40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1051: A hundred-year plan!

"Is she a monster or a cultivator?"

As the daughter of Jin Tuyi, Jin Xinyue has a lot of fame in the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance Army. Even if many demon races have not seen her deity, at least they have heard of her name.

However, the fluctuation of psychic energy emanating from Jin Xinyue's body was really shocking.

The monster race is very sensitive to fluctuations in psychic energy, which is equivalent to the cultivator smelling a demon energy. For a while, all the monster races looked at each other and couldn't figure out the situation.

Soon, a statement spread like wildfire.

Jin Xinyue was willing to change her body into this way in order to fight the "Spore Project". Although she looked like a cultivator, her blood had the power to restrain the "Demon God Virus".

She is the "saint" who can really save everyone!

This statement is slightly different from the facts.

But it made most of the demon elites, especially the low-level soldiers, staring at Jin Xinyue's eyes, full of a hundredfold reverence and hope!


On board the medical ship "Bloodborne".

Jin Xinyue stood in front of a dozen demon emperors neither humble nor arrogant, letting their curious eyes rest on her.

She has just gone through dozens of tests to confirm her identity. She is indeed the daughter of Jin Tuyi, and at the same time, she is also an out-and-out "human"!

In terms of strength, these demon emperors are several times stronger than her, and they are all powerful ones who dominate the roost.

But in the face of such a test report, in the face of irrefutable facts, their expressions have become exceptionally wonderful.

Or trance, or anger, or confusion, or loss, when Jin Xinyue cast pure eyes on them, many demon emperors even turned their heads and dared not look at her.

A demon race can completely become a human race, not just as simple as "transforming a human form", but from the inside to the outside, in essence, completely reborn!

What does such an iron fact mean to the blood demon world?

Even these Demon Sovereign's superb computing power could not be deduced for a while.

They just vaguely felt that the sky in the Blood Demon Realm was collapsing, and it would never be possible to repair it as before. In the next few decades or even hundreds of years, the Blood Demon Realm is destined to face surging waves, and the entire race will become completely different from the past. different!


In the depths of the blood source, in a fully enclosed cell, several people were infected with the demon **** virus, their skin turned dead gray, and their bodies were covered with pustules. Clusters of flesh-touched "out of control mutants" grew out of the pustules. Staring blankly at a certain point on the wall.

In order to prolong the life of the cells when there is no smell of living things, the out-of-control variant enters a semi-dormant state.


A group of "artificial chaotic blood" just refined by the Skyfire Organization was shot into the body of the out-of-control mutant by a dart gun!

In an instant, the out-of-control mutant's eyes widened, as if dead gray and light green two forces were facing each other, constantly contending.

They uttered heart-piercing roars, and there was a lot of foam from their wounds!

In the violent shaking, the foam turned into light green smoke. As the smoke continued to gush out, the pustules gradually fell off, and the skin slowly returned to its original color and luster.

However, the previously very distinctive characteristics of the monster race, fangs, sharp teeth and hair, also gradually disappeared under the secretion of foam.

In the end, those lying on the ground unconscious, as if they were ordinary human beings, with at most only a little bit of Yaozu characteristics.

The best military doctors and biochemical experts in the blood demon world, resisting the astonishment, recorded a series of dazzling data.

These data, as well as the video of the out-of-control variant being controlled and transformed into a human form, were immediately transmitted to the biochemical masterminds of the demon kings.

The expressions on the faces of the demon emperors who had just been greatly shocked and had not even turned their minds became even more "exciting".


Just as most of the Demon Kings were immersed in the subversive test reports and experimental data, Jin Xinyue walked into the sky garden in front of the Blood Demon under the afterglow of the setting sun.

In the raging sunset, what awaited her was her father, Jin Tuyi, commander of the Allied Forces of Demons.

Two days ago, also in the same sky garden, Jin Tuyi completed the conversation with his eldest son Jin Wuxu, designated the eldest son as his successor, and then sent the eldest son into destruction by himself without blinking his eyes.

Jin Tuyi and Jin Xinyue's eyes collided in mid-air, and they all saw that the light rippling in each other's eyes was a hundred times stronger and a hundred times more determined than the last time they had a video call in Tongtian City!

This father and daughter, perhaps for the first time in more than ten years, finally removed all pretense and met frankly!


Jin Xinyue leaned slightly and bowed.

"Your teacher, did you tell you everything?"

Jin Tuyi looked at his daughter’s new look with great interest. What he cared about was not whether his daughter was a human or a demon, but the wave emanating from his daughter’s bones, surpassing the “monster energy” and “psychic energy”. A more and more powerful breath!

"Yes, the teacher told me everything. My daughter really didn't expect that my father would have achieved this level for the future of my clan!"

Jin Xinyue said calmly, "But I don't know what the father needs his daughter to do for the'Red Tide Project'? It is stated in advance that no matter what the father and daughter say, the daughter will make it clear to the teacher afterwards."

