40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 997: Black Flint and Sentry (Part 1)

Just as the dark night of Tongtian City was illuminated by an extremely gorgeous firework like daytime, the black flint on the Tianyuan Realm and the Great Wilderness was also being dizzy and dizzy by the exceptionally bright moonlight.

The soft sand under his feet made him sway lightly from left to right like stepping on cotton, and finally used two hooves to bend backwards to support his huge body.

Black Flint took a deep breath, and the feeling of dizziness that had just subsided came up again. The air in the Heavenly Origin Realm was too clear and sweet, which made him a little drunk. He kept inhaling and inhaling until Six lung lobes were about to explode, and they all forgot to exhale.

Black Flint clutched his "bang-bang" heartbeat, and together with his companions, shrank his head and brains, carefully looking at this new world.

As a black blood warrior at the bottom of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, he and his company's partners have been to the Celestial Realm countless times in the illusion, but the feeling of truly crossing this world is the same as any hallucinogenic potion. It can't be simulated.

The sky here is so stable, the moonlight is so bright, the wind is so soft, and the air is so sweet. Even the fine sand rolled up by the wind doesn't seem to have any toxins or miasma, let alone hide too much blood sucking. Fly!

Black Flint can't figure it out, why does the Human Race call this "Great Wilderness"? Compared with the Blood Demon Realm, where is "wild" here?

According to Black Flint, it should be called...it should be called...

Black Flint stretched out four thick and short fingers, scratched his rough scalp, grinned, and left the matter behind.

As the "black horned pack cow" clan of the black blood monster clan, Black Flint and his brothers have never been good at thinking, don't think about things that you can't think of, just listen to the master's instructions.

Black Flint blinked his bull's eyes with the big copper bell, looking around for his master.

He saw that he was on a piece of white sand. Behind him was lightning and thunder, the unpredictable dark territories, but in front of him was the wasteland of Pingchuan, with only a few lonely human outposts flashing with panic. Disoriented light.

Since the fusion of the two realms of Tianyuan and the blood demon has accelerated, the area of ​​the dark extremity, which is the fusion point of the two realms, has continued to expand, and has now covered one-third of the area in the northern part of the Great Wilderness.

And tearing apart a wormhole in the sky over the Great Wilderness has also become easier than in the past. It only takes a small amount of spar to make a demon battleship or a demon emperor descend into the Tianyuan realm!

Of such a complicated matter, of course Black Flint didn't know. He only saw that by his side, colorful **** of light appeared in the air in all directions.

At first, the ball of light was wobbly like fireflies, but it quickly expanded and became a bunch of giant torches with a diameter of more than ten meters. When the dazzling light turned into strands of light and the smoke disappeared, countless monsters appeared. In the Celestial Realm!

Black Flint's stupid brain couldn't remember the names of these monster races. He had never seen so many strangers of the same kind.

He couldn’t even tell whether these guys were of the same kind. They looked so strange. Some looked like a mixture of lions and tigers. Some had three or four wings, seven or eight eyes, and a long colorful feather tail. , Some are billowing like balloons, covered with a layer of spikes, floating in the air, when other monster races accidentally touch them, they will scream and swell their bodies for another round. , The spikes turned crimson.

These guys don't seem to be messy. If they meet in the deep mountains and old forests, Black Flint will definitely run away.

But right now, Black Flint knew that everyone was in the same group.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A series of muffled thunder-like explosions erupted in the air, and dozens of firefly-like light spots condensed together, stimulating a mysterious light magnetic field with a diameter of hundreds of meters.

A group of behemoths condense quickly in the magnetic field.

When the mysterious light dissipated, under the pale moonlight, there appeared a head as high as four or five stories high, with a black carapace draped all over the body, and a giant worm with a tens of meters-long spurge growing on the forehead!


The black carapace around the big insect trembled at high speed, spewing out a series of strong monster energy, like a hundred majestic battle flags planted on his body.

Black Flint shivered involuntarily.

Although he didn't know the name of this big worm, as a horned clan, he was born with awe and respect for this kind of beast with "big horns".


"Moo! Moo! Moo!"

Black Flint and the Black Horned Pack Cattle partner of the same company echoed the big insects.

Black Flint originally had a trace of fear for those "cruel human races", but at this moment it was not afraid of anything.

There is such a powerful insect here, the halberd horn alone is tens of meters long, and no matter how fierce the enemy is, can it defeat such a beast?

"Hurry up!"

The old man with golden horns and wearing a black battle suit and dark red armor finally appeared. He vigorously wielded the super giant horned warhammer engraved with the demon pattern, and roared, "Wildhammer company, hurry up and gather, you stupid bulls, also What the **** is dying, is anyone thinking of a long life?"

