40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1034: Out of control!

Deep in the eye of the blood demon.

The inside of the super teleportation array made with a lot of biochemical technology is like a huge giant without friends, with diseased internal organs, bizarre-shaped biochemical brains, and magical units wrapped in strengthened exoskeletons, like biochemical organs. .

And Li Yao was like a bug that got into the stomach of a giant.

Of course it is a worm with sharp teeth.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Bullet ****, anger splashing! The Cell Annihilation Cannon is like the sharpest scalpel, cutting all "internal organs" into a riddle of holes! The electric poisonous dragon drill suddenly split into seven independent psychic dragons, and suddenly gathered into a super-high-speed rotating drill bit with thousands of electric arcs, and drilled shocking holes!

And in every gap and every hole, Li Yao would shove an ice crystal bomb easily.

"Three seconds!"

Li Yao manipulated thirty-six floating Vulcan cannons into a rampage, as if entering an uninhabited state, giving the "giant" a big opening.

"Two seconds!"

With a "boom", Li Yao suddenly opened up in front of him. He actually smashed all the way from hundreds of meters underground, penetrated hundreds of meters of rock formations, and rushed into the control center!

Seeing his arms surrounded by electric arcs and flames, and the armor covered with biochemical brain remains, all the experts were dumbfounded and trembling deeply!

"One second!"

Li Yao ignored these experts. Instead, he pointed the thirty-six floating Vulcan cannons, electro-optical poison dragon drills, and cell annihilation cannons to the crystal dome above the control center.

The violent fire pouring, instantly shot the defensive talisman array of the crystal dome riddled with holes, and shot out hundreds of crisscross cracks.

"Crack! Click! Click!"

Above the crystal dome, there is an entire lake. Under the frenzied tear of the tide, vortexes appeared in the lake water, madly bombarding the gaps that had just appeared on the crystal dome.

Li Yao snapped his fingers, and the thirty-six Vulcan cannons that had run out of bullets were taken back into the Universe Ring, replaced by a three-meter long chasing dragon and feather sword. He dragged the sword behind him like a folding knife. , Squat deeply, exerted force with both legs, and blasted two holes in the ground that were more than ten meters deep. The whole person roared, and the war knife rolled up the ray of tens of meters long and blasted out fiercely!


Crystal dome, burst!

The lake water rushed in, and Li Yao took the opportunity to dive into the blood-colored lake!

"Zero seconds!"

The ice crystal bomb installed in the core magic weapon unit suddenly burst. When the ice crystal encounters the rune array and magic weapon components that have risen to a high temperature of thousands of degrees, it instantly vaporizes, and its volume expands thousands of times!

In such a small space, the expanding gas has nowhere to escape, and the only consequence is -


An extremely brilliant and terrifying explosion!

The heart of the blood demon’s eye, the core transmission unit turned into a pouring molten steel in an instant, and the shock wave spread out along every small gap. Wherever it went, all the magical components, biochemical organs, and crystal brains And the biochemical brain are all integrated into powder, forming a stream of high-temperature particles, like a deadly firework!

It was like a submarine volcano erupting and a new island began to take shape. Under the blood-colored lake, there was also mud and sand, whirlpools, and invisible ripples. Before countless rune beasts had time to dodge, they were shaken into flesh by the shock wave!

The power of the tides is completely out of control!

The blood-colored lake is like a frying pan thrown into a pile of ice. The tide has been magnified ten times. The stormy waves are gathering over the lake. The second and third waves of the Allied Demon Army are all swept through the wormhole. Throwing to the shore relentlessly.

Countless monster battleships smashed into the follow-up troops on the shore. Many of the killing weapons that were carefully trained for decades and spent countless resources and painstaking efforts to make the killing weapon, even before uttering a word, became the most expensive. meat pie!

Around the eye of the blood demon, a series of small earthquakes erupted, the earth was torn, the hills fell, and the air was distorted. Into the cracks in the earth.

Other monster battleships even collided with each other, causing a series of new explosions!

The out-of-control tidal force has also brought about the disorder of the magnetic field. For many monsters with natural magnetic field induction ability, it is like a steel fork pierced into their brains, and it was agitated!

These monster beasts had been injected with a lot of stimulants and were on the verge of rage, and now they were completely out of control.

They broke free of restrictions and constraints, and began to attack all living creatures around them regardless of enemy and us!

It's messed up, all monsters, monsters, and monster battleships are all messed up! In the face of the tidal power eruption caused by the three satellites, even the Demon King was helpless!

However, these elites of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance who fell into chaos are still relatively lucky.

Even more tragic than them is the first wave of strike force composed of fourteen demon emperors and the most elite fighters.

When the Eye of the Blood Demon collapsed, they were passing through the wormhole, aggressively killing towards the Heavenly Origin Realm.

