40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1058: New battle armor!

"Aw! Aw! Aw!"

Waves of howling above the waves, like magic sounds penetrating the brain, caused Lei Lan to have a splitting headache and couldn't think. The short tail was almost stretched into a straight line, trembling slightly with the muscles of the whole body.

She tried her best to recall the whole process of the virus outbreak in order to find a way to escape, but her brain was blank. She only remembered that she and her brother had just completed the detection and purification of the southern part of the city yesterday. Not long after falling asleep, he was awakened by the explosion and fire.

At that time, the entire camp was in chaos, and even a monster warship fell into the camp. The shock wave threw Leilan high and fell into a coma.

When she wakes up again, You Bone City has become a **** hell, with stumps and broken arms and terrible "out-of-control mutants" everywhere!


At this moment, Lei Lan heard a suspicious gasp from above his head.

She hiccups in fright, forcing herself to look up, just to see a group of fleshy monsters, resembling an anemone, poking her head from the ground.

In the "sea anemone", a **** gap was also cracked, revealing hundreds of messy fangs, presumably its mouth.

Leilan's heartbeat almost stopped.

This is a "runaway variant".

Although she had seen countless out-of-control mutants in school and along the way, they were all confined in a dormant state in the biochemical tank, and she was also protected by soldiers with guns and live ammunition around her.

This is the first time that she has faced off against an out-of-control mutant in isolation and helplessness.

Leilan's heartbeat broke out instantly after a short pause, and his heart rate increased to three times what it was just now.

She gritted her teeth and drew a frozen injection from her waist.

Once injected into the body of the out-of-control mutant, this kind of medicine launched by jet can suppress the activity of the demon **** virus with extremely low temperature, temporarily delaying its action.


The out-of-control mutant opened its mouth wide, and shot a five-six-meter-long tongue full of spikes from the mouth, and shot it fiercely at her right hand.

Leilan shrank his hands in fright. Fortunately, the wound was not torn open by the out-of-control mutant, but the ice-sealed injection was knocked out and smashed to the ground with a click, forming a small ice flower.

Leilan's heart seemed to be firmly wrapped in an ice flower.

The out-of-control variant "Jie Jie" smiled strangely, the anemone-like face became more and more fierce, and the blood basin almost cracked to the back of his head. As soon as he lifted his body, he was about to get into the cave.


A stream of light penetrated fiercely from its temples, and stopped for a moment in its brain. With a "pop", the whole anemone-like head burst open!

The out-of-control mutant that had lost its head still burst out with extremely tenacious vitality, sprayed with a foul-smelling body fluid containing a demon-god virus, spread its teeth and claws for a while before falling to the ground.

A soldier in a sealed suit bent down and looked into the cave.

"A Chuang!"

Lei Lan was overjoyed, it turned out to be his younger brother Lei Chuang!

The siblings struggled to leave the cave, but the situation outside was very bad.

"It was done by the Youfu Army."

Lei Chuang brought the latest news, "Youfu Army has detected that You Bone City is our logistics base, so we raided here last night, first blowing up a spar warehouse, and then releasing a brand new This new variant of the Demon God virus has a very fast onset time. As long as it is contaminated to a small amount of time, if it is not dealt with in time, it will become a'runaway variant' within a few minutes!"

Lei Lan was silent.

With the raging plague, hundreds of variants of the demon **** virus appeared, some of which were prepared by the soldiers of the Youfu, and some evolved independently after being cross-infected by different types of demon races.

The variety of virus variants has also brought about strange forms of horror. The Pantheon has no time to formulate the corresponding antidote and vaccine for each virus variant. It can only pin all hopes on the universal reducing agent, "Chaos". On top of "sacred blood", it is a pity that the large-scale artificial synthesis of "chaotic blood" has not been completely successful, and the number of medicines can't keep up with the speed of the virus.

"You are hurt!"

Lei Lan exclaimed, she noticed that her brother's left wrist was bloody, as if it had been bitten by a beast, and the whole left arm was a little blue.

"It's okay."

Lei Chuang simply took off the transparent anti-bacterial helmet that was made to look like, and tore off the protective clothing on his left arm.

On the upper part of his left arm, three faint blue bandages were tightly tied, the upper half of his left arm turned light blue, and the muscles and blood vessels were frozen.

His expression was a little gloomy, and he handed an air gun to his sister. Among the air gun was a poison dart containing a super nerve corrosive agent.

"I was accidentally bitten, but it should not be the latest variant of the virus, the attack speed is not so fast."

"I temporarily controlled the virus with freezing, so I want to send my sister out. If... I can't control it, my sister knows what to do!"

Lei Chuang pointed at the center of his eyebrows.

