
The dark space, the tunnel that lost its illumination, only the sparks that the bullet hit the wall, occasionally lit up in this darkness...

"Kill it!"

Several imaginary people are shooting in front of the dark passage, and countless metal warheads blur the flesh and blood of a creature crawling on all fours.

"Is it solved?" A imaginary person intends to go forward to observe, and the virtual people behind him pull it: "Don't go up and confirm! Go!"

In the flesh and blood that was smashed by them, a new creature suddenly rushed out of it and instantly caught the head of the virtual person closest to it.

"Ah!" The stunned screaming screaming, the surrounding imaginary people immediately raised their weapons, but they were afraid of hurting their companions and could not shoot.

"Ah... save..." They watched as their screams screamed, and the creature was drilled into the armor and got into its head.

The imaginary people next to "Fast...Run!" looked at the scene in horror. After a few seconds, they began to flee in desperation.

The hasty footsteps echoed in the dark passages. The entire drift number has now been invaded by a large number of creatures. They attacked most of the area in the drift and destroyed some energy devices, which led to the drift. Some areas have fallen into the dark.

All the imaginary people are frightened and frightened in the darkness. Although their armor has night vision ability, the darkness can still bring them fear. This is the instinct of the creatures.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a screaming scream, it felt something behind him dragging its leg and pulling it back.

"Help!" Its fearful call made the other two virtual people run faster. They dropped the companion who was pulled, and they stopped until they could not hear anything.

"...has it escaped?" Two rancied imaginary people hid in a room, they sat on the ground and gasped. In this darkness, they have been fighting for a long time.

"Should have escaped..." Another imaginary person said: "The kind of creature that kills will still run a lot of small, there is no way..."

"Now... what should we do? There are strange creatures everywhere, have they already compromised the whole place?"

"It should not be, we..."

"All attention!" At this time, the ship's radio rang...

"All the attention, all the troops go to the central area to gather. The scattered troops do not entangle with the creatures, go to the central area! Only by holding it, we can win!"

"Go to the center area?" The two virtual people immediately stood up and ran out of the room.

Among the passages, the footsteps of the two imaginary people echoed in the dark, according to the map on the helmet. I ran to a front door.

The door was like being hit by something, and the whole fell to the ground, so they could directly see the track inside the door.

This is the entrance to the ship's train. Because of the large number of drifts and the complex internal structure, there are trains leading to special places.

But there is currently no train, only one track.

"The train is now in this position..." There is a panel next to the entrance door where you can see where the train is. The above shows a complex train, and a light spot indicates where the train is.

"...has come." A virtual person looked at the light spot above, only to see the light spot slowly approaching a circular area. At the same time, there was a sound heard here.

The square train moved on the track and stopped at the center of the room after a bang.

"Is this safe now?" "Don't worry so much, don't you want to go?"

Two imaginary people came to the train, but they were hesitant. Then, the door of the train was opened with a bang, and a virtual person carrying a square backpack in the train suddenly surprised them.

"You... are you the captain?"

Although they are all wearing armor, the armor of the virtual people has the function of recognizing the identity of the other party.

"You..." The captain looked at the two false people: "Exactly, let me go! We are leaving here!"

"What?" A virtual person said with amazement: "But the broadcast just..."

"Which central area is just looking for death." The captain said: "We are going to the terminal to sail now! But I can't go one by one, I still need help!"

"But..." "Nothing, now is the only chance to escape. If you don't want to die, hurry up!"

When the captain said, he went to the entrance. The two imaginary people had to follow up from behind, and once again returned to the dark corridor outside.

But this time, they were not attacked by strange creatures. But still can see the traces of strange creatures.

"What the **** is this... root?"

Under the green night vision of the helmet, you can see that the walls on both sides are covered with a lot of creatures. They are like the roots of plants. They are attached to the wall and spread. Some roots are still slow. Slowly curled up, it seems to be breathing...

