40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1062: Stygian cannon!

The Youfu Army, strengthened by the "Demon God Virus", has different qualities in all aspects. Even under the incomparable destructive power of the burrowing bomb, they quickly wake up, and also scan for the existence of Li Yao. Scream, pounce at him!

The newly born battle armor of profound bones, covered with an extremely sensitive skin, instantly locked the position of dozens of Youfu Army through the messy fluctuations of the air, without even calculating through the brain, within 0.01 seconds, it will attack The consciousness turned into an instinctive reaction!


Behind Li Yao, the two pairs of wings split suddenly, turning into a chain of more than a dozen black wings, piercing into the mist in all directions, accurately stabbing the most important demon pill of more than a dozen Youfu army, and a fierce one. stir!

The demon core burst, and the extremely unstable demon energy circulated in the Youfu army, causing them to inflate like deformed balloons, torn apart and exploded into fragments amidst the screams!

Li Yao smiled slightly. As if possessing spirituality, a dozen black chains were retracted like a poisonous snake, wrapped around his right arm, and the tip extended forward, converging into a sharp sword!

This odd-shaped war knife, curved like a crescent, is not so much a scimitar, but rather a huge sickle.

Each piece of black wings that composes it is engraved with densely packed runes. Psionic energy and demonic energy faintly circulate between the ravines of runes, forming a scarlet blood streak, overflowing with a faint killing intent.

This is the upgraded "Chasing Dragon and Changing Feather Knife". Li Yao renamed it "Blood Moon Chasing Dragon Knife", becoming a profound bone battle armor, a melee master weapon in the form of a blood demon!

"call out!"

Li Yao dragged the giant black sickle behind him and shot towards the control center!


Halfway there, it was blocked by a Youfu Army who was more than three meters tall.

This Youfu Army is like a violent orangutan, blocking the passage tightly!

"Blood Moon Chasing Dragon Blade" a stern mist, swept across his chest lightly, the dozens of demon pills shining on the body of the Youfu Army were like candles in the wind, suddenly extinguished, the original muscles and The blood vessels withered instantly, and the figure over three meters tall suddenly shrank to less than two meters, kneeling down in front of Li Yao like a dead branch!


As soon as the Youfu Army fell to his knees, a flash of lightning and stone fire shot out from behind him, like a meteor surging by wind and thunder, and rushed straight to Li Yao's face! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Li Yao's pupils shrank suddenly, and a few ripples appeared on the front of his helmet. He was a master of the Demon Emperor's rank!

This expert has been hiding behind the giant man of the Youfu Army just now, relying on the monster's demon energy fluctuation to hide himself, but taking advantage of the gap of the giant man being killed, launching a fatal blow!


The Blood Moon Chasing Dragon Blade suddenly shattered and turned into tens of thousands of black wings, forming a fast-rotating wing shield in front of Li Yao, barely resisting this stab, but hundreds of feathers were blown away, and Li Yao lost contact!

The strength of this person is evident!

What appeared in front of Li Yao was a leader of the Youfu Army who was less than two meters tall, covered with a black carapace, and had a light and elegant figure.

Only the pair of halberd horns rising above his head and the pair of spiteful eyes made Li Yao recognize his identity.

The fourth person in the Youfu Army, the right commander, the "Iron Armored Big Pocket Insect" black tyrant!

Heiba ​​was originally a sturdy giant with a height of more than four meters, who was alive and well with a black tower.

In the battle on Youfu Island, Li Yao was seriously injured. He cut off his arm and almost exploded his heart. But somehow, his body shrank by half, his arm grew again, and his strength was stronger than before. Several levels, fully climbed to the realm of the Demon Emperor!

"Look at my new body, I didn't expect it!"

The black bully "Jie Jie" smiled strangely, "Thanks to you, he severely injured me. I almost lost my skills. I had to inject a large amount of'monster virus'. I didn't expect that I really escaped and stood up. At the pinnacle of evolution, it has become the most perfect form!"

"Want to catch Ancestor Youquan? Stop dreaming! The ancestor is far from failing!"

"Soon, his old man will make a comeback, so please wash your necks and wait!"

Amidst the grinning laughter, the black tyrant strode forward. Between the two halberd horns, clusters of bright ball-shaped lightning condensed, sparking hundreds of electric arcs, but like a golden snake dancing, spreading to the whole body, very Quickly gather around the body, as if wearing a layer of Lightning Armor!


The winged shield in front of Li Yao split again, and several pieces of metal feathers were connected back and forth to form a delicate flying sword, which shot towards the black bully!

The spherical lightning on Hei Ba's head suddenly released dozens of electric whips and swept the wings of the flying sword straight.

The arc and the wings collided in mid-air, and thousands of bright fireworks were knocked out between the two, making a "crack" explosion.

Surrounding the weaker Youfu Army and the Skyfire Warriors who followed Li Yao's breakthrough, there was a momentary paleness in front of them, and they could not be recovered for a long time!

