40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 998: Black Flint and Sentry (Part 2)

The black flint was a little uncomfortable.

It is said that only the demon clan who is particularly pious to their ancestors and has a particularly pure soul can see the Pantheon Palace in the clouds.

Black Flint is very wronged, he feels that he has always been very sincere to his ancestors.

Although he is not quite sure about those ancestors, what Pangu, Gonggong, Kuafu, Houyi, etc., who is and who did what, but he did not pay the monthly "ancestral tax" Is the most refreshing? The master told him the rules of his ancestors, and he was also honest, and never violated any of them.

"It's all that stupid lady's bad thing!"

Black Flint murmured a word in his heart, and his bull's eyes were quickly covered with layers of bloodshot eyes.

Seeing the entire Wildhammer company, he was the only one who hadn’t seen him. Black Flint’s eyes were red and swollen, and his head began to faint with waves. In a moment of anger and anxiety, his eyelids jumped wildly. It seems that I really saw a piece of light from the clouds, a piece of colorful light.

"I saw it! I saw it!"

Black Flint didn't know if the "Brilliant Pantheon Palace" looked like this, but he was so excited that he shed tears.

"That is the Pantheon Palace, that is above the sea of ​​stars, our destination!"

The golden horn master waved the demon-printed horned warhammer out of storms, and roared murderously, "Come on, warriors, go and let those despicable, cowardly human races see, Pangu bloodline is amazing!"

Ahead, countless crimson fireflies guide, whether it’s a black-horned pack cow, a meteor iron bull or an iron-tailed barbaric bull... the eyes of all the bull races released flames, and the demon gas gushing out of the nostrils condensed in mid-air. Rolling red clouds!

Together, they launched a jumbled and chaotic charge toward the human outpost!

Black Flint's brain has been burned to a mess by nerve stimulants, and his calm consciousness is quickly being replaced by the desire to kill. At this moment, he can't even imagine what the "brilliant Pantheon Temple" is like.

The master said that as long as he fights bravely and immerses himself in the fight, he can ascend to the glorious Pantheon Hall, and no longer need to worry about how to cultivate the two thin fields covered with poisonous wattle and two-tailed scorpions. There is a wine pond in the Pantheon hall. , Countless delicacies and delicacies, neither farming nor mining, just be happy all day long!

Black Flint doesn't know what is called "jiuchi meat forest", and don't understand what "precious delicacy" means, only knows that they are all delicious things.

But even "delicious and delicious things", Black Flint does not know what it is like. Since its birth, all the things that Black Flint has eaten, at most barely filling the stomach, and "delicious and delicious" It's definitely not a catch.

Somehow, in the last shining spark in Black Flint's mind, a greasy roast chicken suddenly jumped out.

That was the image of the big human village he had seen in the illusion.

It was a very big, very big, very big village. It was so big that Black Flint didn’t know how to describe it. He had forgotten all other details in the big village, except that this one was placed in an iron stove. The roast chicken looks crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, sparkling, and constantly bubbling. The roast chicken dripping with oil is deeply engraved on his cerebral cortex, and even the chicken fat dripping on the coals emits "chicks." He remembered the sound of "chicks" clearly.

Every hard night in the barracks, after thinking about the wife and the two little boys, Black Flint kept trying to figure out what roasted chicken should taste like.

Is it as tender as "Bitter Grass Insect" or as crisp as "Red Fern Root"?

Of course Black Flint has seen and caught chickens, but he has never been willing to eat them. It is a very valuable thing.

Besides, the master wouldn't let them eat. The master said that the cows are born to eat grass, at least the black blood cows should eat grass, and at most they should get some small bugs to relieve their greed. This is the rule of the ancestors.

If you eat big fish and big meat and break the rules of your ancestors, you won't be able to go to the Pantheon Hall after death. Not only will he not be able to go, but also his mother-in-law and cubs.

"I don't know if there is roast chicken in the'Brilliant Pantheon Hall'? If there is'big fish and meat' there, it should be allowed by the ancestors?"

Black Flint was thinking wildly, and ran wildly while spreading his hoofs.

These black bloods did not carry heavy weapons and armors. Their task was to attack all human outposts, strongholds and battle castles within the line of sight as soon as they crossed the Tianyuan realm, as the follow-up troops of the Allied Forces of Demons. Remove all obstacles, or, in other words, block all possible firepower points.

The Black Flint Stone ran with four hoofs and ran fast. The burning sensation of his brain made his blood boil, as if he had put on his wings and got out of his body, free from this clumsy and ugly body.

He thought of the shiny roasted chicken, becoming more and more vigorous, like a roaring wind, quickly surpassing all his companions, surpassing the "missing ears", and the first one to rush to a dozen or so gate crystals. A human outpost guarded by a magnetic cannon.

A blank smile appeared on Black Flint's face, and he shook his tail towards the "missing ears" three times, revenge for the guy's mockery of himself.

"Missing ears" is always like this, with soft hands and feet, he can't run away from him every time. Bai has a good body, no wonder the mother-in-law would follow him back then, instead of "Missing ears", the guy with the thicker and bigger horns.

"If I really go to the Ten Thousand Demons Hall in the sky and see the roast chicken, I must get half of it for the mother-in-law and the cubs to taste it!"

