40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1018: The art of penetration

May 10, 4:33:51 in the morning.

There are still 42 hours before the "Samsung Lianzhu", when the power of the tide is stimulated to its strongest.

Around the Eye of the Blood Demon, within a radius of 30 kilometers, the main force of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance no longer hides, and on the seemingly empty ground, a series of camouflage gates are opened, and countless strong monsters gush out from the ground to establish temporary military camps. And the weapon arsenal for the final assembly, reorganization and weapon distribution.

Demon warships like giant sharks in the deep sea also emerged from the cracks in the ground, blooming with the most hideous edge.

As the logistics base for the Eye of the Blood Demon, the security of Demon Lake City has also been raised to the highest level, almost completely isolated from the outside world, two more checkpoints have been added, personnel entering and exiting must be strictly inspected, and a full three times the number of patrols , From the sky to the underground, all-round monitoring.

At this moment, only a few outsiders can enter Demon Lake City.

Including the garbage removal operation once a day in the morning.

When the army is assembled, sanitation is the first priority, especially for a mixed army composed of thousands of warriors of different tribes like the Ten Thousand Demons Allied Forces.

These warriors, flying in the sky, swimming in the water, and drilling in the mountains, have different habits and hobbies from each other, and even their excrement.

It is very possible that the excrement of a certain group of monster clan is a deadly poison for another group, and it may even cause a large-scale plague.

Coupled with monsters and biochemical beasts that are dozens of times more than monster warriors, they may be the most powerful killing machines on the battlefield, but in some special circumstances, they are also extremely vulnerable. If you are not careful, the beneficial bacteria that are completely harmless to certain monsters may become the deadly killer of another powerful monster.

Therefore, in areas where Tongtian City, Wuluan City, Demon Lake City, and Ten Thousand Demon Alliance camps are mixed with monsters and monsters, special attention is always paid to sanitation, epidemic prevention, and garbage removal.

In the Eye of the Blood Demon, every day there is a large-scale garbage removal convoy that transports all the garbage generated in cities and military camps to a large garbage swallowing base three hundred kilometers away, where various rot-thirsty bacteria and After the insects are treated, the remaining residues are burned at high temperature and high pressure to ensure that they are absolutely harmless before being buried deep underground.

From a distance, this huge convoy dragged by limestone sand worms is like a giant earthworm, slowly creeping forward on the ground.

Because of the large amount of **** being loaded every day, the convoy emits a pungent smell, and the breath even condenses into strands of yellowish-brown mist, floating in the air like rotting kelp.

This convoy arrived on time every day, and the garbage collectors who drove the convoy were all familiar faces, and there were no problems with fingerprints, voiceprints and iris tests.

They did not encounter any trouble when they passed through the two checkpoints. The guards guarding the checkpoints simply swept through the empty trash can and waved to let them go.

Close to the Demon Lake City, they were intercepted by a new patrol team.


The leader of this patrol was a silver-blooded nobleman with a serious face and an arrogant expression.

He looked at the dumb sandworms and the foul-smelling trash cans with stern eyes.

Behind him, the guard who was originally stationed in the Eye of the Blood Demon was covering his mouth and laughing.

This silver-blooded nobleman waved his hand, and together with his cronies, first checked the folds in the fat body of each sand worm, and after nothing was found, he jumped into the huge trash can dragged by the sand worm.

These trash bins have been used for at least four or five years, and they are filled with all kinds of garbage every day. Although they will be washed every three to five times, they will inevitably accumulate a layer of humus-like garbage residues under the trash bins over time. .

The stench in the trash can is ten times stronger than the smell outside, like an invisible hammer, hammering people's eyes into gold stars, and the sky is spinning around the world.

The moment the silver-blooded nobleman jumped into the trash can, he regretted it, but he had come in, he could only hold his breath, and jabbed his spear in the trash remnants.

On top of the humus-like garbage remnants, a hard crust has formed to seal all the odors in it. It’s okay if you don’t turn it over. It’s like a volcanic eruption or a flash flood, covering your nose. To no avail, the stench seems to be coming in along the pores!

The silver-blooded monster race's complexion changed from white to green, and from green to purple, and the teeth tightened.

The trash cans dragged by the four limestone sand worms were tumbling up, and there was no abnormality. Their patrol team was stained with a stench that could not be washed away, and it lost its look a moment ago.

Seeing that there were more than twenty limestone sandworms in the trash can waiting for their inspection, the silver-blooded monster race's face was almost darker than the bottom of the pot.

at this time--


From the corner of the fourth trash can, a group of big green flies flew out, muddy, stained with unclear sap, as if a plague visible to the naked eye, rolled towards this silver-blooded monster clan!


The silver blood monster clan screamed, and a group of monster energy gushed out, killing all these big green flies.

