40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1000: The most critical information (fourth!)

Just as Yuwen Jiubian led the feint troops on the northern front of the Ten Thousand Demon Allied Forces, rushing on the Tianyuan Great Wilderness, the monster heart of the Blood Demon Realm, Tongtian City, was in chaos.

In the dark night, the seven monster warships were like tiger sharks hibernating in the deep sea, suddenly jumping out of the black water, showing their sharpest fangs.

The five demon kings erupted from all angles of the sky and underground, and the demon aura of lightning and thunder erupted, and the aura firmly locked the place where the weak psychic energy fluctuations emitted!

"Ape Demon" Yuan Riyue is three meters long, really like a thunderous ancient ape, the first one turned into a streamer and rushed to the hiding place of "Vulture Li Yao"!

However, at the moment he plunged into the alley, the hut hidden deep in the alley seemed like a supernova exploded, blooming with the most dazzling brilliance!

In an instant, the dark night of Tongtian City was like daylight, and the mysterious light rose into the sky like a volcanic eruption, and the light like the sparks of a celestial lady scattered flowers, covering all the five demon kings and seven demon battleships!

The five demon emperors did not expect that "Vulture Li Yao" would be so decisive, and they were caught off guard and quickly retreated!

Fortunately, the other party’s arrangement focused all the destructive power in the lair, but they did not suffer any harm. After an earth-shattering explosion, both the Demon Emperor and the Demon Battleship were unscathed, only one was left on the ground. The seven-eight-meter-deep pit is steaming.

It seemed as if a meteor fell straight from the sky, razing the dilapidated hut to the ground, but it did not cause any damage to the nearby buildings!

The five demon kings looked at each other, and carefully released their spiritual thoughts to explore, and found that the bottom of the pit was in the heat of thousands of degrees!

"Seeing that the situation is not good, he detonated such a powerful spar bomb and killed himself, not even leaving us a piece of bone scum!"

"To myself, it's so cruel!"

"It's a pity, if he hesitates for a few seconds, he will have a chance to catch him alive!"

"The commander is also too careless. Since the opponent can make trouble in the blood demon world for so long without being caught, how can he be an ordinary cultivator? At the last moment, he reminded the other party? What does the commander think!"

"Ape Demon" Yuan Riyue's eyes were gloomy, her furry fists were tightly clenched, and the bones of "pop! Pop! Pop!" his canine teeth penetrated deeply into the fangs, but he didn't say a word.

He didn't expect that the ending would be like this.

This ending is simply more unacceptable than a battle between him and the opponent, and he was killed by the opponent!


"Ape Demon" Yuan Riyue finally couldn't control it. The golden hairs of the demon emperor's body stood up, and his chest swelled like a balloon. His arms blasted his heart heavily, and he let out a deafening roar.

The shock wave passed through the border like a hurricane, and all the houses within a radius of several hundred meters collapsed!


Thirty kilometers away, another piece of chaotic, cascading residential high places.

Li Yao opened the window to a narrow gap, using ultra-high resolution crystal eyes to observe the distant scene with great interest

"It seems to have been discovered."

He twitched his mouth. "Your father really sent a large number of people to intercept us. Fortunately, they are now firmly attracted by the false targets. Take this opportunity to implement the No. 4 retreat plan and escape from the city!"

In three seconds, Li Yao swept all the things in the room that would reveal their identity into the universe ring, dragging Jin Xinyue, and quickly shuttled through the misty Xiacheng district.

This area has been inspected by the Allied Demon Army just now, and at this moment the attention of the Allied Demon Army has been attracted by the big explosion in the distance, and the alert has become more relaxed.

They were in the poor streets and alleys, unimpeded all the way, fifteen minutes later, they appeared on the outskirts of Tongtian City.

After half an hour, he appeared in the depths of a small col, in a cave extending in all directions.

Until this moment, Li Yao finally breathed a long sigh of relief, and grinned at Jin Xinyue: "Fortunately, it is not a complete failure to escape!"

Jin Xinyue stared at her teacher with a "damn" look.

Just half a day ago, Jin Xinyue was still a little muttered in her heart.

Their "persuasion plan" is obviously already very thorough, why did Li Yao make another move and wasted two more days to arrange a "fake goal".

Yes, the point-to-point communicator used by the mine that could communicate with Jin Tuyi was indeed hidden by Li Yao in the semi-basement deep in Tongtian City.

However, Li Yao modified this peer-to-peer communicator again, connecting it with a biochemical brain.

And this biochemical brain is in the brain wave connection with a biochemical brain in another hiding place thirty kilometers away.

