40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1032: Angry bullet!

With Jin Tuyi's order, the blood-colored lake boiled to the extreme like a volcanic eruption.

The lake water is like thousands of degrees high temperature, orange-red molten steel, and the magical light rises into the sky, which is more colorful than the aurora.

In the sky, the "holes" that do not belong to this world are getting bigger and bigger. Looking through the holes, you can clearly see the brightly lit high-rise buildings.

Some small stones flickering in midair, attracted by the whirlpool, have already passed through this hole and shot towards the opposite world!

The first wave of attack clusters, including fourteen demon kings and dozens of demon warships, all became crystal clear and almost transparent in the shroud and erosion of blood fog.

In the eyes of others, they seem to have lost their shape in the three-dimensional world. They can be kneaded at will like plasticine, and suddenly stretched to the limit, like noodles, rotating at high speed along the vortex, and then shrinking into small pieces. A small group, fell into the center of the hole!


The first batch of monster beasts passed through the barriers of the Great Thousand World and appeared in the sky above the Tianyuan Realm!

They were originally attracted by the force of the tide to float towards the sky, but at the moment they passed through the wormhole, they were caught by the gravity of Tianyuan Star and turned into a fall to the ground.

However, the monster beasts that acted as pioneers all possessed powerful flying capabilities. They quickly stabilized their figure, unfolded their skin and bone wings, and passed over the heads of the people celebrating the victory from the sky above the capital of the Federation of Stars. A harsh neigh!

"Oh! Ooh! Ooh!"

At this moment, the sky city is still brightly lit up, just like daylight.

The excited crowd has not yet dispersed, and the light curtain between the high-rise buildings is still playing the scene of the great victory of the giant blade pass.

In the picture, the "Nine Stars Rising Dragon Battle Flag", the national flag of the Star Federation, is hunting, and the cultivators and the Federation Army are fighting vigorously!

Tens of thousands of young people who are ready to party through the night gather in the square in front of the 2,700-meter-high "Sword of the Sky" building, a landmark building in Tiandu City. Even the storms cannot extinguish their enthusiasm, but make them even more. The excitement, especially the arrival of several young monks who are said to have just returned from the Great Blade Pass, added fuel to the noisy square, boiling to the extreme!



In the sky, countless sharp glass shards fell quickly, and they were discovered in time by three cultivators. With swift hands and quick eyes, they released a psychic shield, blocked them, and shattered into countless shining powder.


There was an exclamation from the crowd, and everyone looked up. At the top of the Sky Sword Mansion, the nightmare-like picture made them stunned. They were suppressed by the boundless fear, and they could not even move their little fingers.

It was a huge, unfriended, hundreds of meters long monster beast like a mixture of monitor lizards and strange pythons. It occupies the height of the building. Three huge scarlet eyes like searchlights stared at them coldly.


The dragon demon beast slammed, the glass windows and outer wall of the Sky Sword Mansion shattered, and hundreds of times more fragments fell like a torrential rain, which instantly aroused screams.


The three cultivators are all in the most immature qi refining period, and the psychic shield they stimulated is simply not enough to stop the impact of thousands of fragments weighing several tons and falling from a height of thousands of meters!

The psychic shield rippled with ripples, and the three cultivators squirted blood, their eyes burst, and shouted hoarsely: "Go!"


Their voices were completely covered by a loud thunder.

The dragon and demon beast was red in color, all its scales were erected, and the blood basin opened wide, spouting a fireball that was as hot as the sun, and slammed against a slightly lower building nearby, unexpectedly stopping the building. Cut off!

The broken building fell backwards amidst the harsh sound of cracking steel bars.

The huge light curtain originally laid between the two buildings was also torn into strands of light.

On a few relatively complete light patterns, there was a vaguely flickering picture of the Federation Army carrying the Nine-Star Rising Dragon Battle Banner and advancing forward.

However, this picture was quickly dissipated by monsters flying in the sky, and annihilated in the downpour.

Above the torrential rain, between the sea of ​​clouds, gaps and vortices appeared one after another.

The demon warship, full of the elite of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance, slowly emerged from the whirlpool.

Until this moment, among the dumbfounded crowd on the ground, someone finally slowed down from the explosions and concussions one after another, and let out a terrifying roar:

"Beast, the tide of beasts broke out!"


In the blood demon world, directly below the eye of the blood demon, in the stable unit.

The bloodshot eyes of Li Yao almost tear his eyeballs alive, his shortness of breath is like a jet shuttle, and veins protruding from his shriveled arms and chest, resembling a dragon with teeth and claws, completely inconsistent. The identity of "Jin Zhenyi".

Fortunately, at this time everyone focused on the operation of the stable unit, and no one paid attention to his abnormality.

As the power of the tide is getting closer and closer to the limit, the teleportation intensity of the blood demon eye is getting stronger and stronger, and the pressure on the stability unit is also increased to an unparalleled level!

The four cooling towers all made deafening noises, the diversion holes above the coolant pipes made a sharp hiss, and steam was ejected. The entire stabilization unit was as hot as an alchemy furnace!

