40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 999: Fight in the air!

When Jin Luanyun led the "Golden Eagle" team and shredded the clouds over the Great Wilderness, he did not see the "Brilliant Pantheon Palace".

I only saw that on the vast wasteland, the Allied Demons surged up like a tide from the ground, forming waves of destruction, instantly swallowing more than a dozen federal guard posts, and staining the gray and white deserts into black.

The war went smoothly.

The obstacles ahead have been removed, and the first batch of low-level monster races have also stood firm and built a defensive line.

After the defensive line, an even larger teleportation array was built, covering an area of ​​hundreds of meters with monster patterns and charms, bursting out bright like fireworks, like a flaming torch, guiding the expeditionary forces in another world In the direction.

The low-level monster races and the smaller skeletal chariots can directly tear open the wormholes and project them to the Celestial Realm.

However, the Demon King and the super giant monster battleship must first build a teleportation array and construct a "temporary floating bridge" between the two worlds before they can be teleported over.

In the war between the two worlds, teleportation is the most critical step, which is equivalent to the "sand landing" in ancient wars!

Jin Luanyun, the "Golden Eagle Air Wing" composed of thirteen Golden Crow country silver-blood feather tribes and 13 biochemical beasts, is tasked with ensuring the safety of the airspace for "landing on the beach" and clearing the enemy’s possessions. Possible aerial reconnaissance points.

In the past, the blood demon realm’s invasion of the Tianyuan realm was dominated by the feather tribes, horn tribes, and zerg tribes of the Youquan Kingdom and the Lion Slaughter Kingdom. Most of the time, they were simple armies. Only the Zerg tribe possessed some "ghost-faced silver mosquitoes, colorful flying "Locust" and other low-altitude strike units.

This was still the trump card of the Blood Demon Realm, and it was the first time that it appeared upright in the sky of the Tianyuan Realm.

Thinking of this, Jin Luanyun couldn't help his heartbeat speeding up and his blood was boiling.

He made up his mind to put on a good show to let those cultivators who fly with swords know who is the master of the sky!

"The distance is 170, there is a strong psychic energy fluctuation!"

Jin Luanyun's biochemical beast "Golden Eagle", keenly perceives the enemy from the south, the biochemical brain is twitching violently, searching for the approximate frequency data of these psychic energy fluctuations from the memory unit.

Soon, the biochemical brain output the results.

"The frequency of the opponent's psychic energy fluctuations is very similar to the fluctuations of certain exercises in the database of the'Tianyuan Realm, Spiritual Power Sect' during operation."

"The Spiritual Power Sect is one of the top 500 sects in the Star Federation. It possesses the fascinating art ‘The Method of Seeing, Seeing, and Hearing’. Its supernatural powers are stronger than ultra-high resolution crystal eyes!"

Jin Luanyun understood.

That is the enemy's scout.

"Continue to analyze the enemy's firepower configuration, pay attention to the wind shear, enter the free wind area on the left wing, rely on turbulence to cover our demon energy, cut into the distance of 30, rapid fire attack!"

Jin Luanyun issued an attack command to his subordinates. Through the biochemical nerve bundle, he accurately adjusted the angle of the golden eagle's feathers, causing the speed to soar by another step, and swept towards the cultivator of the Spiritual Power Sect, one hundred and seventy kilometers away.

When there was still 120 kilometers away from the opponent, the golden eagle finally scanned the details of the opponent.

"It scanned the spray fluctuations of the power rune array of 22'Poisonous War Shuttles.' This type of war shuttle is usually operated by ordinary soldiers."

"There are also seven cultivators, four of them refining qi, two building foundations, and...one pill formation!"

As soon as the word "Jie Dan" emerged from Jin Luanyun's brain, he felt a strong tingling pain!

It's Feijian!

Beyond the visual range attack is the strength of the core formation cultivator, spanning a distance of more than one hundred kilometers, before the two sides completely locked each other, the core formation cultivator of the Spirit Electric Sect shot a flying sword of lightning and stone fire at him!

Jin Luanyun seemed to be able to see, that flying sword was looming with arcs, piercing through the clouds and breaking through the air, whistling towards it!


On the golden eagle’s eyes, several layers of overlapping crystal membranes were enveloped. The pupils continued to expand and contract, causing the photoreceptor cells on the retina to be stimulated to the limit, and the flying trajectory of this flying sword was instantly locked in. The biochemical brain jumped out of its detailed information.

"Xuanyue-3 electric flying sword is 1.7 meters long and weighs 55 kilograms. The blade can be filled with 7.5 kilograms of high-explosive electric spar. The maximum range is 150 kilometers, the best range is 80 kilometers, and the maximum speed is 3.3 times the speed of sound. The biggest feature is that around the blade, there are four miniature swept-back angled "sub-swords" that act as stabilizing wings. The sub-swords are constrained by the spiritual electromagnetic field, and coordinated with three sets of vector propulsion symbolic arrays, it can be used for two times at the end of the attack Changing attack points, extremely difficult to lock and evade!"

This is a flying sword specially used for aerial combat, with multiple attack modes such as heat source lock, demon energy lock, free lock of high-speed moving targets, and spiritual manipulation.

Jin Luanyun sensed that he had been locked firmly.

He snorted coldly, and a confident smile came up at the corner of his mouth.

Attacking beyond the visual range has always been the strength of cultivators, but as long as they cut within 30 kilometers of the opponent and start a close dog fight, that is the domain of their monster race!