Unexpectedly, the big green fly is like a juicy grape. After the explosion, the light green juice splashed all over, almost splashing on his body.

The silver-blooded monster race's face instantly turned from the bottom of the pot to white paper, and jumped out of the trash can in embarrassment. The muscles in the corners of its eyes kept beating. He glanced at the more than twenty trash cans behind, and said with a straight face : "Release!"

Twenty minutes later, the garbage removal and transportation convoy appeared at the garbage dump on the outskirts of Yaohu City.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

Some insect-like monsters with eight-claw barb blade limbs that looked like flies magnified tens of thousands of times, flapped transparent wings, grabbed the pile of rubbish, and put them into the trash can.

In the ninth garbage truck, a half of the new garbage has been filled.

Li Yao and the Fire Ant King came out of the garbage silently.

All of them were wearing fully enclosed film battle suits, like two slippery loaches, and even their eyes were covered with chips polished by black spar to ensure that there was no gap at all.

Breathing relies on compression airbags designed temporarily by Li Yao to ensure that it will not be contaminated with the smell of the outside world.

It's not that they are afraid of the stench of rubbish, but once the smell is contaminated on their body, it is extremely difficult to wash off, which is not good for the subsequent infiltration.


The two of them are like two beams of shadows, sliding down from the trash can, and moving quickly under the cover of piles of trash.

With their ultimate strength of Jin Dan and Demon Emperor ranks, in this kind of place, it is natural to be in the realm of no one.

The fifth precaution zone to the fourth precaution zone, successfully penetrated!

Next, we must break through the fourth warning zone and enter the third warning zone!

Five minutes later, the two appeared in the Yaohu urban area, 12 kilometers away from the garbage dump.

The foul-smelling film battle suit was included in the ring of the universe, to make sure that there were no traces left.

The two disguised themselves as two secret treasure merchants who can be seen everywhere in Demon Lake City. They searched quickly according to the map of Demon Lake City and the structure diagram of Blood Demon Eye provided by Jin Xinyue, and quickly found the entrance to the spare ventilation duct.

Here is a military restricted area, guarded by a group of allied forces of all monsters.

In addition to the spare ventilation ducts, there are dozens of spare transmission arrays, three emergency escape routes and five emergency material delivery pipelines.

The design purpose is that once the Eye of the Blood Demon encounters an accident such as an earthquake or an explosion, the normal passages are blocked, then the experts working at the bottom of the lake can also escape to the ground through the backup teleportation array and emergency escape passages. .

If you can't even escape, then spare ventilation ducts and material delivery ducts can transport a large amount of air, water and food in, allowing the workers at the bottom of the lake to support them for a longer time.

Li Yao and the Fire Ant King pretended to be trading a secret treasure one kilometer away from the military restricted zone.

However, Li Yao released the Xiaolong, condescendingly observe the entire military restricted area.

The Fire Ant King also has his method, releasing hundreds of small bugs, perceiving the situation in the military restricted area from all directions.

"There are two patrol teams, patrolling according to a fixed route, but they are not elite, and they are not very vigilant. Maybe they didn't expect anyone to invade the Eye of the Blood Demon, just do it!"

The Fire Ant King narrowed his eyes and said.

"There are a total of four entrances to the spare ventilation ducts. According to the structure diagram provided by Jin Xinyue, the closest to the hospital in the third precaution zone is the No. 2 duct, and the exit is almost above the hospital."

Li Yao quickly calculated, "If the two patrols are far away from the entrance of the No. 2 ventilation duct, I should have 26 seconds."

"The entrance of the ventilation duct is covered with a very fine wire mesh, which is directly welded to it, and a layer of rust has grown over time. This is not difficult for me. The problem is half a meter of the ventilation duct. I also observed a very fast fan, which should be used to isolate the intruder."

"Three fan blades are like three sharp blades. Any creature that wants to get in will be chopped into seventeen or eight segments."

"Twenty-six seconds, I can't deal with both the wire fence and the fan."

The Fire Ant King pondered: "According to my observations, the speed of this fan is about 1500 revolutions per minute. If I can reduce it to about 800 revolutions, can you get through the gap?"

Li Yao thought for a while: "If it drops below 1150 rpm, I can get past it unscathed!"

"Okay, let's do it in 30 seconds!"

The Fire Ant King paused, and suddenly stretched out his hand to Li Yao.

Li Yao was taken aback, then understood what he meant, smiled, and stretched out his hand.

The hands of both parties were tightly clasped together.

Under the eyelids of hundreds of thousands of elite blood demon world, sneak into the eyes of the blood demon and destroy the largest super teleportation array in the history of the blood demon world!

This absolutely impossible task will be completed by the two of them!

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