40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1056: Cat-Eared Girl Adventures

Three months later, the border town of Youquan Country and Jinwu Country, Yougu City

Under the bleak moonlight, the whole town seemed to be shrouded in a mist of blood, with ghosts crying and howling wolves everywhere, screaming in the wind, and from time to time it was accompanied by bursts of explosions and the roar of collapsed houses and caves.

Leilan used the power of the tiger demon deep in his bloodline to its extreme, fleeing westward through the ruins, and anxiously, even the white nurse hat fell in the wind, revealing two pointed cat ears, trembling in the cold wind. Trembling.


She tripped over a dead branch, first hit the ground heavily, and then rolled into the depths of a half-collapsed cave. She was bruised by sharp wreckage all over her body, but she clung to her mouth as if she was a pearl. Big tears were flowing, and I didn't dare to groan in half.

Looking out from the gap in the cave, the three blood moons in the sky are still as hazy as before.

However, Lei Lan felt that since picking up the mysterious blood-eyed youth from the mountain half a year ago, the entire world she knew had been drawn into a turbulent vortex, smashed into pieces, and would never be able to fight back!

The cat-eared girl Leilan was originally just an ordinary **** monster clan in the depths of the Hundred Desolation Mountains, a barren mountain village "Dead Leaf Village", living with her older brother "Lei Qi" and younger brother "Lei Chuang". Day after day, living a simple and plain life.

She once spent a whole day climbing to the highest mountain in the east of the village, looking far away, what she saw was nothing but a mountain that was even higher.

She thought that she would die like her ancestors for generations, and she would die in a hundred barren mountains. She never thought about what the world outside the mountains would be like.

However, more than half a year ago, after a forest fire, a mysterious young man with blood eyes broke into her small world.

At that time, her elder brother Lei Qi was bewitched by others and joined the rebel organization "Chaos Blade" to participate in the "Blood Blade Rebellion."

In order to avoid suspicion, it is even more important to let the brother Lei Chuang think of serving the Ten Thousand Demon Hall, and successfully join the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance Army, so this young blood-eyed youth who has lost his memory pretends to be his big brother Leiqi Look like.

Everything that happened after that was completely beyond Leilan's imagination.

Jin Xinyue, the noble princess of the Golden Crow Kingdom, unexpectedly descended into their barren Blood Demon Village, and then disappeared into the depths of the Hundred Desolate Mountains together with the mysterious blood-eyed youth!

After that, in their small village, several batches of soldiers have been passed in succession, and there have been many indispensable big men.

There are also many troops recruiting people in the village.

Unexpectedly, the younger brother Lei Chuang, who had always been eager to join the army, said that he would not do anything.

Before leaving, he left a letter to his sister.

The letter said that he and his real big brother Leiqi had already met and learned a lot from the big brother.

It turns out that everything that the Pantheon Palace said is false, what "The Story of the Ancient Monsters", what "destruction, rebirth, and immortality" are all lies!

Now, he wants to find the truth with his eldest brother.

When the wind passed and they settled down, they would come back to pick up Leilan.

The two males in the family left one after another, especially the letter left by the younger brother, which caused the simple cat-eared girl to be deeply confused. She was worried, annoyed, and irritated by the simple-minded younger brother. Those fallacies and heresies are bewitched!

At that time, Lei Lan didn't know that a bigger change was still waiting for her and the whole village.

Not long after the brother ran away, the sound of the wind became tighter day by day.

It is said that a big battle with the Tianyuan Realm is about to be fought, and all the monster races will be called up. The males can go to the front to fight, and the females will stay behind to replace the original males and take on the heavy labor.

When many people in the village heard the news, they all fled into the mountains like their brother Lei Chuang.

Lei Lan hesitated for several days. She was afraid that once she escaped, if one day her brother and younger brother came back to look for her, she would not find a home.

As a result, on the day when she finally made up her mind to escape, she just came out of the village and collided with the menacing slave hunting team.

Leilan and the remaining villagers were all reduced to slaves. The reason was that there were many deserters in their village, which was a great disrespect to the Pantheon Palace.

After that, Leilan was like a boat that lost its power, was thrown into the rough river and drifted with the waves.

She tossed around all the way, and finally came to a big city in the Golden Crow country, working as a maid for a silver-blood demon clan.

Lei Lan didn't feel too much about the status of a maid, she was completely attracted by this colorful and bizarre big city.

In the eyes of a cat girl from a barren mountain village, what a prosperous city this is!

The seven golden ebony trees have extended a radius of tens of kilometers in total, just like seven super skyscrapers, forming the backbone of the city, and spreading out through the branches and vines to countless yams, staggered into a three-dimensional urban area.

