40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1003: One arrow pierced the heart, one knife to seal the throat!

Jin Xinyue got more and more excited as she spoke, her whole body was trembling, and she said incoherently: "Yes, I had been thinking about how the wormhole opened five hundred years ago could remain stable for such a long time, but not Was discovered by a Federalist close at hand? And how big is this wormhole, can it transmit thousands of troops in an instant?"

"If you don't rely on the wormhole of the East Pole Demon Country, but the'Blood Demon Eye', everything makes sense!"

"It turns out that the real Red Tide Plan is to rely on the Eye of the Blood Demon to transfer the elite of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance to the East China Sea of ​​the Star Federation and the counterattack base of the East Pole Demon Kingdom!"

"You were wrong again."

Li Yao said calmly, "made exactly the same mistake as I started."

"When I first thought of the'Blood Demon Eye', I also thought that your father would use it to send all the elites to the East China Sea of ​​the Star Federation."

"But soon, I realized that I was so stupid, so stupid!"

"If the Eye of the Blood Demon can really break through the barrier between the two worlds, then why choose the Eastern Seas of the Star Federation? Why not just teleport to the capital of the Star Federation, with one arrow through the heart and one knife. Seal the throat!"

Jin Xinyue was completely shocked by this terrible idea!


Li Yao's hands trembling slightly because of excitement, quickly opened seven or eight light curtains, presenting a map of the southeast area of ​​the Xingyao Federation.

He pointed to the zigzag coastline on the map, and a few light spots marked with megacities, and spittingly said: "Look, this is the terrain in the southeast of the Federation of Stars and Lights."

"It can be clearly seen from the map that the federal capital'Tiandu' is not directly facing the sea, and is still hundreds of kilometers away from the coastline. However, between the entire capital area and the East China Sea, there are several large cities separated from each other. Gecheng, Zixiao City, Lingyun Special Area, etc. are all well-known training centers of the Federation and the headquarters of countless cultivating sects."

"Even if there are not too many regular troops and strong men, the number of civil warriors and cultivators is extremely large."

"According to the red tide plan on the bright side, after the Allied Demons have landed from the Federation East China Sea, they must first destroy a series of large cities such as Floating City, Zixiao City, and Lingyun Special Area before they can invade the Federal Capital!"

"Even if the rear of the Federation is empty, and the elite of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance is more powerful, how long will it take to break through the headquarters of these big cities and cultivating sects? You know, at that time, the warriors and cultivators in these places will definitely lose their lives. It's blocking the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance!"

"One day, two days?"

"You must know that the cultivator moves extremely fast. It is not a problem for a pill knot or Nascent Soul to control the flying sword. It is not a problem at all to travel thousands of miles a day. Once the news of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons is coming out, even if the army is too late to return help Cultivators will definitely be able to rush back to the front line of the capital within a few days!"

"There is a more terrifying possibility!"

"The Federation has long known the existence of the Red Tide Project, and has already assembled heavy troops along the eastern coastline of the Federation, ready to attack head-on the moment the Allied Forces of Demons transmits, just like the'half-crossing strike' in the ancient war, and completely annihilate you. On the beach!"

"Think about it, even the Red Tide Project that you know is still top secret? Why the Star Federation must not know it?"

"So, after having a super teleportation formation like the Eye of the Blood Demon, why on earth would you have to teleport thousands of troops to the East China Sea of ​​the Star Federation?"

"The original statement was because the exit of the secret wormhole of the East Pole Demon Kingdom was in the East China Sea, and there was a counterattack base deep in the East China Sea."

"But we have already analyzed these two points. Wormholes and counterattack bases are all illusory things!"

"From this, I guessed the real red tide plan!"

"The feint troops on the Northern Front line sent to the north of the Great Wilderness are indeed fake. They are attacking the east and moving the tiger away from the mountain."

"But the East Pole Demon Country and counterattack bases on the southern route are also fake. They are smoke bombs. They are the second layer of strategic fraud hidden under the first layer of strategic fraud. It is the second time that the tiger has been turned away from the mountain after the tiger has left the mountain!"

"If the Xingyao Federation believes that the first time the tiger is moved away from the mountain, the main force will be placed in the Great Blade Pass and the Great Wilderness, of course it is good."

"If the Xingyao Federation had already spied on the red tide plan on the bright side, thinking that the Allied Demon Army would go through the East China Sea Wormhole and bury most of the main forces on the eastern coastline and prepare to encircle and wipe out the elite of the Allied Demon Army. Destined to get nothing."

"Because, your father, Jin Tuyi, commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, never thought about landing from the East China Sea stupidly."