"On the one hand, my daughter is still too immature now to hide it from the teacher."

"On the other hand, since the father is very ill, it is bound to be impossible to protect his daughter for too long. In the next few years or even decades, teachers will be the most powerful force that daughters can rely on. For their own interests, daughters cannot easily betrayed. This'backer'."

"rest assured."

Jin Tuyi waved his hand and motioned his daughter to come to him, "What I want to say next, you can tell your teacher as it is-I have no plans to play a conspiracy, facing the danger like'Vulture Li Yao' Characters, it doesn’t make much sense to play with conspiracies."

"If you want to play, just play Yangmou. Everyone puts the conditions on the bright side and competes in an open and fair manner!"

"However, before explaining the follow-up steps of your'Red Tide Project', please take a look at this information."

Jin Tuyi handed over an antique jade slip.

Jin Xinyue took the jade slip and touched it lightly on her forehead. After browsing for a while, her beautiful eyes suddenly shrank: "Youquan Country is abnormal? Several big cities have had epidemics? Youquan ancestor is crazy!"

"Of course."

Jin Tuyi said indifferently, "Ancestor Youquan’s conspiracy has been thoroughly exposed, how could he sit still? , Even in the entire blood demon world, there must be a lot of spores hidden."

"Forcibly, he can only activate these'spores' and is dying to struggle!"

"Youquan Country is just the beginning. I estimate that in the next few days, there will be more serious epidemic warnings gradually coming, and the blood demon world is destined to usher in a catastrophe!"

Jin Xinyue gently squeezed the jade slip in her palm, thinking about the impact of this incident on herself, on the Yu clan, on the master, and on the Skyfire organization. After a while, two brilliant lights came out of her eyes: "Father, Lian Youquan The old ancestor dog jumping over the wall is also in your calculations, right?"

Jin Tuyi smiled slightly, did not answer, and changed the subject: "Want to hear my views on the future of the Yaozu in the next hundred years?"

Jin Xinyue's heart moved and she instantly understood that the so-called "Red Tide Project" turned out to be a vast project that lasted for hundreds of years!

Jin Tuyi held on to the railing and looked at the ever-changing sea of ​​red clouds.

It was like waves of red tides, impacting the dying sunset.

His voice was remote and ethereal, as if it didn't come from his chest, but from somewhere outside the sky:

"First, Ancestor Youquan was dying and struggling. He frantically dropped a lot of'spores' in several big cities in the Blood Demon Realm. The virus spread quickly, turning countless monsters into out-of-control mutants and his The slave has caused an unprecedented catastrophe in the blood demon world!"

"In this catastrophe, the old system of the blood demon world, the four great demon kingdoms, and the twelve demon kings in the Pantheon Palace... will all be destroyed, and countless stubborn old nobles and their interest groups will be transformed into The walking dead finally disappeared."

"In the process of fighting against the catastrophe, new organizations will rise, and quickly fill the gaps caused by the raging monsters and viruses, and establish a new order!"

"On the other hand, in order to restrain the demon **** virus, various medicines based on the blood of the saint woman's golden heart and moon will be prepared, but these medicines all have a serious side effect. The appearance becomes more like a human race!"

"Most monster races, of course, are not satisfied with such changes, but under the threat of the monster **** virus, no matter how serious the side effects are, they can only temporarily hold their noses and endure them."

"This is the first phase and it is expected to last from one to three years."

Jin Tuyi paused and observed his daughter's reaction. He was not surprised to see her daughter listening carefully. He nodded in satisfaction and continued:

"In the second stage, after the catastrophe is over, the blood demon world that has been hit hard is destined to be devastated and completely unable to launch a battle between the two worlds."

"The transformation of the form of the monsters and humans will also lead most of the monsters to rethink the relationship between humans and monsters, and to think about the mystery of the origin of the monsters."

"At that time, the resistance to peace negotiations will be minimized."

"Finally, the Blood Demon Realm ended the century-long war with the Tianyuan Realm in the mode of'conditional surrender'. The blood demon, Tianyuan and Feixing realized the normalization of the relationship between the three realms, and established a joint organization to deal with the threat of the real human empire. "

"For hundreds of years, the Blood Demon Realm has caused severe damage to the Tianyuan Realm. It is an absolute'aggressor.' Even if it is a'conditional surrender', punishing war criminals, huge war reparations, etc., I am afraid it is indispensable."

"It's okay, promise them, promise them all!"

"It doesn't matter no matter how large the number of war reparations is. Anyway, if there is no spar, it will kill one!"

"Ultimately, we can use human resources to compensate for war indemnities, send a large number of monster races to the resource planet of the Flying Star Realm to mine resources, and slowly compensate in three to fifty years."


A book friend said that there were a few key words in front of him that he couldn't see. The old man took a look and found that it turned out to be "Dove! Pie!", which is really...

Forgive me everyone, this kind of thing can't be blamed on the website, I can only say, uh, life is more illusory than novels in many cases, so let's follow the path!

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