Black Flint frowned, using the few remaining active brain cells to seriously think about how to steal the roast chicken from the Pantheon.

He has grown up so much and has never stolen anything!

On the crystal magnetic cannon in the Human Race post in front, there was a ray of beautiful rays of light, full of brilliance, and colorful, just like the "brilliant Pantheon Palace" he saw in the clouds.

"Strange, why is the Pantheon Palace in the human cannon?"

Black Flint was puzzled, and suddenly found himself flying high, his mouth was sticky, wet, and there was a sour smell.

"Is this the taste of roast chicken?"

Black Flint struggled, wanting to turn his tongue again and savor this wonderful smell.

He straightened his arms and waved wildly in the void, trying to copy the fragrant and fatty roast chicken.

In the human outpost on the opposite side.

Covered with a beard, there is a red nose that rushes with garlic, like a drunk sentry all day long, watching the dense red spots on the light curtain increase, "Bah", spit on the ground and muttered:

"It's **** bad luck."

Since the "Battle of Dawn", almost all the towns and military bases of the Federation in the Great Wilderness have been destroyed, and it has been unable to maintain a long supply line and build a larger war base north of the Great Wilderness.

Now, the Federation adopts a strategy of shrinking defenses, focusing most of its elite on the front line of the Great Blade Pass in the southern part of the Great Wilderness, and at the same time putting more resources into the construction of the new full crystal armor battle group.

In the vast wilderness of the northern part of the Great Wilderness, there are only sparsely arranged outposts.

Rather than relying on these outposts to resist the demon race, it is better to say that when the demon tribe army comes in, they are required to sound the alarm as soon as possible, and initially detect the demon race's fictitiousness and reality.

The Union forces stationed in these outposts are very clear about their responsibilities and their fate once the demon race arrives.

But this is war. The Star Federation's magical powers have not yet been reached. It can refine a magic weapon to the extent that it can completely replace the sentinel in the extremely complex psychic environment.

The only thing the EFF can do is to shorten the mission time of each sentry as much as possible and replace a batch of sentries every seven days.

Every sentinel, as long as he stays for seven days, can get a long one-month holiday to go home and reunite with his family.

This sentry has been holding on for seven and a half days.

Coming to replace his sentry, he encountered a thunderstorm area on the way. The transport ship was struck by lightning and was undergoing emergency repairs. He could only stay here for one more day.

who knows!

The sentry was trembling and dancing with ten fingers. He was a rough and rough man, but like a bullied child, he cried very aggrievedly.


The sentry cried and said, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

While crying, the sentry slapped a sedative medicine into his neck, took another cigarette, and then turned on the crystal brain, quickly inputting everything he observed.

As a series of data and images were turned into spiritual waves and transmitted to the rear, the sentry breathed a sigh of relief and found that all his nose was running on his lips.

The sentry wiped away tears and nasal mucus with his dirty cuffs, and took out his own private brain from his arms, like stroking the world's most precious gemstone, and inspiring a curtain of light.

This is the forefront of the Great Wilderness. The psychic environment is too complicated to communicate directly with the federal hinterland. The Federal Army also has its own rules. Soldiers can carry private crystal brains, but they are not allowed to connect to the psychic network.

What he inspired was just a three-dimensional photo stored in it.

In the photo, there is a woman with curling curly hair, a slightly fat body, smiling, and two boys with heads and brains.

The older boy winked at him and made a weird look.

The sentry smiled, and suddenly remembered that he and his wife had said that he had quit smoking. He hurriedly pinched out the cigarette **** and picked his teeth with his tongue. Only then did he tying the big mouth with the hair and gently kissed it towards the illusory mysterious light , Kissed Xuan Guang into a thin ripple.

The sentry put the crystal brain upright next to him, turned around and picked up a crystal magnetic cannon.

The crystal magnetic gun on this fixed position can be manipulated by the control crystal brain in the post. He only needs to sit in front of the light curtain and monitor it.

However, the sentry still disabled one of the crystal magnetic cannons from automatic firing and switched to manual control.

Under normal circumstances, a crystal magnetic gun requires three soldiers to be manually operated.

The sentry bit his teeth, exhausted all his energy, and smashed the crystal box into the magazine one by one.


There were arcs on the three magnetic tracks of the Jing Magneto, and the arc spread to his arms, tearing his skin, nerves and flesh to pieces!

The sentinel’s tears turned red. He glanced at the fine ripples on the light curtain for the last time, took a deep breath, moved his head to the aiming position of the Crystal Magneto, squinted his left eye, and firmly locked it at the end. The monster in front.

That is a crazy bull.

He ran so fast that many blood beads penetrated all over his body, which was evaporated by the heat and turned into a faint blood mist, making his huge figure even more ugly.

The mad cow grinned grimly, and the bull's eyes that almost burst out of the eye sockets were filled with violent light, and the corners of the mouth were filled with pale yellow saliva, which looked hungry.

The sentry can completely imagine the scene after being rushed into the town by such a monster.

The sentry used bloody, barely boned fingers, rubbed the sparking talisman array of the crystal magneto, and muttered, "Come on, beast!"

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