"His real plan is to use the super teleportation array'Blood Demon Eyes' to transfer the elite of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance, dozens of demon kings and hundreds of demon warships, directly to the capital of the Star Federation, Tiandu, in one breath. If possible, even directly to the rostrum of the Federal Assembly!"

"This is the ultimate version of the Red Tide Plan that has been dormant in the deepest part of your father's brain!"

Jin Xinyue's breathing and blood almost froze in an instant.

However, Li Yao seemed to have just confronted a peerless master in the air. He was so happy that he was sweating and steaming, condensing a faint white mist on the top of his head.

He said tentatively: "You know, from the moment you said the'Red Tide Project', I have been entwined with an extremely uncomfortable feeling."

"It's like stepping on a trap with one foot, and then half a step forward, you will fall into an abyss!"

"I thought about it for dozens of nights, and finally figured out the source of my anxiety, because the'Red Tide Project' on the bright side is too simple, too rough, and too easy to be cracked!"

"As the saying goes,'Zi Xiao Qifu', even you, a junior of the Demon King's rank, and the little demon girl in the Pantheon Hall, have the courage to fight with me, your father Jin Tuyi, is he only of this level? Don’t you see how ridiculous the red tide plan is?"

"It wasn't until a few days ago that I thoroughly studied and understood this hidden in the dark, with one arrow through the heart, one knife at the throat, the real red tide plan, and the unreliable feeling in my heart disappeared!"

"What is the unstable wormhole of the East Pole Demon Country, what is the counterattack base, what is the continuous breach of several federal megacities... These troubles did not exist at the beginning! They are all disguise, all smoke bombs! All are thrown by your father. Illusion!"

"The initial goal of the Red Tide Project, and the only goal from beginning to end, is the capital, capital, and capital of the Star Federation!"

"This is the plan that the supreme commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance Army should make!"

Li Yao's face was red, his blue veins exploded, and the appearance of his teeth and claws made Jin Xinyue a little frightened.

She involuntarily moved her **** to the depths of the cave and gasped in disbelief, "But, is this a coincidence? My father's red tide plan requires an'overweight slingshot', and then it happens to be found for him. One?"

Li Yao stretched out his thumb and index finger, and made a gesture of **** a screw. First he twisted a half circle clockwise, and then a half circle counterclockwise: "Reverse thinking, give play to your reverse thinking!"

"From a normal point of view, your father conceived the plan for the red tide, but the core is an'overweight slingshot' that the blood demon world does not have. It happens that the blood demon world has a'super-distance slingshot', and it happens that your father knows how to transform it. The transformation was completed at the most urgent moment... it seems to be a coincidence."

"But what if you think the other way around?"

"Can we assume that your father first obtained some kind of technology or inheritance for refining the super teleportation array decades ago, and then, using this super teleportation technology as the core, then conceived the entire red tide plan?"

Jin Xinyue's facial features are almost wrinkled together: "Master, is there any basis for you to say that?"

Li Yao's eyes were shining with a mysterious brilliance, as if he was able to disassemble a magic weapon, peeling off the extremely precise magic weapon components the size of rice grains, spreading them out, and placing them clearly.

"Since I knew that your father was the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, I knew that I would fight him one day, so I tried every means to collect his information and figure out his character. After so many days, I have communicated with you and understood. A lot of his inside story."

"As a result, I found something extremely interesting."

"It turns out that in the blood demon world, your feather tribe is the most adept at refining teleportation formations and cultivating various spatial teleportation supernatural powers?"

Jin Xinyue nodded and said: "We Feathers admire speed and maneuverability. What is faster and more maneuverable than the teleportation array? Therefore, our Feathers have always paid attention to the refining of the teleportation array. , And collected a lot of maps and rune rubbings of the ancient teleportation array."

Li Yao continued: "The twelve demon emperors of the Ten Thousand Demon Palace are in charge of different domains. Since decades ago, the blood demon world's exploration of the fragmented world and the affairs of the stars and seas were all in charge of your father. In terms of his government position, he can be regarded as the'Minister of the Foreign Exploration and Development Department of the Blood Demon Realm, and concurrently the Chairman of the Secret Star Association', right?"

This matter is not a top secret. Jin Xinyue nodded and said: "Since we Yu Clan are best at the construction of the teleportation formation, it is only natural that my father is in charge of this. Although the titles are different, my father was responsible for those years. It is indeed a mess of affairs, but after becoming the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Coalition Army, this part is no longer in his control. What does these things have to do with the Red Tide Plan?"

Li Yao's smile became more and more mysterious: "After discovering these two things, I followed the vine and made an amazing discovery. It turned out that ten years ago, the first one insisted on building the "Blood Demon Eye" to explore the skeleton. Long Xing’s is your father Jin Tuyi!"

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