40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1022: Many levels!

Li Yao raced against time. Although he had already done a preliminary disguise, Jin Zhenyi had worked underground in the Eye of the Blood Demon for half a year, and his body shape could not be exactly the same as half a year ago.

Li Yao must further shrink or swell the muscle fibers and add a few more subtle wrinkles to make himself look exactly like Jin Zhenyi at this moment.

While adjusting the muscles and bones, a metal ball hollowed out all around was released, spinning around in mid-air.

This small ball is a magic weapon similar to a "vacuum cleaner". It can absorb all the aura, ashes and fluctuations remaining in the "Fengbo Tower". It is the best auxiliary magic weapon for killing people and destroying corpses.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

The "vacuum ball" spun quickly, as if forming a huge vortex, sucking all the clues cleanly, and then Li Yao took back all the magic weapons and the clothes he took off.

As soon as he was immersed in the biochemical medicine, the bodyguard walked out of the toilet refreshedly.

At this moment, the wrinkles on Li Yao's face had not yet been disguised. He simply turned over in the biochemical medical cabin, turned his back to the bodyguard, and covered his changing body with wide wings.

The bodyguard glanced casually, and sat down on the chair again.

Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief, closed his eyes, and pretended to fall asleep, but he was quickly thinking about the underlying structure of the stable system in his brain, the most possible structures, and the problems that the real Jin Zhenyi might face.

"Judging from the blood demon world's research on runes and psychic patterns, coupled with the scale of the blood demon's eye, they didn't have too many choices for the overall psionic configuration they adopted."

"Jin Zhenyi has three representative monographs, "Trace to the Origin of Demon Patterns", "A Study of the Talisman Array in the Early Jinpeng Dynasty" and "Principle of the Three-phase Stable Talisman Array". From these three monographs, I can initially extract his talisman making Styles, modeling ideas, and hundreds of symbolic arrays that I love to use."

"He is a senior expert, and his academic style for decades has taken shape. It is impossible for him to change drastically in a short period of time."

"Then, when he is faced with a super-large magic weapon such as the'Blood Demon Eye', the methods he can use to solve the problems of stability and compatibility are predictable."

Li Yao put himself in the role of Jin Zhenyi. If he is Jin Zhenyi, what method would he adopt to reinforce the underlying structure?

Li Yao must figure this out.

Because this involves, what kind of method is he going to use to destroy the stability of the entire system!

It is not difficult to destroy the system. The difficult thing is that he must completely collapse the "Blood Demon Eye" within a few seconds, and must not leave time for the other party to switch to the backup system!

At the same time, he was silently feeling the reaction of his bodyguard.

He released bunches of invisible and invisible psychic filaments, monitoring the heartbeat and blood flow rate of his bodyguard.

The personal bodyguard is one of the people who know Jin Zhenyi best. If you see any flaws, the heartbeat and blood flow rate will definitely be abnormal for a moment.

Then Li Yao must think of another way.

Fortunately, the bodyguard did not see the clue.

This bodyguard did not expect that he was just going to the toilet, and the target of his protection or monitoring was stolen and replaced!

Two and a half hours later.

"From the changes in your heartbeat, pulse, and pupils, you have fully recovered."

After the doctor conducted a preliminary test on Li Yao, he smiled and said, "However, for insurance, it is recommended that you undergo a comprehensive examination."

"no need."

Li Yao put on his clothes a little impatiently, shaking the artificial wings of the metal skeleton, pulling the crystal lines with the lats, and manipulating the feathers to express a slightly anxious signal, "I feel good now, I don’t have time to be here. You must work right away!"

"Xiaoguan, let's go!"

Li Yao is naturally unwilling to undergo a comprehensive inspection, as it is extremely easy to expose flaws.

"Yes, Teacher Jin.

The personal bodyguard took a sealed ice box from the doctor, which contained three emergency medicines, which could be treated in time if the cerebral blood vessel burst again.

The experts in the Eye of the Blood Demon are mostly workaholics who are racing against time. Many people are unwilling to go to the hospital if they are slightly involved. They often meditate and adjust their breath for a while, and then inject one or two medical medicines, and then throw themselves into the waste of sleep and food. jobs.

In contrast, Li Yao's reaction was not abnormal, and the doctor only allowed them to leave after a few words.

After leaving the hospital, Li Yao pretended that his body was still a little weak, deliberately lagging half a step behind, letting the bodyguard lead the way.

Jin Zhenyi was originally a gloomy and taciturn personality. Apart from work, he did not like to communicate with others. This is one of the reasons why Li Yao chose him as his target.

The two were silent along the way, and the bodyguards did not suspect that he was there, and they soon led Li Yao to a lifting platform on the edge of the living quarters.

