40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1055: Decided!

Jin Xinyue, who ended his heart-to-heart talk with her father, honestly went to Li Yao to report the situation.

Li Yao's current role is more embarrassing. Although most of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance understand that he saved everyone, after all, 14 Demon Kings died because of him. In addition, countless elite battle groups and demon warships were reimbursed.

Before Jin Tuyi completely took control of the situation, he still remained in the spar warehouse of the Blood Demon, lest someone outside loses his mind and makes trouble.

Along the way, Jin Xinyue mobilized all brain cells to think about how to communicate with Master.

However, the moment she saw Li Yao, the manuscript of her typed belly was completely torn apart, and her jaw was about to fall in surprise.

"Master, Master, how did you become like this?"

Li Yao's upper body protruding from the crack in the door was extremely miserable.

He was in ragged clothes, as if he had just climbed across a sea of ​​blazing fires, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, his head was as big as a pig's head, especially his left eye blister was completely swollen, and his eyes were swollen so that his eyes were narrowed into a slit.

This, this is completely tortured by being hung up!

Jin Xinyue was shocked!

What kind of person is the master? Looking at the three realms of Blood Demon, Tian Yuan and Fei Xing, wherever they go, they are all super masters in the first camp. How could they be beaten so badly?

Who did it?

Could it be that the demon emperor was unhappy and came to trouble Master? Impossible, if the Master and the Demon Emperor are fighting, I am afraid that the entire Blood Demon ship will be demolished by them, right?

Jin Xinyue's thoughts turned, and she instantly thought: "Master, is there a sneak attack from the old ancestor Youquan?"

Li Yao's lips were swollen like two big sausages, and his words leaked, and the urn sounded, "No, I did it myself."


Jin Xinyue was completely confused, "Master...why do you want to beat yourself into an inhuman form, like a pig-headed three!"

Li Yao dragged her into the spar warehouse and closed the door severely. Then he limped back and sat back, rubbing the mirror in front of the mirror, "hissing" and screaming in pain, and said: "Don't worry about these little things. Tell me about your father's'Red Tide Project'!"


Jin Xinyue looked at the chaos all around, as if hundreds of monsters had just been rolling around here, she finally curbed her curiosity, calmed her mind, and kept everything her father said just now, verbatim. It was relayed to Li Yao.

She finally said: "My father said that although the'Red Tide Project' he envisioned is like this, it is a huge project that lasts for hundreds of years. There are too many variables and difficulties. Many things are his wishes or even conjectures. , It's too illusory, it's almost a dream."

"In short, he planted the seeds of this dream into the ground. Whether it can blossom and bear fruit and become a reality is not his control, but it depends on us, especially the master!"

"Only with the support of Master, can the Red Tide Project be carried out; if Master refuses, then it will be nothing but a fantasy."

"Master, are you willing to support me, support the Red Tide Project, and support this dream of my father?"

Jin Xinyue stared at Li Yao nervously.

But her attention was quickly attracted by Li Yaolan's peach-like left eye and sausage-like lips.

Li Yao held a ball of translucent gel in his hand, the size of an egg. After gently rubbing the palm for a while, something seemed to break in the depth of the gel, causing the gel to emit a trace of chill.

He applied the gel to Canruotaohua's left eye, and while applying it cautiously, he grinned and screamed.

Jin Xinyue beat a drum in her heart, thinking about it in a wild way.

I don’t know if my father sees Master’s current honor, will he leave the future of the Blood Demon, Tianyuan, and Fei Xing to Master to determine?

After Li Yao applied it for a long time, the cold air completely penetrated around his right eye. Then he put down the gel and looked at Jin Xinyue with the remaining right eye.

Jin Xinyue suppressed the twitching at the corner of her eyes.

Originally very serious, the scene of discussing the future of the Three Realms, how could the atmosphere become a bit weird when the three-faced face of Master was disturbed?

She really wanted to laugh.

Li Yao was very serious with three faces like a pig's head, and said seriously: "Actually, I can roughly guess what your father wants to say. From the time he said that he was going to surrender to me, I began to struggle. It's been tangled for a whole day."

"To be honest, when I learned about your father's overall plan, my first reaction was not consternation, but anger. The anger turned out to be a **** of your father."

"The second reaction is to be ashamed, ashamed that I have already entered your father's chess game without knowing it."

"When anger and shame slowly dissipated, a third, more intense negative emotion emerged, and that was worry."

Li Yao looked at his unrecognizable appearance in the mirror, except that his right eye was still as clear as before, or even clearer, "Your father is so great, I can't help thinking."

"I've been thinking, is your father's plan really that simple? Is it true and sincere to hope that the two races will merge? Will it be another bigger conspiracy? Will it end up, instead, the Xingyao Federation is given to by the monster clan? Backlash?"

