40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1002: Deadly teleportation!

Jin Xinyue took a dozen deep breaths and couldn't control her teeth not to bite her tongue. She gasped and said, "Master said that the'Red Tide Project' I discovered was deliberately discovered by my father, and this is not. The real'Red Tide Project' is just another layer of disguise?"

Li Yao asked in return: "Don't you think that this'Red Tide Project' is too simple and rude, or even naive, for the commander of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance and the nominal leader of the Blood Demon Realm?"

Jin Xinyue's chest was ups and downs quickly, her eyes were a little distracted, and she muttered: "Did my father lie to everyone? Then, what is the real red tide plan? How did the master know!"

For a moment, Jin Xinyue almost doubted that her master and father were in the same group!

Li Yao sat cross-legged, gently rubbing his temples with his hands to relieve the explosive pressure of the brain due to the high-speed rotation, and calmly analyzed: "In order to solve the red tide plan, I have been thinking about a problem, that is, hundreds of thousands of people. How exactly will the millions of Ten Thousand Demons Alliance teleport to the hinterland of the Xingyao Federation?"

"The Heavenly Origin Realm and the Blood Demon Realm are merging, as if two eggs are slowly touching each other, and the Gloom Extremis is the contact point where the two eggs collide and have been smashed. The'egg shells' here are all broken. If it is dropped, the egg whites and yolks inside can naturally circulate freely."

"So it's easier to teleport from the Gloom and Extremis, and even without casting spells, a very stable natural wormhole will be produced!"

"However, after passing through the wormholes of the Gloom and Extremis, you will be faced with an endless wilderness, which will put great pressure on logistics supplies."

"After the Battle of Dawn, the human towns on the Great Wilderness were voluntarily abandoned, and everyone moved to the back of the Great Blade Pass. Even if the Allied Demons wanted to burn, kill, and loot, they couldn't find their prey."

"Therefore, marching from this path will not work. Even if the blood demon world pops out of the nest, they will be sent to death in vain!"

"Your father can only find another way. On the surface, he is looking for a secret wormhole opened by the East Pole Demon Country back then, and wants to sneak in through this ‘path’ behind the Federation!"

Jin Xinyue frowned slightly: "Isn't it?"

Li Yao said: "Is it right? You will know by analyzing it."

"First, the East Pole Demon Nation opened this secret wormhole in order to allow a handful of nobles to exile to the blood demon world. Then how big is the scale of this wormhole? How stable?"

"It's one thing for thousands or tens of thousands of nobles to exile to the Blood Demon Realm in batches within a few years."

"It's another matter to let hundreds of thousands, millions of troops armed to the teeth and armed with large-scale war equipment to teleport to the Celestial Realm in an instant!"

"The former East Pole Demon Nation was not particularly strong, otherwise it would not be wiped out by the Xingyao Federation. In the midst of turbulent wind and rain, could they really open up a wormhole of such a large scale? Will the wormhole stabilize to such a degree that it will not be annihilated after 500 years of invasion?"

"Passing through a wormhole is extremely risky. If you are not careful, the whole army will be lost in the storm of four-dimensional space!"

"Any wave can completely annihilate a strong man. If a demon emperor teleports past through this extremely unstable wormhole, people will pass, but they will find that the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are all lost on the way. , Isn't it embarrassing?"

"It's like, between the cliffs, there is a suspension bridge built five hundred years ago, which has been in disrepair for a long time, and the valley between the cliffs is still battered by ninth-level storms all the year round. The suspension bridge is swaying, and it will fall apart at any time!"

"Below, there is a raging abyss, an abyss that will never be restored!"

"But your father wants thousands of troops to pass through this suspension bridge? He is sick!"

Jin Xinyue opened her mouth and had nothing to say.

Li Yao continued: "Also, your father's Red Tide plan claimed to rely on the counterattack base left by the East Pole Demon Kingdom five hundred years ago as a stronghold for the Allied Forces of All Demon."

"However, as far as I know, the Xingyao Federation has thoroughly excavated the relics of the former East Pole Demon Kingdom, and has never found a complete counterattack base along the coast."

"Even if the East Pole Demon Nation really left some counterattack bases, in a very hidden place on the coastline, there is still that question. After five hundred years of seawater intrusion, are these bases reliable enough? Enough to accommodate so many Allied Allied Demons. Are the runes and demon weapons that maintain the base still running?"

"What's more, although the East Pole Demon Nation and the Blood Demon Realm belong to the same demon race, the two sides still have slightly different focus on the development of biochemical technology. The counterattack materials prepared by the East Pole Demon Nation can really be comparable to those in the Blood Demon Realm. Are the strong, biochemical beasts and monster warships perfectly compatible?"

"I don't believe that your father has not thought about these issues!"

"So, my question is—"

"This ‘East Pole Demon Country’s Secret Wormhole’ that has been rendered so fascinatingly that it claims to have direct access to the eastern coast of the Federation, does it really exist?"

Jin Xinyue was struck by lightning, almost demented, and said anxiously: "But, if this wormhole doesn't exist, how will the Allied Demons teleport over?"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and murmured, "This is the core issue I have been thinking about. Is there a way to instantly project the most elite force in the Blood Demon Realm into the heart of the Starry Star Federation?"

