40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1033: Qianlong blasts the sky!

The six-barrel revolving Vulcan cannon has always been Li Yao's favorite. When he was still a cultivator during the Qi refining period, he liked to hold it and run rampant. For more than ten years, he loved it.

However, this kind of simple structure and durable magic weapon, after transforming all bullets into spar rune bullets, and engraving the most mysterious and complicated offensive spirit patterns for each barrel, it reached the limit of transformation. , The power is difficult to further improve.

Since the quality cannot be improved, increase the quantity.

Li Yao's approach has always been so simple and rude.

So this time he carried thirty-six triple Vulcan cannons in one go, and one person was a heavy artillery position.

If it weren't for the fact that the ring of the universe couldn't fit in, he originally planned to carry one hundred and eight, or even 800, anyway, with his current powerful spirit, he can completely control it.

Eight hundred respected guns lined up neatly behind them, roaring in the wind, and the blood boiled with enthusiasm after thinking about it.

Now, although there are no 800, after using the enhanced warheads with crystal marrow and demon pill, and separating out a strand of divine mind to manipulate, the power of the thirty-six triple Vulcan cannons is already very exaggerated. !

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

One hundred and eight lines of fire bombarded the dome of the stability room like a gust of rain.

The order of all the crystal marrow and demon pill bullets has been carefully calculated by Li Yao to ensure that their attributes are superimposed to inspire the strongest power.

The dome has just been frozen into a pile of ice blocks by the frozen bullets, and the internal rigidity drops to the bottom, and it is blown to pieces by the impact bullets containing the bursting properties, and the acid bullets containing the corrosive properties come one after another, and the acid is from The inside of the cavity spouted violently, expanding the scope of damage, and finally the bullets of the gale attribute rolled up a series of small tornadoes, swept away all the debris in the damage area, forming a huge cavity.

Li Yao opened his arms, muttering words, a wispy strand of black blood flowing from his nostrils, precisely manipulating the impact of each bullet.

Thirty-six floating triple-mounted six-tube rotating Vulcan cannons whirled around him at high speed. One hundred and eight lines of fire seemed to form a super bullet drill bit. A large hole was quickly drilled out of the dome, and the fragile above The pipelines and magic weapon units are all twisted!

One hundred meters, two hundred meters!

Bullet drills continue to break through!

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"When the power of the tide reaches its extreme value, you must get to the core magic weapon unit!"

Li Yao's breathing was getting harder and harder, crystal clear blood oozes from his chest and arms, and strands of blood appeared at the end of his hair, as if blood were scrambling to escape from his about to explode body. !

at this time--


From the huge hole drilled by the bullet drill above his head, there was a sound like the roar of a big clock, and the whole world trembled.

Immediately afterwards, at the end of the cavity, a layer of translucent shield was lit up around the core transfer unit!

"This is-a brand new defense system!"

Li Yao spitted a **** saliva. He didn't expect the blood demon's eye's defense system to be so tight. In addition to the triple defense system on the surface, there is actually a hidden defense outside the core transmission unit. Fu Zhen!

This defensive talisman array is usually in a dormant state, and will only turn on when it senses a violent invasion from the outside world, and it turns out to be driven by—

The power of the tides!

This defensive talisman array can absorb part of the tidal force caused by the three satellites, creating a special force field.

The gravitational force within the force field is very unevenly distributed. In some places, the intruder will perceive more than 30 times as powerful gravity; in other places, the gravitational force will pull each other, like two giant satellites, facing opposite directions. Like tearing up an intruder!


Within the force field of this rune, gravity is extremely chaotic!

As soon as the bullet drill bit hit this "tidal defense array", it completely collapsed under the influence of chaotic gravity.

Some of the bullets were slapped back like a headless fly; some of the bullets collided with each other and burst out in the void; and some of the bullets were directly crushed into crisp pieces like cicada wings!

At this moment, the power of the distance from the tide reached its extreme value, no more than ten seconds.

For Li Yao, it was like a whole decade of suffering.

His original plan was to use a bullet drill to drill a large hole under the core transfer unit, and then blast the ice crystal bomb with a three-second delay into the core transfer unit.

Losing the core transmission unit of the cooling tower, it has entered an ultra-high temperature state at this moment, and the ice crystal bomb will definitely have the most gorgeous reaction with it.

Before that, Li Yao had already been among the panicked experts and scholars, and escaped from the emergency channel!

The appearance of this "tidal defense formation" disrupted Li Yao's arrangement.

How to do?

Before Li Yao's eyes, there seemed to be hundreds of monster warships passing through the wormhole, spraying poisonous mist and acid liquid over the sky.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

His brain was blank, he couldn't even hear the roar of bullets and the roar of the talisman, he could only hear his increasingly rapid heartbeat.


