40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1052: The heart of the country! (Fourth!)

The sunset glow like a red tide gradually dimmed, the setting sun finally fell below the horizon, the night fainted like ink, and Jin Tuyi's expression was gradually shrouded in darkness.

"The third stage, that is thirty to fifty years from now."

"In these thirty to fifty years, the fusion of the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon has been completely completed, and it has become a new realm with double star domains, and there are also large-scale wormholes in the dark and extremist areas for communication. It can be said that' Seamless'."

"At this time, the old war has ended for thirty to fifty years, and the new generation born after the war has grown up quickly!"

"As early as decades ago, everyone knew about the threat of the real human empire, so in the new generation of textbooks, there will definitely be fewer and fewer passages about the war between the human race and the monster race, and the real human empire is powerful and evil. But there will be more and more paragraphs."

"In the social ideological trend, the contradiction between the human race and the monster race will be replaced by the contradiction between the cultivator and the cultivator.

"The new generation that has grown up after the war cannot have such an unforgettable hatred for the Yaozu like their ancestors."

"With the deepening of exchanges, the appearance of the monster race and the human race are becoming more and more assimilated. Under the secret instigation of interested people, the'human monster homology theory' will become popular, and most of the lower demons will be packaged as suffering. Victims of oppression, the responsibility for the war thirty or fifty years ago will be shifted to a handful of desperate and ambitious families."

"In the folk, the fusion of the human race and the monster race is accelerating. Some of the more moderate characteristics of the monster race, such as cat ears, rabbit ears and furry tail, will become a symbol of'cute' and even'sex and sense','Little "Goblin" will be used to refer to those beautiful and attractive young women, and there will even be some works of art about the "forbidden love" between shemales, contact and even love with the demons, will be regarded as the latest trend by young people. the behavior of."

Jin Xinyue listened attentively, sketching a long scroll like a sea in her mind.

Jin Tuyi coughed lightly and continued:

"The fourth stage, fifty years from now."

"At that time, the communication between the human race and the monster race should have been very close, and the monster race also used decades of work to repay all war reparations, and the threat of the real human empire is getting closer day by day."

"I predict that for victory and survival, the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Feixing have no choice but to continuously upgrade the original joint organization, and finally condense into a new political entity, a new country!"

"This country is very likely to continue to use the name and political system of the Star Federation, because among the three realms, the Star Federation is the only force that has experience in operating a large government. The blood demon world's system is more like a tribal alliance, a scattered sand. Not to mention the Flying Star Realm."

"The essence of this new Star Federation will be completely different from the old Federation in the past!"

"At the beginning of the establishment of the new federation, it can be foreseen that the high-level human race will never be assured of the Yao race. The Yao race is unlikely to obtain the same political rights as the human race, such as voting rights, etc., will be greatly restricted."

"It's okay, take a long-term view, and promise them no matter how harsh conditions are, let's start the new federation first!"

Jin Tuyi slashed his hand down firmly and said in a deep voice: "The fifth stage, six to seventy years later, the expeditionary force of the true human empire is getting closer and closer. In order to deal with the threat of war, the new federation must be issued. Excavate resources frantically and explore more worlds."

"At this time, if you throw out the'New Human Strengthening Plan', there is a high chance that it will be accepted."

Jin Xinyue frowned and asked, "Father, what is the'New Human Strengthening Program'?"

Jin Tuyi smiled and said, "Perhaps your teacher told you that I think the external characteristics of the Yaozu are no longer adapted to this era and are destined to be eliminated."

"Yes, I didn't lie, but I didn't say the second half."

"The fangs, claws, wings and tail... these external characteristics of the monster race are indeed cumbersome, and they will all be eliminated!"

"But, what about inside?"

"If the development of biochemical technology can directionally activate the demonized cells in the internal organs and musculoskeletal system while maintaining a human form, so that people have a stronger heart, lungs, stomach and muscle fibers?"

"You see, in order to deal with the threat of the real human empire, we need to develop many resource planets full of miasma and poisonous mist, and we need stronger workers and immigrants."

"In order to win this battle, we need stronger fighters!"

"Even if we lose the battle and the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Flying Star are tragically destroyed, we need to have a strong body if we want to escape deeper into the star sea, the harsh star field full of magnetic storms and rays!"

"Develop the'controllable demonized cell' technology, activate some of the demonized cells in the body, combine the advantages of the old demon tribe and the old human tribe, and create a new human being with a'human skin demon bone'! This is the'human enhancement plan' ', is also the only way to fight against the real human empire!"

Jin Xinyue couldn't believe it: "Will the high-level federal leaders at that time agree?"

"Why disagree?"

Jintu said, "At that time, the'human-monger homology theory' had become popular. Everyone understood that the demon race was also a branch of the human race. The so-called'demonized cell' was actually the'preliminary cell', which was born with the human race. inherited."

"What's more, there is no need to change the shape, just to make the internal organs and musculoskeletal stronger. What's wrong?"

