Li Yao's heart was picked up instantly, not knowing what made the other party suspicious.

Is it smell?

The wolf tribe’s sense of smell is the most acute.

At the level of Li Yao, he can lock the pores of his body as he wants, and temporarily seal up his sweat glands to prevent his real smell from escaping.

The Skyfire Corps also stole several pieces of his clothing and the bedding he had used from Jin Zhenyi's home, extracted his odor characteristics from them, and prepared a similar odor solution.

Li Yao evenly spreads this solution on the skin, especially on the armpits and wings, it will emit a 99.99% similar smell to Jin Zhenyi.

However, it is only 99.99% after all!

Although eating different foods, spraying different perfumes, or just soaking in biochemical medicine for three hours, it may change the breath slightly.

But since the other party's suspicion has arisen, it is impossible to easily dispel it!

The head of the wolf clan officer shook his nose, blinked with blood-red eyes, and bowed politely to Li Yao.

He shook his big fluffy tail and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Mr. Jin, there is an order above. Starting today, all experts who do not enter the work area during normal hours will undergo another random inspection."

"You don't mind, I will find a place on your body, take a drop of blood, and do another blood test?"

Li Yao's thoughts turned, his brows frowned, the corners of his eyes fluttered, the feathers behind his back stood up, and the tips of the feathers showed a hint of red.

This is a way for a silver-blooded feather clan to express anger when he is insulted.

Among them, the number and angle of the feathers are very particular.

As it is now, Li Yao erected a total of 22 feathers, of which the tips of 12 feathers were red, which represented a moderate degree of anger.

Can express the meaning of "I understand your work, but it is too time-consuming."

Although this wolf clan officer may not know the expression of the Yu clan, the bodyguard around Li Yao must know.

Sure enough, the bodyguard also flicked his wings and raised hundreds of feathers.

His status is much lower than Jin Zhenyi, and his expression is more rude than Jin Zhenyi.

In the Yu clan, hundreds of feathers are erected, almost pointing at the opponent's nose to curse his mother.

The wolf clan officer still looked at them with a smile, neither irritated nor let go, but the smile in his eyes became colder and colder.

Li Yao snorted heavily and said impatiently: "If you want to test, hurry up!"

The bodyguard also glared at the opponent, and took back the feathers like cockfighting.

They all knew the rules of the Eye of the Blood Demon, and raising the feather just now was just an aristocratic gesture, and would not really hinder the other party's detection.

"Thank you for your understanding, everything is for a great victory."

Three wolf clan officers gathered together and released a crystal clear jade card.

A vague human figure is engraved on the jade plate, and there is a small light spot on the figure, which is moving fast in various parts of the body.

"In order to prevent collusion between the inspector and the subject, the blood collection site is random. Now, even I don't know what part of your blood will be collected."

"If you accidentally collected your sensitive parts, please understand."

The big-tail wolf clan officer said gently, as if he smiled a little embarrassingly, and then stretched out the wolf's paw to the jade medallion.

After the three wolf clan officers all extended their wolf paws to the jade card, the small red dot that was moving fast on the human figure stopped slowly.

But it stopped at... the heel of the left foot!

This is a very terrible position.

It is impossible for ordinary sneakers to think of sticking a blood sac on the heel!

The big-tailed wolf clan officer’s smile was even brighter, but the light under his eyes gradually converged into two ice cones, staring at Li Yao’s left foot, and saying every word: "Please slowly open your hands and wings, Qian Do not touch your left foot, and then slowly and slowly raise your left foot. My assistant will help you take off your shoes."

Li Yao looked like he could squirt out an ice storm, his face was blue, and he didn't say a word. He spread his hands and wings, and straightened his left foot.

The other two wolf clan officers took off his boots and socks, fetched a hollow needle, and the first big-tailed wolf clan officer would do it himself.

The Big Tail Wolf held a needle in one hand and a cotton ball dipped in disinfectant in the other. It wiped Li Yao's heel twice, and then raised his head and smiled at him.

Afterwards, a quick stabbing!

What he stabbed was not the place where the potion was rubbed up, but the side half an inch!

"Sorry, my hands slipped."

Big-tailed wolf politely apologized, not to mention how sincere it was, and sent a drop of blood to the testing equipment.

Li Yao's breathing was rapid, and the feathers stood up again. This time more than forty feathers were erected, indicating that he was on the verge of extreme anger!

The personal bodyguards are gearing up, and the teeth are grinding out sparks.

The three wolf clan officers looked at them with a smile. The wolf's paws were swaying beside the hilt, and their fingers were slightly beating.

The soldiers around also held their breath, and the air seemed to be drained slowly.


"The blood composition is consistent with the sample, the test passed, and the identity is confirmed as the silver-blood feather tribe, first-level expert, Jin Zhenyi!"

The big-tailed wolf officer's expression remained unchanged, he still smiled amiably, and bowed to Li Yao ninety degrees: "Sorry, Teacher Jin, it took you such a long time, please!"


Li Yao flicked his wings, turned around angrily, and stepped onto the lifting platform.

He felt relieved and let out a long sigh of relief.

