40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1065: abyss!

Li Yao's eyes were like two ice cones, which pierced Lu Wuxin's brain fiercely, and said coldly, "How do I know you are telling the truth?"

Lu Wuxin smiled: "Don't you just want to entice me to tell me more details? It doesn't matter, since it falls into your hands, it is up to you to decide whether to kill or pluck. I have to show some sincerity!"

"Let me go, let me go, and give me a biochemical brain. I will tell you 50% of the information that I know about the'Nether Sons'. You can verify the authenticity of the information, and wait until you are thorough. After I believe it, let’s talk about the remaining 50% and how you can keep my life safe."

Li Yao pondered for a moment and shook his head: "You can't give you a biochemical brain. You are too dangerous. I will give you a crystal brain with the simplest function. You will enter 50% of the information into it. After we confirm the authenticity, we will talk about it. condition."

Lu Wuxin thought about it for a long time, and finally "chichi" laughed, like a leaking ball: "Deal!"

The blue ice crystals that sealed him gradually melted. With the support of the two demon kings, Lu Wuxin crawled out with difficulty, and smiled sadly: "Give me something to eat. I want to make sure that my brain runs at a high speed. Otherwise, a lot of The information is half-clawed, mottled and mottled, you may not be able to think of it!"

After discussing with the Fire Ant King for a while, Li Yao decided that the Fire Ant King would personally prepare some high-energy food to inject specifically into Lu Wuxin's brain to ensure that his brain was highly active and his body was still in an extremely weak state.

They didn't dare to be careless about this scheming demon emperor.

After half an hour, Lu Wuxin began to confess, this confession lasted three full hours, and the input information was enough to fill half a jade slip.

Until the end, when he slowly pushed Jing Nao towards Li Yao, there was still a mysterious smile on his face.

The next words pushed Li Yao's heart into the bottomless abyss.

"It took me ten years to collect this information, and I can definitely locate most of the'children of the Nether'."

"However, in the plans of the ancestors of Youquan, the ‘child of the nether’ is also divided into levels, among which the most senior is the ‘son of the nether’, code-named ‘the abyss’, you will definitely not catch him.”

"Because Old Ancestor Youquan never asked him to send back any information, did not ask him to do anything that would damage the interests of the Starlight Federation, and even brainwashed him before sending the'Abyss' out. He is convinced of his human identity."

"No one knows who the'Abyss' is. He doesn't even know whether he is male, female, old or young, tall, short, fat and thin. Even he himself, before being'activated', may not know."

"Only the ancestor of Youquan knows who the'Abysm' is. For decades, he has spared no effort to transport shells for the'Abysm' and help the'Abysm' to climb higher and higher within the Federation, but he has not revealed any clues.

"Hehe, you are doing everything possible to catch Ancestor Youquan, but maybe Ancestor Youquan has escaped to the Heavenly Origin Realm, awakening the'Abyss' and all the'Children of the Nether'."

"As the saying goes,'dog jumps over the wall in a hurry,' they are all driven to a dead end, who knows what will happen?"

"So, you have to analyze the authenticity of my information, whatever you want, even if you analyze it slowly, anyway, time is neither on my side nor on your side, but on the side of Youquan Ancestor and the Abyss. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


An hour later, a secret meeting was underway in the flagship "Chaos" of the Skyfire organization parked above Youbone City.

Those who participated in the meeting were Li Yao, Jin Xinyue, Fire Ant King, Han Tuhu, Suo Chaolong, the senior officials of the Skyfire organization, and Jin Tu who participated in the meeting remotely by projecting a phantom through the "Dazzling Shadow Flying Insect". different.

Facing the information that Lu Wuxin vomited, everyone was gloomy, and the air was so suppressed that water could be squeezed out.


Above a dozen light curtains, countless pieces of information flew like headless flies, making everyone confused.

Li Yao said: "First of all, we must confirm whether the information Lu Wuxin confessed is true? Could it be made up indiscriminately to delay time?"

Han Tuhu made a gesture to stop one of the light curtains from changing, and continuously zoomed in on a city defense map in the intelligence, saying: "I don't know the true or false of the other information, but this city defense map contains two Ten years ago, the frontier city of the Great Wilderness "Xichuan Fort" troops deployment map and underground battle fort structure map."

"Xichuan Fort was originally a wild town. However, a large number of spar veins were discovered thirty years ago, and it expanded rapidly. Twenty years ago, it had become an important town in the wild."

"At that time, my troops were stationed near West River Fort and participated in the later'Xichuan Defense War', so I was quite impressed with the defense system at that time. This information should be true."

"At that time, I belonged to the nearby field army system, and was not qualified to understand the defense secrets of the garrison. West River Fort did not have a local sect. Only a few officers, such as the highest commander and chief of staff of the local garrison, could contact and Send such information!"


Han Tuhu's eyes suddenly sharpened, "Nineteen years ago, Xichuan Fort encountered an unprecedented'beast tide outbreak'. Hundreds of millions of insects appeared directly from the depths of the mine. Attacked all the mineral veins attached to Xichuan Fort in an instant!"

"At that time, we all thought it was a coincidence. The other party was accidentally teleported to the underground veins of Xichuan Fort, which caught us by surprise!"

"It now appears that the other party first understands the defense system of Xichuan Fort, and then uses precise teleportation to seal the throat with a sword. This is a more reasonable argument."