"This has been occupied by this creature." The captain pointed at the root of the wall: "It continues to grow so slowly, slowly occupying the entire area..."

The more they go forward, the more the number of these roots, and the imaginary people are a little trembling: "Captain, we probably shouldn't go here... here is..."

The imaginary people stopped in front of a facade and saw that the roots on the wall basically extended from the door.

"Only through this place can I get to the dock." The captain gently touched his hand and the door automatically opened.

What is presented to the imaginary people is a scene that is extremely weird to them.

Countless things like roots are full of space, and there are many spherical objects on these roots. They even see that there are some huge creatures that are drilled from spherical objects.

"These creatures are breeding here!" A screaming screaming, this room is called the 'planting field', which has a large number of imaginary edible plants, but it seems to have been used by this creature. occupied……

"Past!" said the captain: "Hey, they didn't notice us, walk along the edge!"

"But..." "Go fast, wait until they find us!"

Under the command of the captain, several imaginary people began to move along the walls at the edge of the room, and the creatures that were drilled in the center of the room did not seem to notice them.

They just moved slowly against the wall and slowly approached the other side of the room...

'Snapped! Suddenly, the captain who was walking in front was stunned. It slammed on the ground, and the backpack carrying it was opened. The things inside fell on the ground.

“Hey?” At the same time, all the creatures in the room turned to look at this side.

"Captain!" The two virtual people suddenly became shocked, and the surrounding creatures have already rushed over here.

"Run!" The captain quickly climbed up. It didn't manage the things on the ground and ran desperately toward the exit.

But these three imaginary people have found that these creatures are much faster than them, and they will be caught up when they don't run to the door.

"I will remember you." The captain suddenly said a strange word, the latter two virtual people suddenly fell to the ground.

"What happened?" "The body can't move!" The two imaginary people shouted in surprise, when their armor rang a voice: "Destruction after ten seconds, ten, nine, eight..."

"What? Self-destruction?"

Their screams didn't help, because they were lying on the ground, the surrounding creatures were all surrounded, and the captain took the opportunity to run to the exit of the door.

Moreover, the countdown is just counted as ‘one’.

'boom--! ’

At this moment, the two imaginary people were ashamed with all the creatures around them.

The captain looked back and ran out.

In some old-fashioned virtual armor, there is a self-explosive device. Although the device was later banned, some imaginary people wear this old-style armor, and the imaginary people cannot start the self-explosion, but the captain has a start. s right.

After running out of the plantation and running through several passages, the captain arrived in front of a gate with the word 'terminal' written on the door.

After the captain opened the door, it entered a small room, and then it went to the end of the room and opened a door. The air in the room spewed out instantly, and the wide scene was also displayed in front of it.

It’s already outside. When you look up, you can see the endless starry sky. Looking forward, you can see a huge warship. It didn’t participate in the war here, but it’s been quietly like a giant tong. In the middle of the pier...

The firepower of the drift has long since ceased, and the huge creatures on the void are still flying around the drift, and from time to time some spheres containing creatures are cast on the drift.

All this made the captain think that the drift number had not been saved. It leaped vigorously on the ground and leaped high in a gravity-free environment, which in turn enabled the 'flight flight' function on the armor.

By pouring a small amount of energy from the leg, the captain slowly advanced in the void and flew to the battleship's head deck.

With the authority of the captain, it opens a special channel on the head and goes directly into the operating room.

The image in the operating room is instantly activated, and the entire space is illuminated. In the stereo image, a slowly rotating sphere is displayed.

"Now, I should go back to my hometown..."

The captain clicked the ball slightly with his hand.

"Target, cue ball, ready to start."

‘Boom...’ Then, the entire warship began to sway, and the part of the battleship connected to the dock was cut off instantly. It slowly rose from the pier and pointed its head at the distant void.

PS: Thank you ~ can log in the resentment ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~smclhzd2~ small book pets ~ spiritual illusion ~ sluggish eyes ~ seascape is really beautiful ~ monthly ticket ~

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