40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1063: Son of the Nether!

One day later, the border city of Jinwu Country and Youquan Country, Yougu City.

The plague here has been completely controlled, and it has become the forward base of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance again.

Deep in the ruins, tens of meters underground, in a heavily fortified prison.

"Crazy Doctor" Lu Wuxin's body was immersed in a huge biochemical tank, but inside the tank was a faint blue ice crystal, completely freezing him, and he could not even move a toe.

Only the head was poked on the ice, but it was firmly clamped by the cold metal tongs, and even the eyelids were pulled apart by the steel needles, even with a blink of an eye.

The surrounding walls are full of mysterious and complex offensive runes, with "crackling" arcs flashing from time to time. At least one demon emperor guards the cell for 24 hours. The highest-ranking figures in the army are strictly guarded.

Even so, the "crazy doctor" Lu Wuxin still had a weird smile on his face, staring at Li Yao and the Fire Ant King opposite with a creepy look.

The Fire Ant King was frowned upon by him, and sneered: "Lu Wuxin, the situation today is just like in the torture room on Youfu Island half a year ago, except that you and I have exchanged positions. This is called'feng shui turns. Sended!"

"In the torture room that day, how exactly did you concoct me and how to squeeze every cell in my brain clean, I still remember it clearly."

"Today, I just want to invite you to taste the same taste!"

"Crazy Doctor" Lu Wuxin smiled more and more brilliantly, turning a somewhat frozen tongue, and said in a strange tone: "It's useless, Fire Ant King, have you seen so many scars on my head? ?"

"Others call me a'crazy doctor' because I often do crazy things, and the craziest thing is to uncover my heavenly spirit cover, perform some small operations on my brain, and bury it in. A lot of weird little things."

"Hehehehe, my brain may be the most complicated labyrinth in the blood demon world. If I hadn't opened it on the initiative, you wouldn't want to figure out the'little secret' buried deep in the brain!"

"And once my cranial nerves perceive excessively intense pain, the ‘gift’ buried in my head will explode at any time, making my death comfortable and painless."

"So, I really want me to cooperate with you. Please change my attitude. I can't talk about loyalty to the ancestor Youquan. If your price is slightly higher, I will sell him out. La!"

The fire ant king laughed loudly: "When you die, you will have a hard mouth! Lu Wuxin, do you think you are really valuable? The sixteen biochemical masterminds in the Ancestor Youquan Lair are all controlled by us, and a lot of them have been resolved. The information on the “Spore Project” and all the variant maps of the “Demon God Virus” will soon be clarified!"

"What qualifications do you have, what ‘cooperation’ do you have?"

"As for what's in your mind, whether it's true or false, assembling the power of the entire Blood Demon Realm, there is always a way to get it out!"

"At that time, hum, let’s not say that you helped Old Ancestor Youquan refining the'Demon God Virus' and killed many people. Just say that you, ten years ago, under the name of'mad doctor', also killed you. How many people died? I really want to know, if you are handed over to the families of these victims, what will happen to you!"

"Haha, hahahaha!"

Lu Wuxin laughed wildly, laughing out of breath, tears falling out, his face flushed.

His eyes became extremely strange, and he said gloomily: "Do you think that the sixteen biochemical masterminds, and even the entire'Spore Project', are all the trump cards of Old Ancestor Youquan?"

"You think Old Ancestor Youquan is too simple, it's really too simple!"

"Believe it or not, you guys, in the depths of my brain, there are still some very critical information hidden. It is top-secret information that cannot be recorded in any biochemical master's brain, and it is even related to the survival of the entire blood demon world!"

"Hehe, do you think that everything will be fine if you destroy the'Spore Project'?"


"It is not me who is dying, but you, all of you, and even the entire blood demon world! Hahahaha!"

"What do you mean?"

The fire ant king's tentacles stood up high and exclaimed, "Where is Old Ancestor Youquan?"

"how could I know?"

Lu Wuxin looked at him triumphantly, "However, the most important thing now is not where he is, but what hole cards he has, right? Let go of me, I will tell you slowly?"

Fire Ant King stared: "You—"

Li Yao, who had been watching with cold eyes, suddenly said, "How do you want to cooperate?"

Lu Wuxin's eyes lit up and he smiled and said, "It's still'Vulture Li Yao' who knows how to work around. Maybe you also found something strange, right?"

"Think about it, even Jin Tuyi, who is ranked third in the'Blood Demon Realm's Big Four', can set up such a big game. How come Youquan Ancestor, one of the top four in the'Blood Demon Realm', can be so easily defeated. Knocked over with a stick? It makes no sense!"

Li Yao said coldly: "State your conditions."

"It's very simple."

Lu Wuxin licked her lips and said, "I am not very keen on fame and fortune. I only like to bury my head in research."