"For example, to build some kind of'super teleportation array', to forcibly tear the fragile barrier between the two worlds, and to pierce the heart with one arrow, can it work?"

Jin Xinyue hesitated for a moment, shook her head and said: "The Blood Demon Realm should have no such technology. The largest super teleportation array we have built is the'Blood Demon Eye'."

"It took nearly ten years to build the Eye of the Blood Demon, and most of the heaven and earth treasures and various materials used to build the Teleportation Array in the Blood Demon Realm are exhausted."

"Now, we have neither the resources nor the technology to build the second super teleportation array."

"But the transmission method of the Eye of the Blood Demon is completely different from the needs of the Red Tide Project. It can put a very small number of elites beyond 10,000 light-years, but it is impossible to project thousands of troops and horses to the immediate vicinity. The world is close at hand."

Li Yao smiled: "Yes, ten years ago, the Tianyuan Realm and the Blood Demon Realm almost simultaneously discovered the'Bone Dragon Star' 10,000 light-years away. In order to explore this unknown planet, the two realms almost emptied their resources at the same time. , Began to build a super teleportation array for ultra-long-distance projection."

"In the Tianyuan Realm, we built the'Tianyuan Cannon.'"

"In the Blood Demon Realm, you built the'Blood Demon Eye'."

"I was teleported to the Bone Dragon Star through the Tianyuan Cannon."

"And the most elite demon general of your demon clan, led by the king of the lion slaughter kingdom, also teleported to the bone dragon star through the eye of the blood demon."

"Later, I beheaded Wang Ji and teleported to the depths of the star sea with the bone dragon demon. Only then did I have a series of things behind."

"The purpose of the design of the Tianyuan Cannon and the Eye of the Blood Demon is to explore the sea of ​​stars, so it places more importance on the transmission distance than how many people it can carry."

"In this way, we can regard most of the teleportation formations as two completely different slingshots."

"The first type, called the'super-distance slingshot', can eject small stones weighing half a catty away at an ultra-long distance of 100 kilometers."

"The second type, called the'overweight slingshot', can eject a one-ton boulder at a distance of 500 meters."

"One values ​​the distance and the other the weight of the transmitted material, is that understandable?"

Jin Xinyue nodded, this metaphor was straightforward, of course she understood it.

Li Yao said: "The Tianyuan Cannon and the Eye of the Blood Demon are both the first type, the'super-distance slingshot', which is used to transport a handful of elites to extremely remote places, right?"

Jin Xinyue said: "Yes, but what the'Red Tide Project' needs is the second type of'overweight slingshot'!"

"The distance between the blood demon and the Tianyuan realm is close enough, almost an arm's length away. No matter how far the teleportation distance is, it is a waste. What is needed is the'weight-bearing ability' to transmit thousands of troops in one breath!"

"With the current resources and technology of the Blood Demon Realm, it should be impossible to refine a large enough'overweight slingshot', otherwise we would not burst into the Heavenly Origin Realm from the Gloom and Extinct Realm every time!"

Li Yao blinked and said, "Do you think that the two slingshots can be converted to each other through modification?"

Jin Xinyue was taken aback, and said in thought: "The design principles of the two teleportation formations, the layout of the talisman formations and the construction methods are not the same. It is impossible to convert each other, right?"

"you are wrong."

Li Yao said, "Do you know how I returned from the Flying Star Realm?"

"The conventional star-sea jumping technology in the Flying Star Realm has not yet been developed to the extent that it can communicate freely with the Tianyuan and Blood Demon realms."

"But in the Flying Star Realm, we found a mysterious planet called'Ice King'. On this planet, we have a huge super teleportation array. Its purpose is to refine the entire planet into a planet. "Battleship', then use the teleportation array to advance, so that it can achieve a'short jump' within the flying star realm."

"A planet, no matter how huge it is, and how much matter it contains, can be transported through this teleportation array. Isn't this teleportation array a super-giant'super-heavy slingshot'?"

Jin Xinyue's eyes lit up: "It sounds like this is what my father urgently needs right now. It can transmit a super teleportation array with thousands of horses in one go!"

Li Yao nodded: "Yes, but at the time, what we needed was not an'overweight slingshot' that could be used to deliver thousands of troops, but an'super-distance slingshot' like the enhanced version of the'Tianyuan Cannon' and the'Blood Demon Eye'. , Allows me and a few of my companions to travel across the sea of ​​stars and return home!"

"Therefore, the experts in the flying star world have carried out a comprehensive transformation of the Ice King teleportation array, and finally switched its teleportation mode completely, transforming it from a'planetary warship' to a'super-distant universe slingshot'! "

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Jin Xinyue instantly understood, and said excitedly: "Master said, since the'super-heavy slingshot' can be transformed into a'super-distance slingshot', it is completely possible to carry out reverse transformation and transform the'super-distance slingshot' into an'super-heavy slingshot'. !"

"The only super teleportation array in the blood demon world, the'Blood Demon Eye', is a'super-distance slingshot', which focuses on the teleportation distance and ignores the number of teleportation.

"However, through a series of modifications, it is entirely possible that it can be transformed into a'super-heavy slingshot'. It may no longer span a distance of 10,000 light-years, and it can no longer cover the Skeleton Star, but it can be used for thousands of horses. , They are all accurately teleported to the Tianyuan realm that is close at hand!"

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