40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1001: The true face of the Red Tide Project!

Jin Xinyue couldn't believe it: "Really?"

"of course!"

After Li Yao completed the preliminary analysis of the information, he was finally able to devote himself to communicating with his disciples. "Don't you think that we have infiltrated the Sky City this time. Although the persuasion plan failed, we have gained a lot of important information. Can it be said that we have returned with full satisfaction?"

Jin Xinyue: "The disciple is dull, and only faintly feels that the master seems to be completely suppressed by my father from the aura, it's like, it's like—"

Li Yao: "It's like being hung up by your father and beating violently, right?"

Jin Xinyue: "The disciples dare not!"

Li Yao waved his arms in excitement and snapped his fingers: "It's right to be hanged and beaten by your father!"

"After we reported our family, your father must have carefully studied my background information, but all the information about me in the Blood Demon Realm is up to the Skeleton Dragon star ten years ago!"

"At that time, I was just a foundation builder in my early twenties, too young, too naive, and too simple."

"In other words, your father doesn't know what I am like at this moment, and it is even more impossible to know how much I have changed in the past ten years!"

"And what I have to do is to use all kinds of naive theories, boastful fantasies, and plans on paper to strengthen and solidify his impression, making him think that I was just lucky enough to get many adventures, and then I got a hot head and thought I was the stunner of the savior, and then I felt like I was beating, ravaging, and playing with me!"

"A hero like your father must be invulnerable at ordinary times. Perhaps only in this state of mind can a trace of flaws be exposed!"

Jin Xinyue's mouth opened wider and wider: "So, Master and my father said so much, just to make him take it lightly and reveal his secrets?"

"But, I think he was very calm until the last second, and he didn't reveal any secrets!"

"What key information did Master get?"

Li Yao smiled and stretched out his index finger: "First of all, the most critical one is also the starting point for all our actions. We have confirmed that the red tide plan has not yet begun, and there is still time to stop it!"

"If we rushed to Tongtian City, but found ourselves rushing to the sky, and your father and all the Demon Kings were not in the headquarters of the Pantheon Hall, then we would really be over!"

"Because that means that they have been teleported to the Tianyuan Realm for the final battle, and we can only stare stupidly, right?"

Jin Xinyue thought for a while, shook her head and said, "No, my father didn't mean that the war has broken out?"

"What broke out was just a feint!"

Li Yaokan talked, "You and I know very well that the core of the Red Tide Plan is just the words "Sound East and West". The whole plan is divided into two stages. The first stage is a feint attack on the northern line. The route of the'Dark Desolation-Great Wilderness-Giant Blade Pass' route, launched an attack from the north side of the Star Federation!"

"The purpose of this feint attack is just to keep all the elites of the Federation firmly in the Great Blade Pass, and even induce them to go deep into the Great Wilderness to pursue them. It is best to take most of them like the previous'Cancer Project' of the Federation. The Crystal Armor battle group smashed in, chased and wiped out this'cannon fodder force', resulting in extreme emptiness in the rear of the Federation!"

"Afterwards, the real main force of the Blood Demon Realm will suddenly appear in the heartland of the southeastern part of the Federation, giving the Federation a fatal blow!"

"Sounding the east and hitting the west, there is a time difference between'Sound Movement' and'Bingxi'. This time difference is used to seduce the main force of the Federation. The farther the seduce is, the better. It's a simple truth, isn't it?"

Jin Xinyue's thoughts turned, and she instantly understood: "Master's words are reasonable. The feint has just exploded, indicating that there is still some time before the real attack."

"However, how can the Master be sure that the main force of the Blood Demon Realm has not crossed to the Tianyuan Realm in advance? Maybe they are now hovering in the counterattack base of the East Polar Demon Country under the East Sea of ​​the Star Federation!"

Li Yao shook his head and said, "This possibility is extremely small."

"I don't know how many elites your father organized to implement the'Red Tide Project', but it will cause serious damage to the confederacy of the Federation, even if they are all elites out of 10,000, at least a few hundred thousand, right? Hundreds of thousands? , Millions of powerhouses, as well as various powerful monsters, skeletal chariots, and monster battleships. How much supplies do they consume and how much evil spirits they emit every day?"

"Such a large-scale force has been hidden under the eastern coastline of the Federation for ten and a half months without being discovered? That would be too underestimation of the Xingyao Federation's reconnaissance capabilities!"

"The Red Tide Project, confidentiality first, your father can't do such a stupid thing."

"So now, the elites of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance must all be assembled somewhere in the blood demon world, replenish their energy, and wait for transmission!"

"Of course, these are just my speculations, and there is no evidence to support them. What if your father is so upright and stupid?"

"So our dive this time is actually a small test."