Li Yao pondered: "In other words, the top commander of the garrison in Xichuan Fort 20 years ago, or the chief of staff, was most likely the'son of the nether'? How are they doing now?"

Han Tuhu's eyes became hollow, and he murmured: "Twenty years ago, the 66th Army of the Federal Army was stationed at Xihe Fort. During the'Xichuan Defense War', all the commanders and chiefs of staff at the time were all Lizhan was killed, and seeing that Xichuan Fort was about to fall, the Deputy Chief of Staff'Duan Muming' stepped forward and commanded the remnants to fight for three days. He even led the counter-charge personally and finally saved Xichuan Fort!"

"At that time, I was fighting side by side with Duanmuming, and I was very impressed with his crazy tactics, knowing that this son is definitely not a thing in the pool!"

"Since then, Duanmu Ming Lien Zhan victorious, suppressed dozens of beast outbreaks, and became a rising star in the Federal Army. He has prospered all the way and served as the commander of the Sixty-sixth Army, and the deputy battle group of the'Tianma War regiment'. Long, he is currently the highest commander of the'Longxiang Battle Group'."

"Longxiang Group is the first batch of the most elite troops in the Federation to fully refit the ‘Dark Bone Battle Armor’, and it is also one of the 16 ‘Full Crystal Armor Battle Groups’ in the Federation today.”

"They have undergone a second change, and they are currently equipped with the latest improved models of the mysterious bone battle armor, the'strike type' and the'overweight armor type'. Regarding the level of equipment, they are still in my'flying tiger battle group' on!"

There was silence in the conference room.

The Xingyao Federation has done its best to smash the pot and sell iron for more than ten years, smashing a total of 16 full crystal armor battle groups.

And Han Tuhu's "Flying Tiger Clan" had been maimed in the gloomy extremis, and most of the soldiers were captured in the blood demon world.

In other words, in a short period of time, there are only fifteen full crystal armor warbands left in the Federation.

The highest commander of one of them is most likely the dark child of Ancestor Youquan?

terrible! too frightening!

Suo Chaolong couldn't believe it: "This, this is ridiculous, is it really possible for a stranger of unknown origin to enter the core layer of the Star Federation in just a few decades?"


Li Yao took a deep breath and said, "You are not from the Federation, and you don't understand our federal policy."

"In the past 100 years, the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm have merged, and wormholes have continued to appear between the two worlds. The great wilderness near the fusion point has become the hardest hit area, and it is often ‘beast tide invasion’ and ‘worm sea outbreak’!”

"Beast tides erupted again and again, countless towns on the Great Wilderness were destroyed, countless people were displaced, all their relatives were lost, and even their homes were completely annihilated in the sand!"

"Cough cough cough cough!"

Suo Chaolong coughed in embarrassment. He deliberately wanted to debate with Li Yao who was the real master of the Great Wilderness and who was the instigator of the "burning, killing, looting". After thinking about it, it seemed that it was not the time.

Li Yao continued: “Above the Great Wilderness, the land is sparsely populated, and it is difficult to survive. It is very difficult to monitor the household registration system and identity system. Sometimes an entire town is swallowed by beasts and all information disappears completely. Prove someone’s identity?"

"For example, after an outbreak of a beast tide completely destroyed a town, a stranger with bruises and bruises appeared on the nearby Gobi, saying that he was a resident of this town, and he escaped after a lot of hard work. But the family and home are gone, how to prove it? There is no way to prove it!"

"What's more, the Star Federation regards this war as a race battle between the human race and the monster race. Then, as long as it can be proved that someone is indeed 100% human, it is naturally on our side. What is needed? What about the proof?"


Han Tuhu nodded and said, "When I served in the Great Wilderness, I have experienced countless beast invasions. Most of the people who were affected by the disaster were scared by the insect sea and the beast tide. Many people have severe traumatic sequelae. , There will be mental illness and amnesia, who would be embarrassed to uncover their scars? Anyway, it is enough to prove their human identity through cell testing!"

"Furthermore, the Federation has a policy to provide various preferential treatments to victims of animal outbreaks."

"If they want to go to college, they will have extra points. They will have to join the major sects or the Federal Army. They will also be admitted first under the same conditions. After joining, they will also have more care."

"The people of the Great Wilderness have lived in the poor mountains and bad waters for hundreds of years. Under the survival of the fittest, their bloodline is already very strong, and they have blood and blood feuds with the monster race. They fight harder. They are the best source of troops. If you don't train them, who can ?"

"So, whether in the Federal Army or in the major factions, the soldiers and cultivators from the Great Wilderness are a huge force, known as the'Great Wilderness One Line', and they have great influence. This is what President Li knows best. Up!"

Li Yao nodded, yes, he was born in the Great Desolate War Academy, and he naturally belongs to the "Great Desolate Line", knowing how powerful the Great Desolate monk is.

The reason why the Xuan Bone Battle Armor became the Federal Army’s first mass-produced crystal armor is that, on the one hand, their design is excellent, but on the other hand, there is no "great waste line" in the army and the government. It is impossible to succeed at all.


Let me tell my brothers that everything is normal for the Mavericks at home, and I am expected to be discharged tomorrow. I will think about the plot in the next two days, and try to increase the speed from the day after tomorrow!

I’m sorry to keep everyone waiting, and thank you for your understanding and support!

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