Leilan's lips trembled and said nothing.

In recent months, after experiencing so many things, she has long ceased to be the little girl who knows nothing about the world in the small mountain village.

She endured a sore nose and nodded vigorously.

"We go east, there is a temporary airport for the monster warship in the east of the city, and an order was issued from it to let everyone evacuate to the east of the city!"

Lei Lan and Lei Chuang, two sisters and brothers, fled all the way to the east of the city. Along the way, they encountered two more out-of-control mutants. Fortunately, both were transformed from civilians. They were not strong enough to get rid of them smoothly. Finally, after half an hour, Came to the temporary airport near the east of the city.

The scene in the airport made them feel cold.

Seven or eight monster battleships swayed to each other, all torn apart and twisted in the flames.

The ground was full of stumps and broken arms and dark blood stains, and a large number of out-of-control mutants lay on the ground, making nauseating swallowing noises, and the scene was terrible.

A large number of out-of-control mutants, one step earlier than them, attacked here!


Leilan pointed to the sky in the southwest.

The last demon battleship rose into the air and flew out of the city crookedly.

However, on the shell of this monster battleship, there are at least hundreds of out-of-control mutants lying densely, tearing the battleship's reinforced exoskeleton with their deformed minions.

Even the shell of the battleship itself had pustules after another, with tentacles like weird pythons.

In the process of modulation, the monster battleship will use a large number of active cells, which will also be infected by viruses and mutate.

Finally, under the "combination of the inside and outside", the strengthened exoskeleton of the monster battleship was torn a small gap!

Hundreds of out-of-control mutants immediately got in like a black tide!

The scene inside the monster battleship is horrible and unimaginable.

After a while, the flight trajectory of this warship became more and more chaotic. After shaking violently for a while, it fell straight from mid-air and exploded!

"More and more out-of-control mutants are attracted, let's get out of here soon!"

Lei Chuang took his sister's hand, and the two of them just turned around and stopped abruptly.

In the ruins behind them, at some point, hundreds of out-of-control mutants emerged, greedily sniffing the breath of fresh flesh and blood in the misty monster mist.

"His, hiss!"

Dozens of out-of-control mutants locked on the breath of Lei Lan's two brothers and sisters at the same time, and an extremely cruel light burst out of their muddy eyes, the corners of their mouths cracked, and fishy mouth dripping.

The two elder brothers looked at each other, desperate in their hearts, Lei Lan stubbornly held the poison gun, there were four poison darts inside, enough for the two of them to use.

At this moment, from the very high sky, there was a faint long howl, like an eagle, more like some kind of creature more ferocious than an eagle!

Lei Chuang and Lei Lan only felt that a blue light flashed in front of them, and the whole world was shrouded in blue light, and the sound of "Kala Kara" came from all around. When they opened their eyes again, a ring-shaped wall made of ice cones appeared around them. Barrier, dozens of out-of-control mutants who were about to pounce on, were all imprisoned in the cone of ice!


In the night sky circling countless out-of-control mutants, there appeared a stream of electric light and stone fire, as if hundreds of dark golden lightning condensed!

When countless out-of-control mutants attacked him, hundreds of lightning bolts exploded at the same time, and while tearing up the out-of-control mutants, a powerful figure burst out from the lightning!

Leilan was deeply attracted by this figure, and even forgot to breathe.

She had never seen something so...beautiful and powerful!

At first glance, it seems to be a set of fully enclosed black armor. However, it does not have the slightest cold metal texture. Instead, it looks like it is carved from translucent black crystal, and is wrapped with a layer of the same translucent. Muscles and membranes.

In the pale black carapace, there seemed to be countless pale golden blood vessels, nerves, and fibers flowing. Between breaths and breaths, it turned bright and dark, just like a living thing!

There are no lines or decorations on the surface of the armor, but the forehead, chest, shoulder blades, abdomen, and various key joints of the armor are all inlaid with the gorgeous demon pill like a night pearl.

Leilan had never seen such a huge demon pill. Each demon pill was bigger than her fist, showing the most perfect semicircular shape. The whole body was pure and flawless, without any impurities, after being carefully refined by a master. The monster patterns inside are intertwined, forming a mysterious and complicated rune formation!

All the demon pills are connected by dark golden "nerves" to form a seamless whole. They shine together, and a layer of substantive aura is rippling around this strong man, forming the second The thick and ethereal demon armor, like ripples and ripples, continues to spread.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The lightning burst, and the thunder is endless!

In a trance, Lei Lan seemed to see that the treacherous clouds had turned into a huge whirlpool, and in the center of the whirlpool stood a giant hundreds of meters high!

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