He and Jin Xinyue repeated the deduction for a long time and guessed that at the critical moment of the "Red Tide Operation", the security check will definitely be upgraded in an all-round way.

Therefore, not only is there a drop of Jin Zhenyi's blood hidden under the fingerprint film, a dozen drops of Jin Zhenyi's blood are also sealed in Li Yao's body with a special soluble cell membrane capsule!

In Li Yao's body, there is still a **** heart demon.

That was originally a master of blood manipulation, using the contraction and expansion of blood vessels to send "blood capsules" throughout the body, which is just a trivial matter.

The last trick of the big tail wolf clan officer was really clever, and his control of facial micro expressions was also in place. The bad thing was his big hairy tail.

The tail trembled unnaturally, which made Li Yao keenly grasp his mind. Under full guard, his tricks of course could not escape Li Yao's eyes. He instantly calculated the insertion position of the needle and delivered Jin Zhenyi's blood in time. past.

Therefore, the blood collected by the other party's own cleverness is still Jin Zhenyi's own blood, which will naturally pass the test!

A dozen of these blood beads were sealed in Li Yao's body, enough to cope with the sudden test.

"These claw tribes just see our feather tribe as unpleasant!"

The lifting platform trembled slightly, and quickly sank into the dark ground. The bodyguards were very angry. "The Claws and Zergs have led the blood demon world for nearly a thousand years. They have long been used to letting everything count. We feather and sea clan. It's just a vassal!"

"This is the first time that the Yu clan has become the commander of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons. These puppies are not so angry, so naturally they have to do everything possible to make things difficult for us!"

Li Yao snorted coldly, his wings flicked, and slightly contracted. The tip of the wing came over from behind his shoulder, slightly covering his ears.

This means that he is in a bad mood at the moment and wants to be quiet.

The bodyguard hurriedly stopped, and the two of them did not say a word, and let the lifting platform send them into the work area thousands of meters underground.

For the sake of confidentiality and safety, different magic weapon units correspond to different working areas, and most areas cannot communicate freely.

For Li Yao, it was convenient for him to hibernate in the deepest part of the darkness.

Sure enough, the lifting platform sank all the way to the ground, and a narrow corridor appeared in front of them.

As the bronze gate engraved with the gorgeous demon pattern at the end of the tunnel slowly opened, a deafening sound blasted out. Coupled with the steaming heat, strong psychic energy and demon energy radiation, Li Yao confirmed—here It is the stability room at the bottom of the super-large magic weapon system.

Li Yao's face was sinking, he strode in, his brain cells were highly active, and astronomical information was ready to be sent!

This is a thrilling gamble. He has no idea about the situation in the stable room. What problems will he encounter, who will he encounter, how should these people be called, and what is his job function?

Nervous, exciting!

Li Yao couldn't help his heart beating wildly.

A bald feather clan who was chubby like an owl came forward and greeted him with a grin. However, the two short and stupid wings conveyed a message that was definitely not friendly.

"Li Zhengzhi, an expert on Yuzu talismanic studies, also teaches at Qianyu Academy. His research field overlaps with Jin Zhenyi. There is a big academic disagreement with Jin Zhenyi. There have been many open disputes between the two sides, and the relationship is very stiff!

At this time, all the feather expert data collected by Jin Xinyue a few days ago came into play, and Li Yao instantly recognized the owl.

He greeted the opponent without a smile, most of the feathers shrank back, but gathered three or four feathers on the tips of his wings, and shook them slightly.

This is a slightly provocative posture.

However, this is in line with Jin Zhenyi's character and the relationship between the two experts.

Sure enough, Li Zhengzhi grinned, turned and walked away, no longer entangled with Li Yao, let alone see that this old opponent "Jin Zhenyi" was a fake.

Li Yao raced against the clock to take the opportunity to observe the whole picture of the stability room.

The stability room is about the size of a crystal magnetic field, the height of which is hundreds of meters high, but the sky above is sunken inward, as if a huge iron pot is sitting on top of their heads.

Li Yao guessed that it was the bottom of the blood-colored lake above.

They are right below the bottom of the lake, in the center.

Above the "Sky Dome", there are densely engraved thousands of talisman arrays, and there are intricate pipes hanging from the talisman array, like a steel jungle hanging upside down in the sky, and the "vines" composed of pipes are facing all around. Extending, finally sinking into the walls and underground.

Around the "Sky Dome", in the southeast and northwest, are inlaid with a huge gyro-shaped cooling tower, which is surrounded by countless pipes, and is rapidly rotating at a speed of more than 6,000 revolutions per minute.

Most of the deafening noise comes from these four cooling towers.


Li Yao glanced around and knew that this is a very classic thermal energy conversion stabilization system.


Sorry everyone, there are only three chapters in these two days.

The main reason is that the details of this sneaking into the eye of the blood demon are too hard to think about. It's really hard to get up.

After all, there is only one key magic weapon in the world. If Li Yao casually drilled into the core area from a ventilation duct... it would be too unreasonable, right?

Therefore, I can only write a little more detailed and cumbersome, hahahaha! Please support and subscribe more!

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