40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1004: Dragon Slaying Blade! (Fourth!)

"The time goes back more than ten years."

"The Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm one after the other, almost simultaneously discovered the Skeleton Dragon Star 10,000 light-years away."

"Because the Bone Dragon Star was the location of the cave mansion of the peerless evil demon'Bone Dragon Demon' 40,000 years ago, the monster race may collect more information. I remember that at that time, the Federation did not know the real name of this planet. Call it the "most distant star"."

"However, after discovering the Bone Dragon Star, neither the Blood Demon Realm nor the Celestial Realm had the first time to start exploring."

"Because the distance of 10,000 light-years is too far, with the technical power of the blood demon and the Tianyuan two realms, even if they barely explored that there are a lot of resources in them, whether they can be effectively exploited and utilized is a big problem."

"So, even in the Blood Demon Realm, which knows the Bone Dragon Star better, you have been arguing for a long time about whether to explore or not, for fear that a lot of resources will be wiped out!"

"In the end, it was your father who rejected all the opinions and generously made his statement, persuading all the demon kings to concentrate all the resources of the blood demon world that can refine the teleportation formation and start building the super teleportation formation'Blood Demon Eye'!"

"In order to start the construction of the Eye of the Blood Demon as soon as possible, your father even patted his chest to guarantee that the Golden Crow State will provide one-third of the funds and resources for the entire project, right?"

Jin Xinyue thought about it for a while and nodded: "I was still young at that time, but I was still very impressed with this incident."

"Although my father is one of the Twelve Demon Kings, he is not the one with the highest cultivation base. Our Golden Crow Nation is not as strong as Youquan Nation and Lion Tu Nation, so he has always been very low-key. I’ve talked to Master, my father is very good at'compromising'."

"The only thing to build the'Blood Demon Eye' is that he was the most persistent, domineering, and one-of-a-kind one in my memory. He even patted the table at the Pantheon Hall headquarters, and said with heartbreak that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. , There must be big discoveries on the Bone Dragon Star."

"Because he is responsible for the external exploration of the blood demon world, he has the most say on this issue, and the Golden Crow State has provided most of the resources, so other demon kings reluctantly agreed to this plan."

Li Yao said: "And the Star Federation's construction of the'Tianyuan Cannon' was still after the construction of the'Blood Demon Eye' began."

"Perhaps the Federation was not prepared to explore the Skeleton Dragon Star at the beginning, but found that the Blood Demon Realm was already actively acting, and was forced to start an'arms race'."

"Otherwise, if the Bone Dragon Star is really dominated by the Monster Race, wouldn't it be very passive to unearth some earth-shattering magic weapon or ruins?"

"In short, to explore the Bone Dragon Star, the initiator and vigorous advocate of this plan is your father Jin Tuyi!"

Jin Xinyue said: "That's right."

"But this plan failed."

Li Yao sighed, "Leave aside, we were caught in the trap of the Bone Dragon Demon. Even after I took the Bone Dragon Demon away, the development plan of the Bone Dragon Star was stranded a few years later because of Tian Yuan. Both realms and the blood demon have discovered that with the current level of technology, it is extremely difficult to develop a planet 10,000 light-years away on a large scale!"

"Far can't quench near thirst. If a lot of resources are invested in the development of Bone Dragon, perhaps before Bone Dragon is developed, his hometown will be dealt with by the enemy!"

"In the following ten years, small-scale exploration of the Bone Dragon Star was carried out several times, but most of them were limited to exploration, surveying, and collection of mineral specimens. In the development of the fragmented world at a relatively close range, it is simply a sledgehammer!"

"The above are the conclusions I have compiled based on what you and the Fire Ant King said, plus the information obtained through public channels, are there any errors?"


Jin Xinyue shook her head, "This incident has dealt a great blow to our Golden Crow country. I remember that my father had been impeached very seriously, thinking that he was too aggressive and wasted so much resources to build a ghost'eye of the blood demon'. Not to mention that so many silver-blooded nobles were killed by the master, and they did not play a big role afterwards. It was a great failure!"

"However, having said that, if we don't build the Eye of the Blood Demon, the Federation may not build the Tianyuan Cannon. Together, we will smash so many resources into the water to hear the sound, and it will be even!"

"In short, this incident depressed my father for several years. He became more and more low-key in the Pantheon, until after the Battle of Dawn, after the Continental Army doctrine that Youquan Kingdom and Lion Tuguo had been insisting on did not seem to work, my father The controller of this air power was entrusted with the important task to become the commander of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons."

Li Yao sneered: "Do you really think that your father's decision to build the'Blood Demon Eye' was a rush in his mind?"

Jin Xinyue lost his mind and fell into deep thought.

Li Yao continued: "Since your father is the'Minister of External Exploration and Development' of the Blood Demon Realm, he should have extremely rich experience in exploring the Fragmented World. Even the average person would consider the development cost issue. Wouldn't he think of it? Would he not know. With the technical power of the blood demon world at that time, it was simply not enough to develop a planet 10,000 light years away on a large scale?"