This is the only passage from the living area to the working area, and it is also the dividing line between the third and second precautionary zones.

In front of the lifting platform, there are several rigorous inspections, and there is also a group of allied demon forces with sharp looks and piercing eyes.

The first and second guard zones are the real working areas of the blood demon eye, with tight defenses and no dead ends.

No matter the ventilation pipes, drains or emergency passages, they were all blocked by the strictest security system. Li Yao, Fire Ant King, and Jin Xinyue repeatedly deduced countless times and concluded that even if Fire Ant King kills all insects and monsters Controlling it is also absolutely impossible to sneak in.

Therefore, Li Yao can only act as an impostor and enter in an open manner!


The four mysterious lights crossed, scanning the face and body shape of Li Yao and the bodyguard, including the walking posture.

The opposite immediately grasped their identity information.

"First-level expert Jin Zhenyi, the standard working hours are from 8:40 in the morning to 10:20 in the evening, why did he show up until three and a half hours late?"

The two officers on the opposite side raised their heads, staring at Li Yao with ice-like eyes, and asked coldly.

The personal bodyguard took a step forward and delivered Jin Zhenyi's treatment record and the doctor's demon pattern signature: "Mr. Jin got into a mess while having a meal in the third cafeteria in the morning, and went through three hours of recovery treatment in the hospital. This is the hospital certificate. "

The two officers tossed and watched for a long time, and contacted the third canteen and the hospital. After confirming the matter, they nodded and said to them: "Let's start!"

In front of the two of them is a series of magic weapons for detection.

First, the magic weapon for detecting fingerprints and palm prints is like a large crystal magnetic ball with several different grooves distributed on it, namely hand-shaped, claw-shaped, and hoof-shaped, corresponding to different types of monster races.

Li Yao put his left hand up, a small needle suddenly protruded from the **** of the hand-shaped groove, and he lightly pierced his **** to draw a drop of blood.

Li Yao was prepared. Not only did the fingerprint imitate Jin Zhenyi, there was also a small blood sac under the fingerprint film, which stored a drop of Jin Zhenyi's blood sample.

After a while, in the depths of the symbolic array, there were two beeps of "DiDi", emitting a soft green light.

"Fingerprint test passed, blood test passed, next item!"

An officer stepped forward and opened Li Yao's eyelids with a special instrument to see if he was wearing a chip on his eyeballs.

Of course, Li Yao wore the chip, but it is the latest generation of iris change chip that Fire Ant King personally participated in the research and development. Once it is glued to the eyeball, it will automatically dissolve, and it will be integrated with the eyeball, and it will never be detected.

After two to three days, this biochemical chip prepared with active cells will be completely absorbed by the body under the action of metabolism.

The officer studied carefully for a long time, and then aimed a new instrument at Li Yao's eyes.


Two colorful rays of light pierced the depths of Li Yao's pupils.

"DiDi, the iris contrast is complete, and the consistency is 100%!"

The officer's expression did not change a little, and he still said with a straight face: "The following is voiceprint detection, please follow me and say-Tianyuan is broken, long live the blood demon!"

With that, he connected two biochemical nerve bundles to Li Yao's Adam's apple and arteries.

Li Yao said lightly: "Tianyuan is shattered, long live the blood demon!"

"Didi, the voiceprint test passed!"

The officer spread out his palms and said politely: "Please take off a hair and a feather, and let us conduct the final test. Don't worry, it won't take you too long."

Li Yao's face became more and more gloomy, like a workaholic who wasted time, on the verge of seizure.

He severely plucked his hair and feathers from his head and wings. The feather seemed to be plucked too hard, and the roots were still stained with a little blood.

Naturally, the hair and feathers were collected from Jin Zhenyi's hometown. The hair was glued to the scalp with special glue, but the feathers were directly planted into the artificial wings.

After half a minute, the last link passed smoothly.

On the other passage next to Li Yao, the personal bodyguard also went through the same rigorous testing, and said in a deep voice, "Can we go now?"


The officer waved his hand and released the barrier. Another staff member entered Jin Zhenyi's work place, and the runes around the lifting platform began to shine, preparing to send them to their destination.

The lifting platform and the short-distance teleportation array in the Eye of the Blood Demon are all operated by a dedicated person, and can be activated only after entering a fingerprint and a password.

This was originally a safety measure, but it saves Li Yao the trouble of not finding a place to work.

"and many more!"

When Li Yao and the bodyguard were about to step into the teleportation formation, three wolf clan officers in black uniforms and scarlet armbands slowly stood up from the inconspicuous corner, and lightly patted the wolf teeth on their waists. The sword looked at them with a smile.

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