Just like between the crystal brain and the crystal brain, it can be connected wirelessly to form a local area network, and of course, it can also be connected between the biochemical brain.

It uses a principle similar to "brain wave amplification", which is somewhat similar to "electrocardiographic induction", which uses brain waves to oscillate, interfere, and interact with each other to transmit information.

In Tongtian City, the biochemical brains of countless monster races continuously release this kind of "brain waves" to the outside world at all times, forming large and small "brain nets".

If the frequency of a certain brain wave is not known exactly, it is difficult to lock onto it.

Through the biochemical brain around him, Li Yao first sent his divine consciousness to a secret stronghold 30 kilometers away, and then transformed it into a crystal brain's psychic energy fluctuations, and sent it to the commander's mansion of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons.

Jin Tuyi might think that Li Yao was talking to him in this secret stronghold, but the truth is that this secret stronghold is just a springboard, a "transit station", not their real hiding place.

Of course, Li Yao inevitably left some small "toys" in this "transit station", including some powerful spar bombs, and debris that had contaminated their blood and cells.

What Jin Tuyi was searching for was a faint wave of psychic energy, but he would never have thought that what he should really search for was a weird "brain wave"!

What Jin Xinyue can't figure out is, isn't Li Yao a craftsman? Of course he is good at refining magic weapons, but how does he know how to connect the crystal brain and the biochemical brain together?

Compared with the technical details, she was even more puzzled about how Li Yao knew that the negotiation would definitely break down?

Jin Xinyue is a saint in the Pantheon Palace, and naturally also has a cautious character. If she has plenty of time, of course she will not refuse to set up seventeen or eight "transfer stations."

However, the situation at the time was already tens of thousands of rushes, and every second was extremely precious. Li Yao even wasted two whole days to set up the game, as if he expected that the negotiation would definitely fail, and his father would definitely attack them!

The question is, if he had expected that it would never be possible to convince his father, why would he waste time and risk his life and death to sneak into the city of Tongtian?

Just to have a long conversation with your father?

How can it be!

Jin Xinyue originally thought that she had fully understood Li Yao's plan, but now she realized that what she saw was the tip of the iceberg. She couldn't guess Li Yao's real thoughts and plans at all!


Jin Xinyue hesitated for a long time, and finally couldn't help but ask, "You knew it was impossible to convince my father?"

Li Yao's hands turned into a stream of light on the light curtain, quickly analyzing the information collected just now, and casually said: "Almost, but not necessarily, everything is possible, what if your father's brain is flooded? "

Jin Xinyue was even more confused: "Master, how come it seems that you know my father very well and have counted every movement of him?"

"Wrong, I don't understand your father."

Li Yao stared at the light curtain intently, "I just know myself very well, I know what I am."

"I am a craftsman, and I also have a little experience in combat and blasting. These are my strengths."

"But my strong point definitely does not include the advantage of being able to speak my tongue, and to persuade people with illusory truths!"

"Your father is different. His old man has been the patriarch of the feather clan for so many years, behind the scenes he controls one of the four great powers in the blood demon world, and has been unanimously elected by so many demon kings as the commander of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance, and he can persuade all demon tribes. They all unite to implement his extremely risky'Red Tide Plan'!"

"Combining so many factors together, your father's theoretical level, demonstrative level, and incitement to others are really terrifying to the point where they can no longer be horrified, okay?"

"For example, if the full score is 100 points, my ability to confuse and incite is at most 30 points, and your father can at least score 95 points!"

"If we have any irrefutable evidence, it's okay to say, but now we don't have strong evidence at all. Everything is reasoning and speculation!"

"Want to rely on me to persuade your father to believe in ‘peace’? It’s an act of humiliation!"

"It's like asking your father to compete with me for refining art, completely coming up to die!"

"Honestly speaking, I was able to withstand the pressure just now without being brainwashed by your father. It is already the limit!"

"It goes without saying that your father is like a hero, just my pale and weak point of view, what kind of ‘peace’, ‘unity’, just come to a high school student who reads a few extracurricular books, he won’t believe it, right?

Jin Xinyue was completely dumbfounded and stammered: "So, that, what is the point of everything we do? What is it for!"

Li Yao blinked his eyes and said calmly, "Didn't I say it a long time ago, in order to communicate with your father!"

Jin Xinyue: "But, you know you can't convince my father!"

Li Yao: "The purpose of communication is not necessarily to persuade each other, but to gather vital information from the process of communicating with each other!"

"In fact, in the exchange just now, I have obtained the most crucial information from your father!"

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