"Come on, my'Golden Eagle' is completely different from the'Ghost Face Silver Mosquito' you used to deal with, the'Colorful Migratory Locust'!"


Jin Luanyun soared his speed to the limit, and even rushed straight at the "Xuanyue-3" electric flying sword, and he could even see the fierce glow blooming on the tip of the sword!

Seeing that the other party was about to pierce him with humans and biochemical beasts, he was driving the golden eagle and sank suddenly, as if hitting an invisible wall of air, swooping toward the ground, but in the sky. Dozens of golden feathers were left in the middle, and a strong demon spirit lingered between the feathers, which vaguely simulated the demon spirit of a golden eagle!

Demon avatar, interfere with the lock!

The "Xuanyue-3" electric flying sword was in front of this false demon avatar. It also abruptly turned out a stern arc, and struck him again!

"Is a master!"

Jin Luanyun became excited.

It is indeed a pill formation. At the last moment, I used divine will to intervene in time to fine-tune the direction of the flying sword, and the performance of the "Xuanyue-3" type is really good enough, three times the speed of sound, close at hand, can Turn around!

Jin Luanyun tried his best, and the golden eagle seemed to be caught in an invisible vortex, circling quickly in mid-air.

The flying sword surrounded by purple electricity was chasing after him, and it circulated round and round behind him, screaming harshly.


The "Xuanyue-3" electric flying sword staggered, and its tip was like a spring, trembling violently.

Jin Luanyun smiled slightly, and took the opportunity to release a light red miasma, completely covering the "Xuanyue-3" electric flying sword.

Under the erosion of "Red Rainbow Transforming Void Miasma", the spar contained in the flying sword was quickly detonated, and the volley turned into a splendid fireball.

The "Xuanyue-3" electric flying sword is good in everything, but it has one of the biggest weaknesses. When hovering at a super-small angle at a high speed, the performance of the sensor talisman will be greatly reduced, and the subtle changes in the surrounding air cannot be sensed.

Jin Luanyun took advantage of this, after flirting with the "Xuanyue-3" flying sword, he introduced a piece of air turbulence that he had already sensed, and successfully solved the cultivator's out-of-sight attack!

At the moment when he was fighting with Feijian, his team members had already rushed forward aggressively and attacked the human air reconnaissance team.

They are silver-blooded nobles in the water, and they all control biochemical beasts, and they are the most terrifying existence in the sky!

The ordinary soldiers driving the "Poison Bee War Shuttle" are not their opponents at all. Even a few cultivators in the Qi refining period are still falling under their attack. There are only three foundation-building and pill formations wearing crystal armor. Can barely entangle with them.

However, when Jin Luanyun, who was the Demon King, flashed three flying swords again, exploded two flying swords, and cut within ten kilometers of that pill formation monk, the brief stalemate was completely torn apart. broken.

Jin Luanyun erected every blade-like feather on the golden eagle, and when he rushed towards the cultivator, he just saw the undulating clouds in the east, a red sun rising slowly, dyeing the sky. The original blood and the sea of ​​fire.

The gushing red sun seemed to symbolize the future of their blood demon world, a splendid splendor!


Yuwen Jiuchang stood on the cloud, carrying his hands on his back, coldly looking down at the earth.

As the Demon Sovereign, he was the commander-in-chief of the Northern Front of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance in this desperate battle to destroy the country.

Under the clouds, his troops were advancing quickly.

The Golden Eagles of the Feathers have cleaned up thousands of kilometers of airspace. The Tianwu Bronze Bulls of the Horns have overwhelmed one of the Federal Army’s largest strongholds in the northern part of the Wilderness. The Gale Panthers of the Claws are even better The dusty ground penetrated five hundred kilometers, as if into an uninhabited state.

However, Yuwen Jiubian is very clear that all this is in vain.

The three units of Golden Eagle, Tianwu Bronze Niu, and Gale Flame Leopard are all the elite combat power under his command. The rest of the sea of ​​insects and beasts that seem to be full of mountains and plains and hideous faces are nothing but cannon fodder that has been carefully camouflaged.

What he is doing is a suicidal attack that is doomed to failure.

His only task is to lead this false main force to "violently" slay down to the Great Blade Pass, and firmly nail all the elite combat power of the Tianyuan Realm to the Great Blade Pass, and even induce them to take the initiative and go deep. The Great Wilderness "smashed" oneself.

Thus adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, and paving the way for the "Red Tide Project" as the true main force of the Southern Route!

"so what?"

Looking at it, Yu Wenjiu smiled and murmured, "Even if there are only three elites of Golden Eagle, Tianwu Bronze Bull, and Gale Flame Leopard, I still want every soldier and cultivator of the Xingyao Federation in the future. For thousands of years, I will always remember me, Yuwen Jiuchang's name!"

The moment he finished saying this, he burst into laughter and shook his head mockingly.

I almost forgot, after a thousand years, there will be no more "Star Federation" this country, it will be completely swallowed up by the blood demon world, and even the scum will not be left.

Yuwen Jiubian firmly believes in this, and firmly believes that the rising, magnificent sun in the distance will soon belong to them, to the monster race!


In the afternoon, Lao Niu has something to go out, so Chapter Three will be updated sooner.

The description of the war in these three chapters is cumbersome, but considering the needs of the subsequent plot, it is still necessary, so let's let it go in one breath.

I don’t know when I will be back at night, but no matter when, the fourth watch will be made later. Hehe, the fourth watch will return to Li Yao's side to see how he gets out of the game!

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