40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1005: Just ask!

Li Yao sighed in admiration, his eyes were full of moving brilliance, and he really admired Jin Tuyi to the ground: "I don’t know why your father didn’t tell the other demon kings from beginning to end. It may be because of the four great demon kings. Country, many demon emperors have been fighting fiercely between open and secret battles, and neither the Golden Crow Country nor himself can be considered the strongest. Once this matter is said, he will lose the dominance over the entire plan."

"But it is more likely that your father is an extremely proud person from the bottom of his heart. He simply looks down on the Lion Tuguo and Youquan Kingdoms that invade the great wilderness from the dark and extremis and sweep everything from the land. Simple and rude tactics. He feels that all the Demon Kings except himself are teammates like pigs. The red tide plan with'extremely confidential' as the core must never be known by these'pig teammates', let alone these'pigs'. Teammates' control!"

"Your father wants to be alone, to win this war and conquer the Tianyuan realm!"

Li Yao recalled Yan Xibei, the master envoy of the conspiracy on the Flying Star Realm and the Tieyuan Star.

Jin Tuyi and Yan Xibei seem to be the same kind of people, both wanting to single-handedly turn things around.

In a sense, why is it not like Li Yao himself?

It is precisely because everyone is of the same kind that he can accurately guess what the other person thinks.

Li Yao continued: "However, even if the'Blood Demon Eye' is successfully refined, it still faces the issue of army assembly when implementing the'Red Tide Project'."

"To raid the capital of the Star Federation, the number of troops and strategic materials must be indispensable. With hundreds of thousands or millions of troops assembled, almost all the demon kings and demon kings will come out, so it is difficult to be absolutely confidential!"

"So, in order to conceal the real red tide plan, your father throws out the'fake red tide plan' that looks menacing, but is actually full of loopholes. What kind of'secret wormhole and counterattack base of the East Pole Demon Kingdom' is used to mislead everyone. people!"

"In this way, even if the Star Federation really discovers that the elites of the blood demon world are gathering very unusually, they will only concentrate all their power on the front line of the East China Sea and try to resist the enemy outside the country. It is absolutely impossible to release all monsters. The coalition forces went ashore and rushed in an important city in the southeast!"

"As everyone knows, the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance does not need to conduct landing operations at all, and will not entangle in the coastal cities at all, but will be directly transmitted to the urban area of ​​the capital!"

"Tiandu, the capital of the Star Federation, is not only the political center of the country, but also an important base for training and refining magic weapons. Among the top 500 sects of the Federation, more than 220 have their headquarters in the capital. The largest spar storage warehouse, a crystal armor refining factory, and four of the'nine elite academies'!"

"Once the capital is really attacked, it will definitely be a fatal blow!"

Li Yao took a deep breath, the light in his eyes fluctuated, as if the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance was wrecking havoc in Tiandu City, and Tiandu City was plunged into raging flames.

He squinted his eyes and murmured: "Everything is ready, just wait for the east wind. Your father has been lurking for decades. Until today, all the advantages have finally gathered!"

"First of all, the fusion of the Heavenly Origin Realm and the Blood Demon Realm has been going on for so many years. The'distance' between the two realms has been shorter than it was ten years ago, and more of the thin'egg shell' has been squeezed out. The gap is enough for the'Blood Demon's Eye' to work, and accurately transmit thousands of troops to the city center of Tiandu City in one breath."

"Secondly, the defeat in the Battle of Dawn temporarily retreated the land faction in the Blood Demon Realm, making your father the commander of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons. It is fair to say that you can mobilize all the resources and military power of the entire Blood Demon Realm!"

"Third, the appearance of the Flying Star Realm has made the Blood Demon Realm highly united and obeyed your father's command, and he has ample excuses to launch the'Red Tide Project'!"

"Perhaps in the eyes of most people, the so-called'Red Tide Project' is nothing more than a gambler who lost his eyes. The last fight of a frenzied heart is a dog jumped over the wall after being forced to a dead end!"

"As everyone knows, this seemingly crazy'gambler' has the calmest and most meticulous heart. This'country destruction war' is by no means a dog jump over the wall, but a careful calculation and careful planning for decades. One sword!"

Jin Xinyue listened intently. When Li Yao said the words "shaking the sky with a sword", his pupils shrank suddenly, as if a sword had really penetrated his heart!

Li Yao sighed and said: "From the standpoint of a federal citizen, I am very fortunate that a terrible enemy like your father was born in the Golden Crow State, which ranks lower among the four great demonic kingdoms, rather than the more powerful Lion Slaughter State. Or Youquan Country, I'm glad that he didn't take command of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance until this moment, not twenty years ago."