"The evil human race has invaded and occupied the territories of our monster race for two hundred years! They burned our city, killed my compatriots, and destroyed our civilization in the great wilderness!"

"Now, after destroying the Great Wilderness, their magic claws want to extend to our last home, the blood demon world!"

"The evil human race is secretly planning an invasion of the blood demon world!"

"They will destroy our blood demon world like the Great Desolate! They will kill our relatives like the Eastern Polar Demon Race and Great Desolate Demon Race!"

"In order to protect our relatives and defend our homeland, we must cut off this demon claw and wipe out all the evil human races!"

"Humans are cowards who only hide behind the city wall and release flying swords and crystal magnetic cannons!"

"And we are the blood of the Pangu tribe, the descendants of Kuafu, Gonggong and Nuwa!"

"This is the last war, the glorious Pantheon Palace is waiting for us in the clouds!"

"Even if our bodies are destroyed, our souls will be reborn in the glorious Pantheon Hall, achieving eternal immortality!"

"Destruction, rebirth, immortality!"

"Destruction, rebirth, immortality!"

The black flint erected two small bull ears and tried to listen.

To be honest, he didn't quite understand what the master was saying.

Glancing at his companions around him, he grew up in a small mountain village with him since he was a child, and his little friend "Miss Ears" who was caught together half a year ago was winking at him, just as confused.

Black Flint "hehe" smirked, knowing that his little friend was as stupid as himself, he was quite happy.

After spending half a year in the barracks, the black Flint, who was born with infinite power, had no dissatisfaction with others. It was just a bit dizzy at the three times a day, "evil human race" and "brilliant pantheon palace". rise.

He doesn’t know what these complicated words mean, but vaguely knows that those human races are not satisfied with occupying the best territories in the world, and he wants to burn his thatched huts and kill his mother-in-law. , Slaughter all his cubs to eat.

Black Flint had never known what it meant by "a good site".

But now, breathing the clear air of the Great Wilderness, he seemed to understand.

If even such a good place is called the "Great Wilderness" by those human races, what would a better place look like?

Black Flint suddenly felt a wave of nameless anger rushed into his heart.

Half a year of fighting in the dark in the barracks failed to make him forget what it was like to eat in the barren land.

He didn't understand. The human race occupied such a good place. Why was he still not satisfied, thinking about occupying their poor mountain village?

Look, the Populus euphratica here will not bite people, and the cactus will not emit poisonous spines. What a beautiful place!

If he could build a village in this place with his brothers, he wouldn't want to go anywhere!

Black Flint can't figure out all this, don't think about things that can't figure it out.

All he knew was that he didn't want to be burned down by the human race, killed the wife, and killed the two ugly cubs to make soup.

"Go on the'Scarab'!"

The Golden Horn screamed strangely.

All the black-horned pack cows are excited. Scarabs are a rare thing in the barracks. Only the most hard-trained and craziest black blood can be enjoyed once. Unexpectedly, they all have a share this time.

A crystal clear, round, chubby green beetle was distributed to the hands of Black Flint. The black Flint first put the bull's nose up, gently squeezed the scarab's butt, and took a greedily scent, and then took the scarab. Paste it on the back of his head.


The scarab’s mouthparts pierced the back of his brain like lightning, and injected a large amount of nerve stimulants into his brain. The high level of stimulation of the cranial nerves caused the black flint to "scream" strangely, its stature skyrocketed, and the skin was cracked. Less than the slightest pain, only the unspeakable invigoration!

Before his eyes, there was a trance and visions.

The barren mountain village... the purple sky... the three **** moons... the little cubs can’t get enough to eat, they scream in the middle of the night... the hot body of the woman...

"Have you seen, the glorious Pantheon Palace is waiting for us in the clouds!"

Master Golden Horn pointed to the sky and shouted.

"I saw it!"

"I saw it!"

"Moo! Moo! Moo!"

The Wildhammer Company echoed one after another.

I didn't see the black flint.

Since the mother-in-law's body appeared in the illusion, he couldn't see anything.

He bit his tongue fiercely, hardened his heart and kicked the mother-in-law out of his head, and continued to widen his bloodshot eyes, staring at the bleak gray cloud.

"I saw it!"

"I saw it! The glorious Pantheon Palace!"

"Destruction! Rebirth! Immortality!"

The companions of the same company yelled one after another, even the guy "Missing Ears" yelled "I see" in a shrill tone, and then shook his tail triumphantly at him.

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