"On the contrary, I think he should be the one who knows the most in my heart!"

Jin Xinyue blurted out: "Since he knows, why--"

Halfway through talking, she bit her tongue abruptly, and she was agitated!

I understand, I understand everything!

Li Yao smiled and said, "You thought about it, didn't you?"

"If you say, from the very beginning, your father insisted on building the super teleportation array'Blood Demon Eye', not for the Skeleton Dragon 10,000 light-years away, but for the nearby Starry Sky Federation Capital City... …"

"Then, everything we discussed just now makes sense, right?"

Jin Xinyue felt that the solid world around her was falling apart in an instant, and everything she was familiar with became completely unrecognizable, as if she had walked into a black deep ocean, unable to tell what was the truth behind the truth.

She could only follow Li Yao closely, stumbling forward in the deep sea, relying on this teacher who looked like a demon, looking for the ethereal light.

Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief, a trace of serious respect flowed through his eyes.

When he heard the initial version of the Red Tide Plan, he did show a slight contempt for Jin Tuyi, thinking that the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Coalition Army was nothing more than that.

However, after analyzing the overall situation, his heart fluctuates violently, and he can't calm down for a long time!

Jin Tuyi is really no less than Yanxibei, Xiao Xuance, and Bai Xinghe. He is worthy of mobilizing every brain cell to run at full speed to deal with, a respectable opponent!

Li Yao's expression was in a trance, the soul seemed to have flown into the depths of the blood demon world decades ago, and attached to the younger Jin Tuyi. He slowly said in a low and hoarse voice:

"All the information is over."

"Next, I try to piece this information together to create a more reasonable story line."

"According to my guess, your father inadvertently acquired a new, epoch-making, and revolutionary teleportation array technology for the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon decades ago."

"You Yu clan always like to study the teleportation array and enjoy various ancient teleportation rune rubbings. Your father is also the head of the blood demon world to explore the fragmented world. It is not impossible to get a brand new inheritance by accident. Right?"

"The moment you got the inheritance of the'Super Teleportation Array', your father's heart made great waves."

"Anyone who has obtained this kind of inheritance, the first thought must be whether they can use this technology to transmit the most elite troops directly to the enemy's heart?"

"But it's easier said than done, but it's harder to do!"

"The most important thing is how to keep it secret! This kind of raid plan similar to the'decapitation tactic', once leaked out in advance, almost loses all its destructive power, and even in turn will lead to the complete destruction of our own elite!"

"It's a pity that the construction of this super teleportation array must be extremely dynamic. It is a long-term project, astronomical resource consumption, and a large number of manpower and material resources are gathered together to operate day and night... As long as the enemy is not a pig, you will definitely find out of!"

"So, your father didn't expose this technology to the Pantheon Temple for the first time and start the construction of the super teleportation array, but silently waited for a more suitable opportunity to come."

"Perhaps, during this period of time, he is still studying this inheritance thoroughly, chewing it thoroughly, eating it thoroughly, and deeply imprinting it in the depths of his brain, and surrounding it, conceiving a strange and unbelievable plan."

"I don't know how long he waited, but the opportunity finally came!"

"The discovery of the Bone Dragon Star gave him a legitimate reason to build the ‘Blood Demon’s Eye’ openly!"

"On the surface, this is a ‘super-distance slingshot’, which is used to transmit very few elites 10,000 light years away."

"But I believe that as the highest person in charge of the'Blood Demon Eye Project', even if he did not personally participate in the design and construction of the teleportation array, there must be a way to reserve some kind of'interface' on the'Blood Demon Eye' , So that it can complete the transfer mode conversion one day in the future!"

"As a result, the most terrifying weapon for the Tianyuan Realm was completed without knowing it!"

"Why did your father not launch the'Red Tide Project' as soon as the'Blood Demon Eye' refining was completed?"

"I don't know, but it is probably related to the relationship between Tianyuan and Blood Demon."

"Ten years ago, the two realms of Tianyuan and the blood demon were still in the early stages of fusion. It can be understood that the'egg shells' of the two realms are still very strong, and there have not been too many gaps. Even the'eye of the blood demon' The accuracy and stability of the transmission cannot be guaranteed."

"So, your father lurks his minions and keeps waiting."

"Even if he suffered from everyone's criticism, even if he suffered a huge setback, even if he was ridiculed for spending a lot of money and polishing a big and improper'sword', he still looks like the most terrifying assassin in the dark. Holding the handle of the knife tightly, without saying a word, waiting for the perfect time to release the knife."

"Because, only he himself knows that what he polished is not a scalpel, but a dragon-slaying blade!"


Hoho, it's the fourth one again! Sitting without moving for the whole day, the old cow's **** is almost broken!

These days, brothers and sisters are too supportive, and the old cow is grateful, take a break, rationalize your thinking, and fight tomorrow!

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