"If he is the lord of the Lion Slaughter Kingdom or the Youquan Kingdom, if he becomes the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance 20 years earlier, perhaps, the Xingyao Federation no longer exists at this moment!"

Li Yao finished speaking in one breath, licking his lips intently, his gaze penetrated Jin Xinyue, penetrated the rock, and projected over the sky of Tongtian City hundreds of kilometers away.

He seemed to be able to see the man lurking in the depths of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance Commander's Mansion, the most terrifying demon race!


It's really enjoyable to play against such a master!

Jin Xinyue's brows wrinkled more and more, and she felt that there was a whirlpool in her brain that almost swallowed all brain cells.

Before her thinking was completely confused, she stretched out her hands and slashed fiercely in the air!

"Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait!"

"Master, what you are saying is indeed a wild flower, and it is amazing, as if you have been attached to my father for the past few decades and have seen everything with your own eyes!"

"However, the disciples sounded that everything is Master's conjecture, and it seems that there is no strong evidence to support it!"

"Good question!"

Li Yao nodded and said seriously, "All of the above is purely fictitious. I'm just telling a story."

Jin Xinyue: "..."

Li Yao: "However, although it is fictitious, it is also based on the information that I know, I push it backwards, choose the most reasonable possibility, and push it backwards, advance it layer by layer, hypothesize step by step, and deduced it. It can’t be said that it was completely fabricated."

Jin Xinyue said: "This is the problem. Even if you choose the most reasonable possibility every time you push backwards, the "possibility" is ultimately the "possibility", even if each "possibility" is only 5% error The ten "possibility" add up, how big the error should be! Are you 50% sure of the true or false of the whole inference?"

"not at all."

Li Yao shook his head, "I am only 30% sure of all the above, so I have to make a special trip to Tongtian City and ask your father to confirm."

Jin Xinyue was stunned: "Confirm? How can I confirm this kind of thing? Could it be that I just ask my father, Senior Jin, that the red tide plan on the bright side is fake, and the real red tide plan is related to the "Blood Demon Eye". is not it?"


Li Yao nodded naturally, "That's what I asked."

Jin Xinyue stood up: "What?"

Li Yao knocked on a light curtain and played back the excerpt of the conversation with Jin Tuyi just now: "Look carefully."

Jin Xinyue leaned her head, her eyes widened, staring at her father on the light curtain.

However, Li Yao, who was outside the screen, yelled in a desperate and incoherent voice: "You plan to add a large amount of cannon fodder to part of the Ten Thousand Demons Allied Forces, disguised as the appearance of all the main forces coming out of the nest, from the gloomy extremity to the great wilderness, and then to The'normal route' of Jublade Pass invades the Tianyuan Realm!

"But this is fake, not the real main force, just a feint!"

"Your real plan is to let all the elites of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance and all the Demon Kings pass through the'Blood Demon Eye', cross to the coastal counterattack base left by the former East Pole Demon Kingdom, and then go straight into the heart of the Federation, right? ?"


Jin Xinyue fixed the picture, turned it back, listened to it again, and murmured, "Master really asked that. He really said the words'eye of the blood demon'!"

"Of course!"

Li Yao said, "I'm just a straight-hearted person. If you don't understand, just ask if you don't understand. What can be hidden!"


Jin Xinyue held her breath and kept watching.

But seeing her father Jin Tuyi, not even a single eyelash trembling, every facial nerve seems to be frozen by frost, there is no slight change in expression, and he said lightly: "Don't think about me, about the war plan. I won’t say anything about the details."

Jin Xinyue squinted her eyes, and a round of golden light bloomed around her pupils, spinning rapidly, watching intently three or four times.

"My father didn't answer you!"

"I know that a master like Master must be very good at reading'micro-expressions'. When I was in the Pantheon, I also learned how to use every muscle twitch, pupil dilation, and even breathing frequency on other people’s faces. And the speed of sweat secretion, to judge the authenticity!"

"But my father, as the Demon Sovereign, has achieved the ultimate control over every muscle. I can be sure that after the master throws the words'Blood Demon Eye', his'micro expression' doesn't have any The change is like a frozen lake without any ripples."

"So, what kind of answers did Master read from my father's Gu Jing Wubo face to determine his own series of deductions?"

Li Yao smiled, smiling slyly, embracing his arms, once again admiring Jin Tuyi's frozen face above the light curtain, shook his head and said: "I'm like you, I haven't read anything."

"Your father is truly a master of masters. He manipulates the facial muscles to a superb level. He can control the'micro expressions' as he wants. Even the trembling of the eyelashes and the smallest contraction of the pupils are highly controllable. "

"From his face, I either can't read anything, or I can only read the wrong answer, the misleading answer he deliberately put out!"

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