Li Yao's heart is ten times hotter than the outside world!

Although he hadn't seen everything happening over the **** lake with his own eyes, the transmission data of the blood demon eye was continuously transmitted to the biochemical master mind of the stable unit.

Through the analysis of these data, he can completely judge the progress of the transmission.

"A small group of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance has been teleported over and has appeared in the sky above the city!"

Li Yao clenched his teeth and burned his five inner parts, unable to imagine how much damage these ferocious monsters would cause in Tiandu City.

But it's not enough, it's not the time yet!

"The power of the tide has not reached its extreme value. The fourteen demon kings and several heavy demon warships of the highest level have not yet begun to teleport. It is not time to destroy it. Wait, wait, wait!"

Li Yao clutched his thigh desperately, his thighs were all caught to a **** flesh.

The deputy director of the stabilization unit and the stability expert "Li Zhengzhi" who was tit-for-tat "Jin Zhenyi" thought he was worried about the operation of the stabilization system, and gave strange suggestions on the sidelines.

"The symbolic array group number three seems to be out of order. It looks like it will collapse in fifteen seconds."

"Oh, the stable rotor in the symbolic array group No. 6 seems to be deviated, and the noise is very wrong!"

"Sure enough, the temporarily adjusted double helix stabilization structure is still too reluctant. I think it will collapse after the first wave of transmission at most, so be prepared to switch to the second stabilization plan at any time!"

The corners of Li Yao's eyes twitched violently, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped like an electric arc, his fists were so clenched that they could squeeze juice out of the steel.


Suddenly, Li Zhengzhi seemed to have discovered something. His eyes lit up, and his feathers fluttered. He exclaimed: "What's the matter with the "Ziji Xuanri Array" with four cooling towers connected in series? There are two crystal wires that seem to be connected. It's refuted! Director Jin, I remember this was the last one you debugged with your own hands, right? How could you make such a low-level mistake?"

"Fortunately, I found out in time, otherwise, once the power of the tide reaches its extreme value, it is very likely that the four cooling towers will collapse at the same time!"

In Li Yao's eyes, a series of data flickered like stars. He narrowed his eyes and said every word: "Really?"

Li Zhengzhi grabbed the handle of his mortal enemy and was very proud: "Of course, look at it for yourself, there are such low-level mistakes in such a terrible place. Fortunately, I discovered it and almost made a big mistake!"


Li Yao walked to Li Zhengzhi and glanced at it. The key changes in the data in his eyes finally made the corners of his mouth a cold arc. He smiled and said, "However, I did it on purpose."

Li Zhengzhi was taken aback, but before he could react, "Jin Zhenyi" exuded a fierce murderous aura, completely frozen his heart, almost curled his head into the cavity, and couldn't say a word.


Li Yao waved his hand gently, like a cockroach. This owl, which had almost done something bad for him, was shot and flew onto the dome, right in the center of the "Purple Pole Xuan Sun Array" between the four cooling towers.

This large array coordinating the four ultra-high-speed spinning cooling towers was originally on the verge of collapse due to the reverse connection of the key crystal lines. This time, it burst suddenly, and four dazzling arcs slammed into it. Installed in four cooling towers.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The four cooling towers exploded at the same time, separated from the stabilizer, and smashed into the ground like four huge tops. However, they bounced and bounced in high-speed rotation, swept across the army, and bounced irregularly, turning countless talisman formations, The coolant pipes and the biochemical mastermind are all smashed!

In the stability room, there was a cry of ghosts and wolves, and the stability experts scrambled with their heads.

"You, you are—"

Seven or eight bodyguards dedicated to protecting the safety of stability experts, especially Jin Zhenyi's personal bodyguards, responded immediately. They instantly locked on Li Yao, who was constantly releasing a powerful breath, but still dumbfounded, with an inexplicable appearance. , I can't figure out how, the director of the stability room, "Mr. Jin Zhenyi", a well-known expert and scholar in the blood demon world, how could this be the case!

Li Yao took a gentle step.


The raging flames shattered all the camouflage including the artificial wings, and the atrophic muscles swelled to the limit in an instant. The whole person is like carved from marble and gold jade. The hair is messy like a bird's nest, and it also seems arrogant. Soaring into the sky like a flame!

"He, he is not Jin Zhenyi!"

"It's an intruder!"

The eight bodyguards only had time to say these words before they were turned into a streamer of Li Yao, and slammed into the four walls of the stability room, deeply embedded in the wall, the tendons were broken and could not move!

At the same time, Li Yao also released a large number of smoke bombs, covering every corner of the stability room, trying to delay the time for Jin Tu Yi to discover the truth.



Thirty-six floating three-piece six-tube rotating Vulcan cannons appeared around Li Yao, forming a huge array of cannons, all aimed at the center of the dome!

Li Yao took a sip and licked his chapped lips, his divine consciousness split into thirty-six ways, and at the same time he got into thirty-six Vulcan cannons, wrapped around the angry bullets, and roared out!

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