40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1019: Watching the intrusion!

Countdown, 25 seconds!

Xiaolong took all the photos from all angles of the military restricted area, including the fixed patrol routes of the two patrol teams, which were transmitted to Li Yao's brain for modeling.

Li Yao's main consideration is, what if the patrol team changes the patrol route in the middle?

Jin Xinyue said that in the standard vigilance code of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, each patrol team will set up three to four different patrol routes, which will change every half an hour or an hour.

If Li Yao and Fire Ant King have more time to observe, they can see the pattern of changing patrol routes.

But they only have a few minutes of preparation time, and they can only try their luck.

Once the other party really changes the course, Li Yao must be prepared.

Based on the terrain in the military restricted zone, he pre-calculated the 23 possible changes that the patrol team might make, and determined that the shortest time for himself was only 7 seconds.

Countdown, 15 seconds!

The Fire Ant King took out a very delicate cylinder engraved with the demon pattern from his arms, gently unscrewed it, and from the cylinder flew out two beetles covered in pitch black, with a cyan vertical pattern growing on the back.

Under the control of the Fire Ant King, the two beetles flew higher and higher, over the high wall outside the military restricted area, and flew to the entrance of the No. 2 ventilation duct ahead of time.

Countdown, 5 seconds!

Li Yao took off his costume disguised as a Secret Treasure Merchant, and put on a new film suit.

This suit is really as thin as a cicada's wings, it clings to the body like a second layer of skin, there is almost no gap, and the direction of every muscle is prominent.


Li Yao lightly touched a rune on the waist of the battle suit, ripples appeared on the surface of the light gray battle suit, gradually becoming translucent, and finally seemed to melt in the air, making him completely invisible!

This is an expert of the Chaos Blade Organization. The cell invisibility cloak is prepared by extracting a variety of monster cells with discoloration, mimicry, and transparency, such as chameleons, silver fish, and bamboo worms.

When standing still, it is extremely difficult to detect, like ice cubes thrown into the water.

The only drawback is that all the ingredients that make up the cell invisibility suit are highly active and need to be stored in a special culture medium. Once taken out and exposed to the air, the life span will not exceed five minutes.

Basically, after four and a half minutes, the invisibility cloak gradually expired.

On the other hand, this invisibility cloak works best only when it is stationary. When moving at a high speed, it will still leave a trail of afterimages, making the air appear weirdly twisted.

Countdown, 0 seconds!

Li Yao floated out like a wisp of smoke.


He keenly sensed the thermal ray net above the high wall of the military restricted area, but he contracted his bones and muscles to the limit, not much bigger than a cat, and got in through the gap of the thermal net!

The two patrols were moving in the opposite direction of the No. 2 ventilation duct. Li Yao was calculating the time they took to return, while observing the scanning angles of several biochemical monitoring eyes on the heights, moving around in the blind corner of the needle. , Quickly approached the target.

at this time--

One of the patrols, before reaching the end of the military restricted zone, turned back in advance and changed a new patrol route!

"Damn it!"

It really is the second patrol plan!

Li Yao stopped his movements in an instant, his heartbeat and breathing were suppressed to the limit, and even his pores were completely locked, without a trace of heat or breath, and he watched the patrol rush toward him.

As long as it is absolutely still, the invisibility cloak will work. There are five minutes of invisibility, which is enough!

The patrol team and Li Yao passed by, and the nearest soldier could touch Li Yao's head as long as he stretched his waist.

Fortunately, they didn't notice the slight distortion of the air close at hand.

Even half a minute after they walked past, Li Yao remained motionless, relying on the Xiaolong, observing their new patrol route.

After switching to the second set of patrol lines, the blind spots between the two patrols were completely different from just now, and everything had to be recalculated.

After silently calculating for one minute and two seconds, Li Yao started again!

In the depths of his brain, the biochemical monitoring eye above his head, and the two patrol teams totaling 20 or 30 eyes, seemed to radiate crimson rays, forming criss-cross lines in front of him. .

The dead line was constantly changing, and he danced with it, fast and slow, and back and forth. It took more than three minutes to move to the entrance of the No. 2 ventilation pipe with difficulty.

At this moment, the distance invisibility cloak expired, and there was only one last minute left.

In order to transport air to the underground main part of the huge Blood Demon Eye, each ventilation duct is about one foot in diameter, and a medium-sized adult can barely squeeze in.

However, the entrance of the ventilation pipe is covered with a very fine wire mesh, and there is an anti-cutting warning symbol array around it.