At this moment, he suddenly felt a strange light, illuminating him transparently from above.

But it is a few high temperature resistant crystals erected outside the core transfer unit.

These crystal eyes were originally used to observe the internal wear and temperature of the magic unit when it is running at high speed.

At this moment, he took a clear picture of his appearance.

"I was found!"

Li Yao took a long sigh of relief, grinned, and scratched his curled hair.

Now that the enemy had helped him make a choice, he had only one way to go.

The flagship of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Monsters, the Blood Monster.

"What is that, what is that, what the **** is that!"

Jin Tuyi and the four or five demon emperors were stunned and sweating.

Under the service of the guards, they just put on special transmission buffer clothes and entered the pupa-style transmission cabin, preparing for the second wave of transmission in five minutes.

Unexpectedly, I saw an incredible scene on the monitoring light screen, and saw a face that would never appear!

The alarm from the stability room, like a stern lightning, cut through the hot air in the Blood Demon!

The stability unit was in chaos, the No. 1 stabilization plan completely collapsed, but the No. 2 and No. 3 plans did not keep up. The director and deputy directors of the stability room could not be contacted, and even the **** sweeper did not know where he died!

Jin Tuyi's face was distorted to the extreme, as if an old hen was stuck in her neck, she screamed softly, "Stop teleporting! Stop teleporting!"

That's too late.

All the brain cells of all the monster races were still immersed in the dream of rushing into the Heavenly Origin Realm to burn, kill, and loot, without realizing what the commander meant.

However, Jin Tuyi and several demon emperors had sunk into the chrysalis teleportation cabin, their entire bodies were wrapped in biochemical buffer, and it was impossible for them to jump out and manipulate them in an instant.

Even if they were aware of the catastrophic consequences, the power of the tide had reached its extreme value. Halfway through the teleportation process, the fourteen demon emperors and the most elite troops entered the wormhole that communicated the two worlds. How could it be possible to turn around easily?

On the surveillance light screen, Li Yao raised his head and grinned, revealing his blood-stained teeth, allowing them to see clearly.

Afterwards, Li Yao stretched his right fist towards the camera, with his fist facing up, slowly... raising his middle finger.

Jin Tuyi and the demon emperors stared openly, and they didn't understand the meaning of this weird gesture. Was it some kind of special handprint?

In the next scene, they were extremely familiar.

As the black universe ring with red silk on the **** shines, Li Yao's **** is quickly wrapped in layers of exquisite armor, which spreads to the upper part of the arm like a tide, and quickly covers the shoulder armor. , Chest, waist, legs, whole body.

Li Yao's eyes were mixed with rage and coldness, and they were all enclosed in a black visor, as if sinking into an abyss, disappearing.

Xuan Bone Dragon King, Xinghai Wushuang, the reproduction is complete!


The momentum rising into the sky seemed to penetrate the crystal eyes and impact the faces of several demon emperors.

Including Jin Tuyi, the corners of all the Demon Emperor's eyes twitched subconsciously.


Li Yao had a pair of arms, and the cell activating agent acted on the active cells on the surface of the crystal armor, causing him to gush out a substantive demon fire, arousing a wisp of demon energy!

On the right arm, is the "Electric Light Poisonous Dragon Drill" which has been greatly strengthened by seven psychic dragons!

On the left arm, is the cell annihilation gun that has been fully optimized by biochemical technology and added more than ten layers of spar lenses to increase the amplitude!

Behind Li Yao, the Black Wing Sword released two psychic wings tens of meters long to the sides. He squatted deeply, and under his legs it seemed to have installed hundreds of powerful power runes, soaring into the sky like a rocket. Rising up, hit the tidal defense array hard!

"Kaka! Kaka!"

Even through the light curtain, Jin Tuyi and several demon emperors could imagine how huge and chaotic the tidal force exerted on Li Yao at this moment.

Perhaps his head is still under the squeeze of thirty times the gravity, but the left and right sides of the body are torn in the opposite direction by the force of the tide, while the legs bear the gravitational force in the other direction.

It was like there were hundreds of vortexes superimposed on him at the same time.

However, even in such a harsh environment, Li Yao still raised his arms inch by inch!

Across the light curtain, across the visor, the demon emperors seemed to hear Li Yao rubbing his teeth and laughing wildly.

Lightning Dragon Drill! Cell annihilation cannon! Spiral staggered! Double burst!

All the eyes of the demon emperor fell into a pure white state for an instant because of the two bursts of supernova-like flames in the light curtain.

After that, the light curtain fell into pitch black, and there was no more waves.

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