"The more I thought, the more I got into the tip of the horns, and all kinds of dark thoughts followed one after another. I even wondered if your father would be the dark child of the true human empire. Everything is a conspiracy, a true human. A conspiracy to pave the way for imperial aggression!"

"There is a voice in my mind saying that Jin Tuyi absolutely cannot agree to it. Once agreed, it means that I have completely lost in this game and become his pawn!"

"There is also a voice saying that I can't play a powerful chess player like Jin Tuyi. He must have a steady stream of follow-up conspiracies. Once I help him achieve peaceful negotiations and conditional surrender, he will definitely be able to surrender in the future. regrettable!"

"You must kill him in time, no matter how much you pay, you must kill him!"

"These voices, one after another in my mind, are like poisonous snakes, devouring my soul, and finally-almost completely swallowed me by darkness, and embarked on a completely different path!"

As Li Yao said, his soul glanced deep in his brain coldly.

In the depths of his brain, under Ou Yezi's tree of memory, he shrank for several rounds, bruised all over his body, and trembled all over the **** heart demon who was more like a pig head three than him. He said pitifully, "Everyone is kidding, why bother to be so serious?"

Li Yao sipped: "Get out!"

Jin Xinyue listened intently. Although she didn't know the existence of the Scarlet Heart Demon, she also heard it. It turned out that Master had encountered a huge knot of heart.

For high-level cultivators, because of the highly developed computing power, this is a common thing. In the old saying, it means thinking too much, thinking about it and thinking about it in despair.

If it is not resolved in time, this kind of knot is very likely to lead to confusion.

However, it seems that this knot of heart has been completely cut away by the master.

Li Yao smiled very ugly, and said: "Just when my heart was so disturbed and evil thoughts were overwhelming, 90% of the time had been swallowed by darkness, I suddenly thought of someone."

Jin Xinyue could not help but asked, "Who?"

"Bayan straight."

Li Yaodao, "The predecessor who first created the Monster Race, the one who was 40,000 years ago...the true practitioner!"

"Your father is right. He is a politician, including you. You are the same kind of people, who are good at playing chess with the magnificent sea of ​​stars and billions of creatures."

"But I am not."

"I can't play such a magnificent and magnificent chess, and I don't want to play it."

"In many cases, I am more willing to treat myself as an ordinary person and look at this issue from the perspective of thousands of ordinary people."

"After all, they are all human beings, not chess pieces!"

"I simply jumped out of the mess and wondered, if it were'Chaos' Bayanzhi, how would he choose?"

"Forty thousand years ago, Bayanzhi chose to use the'Kunlun Holy Water' to turn ordinary people into monsters, but it was just to let these ordinary people live a better, more stable, and more peaceful life in troubled times. "

"I remember that in Bayanzhi’s memory, there was an ordinary person named'Zhang Niu'er. The reason he was willing to become a monster was only to give his wife and children a bite of food. Go to a new world without war and build a small...homeland."

"And today, all the monster races in the blood demon world are all descendants of Bayanzhi and'Zhang Niuer'?"

"Forty thousand years ago, they only changed from human to monster for such a common wish. Forty thousand years later, their descendants, don't their descendants have the power to turn from monster to human again to realize this wish? "

"I figured it out. What if I lost the game with your father? My original intention to become a cultivator was to protect ordinary people, so as long as I keep going on this road, what does it matter if I win or lose? What?"

"So, before you came, I had beaten back the aggregate of those negative emotions and made my choice!"

"I believe that Bayanzhi, Zhang Niu'er, and tens of thousands of ordinary people who turned into demon races 40,000 years ago, if they are alive in the sky, they will all agree with this choice."

Jin Xinyue was surprised and delighted, and said excitedly: "Master, you mean--"

Li Yao looked at the three disciples and said seriously: "The last question, do you think you are a monster or a cultivator?"

Jin Xinyue bit her lip, thought for a moment, and said firmly: "Although she has become the appearance of a human race, the imprint in the disciple's heart can never be erased. I am a demon, and always will be."


She smiled, her eyes burst into shining brilliance, "Which law stipulates that a demon cannot become a cultivator and cannot protect ordinary people?"

Li Yao also laughed, his fist swollen like a pig's feet: "Okay, I will fully support the Red Tide Project and support you to become the Federal Speaker in a hundred years!"

When he said this sentence, he seemed to have thought of something. The laughter was like a flood that broke the bank. No matter how it could not be contained, the face of the pig head three constantly twitched, becoming more and more funny.

Jin Xinyue was stunned, and asked hesitantly: "Why does the Master keep laughing?"


Li Yao laughed out of tears and cupped his stomach, "I suddenly thought that in a few words, your father and I will decide the Federal Speaker a hundred years from now. It seems to be a bit...accorded."

The second monk Jin Xinyue couldn't figure it out: "Hey, is this funny?"

"Nothing funny."

Li Yao clutched his aching cheek with a smile, his eyes became unpredictable, and he murmured, "I just suddenly thought of a place far away a long time ago."

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