The black bully grinned and took one of his hands. This time it was not only between the halberds on the top of his head, but also between the palms of his palms. Two spherical lightning flashed from each of them. Thousands of electric arcs were ejected from each of them, forming swords, guns and swords. , Axe, yue, hook and fork, eighteen lightning weapons!

Li Yao snorted coldly, snapped his fingers lightly, and behind him appeared thirty-six floating three-piece six-tube rotating Vulcan cannons!

Blitzknife, against bullet storm!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The two powerhouses reaching the Demon Sovereign rank are doing their best to output, and for the weaker fighters next to them, they are not hesitating to destroy the world and destroy the earth!

Explosive waves one after another, both the Youfu Army and the Skyfire Warriors all hugged their heads, but they couldn't run at the speed of the rush of the wave. They were thrown high and high by the shock wave, and they were smashed in mid-air!

Li Yao and Hei Ba, but against each other's blitzknife and bullet storm, step by step, until the end, they are close at hand!

Li Yao's left arm suddenly swelled, the demon pill embedded on the surface of the battle armor turned blood red, and the Cell Annihilation Cannon was ready to go!


Hei Ba screamed, his right fist was mixed with a bursting electric arc, and hit Li Yao's left palm fiercely, smashing the Cell Annihilation Cannon directly back!

"I knew you had this hand for a long time, and we have thoroughly studied you, Vulture Li Yao!"

The black bully laughed.

"is it?"

Li Yao licked his lips, and the armor on his chest suddenly bloomed like a crab claw, revealing a **** demon pill that was bigger than a washbasin!

This demon pill was collected from the body of the "stygian crocodile" that ravaged the Golden Crow country more than three hundred years ago. Because of its size, the feather clan chiefs at that time were reluctant to use it. The "Treasure of the Town Treasure" in the private treasure house.

After the two parties reached a cooperation, Jin Tuyi lavishly gave this demon pill to Li Yao as a "teacher apprenticeship" for his daughter.

According to the rules in the cultivation world, Li Yao accepted such a valuable "teacher apprenticeship", that is, he officially recognized the status of master and apprentice. As long as the disciple did not violate the rules and did not deceive the master and destroy the ancestor, then, no matter the future Whatever happens, the master must support the disciple to the end.

Li Yao inlaid this demon pill in the chest of the profound bone battle armor, and asked the demon pill refining experts in the Skyfire organization to ponder over and over again, and coupled with a series of magic weapon units designed by himself, it became a piece of " Demon Energy Amplifier".

When Li Yao burned his life, squeezed the potential of the cells in his chest, and blasted out a "Cell Annihilation Cannon", through the increase of this "Stay Demon Pill", he could inspire more than five times the destructive power!

This is Li Yao's most powerful long-range main weapon right now, and Li Yao named it-Styx Cannon!


When the Styx Cannon was launched, there was no earth-shattering explosion, only a faint air tearing sound, and then a blood-red streamer gushed out from Li Yao's chest, piercing the black bully's chest!

This red streamer seemed unremarkable, but it seemed to have a mysterious attraction, which firmly attracted the black bully, unable to move.

No matter how violent the lightning armor around him, no matter how violent he is, it will not be able to stop the penetration of the red streamer.

Huangquan Styx, one step to live, one step to die, the red streamer, like a Styx that can determine life and death, directly penetrates into the deepest part of the cell, destroys the nucleus, even breaks the gene chain, and fundamentally puts people to death!

Heiba's chest was swept by the streamer, and the cells quickly withered, melted, and annihilated, turning into a shocking hole. The **** wound seemed to have been eroded by the flesh-eating bacteria. The hole continued to expand, and soon spread to the internal organs!

Hei Ba was confused, until this moment, he didn't understand what was going on.

When I lowered my head, there was a horrified expression on his face, but he didn't have the energy to resist. He slowly knelt down in front of Li Yao, and the arc of his teeth and claws, like a dragon, became half-dead. "Little Earthworm".

Li Yao collected the magical powers, extracted a faint blue round bead from the Universe Ring, and slammed it on the Black Ba, and immediately splashed out dozens of ice flowers, completely enveloping the Black Ba's body, especially the brain. , Frozen instantly.

This person is an important figure in the Youfu Army, regardless of life or death, he can extract important information from the depths of his brain.

After that, Li Yaocai burst out with strong murderous intent, and his voice was like a rolling thunder: "The black tyrant is dead, surrender and don't kill!"

The nine demon emperors, plus his terrifying existence above the demon emperor, raided the secret lair of the Youfu Army, completely devastating.

After the black tyrant was killed, the rest of the Youfu army was frightened and surrendered before long. Even all the biochemical masterminds were intact and there was no time to destroy them.

This "beheading operation" can be described as a complete victory. The only regret is that the culprit, Youquan Patriarch, was not caught.

However, while cleaning the battlefield, there was good news—the second figure of the Youfu Army, who was disguised as an ordinary zerg and was about to escape from the bottomless city, was caught, the host of the "Demon God Virus" laboratory, "crazy" Doctor" Lu Wuxin!

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