40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1057: The birth of a saint!

Leilan and hundreds of other girls were sent to a mountain col in the west of Jinwu Country by a big bird with huge vesicles, where nurses were trained in a temporary school for rapid epidemic prevention.

There are also a large number of soldiers training with them.

The nurses and soldiers should cooperate, not only to learn how to use a newly prepared beetle to detect whether the people are carrying the monster virus, but also to learn how to operate as many as 37 types of syringes to treat different types of monsters, and more importantly, learn. Use demon fire spray or frost spray to purify an area and completely eliminate the hidden danger of demon **** virus.

In the crash school, Lei Lan saw the horror of the monster virus for the first time.

After being infected with the Demon God Virus, the Demon Race was not only ugly to the extreme, her six relatives did not recognize her, and her frenzied appearance made her feel shocked.

Day by day, the atmosphere in the crash school became more and more serious, and more and more patients were transported here by the sealed biochemical tank, and their appearance became more and more vicious.

It is said that since the emergence of the first case, the epidemic has exploded in Youquan Country. Within a few days, several densely populated cities in the northern part of Youquan Country have all fallen.

In the Golden Crow Kingdom and the Lion Tu Kingdom, and even in the city of Tongtian where all ethnic groups live together, there have been sporadic epidemics, gradually becoming a continuous one.

Only the country that dominates the sea, because the sea is sparsely populated, the demon virus is difficult to spread in the sea, and escaped by fluke.

Now, it is impossible to retreat. The teachers in the school said that this is an unprecedented catastrophe in the blood demon world. Only when everyone works together can the virus be suppressed. Otherwise, everyone will not be able to escape.

Leilan could only suppress the panic in her heart and settle down to learn. She was originally very smart and soon became the best nurse intern.

At this time, more and more nurses and soldiers are learning epidemic prevention skills from all directions.

Two months ago, it was just a temporary learning class in the Col, and it quickly expanded to tens of thousands of people.

Lei Lan never expected that in the latest batch of soldiers, she would meet her relatives, her younger brother Lei Chuang!

This tiger-headed and tiger-brained kid had longed to become the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons since he was a child, but was finally bewitched by his elder brother Lei Qi, who said that he recognized the truth of the Ten Thousand Demon Palace and fled to the old forest deep in the mountains during the conscription.

However, this time when his siblings reunited, he unexpectedly put on new military uniforms and became a chemical defense soldier in the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons!

Lei Lan was completely confused by her younger brother.

Lei Chuang wiped the dust off his military uniform and told her with a smile that he had indeed joined the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, but before that, he had joined a brand new organization called "Sky Fire".

He said that after joining the Skyfire Organization, he understood a lot of truths and felt that the whole world was completely new, and the reason why he joined the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance under the arrangement of his superiors also came with a mission.

His task is to slowly spread these principles in the grassroots level of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons.

Lei Lan was completely frightened by the "reason" the younger brother said.

What "humans and monsters have the same origin", "monsters are changed from humans", "Bayanzhi's story", "Zhang Niuer's story", these weird talks are completely inconsistent with the legend of the Pantheon, even more than the original "chaotic". The fallacies and heresy of "Blade" are going to be rebellious!

Lei Lan was frightened when she heard it, and she stubbornly held her younger brother, not wanting him to go out to cause trouble again. Isn't it enough that there is a counter-thief in the house, do you have to have a second one?

Now that you have joined the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance Army, then work hard in the army. This is the right way!

Lei Chuang disapproved, telling his sister that today’s “Skyfire Organization” is completely different from the “Chaos Blade” back then, but it has the support of the big figures above and is semi-public, and it often turns a blind eye. , And even deliberately condone their proliferation in the army.

Not only that, even the original wanted order for the "Chaos Blade members" has become a pretender. Many original Chaos Blade members, with fake names, have joined the Skyfire Organization, and they can change their lives on the street. No one will come to catch them if they swagger.

Lei Chuang said that their eldest brother Lei Qi is one of them. He has long been merged into the Skyfire Organization together with many members of Chaos Blade, and he has also become a small captain in the "Raging Flame Team".

At the beginning, Lei Lan sneered at his younger brother's statement. The government cooperated with the rebels? How can it be!

However, with the spread of the epidemic, people outside are panicking, and in this epidemic prevention school, which is a mixture of fish and dragons, and gathers warriors from all tribes from all directions, the "theory of human monsters" and "the story of the chaotic Bayanzhi" are slow. It spread, and in the end, it seemed to become an unspoken "secret" that everyone knew. Even the sweeping lady in the toilet, when meeting Leilan, would wink her eyebrows mysteriously and pull her into the corner. , Said in a low voice: "Do you know that, a long time ago, there was a man named Bayanzhi..."

It was in this noisy atmosphere that Lei Lan ended his training and, as a qualified nurse, rushed to the front line of the epidemic along with a group of chemical defense soldiers such as his brother.

Leaving the isolated small mountain col, the farther you go north, the more destructive you can feel the demon **** virus.

Many towns, with ten rooms and nine empty spaces, turned into ruins, and the blood stains between the ruined walls made them look like graves rising from the ground.