Between the crevices of the branches, there is a constant stream of flying monsters. Whenever the traffic jams, the flying monsters resting between the branches are enough to crush the thickest branches; the magnificent nest-shaped villas are gleaming among the vines. Bright, beautifully decorated with petals and feathers; every night, fireflies turn the city into a sea of ​​light, and the light is reflected on different feathers, emitting a colorful halo, it is simply a fairyland on the ground!

Not to mention the weird things she saw in the owner's house.

There is a kind of flying insect, as long as it presses its belly lightly, it will make a "squeak" sound, and it will jingle, very beautiful music.

There is a potbelly beetle whose back carapace can be opened automatically. After putting the cold food inside, the food will be reacted by the high temperature in the beetle's belly and heating is completed after more than ten seconds!

There is also a big round, fleshy bug, like a jellyfish, with 17 or 8 tentacles, usually soaked in a special solution, as long as its two tentacles are gently sucked on the temples. You can see a dream-like picture, with oceans, stars, and all-encompassing towns. The little people in the towns can still move!

It is said that this is called the "Phantom Bug" and is used exclusively for watching "news."

Every night, after dinner, the owner and his family would sit around the jellyfish, put the tentacles on their heads, watch and listen attentively, nodding their heads and making comments from time to time.

Lei Lan didn't know what "news" was at that time.

There are so many new things in the city that she doesn't know. She is like a sponge that has been exposed to the sun for three days and thrown into the water again, sucking everything eagerly, without time to think about her situation.

Lei Lan is smart and cute. She looks as cute as a red apple. She is very pleasing to the hostess. Her life in the city is not too difficult. Although she eats cold leftovers, she eats more than in a mountain village. Better.

I have been a maid for several months, but I have never seen the male master. It is said that the male master is a high-ranking official in the army. He has thousands of soldiers under him. He is very prestigious. Every time the hostess mentions it, he looks red and proud. .

Lei Lan originally thought that she would stay in this house forever, but she was still thinking about how to find her elder brother and younger brother.

Unexpectedly, the good times did not last long, and the situation changed suddenly.

Suddenly, there was a great chaos in the city, and a group of fierce soldiers rushed into the house, not the feather tribe with wings, but the bull-headed man with horns on his head.

The hostess disheveled her hair, she was taken away like a mad woman, and the house was copied from the sky. The arrogant young masters and ladies are like hens suffering from the disease. , With her wings drooping, her head could not be lifted.

Leilan only learned later that it seemed that the Allied Forces of Demons had suffered a big defeat in a place called "Eye of the Blood Demon." The reason for the defeat was that bad guys were playing tricks in it, and the male owner of this family was bad guy, called "Blood Demon Eye". What...you, Youquan secret party!

During that time, the city caught the Youquan Secret Party very fiercely, anyway, much more fierce than the Chaos Blade members in Leilan's memory.

She is a maid, and naturally there are small circles among the maids of the big families.

According to the news from other maids, in just over half a month, several families of nobles, who were originally majestic and invincible, were all uprooted and copied cleanly, without leaving a single feather.

Leilan was a little scared, and she remembered the scene of being captured by the slave squad.

However, those brawny men with horns who traced the "Youquan Secret Party" were kind to their maids, especially slaves like Lei Lan, who had not been arrested for a long time, and spent a few days in intensive care to find out their identities. After there was no problem, he waved his hand and prepared to let them go.

"You weren't slaves before. You were wronged by the ‘Youquan Secret Party’ who played tricks in it. Now all the truth is revealed. You are all innocent. You have restored your status as free people. Go home!"

A kind-eyed sheep-clan mother-in-law with a goatee and beard told them.

Leilan didn't know where to go.

When all the people in the village were arrested, Kuye Village was also burned by the arrested slave squad. Even if they go back and face the ruins, how can they live?

She is homeless.

There are many maids in the same situation as her. The old lady with goatee asked them if she would like to be a nurse?

The old lady goat said that now a large-scale plague has broken out in Youquan Country, and it is likely to infiltrate other countries, and even the entire Blood Demon Realm.

This plague is so fierce and fierce that people who get sick will lose their minds and behave like a madman.

Soldiers are suppressed on the front line, but a large number of skilled doctors and nurses are needed to treat patients. The blood demon world has never faced such a large-scale epidemic. The number of medical personnel is extremely scarce, and large-scale recruitment is underway. Among.

To be such a nurse is naturally very dangerous, but the salary is also quite generous. If you perform well, you can join the Ten Thousand Demons Allied Forces system and get corresponding protection.

Facing the generous salary, Lei Lan was shocked and left homeless. She gritted her teeth and became a nurse to fight against something she had never heard of... the demon virus!

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