"I will tell you all the secrets of Old Ancestor Youquan, and at the same time cooperate with you to research the demon **** virus. You know, for the past five years, I have been the host of the demon **** virus laboratory. With my help, you will surely be faster. Control this plague."

"What's the prerequisite, it is to let me have a career and prepare a fully equipped research room for me."

"I can change my name and surname, and even never show my face again. You can declare to the public that I am dead."

"Such conditions are good for both parties, right?"

Li Yao and the Fire Ant King looked at each other, pondered for a moment, and shook their heads: "The Ancestor Youquan is a hundred-legged insect. It is not stiff, but it is just a worm after all. You can't set off any big winds and waves. You are so alarmist. Know you are not blowing the atmosphere?"

"It's easy."

Lu Wuxin smiled and said, "I can tell you the outline of the'Nether Son' first, and you can judge its authenticity by yourself!"

"Son of Nether?"

Li Yao twitched at the corner of his mouth, "Spore Project" hadn't been completely finished yet, how come a "Nether Son" appeared again? What is this?

Lu Wuxin blinked and said with a smile: "The last time I met, the ancestor Youquan put on a set of'poisonous scorpion piercing heart locks' for the fire ant king. It was from the foremost master craftsman in the Tianyuan realm.' Eclipse' Jiang Shaoyang's work."

"At that time, both Youquan ancestor and I felt that it was foolproof that it was absolutely impossible for anyone to crack Jiang Shaoyang's painstaking masterpiece."

"Unfortunately, people are not as good as the sky. In the end, it was cracked, leading to the failure of our overall plan."

"Hehe, at that time, who would have thought that the ‘Vulture Li Yao’ who defeated ‘Eclipse’ Jiang Shaoyang in the refining technique ten years ago was hidden by our side?"

"Except, Vulture Li Yao, aren't you surprised?"

"Tianyuan Realm's foremost master craftsman, made with painstaking efforts to confine the demon emperor's magic weapon, how could it appear in the Blood Demon Realm? Who smuggled it from the Tianyuan Realm?"

"If it is a general chain saw sword, spar chariot or even crystal armor, it is enough to be smuggled to the blood demon world. Even such treasures can be smuggled over. What does this mean? How powerful the ancestor Youquan has in the Tianyuan realm? energy?"

Fire Ant King's eyes were stagnant, and he exclaimed!

Li Yao also squinted his eyes deeply, a drop of cold sweat oozing out of his forehead.

From the moment he saw the "poisonous scorpion piercing the heart lock", this problem has troubled him for a long time.

It was just that afterwards he destroyed the Eye of the Blood Demon all the way, helped Jin Tuyi control the power, led the rise of the Skyfire Organization, and wanted to control the plague. There was almost no time to breathe, and this matter was temporarily put aside.

At this moment, being brought up again by Lu Wuxin was like a poisonous needle, piercing the back of Li Yao's head fiercely!

Li Yao sternly said: "Ancestor Youquan has someone in the Tianyuan Realm?"

Lu Wuxin did not answer positively, and said calmly: "In other words, the saint Jin Xinyue has risen to fame in the blood demon world during this period, and most of the low-level demon races are almost conquered by her, and she has changed from a demon to a human being. 'The experience is also quite legendary!"

"No matter what those fools and women say, you and I know it all. Jin Xinyue changed from a demon to human because she inadvertently swallowed a large amount of'Chaotic Divine Blood', while'Chaotic Divine Blood' came from Youquan. Stole it from the ancestor’s laboratory."

"Hehe, the question is coming, do you think that Jin Xinyue got the only bottle of'Chaotic Divine Blood'?"

"Yes, that is indeed the last bottle of'Chaotic Divine Blood.' The ancestor Youquan kept it for the purpose of studying the mystery and finding a way to mass-produce it."

"It's just that his research has always been in a state of obscure, unable to use the largest biochemical factories in the blood demon world, so there has been no progress in research on large-scale mass production."

"However, Ancestor Youquan has discovered at least dozens of chaotic relics in hundreds of years. Is it true that he only found this bottle of ‘Chaos Divine Blood’?"

Li Yao and the Fire Ant King swallowed hard at the same time.

Lu Wuxin smiled brightly: "Since Jin Xinyue has swallowed a large amount of'Chaotic Divine Blood', the cells have stabilized and changed from a Monster Race to a Human Race. Then other Monster Races only need to consume a large amount of'Chaotic Divine Blood'. , There is also a certain probability that it will change and become a 100% human race. It is impossible to see through their details by any means of detection, right?"

"If I tell you, perhaps as early as a few decades ago, there were some confidants of Youquan ancestors who swallowed a large amount of'Chaotic Divine Blood' and transformed into a human form, and then the gods infiltrated the Tianyuan realm without knowing it. Slowly develop, and these people are called "children of the nether", do you believe it or not?"

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