Jin Xinyue pondered for a moment and nodded.

Although there are still many questions, let's just listen to it! ,

Jin Tuyi stared at the two blood moons that had just risen, and said lightly: "The sixth stage, seven to eighty years later, through a large number of intermarriages between humans and monsters, and the'human enhancement plan', a large number of human races are more or less , They all carry some imprints of the monster race."

"The miners who collect mineral deposits on various resource planets have also formed a very strong political force. The affirmative movement is surging, and the calls for equal political rights are getting higher and higher."

"The expeditionary army of the true human empire is about to be killed. How can the new federation be torn apart at this time? In the end, just like the "Human Ghost Affirmation Act" introduced by the Federation more than a hundred years ago, the "Shemale Affair Act" will definitely be introduced! "

"In the new federation, the boundary between the monster race and the human race will be completely eliminated, and everyone will have the same political rights, including the most precious...voting right!"

Jin Tuyi laughed: "My daughter, did you know that the Speaker of the Star Federation is also the commander of the Federation Army. He has great power. In critical situations, he can even directly mobilize the Federation Army without the approval of the Parliament. of."

"And such a strong man turned out to be elected by voting!"

Jin Xinyue took a breath, and instantly understood what her father was thinking!

A little surprised, an inexplicable flame surrounded her!

Excited! She is really excited!

Jin Tu Yidao: "At the beginning of the birth of the Xingyao Federation, there were many domestic contradictions, including the contradictions between the major sects, the contradictions between the cultivators and ordinary people, the contradictions between the major sects and the Federal Army..."

"In order to maximize the reconciliation of the interests of all parties, the Star Federation chose the system of voting for the speaker."

"Unfortunately, for hundreds of years after the founding of the Federation, it has been facing war again. During the war, the power of the supreme leader has naturally increased. To this day, it has not been restricted. It is estimated that it will be difficult to restrict it in the future."

Jin Xinyue bit her lip gently, letting the slight pain stimulate her brain to run at a high speed: "Father, how can you be sure that the new federation will adopt this system in a hundred years from now? During the war, he still played. What election? It seems that it is better to concentrate power in the hands of a strong man?"

Jin Tuyi shook his head very firmly: "No, the new federation will definitely not do this."

"Think about it, the enemy of the new federation, the real human empire, based on the analysis of existing intelligence, it is a country that has brought the advantages of the dictatorship system to the highest point. It is an empire!"

"Compared with the real human empire, the territory of the new federation is inferior to humans, magical powers are inferior to humans, secret methods are inferior to humans, and the strong are inferior to humans... Then choose a system that is exactly the same as the other, how can you fight against others?

"If everyone is playing dictatorship, we will all surrender to the real human empire. Why should we stay in the new federation and be oppressed by others? Find the master, and find someone who is bigger!"

"For the new federation to fight against the real human empire, it is certainly not enough to rely on the three realms of flying stars, blood demon, and Tianyuan. In the next hundred years, more worlds will definitely be explored and discovered."

"In order to attract these new worlds to join the Federation, at least to stand in the same camp as the Federation to fight the empire, we can only rely on a system that opposes the empire."

"Cultivators preach the Dao Heart. In fact, a country also has a'Dao Heart'. This system of the Star Federation is its'Dao Heart', and it is also the only place where it is likely to be stronger than the real human empire. How could it be possible? Before the war, how about self-destroying Dao Xin?"

Jin Xinyue suddenly enlightened and let out a long sigh of relief: "That's it, I finally understand what my father's secret weapon is, that's our population!"


The third round of the blood moon finally rose, and the three rounds of blood moon together shone on Jin Tuyi's somewhat tranced face. His eyes seemed to see the scene a hundred years later, quietly said, "Today's battle, we are completely lost. It’s a terrible loss, and there is no capital to come back."

"However, if in the'Xing Yao Federation' a hundred years later, a supreme leader with the blood of the Yao race was born through a legal method, and in the council, there will also be a large number of people with the blood of the Yao race. Members of the United States can influence the major policies of the new federation, so whose victory is it?"

Jin Xinyue's mind was swaying, dazzled, and couldn't help but let out a gentle gasp.

Jin Tuyi's eyes shone with magnificent brilliance, and the brilliance fell on her daughter, as if she was wearing a colorful armor.

"Daughter, I know that you have ambitions since you were a child, and you will never be willing to be a little saint. You have always wanted to be the one and only "Nine Heavens Profound Girl" in the Pantheon Palace, and even the most powerful in the blood demon world for thousands of years. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl!"

"However, in my opinion, what kind of "Nine Heavens Profound Girl" is still too small and a mere "sovereign of the world", how can it fill my daughter's appetite?

"But I don't know, do you have ambitions, when the real human empire is about to be killed in a hundred years, you will become the first female speaker with the blood of the demon clan in the history of the'Star Federation', leading the new federation and defeating the imperial army. , All the way to the center of the sea of ​​stars!"

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