Jin Xinyue: "Test?"


Li Yao explained, “Don’t you think it’s weird? You have told me the defense system of Tongtian City in detail these days, but judging from the defensive forces we encountered today, the air defense is very tight, but Is there something missing from the ground power?"

Jin Xinyue was stunned for a moment: "It seems that this is the case. The sky is surrounded by phantom golden eagles, ghost-faced silver mosquitoes, and ghost jellyfish, all impervious to the wind. The demon emperor and demon warships are also very fast, but the ground troops are It was a lot less, it looked sparse, and we escaped without any effort!"

Li Yao said: "You once said that the troops deployed near Tongtian City include the'Eight Desolate Venomous Dragon' Legion of the Claw Tribe, the'Raging Thunder Beast' Legion of the Horn Tribe, the'Overlord Celestial Beetle' Legion of the Zerg Tribe, etc. We are elites, but today, none of us have encountered them. The ground forces we encountered were all miscellaneous soldiers."

Jin Xinyue's thoughts turned, and she instantly understood: "The demon elites originally deployed in Tongtian City, equivalent to the ‘Capital Guard Force’ of the Star Federation, have already set off ahead of schedule and rushed to the final assembly point!"

"Among the remaining troops in Tongtian City, the Ghostface Silver Mosquito and the Ghost Jellyfish are disposable consumables and don't need to be brought. The Phantom Golden Eagle, the Demon Battleship, and the Demon Emperor all move extremely fast and can rush to the assembly point at any time. !"

Li Yao smiled and said, "Look, you have read so much information."

"But this is only part."

"Although these elites have all left, there are still so many demon emperors and monster battleships in Tongtian City, and even your father stayed in Tongtian City."

"A war to destroy the country like this is purely the last fight. Your father and so many demon emperors will definitely come to the front line to command and fight, because it depends on whether you die or live. You must do your best. It is impossible. Keep a little bit behind."

"Your father and'Ape Demon' Yuan Riyue are still staying in Tongtian City, which confirms what I said above. The main force of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance has not yet crossed the Tianyuan Realm. They are still gathering somewhere in the Blood Demon Realm, waiting. After the arrival of the coach, a large-scale teleportation will begin!"

"Look, isn't this information still critical?"

Jin Xinyue blinked her big watery eyes for a long time.

She is usually considered agile and clever, but in front of the master, she always feels that her brain is slowing down by half a beat. After thinking for a long time, she hesitates: "Even if we know this information, what about it? Can the'Red Tide Project' be stopped?"

Li Yao smiled thiefly: "Well, it depends on the most core message I got from your father!"

"That is, the true face of the'Red Tide Project', what is it, and what is the'Real Red Tide Project'!"

Jin Xinyue was taken aback and almost jumped up: "The Red Tide Plan is not just to move the tiger away from the mountain and attack the west, so that the main force of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance will be sent from the secret wormhole opened by the East Pole Demon Kingdom to the Tianyuan Realm, and the main attack on the southern line will be covered by the northern line. Directly into the federal hinterland?"

Li Yao squinted his eyes, his eyes bloomed with two touches of sympathy: "Do you really think that the Red Tide Project is that simple?"

Jin Xinyue was completely dizzy: "This, is this simple? Isn't the truth like this, everything is concealed, and there is another set of real red tide plans?"

Li Yao sighed and said, "Assuming that the Red Tide Project is like this, why can you know it?"

Jin Xinyue frowned and said, "The Red Tide Project is the hard work of my father for decades. I was his daughter and discovered it by accident!"

Li Yao said indifferently: "You have said that your father is a ruthless and unrighteous machine, an out-and-out hero. Do you think how much he cares about such things as kinship?"

"What's more, you killed your stepmother, his most beloved wife, and did a lot of things that harmed the interests of the Golden Crow State, and you even secretly planned to kill him!"

"He knows all these things!"

"But he didn't have the righteousness to kill his relatives, and even relaxed his vigilance, allowing you to understand the truth of the'Red Tide Project'! Don't you think it is weird and suspicious?"

Cold sweat broke out on Jin Xinyue’s forehead, and her mind seemed to be cut by two sharp scalpels. She shuddered involuntarily and murmured, “Master is right. Thinking about it, this matter is indeed very serious. It’s strange, with my father’s character and strategy, how can the most crucial plan be known by my rebellious and ambitious daughter?"

"It's not just you."

Li Yao said calmly, "In fact, in recent years, in order to persuade the various tribes to implement the Red Tide Plan, your father has unavoidably revealed part of the plan to those who are strong. Therefore, at the highest level of the blood demon world, the Red Tide Plan It's not a big secret at all!"

"A plan based on ‘secret’ has been known to so many people several years before it was implemented. Is it really good?"

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