The huge body creates a complex structure inside, and in order to make good use of space saving, the interior of the entire drift is full of complicated roads.

Virtual people can pass through these roads to any place, but if they don't have maps and automatic guides, they will definitely get lost in these passages.

In addition to the passage, it is a variety of buildings, such as colleges and research institutes. Factory and so on.

“This place is different from any city seen from the information.” The scholar said: “I can’t see the sky, I can’t see the ground, but it’s very similar to the prison in the recorded materials...”

Some imaginary people think that this place is very boring, so they like to take some tasks to go out and explore.

Most of the virtual people live in the same way as machinery, eating, working, resting, and repeating these three processes... Although there are some 'entertainment facilities', it is boring for a long time.

Seeing this, scholars can't help but say that after coming to the pompon. It only found a wonderful world, but most of the virtual people did not feel it.

And now. Their lives have become exciting...


The creature is like a giant beetle, and the metal bullet hits its outer shell and slams a spark, slamming it around the ground.

"We can't beat its armor!" The two imaginary people stepped back while shooting, and the beetles in front of them suddenly accelerated and slammed into the virtual people.

‘咔...’ With the cracking of armor, the whole imaginary people flew out and fell to the ground.

"The 11th district was invaded!" "The 31th district was invaded!" "The 5th district was invaded!"

In the command room of the drifting number, Lin and the virtual people listened to the operator's report.

A large number of creatures invade from everywhere, they tear the imaginary people caught, and devour them to create more troops, because they are scattered in large numbers, and the imaginary people are also scattered to deal with them.

At this point, the basics are already difficult to return.

However, the imaginary people obviously do not want to give up.

The commander is trying hard to command the operations of the various units. The imaginary people have a lot of command rooms, and now the commanders seem to have gathered in the general command room to command the entire ship.

The commander was trying hard to command, and the infantry were fighting hard, but the captain did not know where to hide.

The drifter has a ‘the chief captain’ who has all the rights to control everything in the ship and has full power to command all the troops.

Lin wants to find it, but it doesn't talk at the moment. From the beginning it seems that it is not here...

From the structure sent by scholars, Lin has reached the entrance of the captain's room.

When there were constant battles elsewhere, some of Lin's arms, 'Floating Soul,' reached the core of the drift.

After climbing up from an object called an elevator, Lin arrived at a special place where the corridors were different from the surroundings, and even the ground was covered with blue carpet.

There are a lot of decorations on the surrounding walls. At the end of these things, there is a metal-shaped door...

The door was not sealed, but a little gap was revealed. The floating soul could drill into the room through this small gap, and after entering the room...

Lin did not see anything.

This is an empty place, there is no large object except a bed, and the rest is a lot of debris spilling everywhere.

These debris looks like there is any creature plundering here, or the ship’s hurriedly moving away from the traces of everything here...

Lynn thinks that the latter is more likely, the captain seems to want to escape from here.

But because it is already the headquarters, the captain’s only escape route is... fleeing the cue ball.

There are only a few large ships that have a transmitting function, that is, the captain should now be near the dock.

Surrounded by the disc-shaped body, it is a neat ‘dock’. These piers are like a pair of metal-shaped tongs. In the tongs, the ship of the imaginary people is parked...

From the outside, some docks did not park the ship, and some parked semi-finished products, as if they were still under construction.

However, Lin still saw some complete ships, a ship-shaped giant ship parked in the dock, these ships are real 'warships', unlike the excavation ship, it is loaded with a large number of weapons, but hanging The weapons contained are not the focus. According to scholars, there are a large number of explosive bombs in these warships. These warships are used for cleaning.

There are five such warships, and when Lin attacked, they didn't start, I don't know why.

However, they are indeed ... ships that can be transported. (To be continued.)

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