The more severe the epidemic is in such a place, the more blatant the activities organized by Skyfire. In many no-man’s areas swallowed by the virus, Leilan even saw soldiers wearing the emblems of the Skyfire organization, moving in broad daylight, close at hand. The Ten Thousand Demons Allied Forces were indifferent!

And the other name, "Holy Woman Golden Heart Moon", was gradually known by Lei Lan.

The farther north you go, the more frequently this name appears. It is said that she is the goddess who came into being and saved the suffering. Her blood has been blessed by all the gods and demons in the nine heavens and ten places, and has the magical ability to fight against the evil spirits and viruses. She herself, Even more toiled day and night to shuttle through the forefront of the epidemic area, whether it is noble silver blood, humble black blood, or even "dirty" messy blood, when the monster virus strikes, she can get her meticulous care. .

Leilan has seen propaganda posters of Saint Jin Xinyue among the ruined walls of many cities and towns in the epidemic area.

In the painting, Jin Xinyue's hair and eyebrows were scorched by flames, and her face was full of compassion. She was dressed in a white robe riddled with holes, but it was stained gray by smoke and dust. She held a tightly in her arms. The dying Black Blood Demon Child's eyes, jade-carved hands, and the child's skinny blades formed a sharp contrast.

She didn't mean to dislike the child's filthyness at all, but leaned down slightly, about to kiss the child's forehead and relieve the child's pain.

These propaganda posters puzzled Lei Lan.

She clearly remembered that she had met a saint named "Golden Heart Moon", but that saint was quite different from the saint in the poster.

This one, just on the propaganda posters, the pair of eyes wafting with infinite compassion alone is enough to make people admire.

Indeed, there are many low-level demons who have been displaced by the epidemic, and even the grassroots soldiers in the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, all like to pay homage to the propaganda poster of the saint Jin Xinyue.

There is even an absurd rumor. It is said that when the virus strikes, the probability of infection can be reduced by silently reciting the name "Holy Woman Golden Heart Moon" in the bottom of my heart.

As a nurse, Lei Lan, of course, knew that this was nonsense, but he couldn't stop those illiterate low-level monster races from believing it.

On the necks of many low-level monster races, there were even wooden signs and sachets engraved with the name "Holy Woman Golden Heart Moon", which is said to have the magical effect of being invincible.

By chance, Lei Lan was surprised to find that these wooden plaques and sachets with the name "Holy Woman Golden Heart Moon" were secretly distributed by members of the Skyfire organization such as his younger brother Lei Chuang!

It is conceivable that those rumors about the "Saint Golden Heart Moon" were also spread by them.

Lei Lan, who was furious, went to his younger brother to reason on the spot, and asked him why he wanted to engage in these pretending fame? As an anti-chemical soldier, don't you even know the most basic anti-virus knowledge? With a few ghost sachets, how could it be possible to prevent the most terrible monster virus!

The younger brother smiled and said something:

"Now the Demon God virus is breaking out in various places, and the entire blood demon world is panicking. The order within the epidemic area has been out of control, and the places outside the epidemic area are also at risk. Many times, just a rumor is enough to make a town into the extreme. panic!"

"And the antidote and vaccines against the evil spirit virus are being refined on a large scale, and the number of doctors and nurses is also severely insufficient. It is far from quenching the immediate thirst, and it is impossible to completely control the epidemic in the short term."

"With these wooden plaques, sachets, and the name of the holy woman Jin Xinyue, it is indeed impossible to cure diseases, but at least it can calm people's hearts, stabilize order, and give people hope."

"In front of a catastrophe, order is more important than anything else!"

"More importantly, in this way, the name of'saint golden heart and moon' is deeply implanted in everyone's hearts. Then, once the vaccine and antidote can be refined on a large scale, the saint can be passed In the name of, we immediately called on everyone to vaccinate and treat."

This theory made Leilan speechless. After pondering for a long time, he couldn't think of a counterargument, so he frowned and let it go.

They just marched all the way, deep into You Bone City in Youquan Country.

You Bone City was originally not an epidemic area, and it was still under the control of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Monsters.

No one knows exactly how the virus broke out.

In short, when Lei Lan reacted, the city was surrounded by screams in all directions, as if the door of Jiuyou Huangquan had opened, releasing a large number of out-of-control variants!


Sorry, it's late.

The past ten hours may have been the ten most frightening hours that Lao Niu has lived.

The son has a high fever since last night and has not gone back. He was sent to the Children's Hospital for treatment in the morning. The doctor said that there was no major problem, so he prescribed some medicine and went home.

As a result, after taking the medicine at noon, I was awkwardly watching TV, and suddenly convulsed all over, fainted, and developed urinary incontinence.

Lao Niu really didn't know how to describe it. What was his mood when he saw his son unconscious and his urine stains slowly spreading.

Fortunately, there is a big hospital not far from home, so I hurried to hug it.

The current preliminary diagnosis result is "high fever convulsion," a common disease in children with high fever that does not go away. The consequences may not be serious, but the momentum of the attack is indeed shocking.

Now, it needs to be hospitalized for observation and further diagnosis, whether it is a pure febrile convulsion-hope so!

It is estimated that only two changes will be guaranteed in the past two days, and the time may not vary. Forgive me!

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