It's like going through a tunnel and encountering an earthquake, and the whole mountain collapsed.

"Wow! Wow!"

The force of the tides desperately tore the newly formed wormhole in all directions, even the lightning around the wormhole was torn into strands of electric arcs, and the army in the wormhole was instantly torn apart!

Some monster battleships were directly pulled into rivers of flesh and blood tens of kilometers long by the force of the tide, and the elite fighters inside were all blended together, and they could no longer distinguish each other.

Other monster battleships were sent into the deepest gap of the wormhole by the force of tides. It was not the Celestial Realm, but the unknown space on the other side of the Xinghai Sea-in all likelihood, it was a barren world without any resources. After the fuel and food are exhausted, they are destined to starve to death there.

There are also some monster warships that have crashed into an invisible barrier and collapsed, evenly distributed in the depths of the wormhole into a thin film of flesh and blood.

There are also some demon battleships or demon king rank powerhouses. Part of the material in the body is teleported over, but the other part is left in the blood demon world, like a bunch of invisible filaments, cut them into very precise In two halves!

"Ape Demon" Yuan Riyue is one of them.

This leading super master in the blood demon world realized that it was not good when the power of the tide was out of control, and jumped out of the pupa-like teleportation cabin, wanting to escape back to the blood demon world.

However, no matter how strong the individual is, he can't compete with the mighty power of nature. He is like being caught by a pair of invisible giant hands, desperately dragging into a distorted, collapsed wormhole.

The force of the tide tore his bones and internal organs alive from his body, passed through the wormhole, and sent it into the Celestial Realm.

But his empty body was torn into a **** mist, and it fell on the ground of the Blood Demon Realm one after another.

Before the wormhole was closed, only a handful of troops successfully crossed the Celestial Realm.

Jin Wuxu is one of them.

The commander of the Phantom Golden Eagle Troop was almost the first group of monsters to cross the wormhole, and he appeared in a very good location, just above the urban area of ​​Tiandu City.

Here, he can use the cover of high-rise buildings to avoid flying swords issued by cultivators, and he can also destroy buildings and create chaos as much as possible, so that he can rush to the six-pointed star defense formation at the core of Tiandu!

Jin Wuxu let out a silent grin, breathing in the fresh air of the Tianyuan Realm to his heart's content-it won't be long before this air will become extremely bloody.


The waiting friendly forces did not appear for a long time. Even if a few appeared occasionally, they were all panicked and defeated.

He even saw that in the sky to the southwest, a monster battleship had just been teleported to half, but was forcibly broken into two parts by a terrifying force, and only the first half was teleported over!

Around Jin Wuxu, screams came and went one after another.

It's not from the cultivator, but from the demon clan with broken tendons and **** faces!

"Well, what is going on?"

Jin Wuxu's cranial nerves were almost burned by the sudden change!


There was an earth-shattering roar in the distance. Jin Wuxu took a closer look and found that he was one of the four giants in the blood demon world, the commander of the first wave of attacks, the claw clan chief "blood-robed ancestor"!

The blood-robed ancestor was suspended in the clouds, and the dark clouds rolled, forming a huge group of monsters like a liger behind him, with an aura soaring to the sky!

Jin Wuxu seemed to see the life-saving straw, ecstatic, and desperately moved closer to the blood-robed ancestor.

However, when he was more than ten kilometers away from the other party, he stopped abruptly, and the surprise turned into a fright.

He discovered that the blood-robed ancestor had not been completely teleported to the Tianyuan realm.

The blood robe ancestor's right arm, right shoulder blade, and even part of the right side of his head, all disappeared.

It was like having the sharpest sharp knife, slashing diagonally from the right side of his Tianling Gai, splitting a small part of his body!

Moreover, on the ground, dozens of streamers were rising into the sky, rushing towards the blood-robed ancestor at the speed of lightning and stone fire.

It's the golden core of the cultivator and...the original infant.

As the capital of the Star Federation, the heart of the Tianyuan cultivation world, no matter how empty the troops are, there are dozens of pill formations and a few Yuan Ying.

Jin Wuxu looked sad, he was hesitating whether to turn around and escape or step forward to rescue the blood-robed ancestor, with 36,000 pores all over his body, and at the same time he felt the pain of needle sticks!

Hundreds of smaller but faster streamers rose from all directions in the city, drew out strange arcs, and pierced him from all angles!

It was the six-pointed star defense formation in Tiandu, which inspired hundreds of unmanned flying swords and launched a fatal strangulation on him!

The corner of Jin Wuxu's mouth trembled, and he inexplicably remembered what his father had just said to him:

"Don't die!"

Jin Wuxu smiled, laughing more ugly than crying: "I, how could I die here? I am the successor of the Yu clan..."

The sword formation consisting of hundreds of flying swords swallowed him instantly!

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