Li Yao took a quick glance and figured out how the warning talisman array works. It should be to send out an alarm by sensing vibrations.

Once an external force breaks the barbed wire forcibly, an abnormal vibration will definitely be transmitted, and as long as it is sensed, an alarm will be issued.


Inside the barbed wire, half a meter deep into the pipe, three huge fan blades are rotating at a speed of 1,500 revolutions per minute. The fan blades are also engraved with an offensive wind symbol array, which rolls up a sharp wind. Blade, turned this section of pipe into an invisible meat grinder.

The invisibility cloak completely expired, with 45 seconds left.

"Ziz, ziz!"

Li Yao felt the invisibility cloak gradually became stiff and blocked.

This is a sign that invisible cells are about to die.

At this moment, the two patrols all went to the farthest place from him, and all the biochemical monitoring eyes happened to be scanning other areas.

However, after this route adjustment, the time left for Li Yao is only 11 seconds!


Li Yao's hands instantly turned into two clouds of gray mist. First, four magic weapons like magnets were gently attached to the warning symbol array. The four magic weapons formed a temporary loop, which was equivalent to temporarily introducing a warning symbol array. "Diversion", let it ignore the subtle vibrations on the barbed wire.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yao used a very sharp bone blade to carefully scrape off a large amount of rust from the wire fence, and collected all the rust.

It took Li Yao three seconds to finish all this.

Next, he drew a circle on the barbed wire, cut the barbed wire silently, and got in!

It is not difficult to break the barbed wire, but it is difficult to restore it to its original state!

The patrol at the farthest point of the military restricted zone began to turn around, and the two biochemical monitoring eyes gradually turned their perspective back, about to lock the entrance of the No. 2 ventilation duct.

Li Yao's ten fingers are like ten little snakes without bones. Between the two fingers, there is a thin needle like cow hair.

These fine needles are hollow, and there is a small liquid sac behind it, which stores a small amount of natural glue, which was originally used to fix the components of the ultra-miniature magic weapon.

Li Yao manipulated the tiny muscle bundles on his fingers, squeezed out the glue with a fine needle, and re-bonded the short openings of the barbed wire together. He deliberately spilled some glue on the edges of the bonding, and then scraped the pieces that had just been scraped off. The rust blew up.

Finally, he took out a can of spray and sprayed it lightly on the wire fence.

Suddenly, a thin layer of dust appeared on the surface of the "rusty" barbed wire, and there were even strands of broken wire resembling cobwebs.

At first glance, the clothes are seamless, and there is no trace of being forcibly broken open at all.

Only then did Li Yao use his psychic energy to hook in the four "magnets" from the holes of the barbed wire, so that the warning talisman array was restored to its normal loop.


The biochemical monitoring eye swept through the entrance of the No. 2 ventilation duct and found no abnormalities.

But the invisibility cloak on Li Yao's life reached its limit, and twisted spots of light began to appear.

Once the patrol team gets closer, you can definitely find the vague gray shadow behind the barbed wire.

The two black beetles of Fire Ant King got in with Li Yao and ran into the high-speed fan!

This fan has a fast speed and strong suction power, and it often **** in some small flying insects.

These two black beetles, but the "green oil fire bugs" carefully prepared by the fire ant king, hit the fan blade hard, and immediately made two "bobo" sounds, exploding two small fireballs!

These two fireballs interfered with the wind talisman array on the fan blades, the fan's self-protection mechanism was activated, there was a short speed drop, and small foreign objects began to be eliminated.

Li Yao took this opportunity, his eyes widened, his pupils kept trembling, he could clearly see every detail of the fan's rotation, and he also sensed those wind blades that were invisible to the naked eye.


He managed to get in through the gap of the fan blades at 780 revolutions per minute!

Three wind blades severely cut on his body, but he locked his muscles, leaving no blood left.

After half a second, the fan speed returned to 1500 rpm, and the patrol team just reached the entrance of the same pipe No. 2

They were attracted by the popping sound of the green oil fire worms, and looked suspiciously through the wire fence.

The fans were running very steadily, and they didn't see anything except the swift blades.

The faint burnt smell in the air made them know that it was just a few more bugs that were sucked in by the fan.

The rust, dust, and even spider silk on the barbed wire dispelled their trivial suspicion, and the patrol team returned to the normal patrol route, leaving this trivial matter completely behind.

Behind the fan, Li Yao wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead and grinned.

The penetration from the fourth precautionary zone to the third precautionary zone has been half-successful!

In front of him, there is a black ventilation duct that leads directly to the ground, which is full of various deadly poisonous insects, acting as a warning system.

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