40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1066: Concoct "Federal Heroes"!

The fire ant king said solemnly: "Counting the time, I and Youquan ancestor were hunted down 87 years ago, and we accidentally discovered the remains of chaos. After escaping from that death, we were in Youquan country. Zhong broke into a big name and began to build his own power."

"In the next ten years, the ancestor Youquan has gained a firm foothold in the'Demon King' rank and has a huge team."

"A Demon King's subordinates have at least a dozen powerful demon generals, and there are countless demon soldiers with potential."

"From Jin Xinyue’s experience, it can be seen that after a monster race swallowed too much'Chaos Divine Blood' and transformed into an adult race, there would not be much loss in strength, but a form of power excitation was transformed. New cultivation techniques are needed, and it takes time to adapt. Once you have the right techniques, your strength will recover quickly."

"In other words, a demon soldier can be transformed into a cultivator in the refining period; a demon general can be transformed into a cultivator in the foundation building period!"

Everyone was silent, including Li Yao.

Although Li Yao is now in contact with super masters of the Demon Sovereign and Yuan Ying level, he is often chased by dozens of Demon Sovereigns, as if the Demon Sovereign is very worthless.

But that's because his strength has reached this state, and naturally "there is no white dog".

In fact, whether in the Heavenly Origin Realm or the Blood Demon Realm, a foundation-building monk or demon general is already an extraordinary figure in society, an elite selected in a million.

In the Star Federation, the elders of many denominations are also foundation-building monks, and a large part of the "professors" in the nine elite joint schools are also foundation-building.

If the pill formation period is reached, you can start your own sect, or occupy a place in the management of the top 500 sects in the Federation.

Even Han Tuhu, the titan who led one of the sixteen full crystal armor battle groups in the Federal Army, was nothing but a golden core powerhouse.

If a demon under Ancestor Youquan transforms into a foundation, the demon soldier transforms into a refining qi, and penetrates into the Tianyuan cultivation world, it will take a while, and it will indeed be possible to emerge.

"do not forget."

The Fire Ant King said anxiously, "The Youquan ancestors 70 or 80 years ago have discovered a large number of chaotic relics, and there may be secret cultivation methods left over 40,000 years ago."

"The'Nether Sons' he sent to the Heavenly Origin Realm are also very likely to master these secret techniques, so when you practice, you will naturally get twice the result with half the effort and achieve a great deal in one day."

"In the eyes of others, these ‘cultivators’ are not all ‘cultivators’, ‘a rare existence’, are they worthy of vigorous cultivation?"

Jin Xinyue has been thoughtful all the time. After hearing this, she frowned her eyebrows and turned away from the topic: "For hundreds of years, the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance has always adhered to the'mainland army doctrine.' Almost all of them are composed of the Zerg and Claw tribes of the Lion Slaughter Kingdom and the Youquan Kingdom. Among them, the Youquan Kingdom has even played the role of the'vanguard', and it has handled most of the'Beast Tide Invasion' and even the'Chonghai 'Has become synonymous with the demon race."

"These attacks were all instigated by the Ancestor Youquan, right?"

Everyone nodded.

The twelve demon emperors of the Pantheon Palace are in charge of different domains. Like Jin Tuyi in the past, he was in charge of the work in the "Starry Sky Exploration" domain, so he had the power to build the "Blood Demon Eye."

And the ancestor Youquan was in charge of the field of tentative attacks on the Tianyuan Realm, which was also determined by the "Continentalism" that the Blood Demon Realm had always pursued in the past.

Ten times of beast wave outbreaks, at least seven of them were dominated by the Zerg of Youquan Country, and the sea of ​​worms filled the mountains and plains was the first impression of the Confederates of the Monster Clan.

Jin Xinyue fell into deep thoughts and murmured: "I have been thinking, why did the ancestor Youquan want to do this and attack the Tianyuan realm again and again at all costs? This kind of harassing tactics of'add oil and vinegar' is fundamental It is impossible to win the Star Federation in one fell swoop!"

"Our initial guess was that he was going to capture a large number of'test subjects' in this way to carry out the'monster virus' experiment."

"Think about it now, maybe it's a bit simpler."

"Master, disciples remember that in the Star Federation, whether in the circle of cultivators or the Federation Army, they all value combat merit the most, right?"

Li Yao nodded: "Of course, the federation and the monsters have fought blood for five hundred years. It can be said that the country has been built by military force. The people are extremely sturdy and all walks of life. The most important thing is the military exploits, and the most respected is the soldiers! All children have been since childhood. To practice martial arts, even in schools, such as the'Chixiao No. 2 Middle School' I once attended, it contains a lot of training courses. It is nothing to interrupt the hands and feet when the classmates play and fight!"

"I remember that when I was eighteen or nineteen years old, I went to participate in the'Extreme Survival Challenge' and fought with genuine monsters. During that battle, many students lost their lives, but the'Extreme Survival Challenge' It has never stopped, because it is necessary to screen the elites and the judging standard is'combat exploits'!"

"Needless to say, the Federal Army is of course the No. 1 in combat exploits. All major cultivating sects, even if their main business is not to hunt monsters and beasts, will regard ‘obtaining combat exploits’ as their top priority.”

"Because, after gaining military exploits, you will have all kinds of taxation meetings, and you will have the opportunity to participate in commercial competition, and you will have a high-level look at you when you communicate with other denominations."

"If a certain cultivating sect is obsessed with making money in the inland, and has not hunted monsters in the wilderness for a long time, it will not get tax concessions, it will not be able to obtain loans from the bank, and its business dealings with other sects will suffer problems, even consumption. Everyone will reject the products of this sect."

"In the words of the cultivator circle, such a sect has no ‘brand reputation’!"

"Therefore, all major sects are doing everything possible to cut their heads, go to the wilderness, slay monsters, defend ordinary people, and build their own sect image!"

"As an ordinary cultivator, if you want to be favored by the sect, if you want to gain more powerful cultivation techniques, and if you want to devour precious treasures of heaven and earth, then kill the beasts and exchange them with battle merits!"

"In this regard, even if you are a second generation ancestor like the'son of the head', it is useless, because the big sects of the top 500 federations are all listed sects, and most of the distribution of heaven, material and earth treasures must be independent. If there is any private interception or illegal operation, it will be questioned by the “Repair Supervisory Committee”. Some of the use of “Treasures” will even be reflected in the quarterly and annual reports. Only in this way can the interests of small and medium shareholders and ordinary investors be protected. Benefits!"

"Even, the development rights of many mineral veins in the Great Wilderness, the construction rights of towns, the control rights of commercial roads, etc., can allow a new sect to rise rapidly, and the important rights to make an old sect prosper and last forever are all due to military exploits. It's up to you!"

"Under the guidance of this kind of ethos, the Star Federation rarely has that kind of dude's second generation ancestor, even if there is a dude, the family or sect spends some money and raises him like a trash. Without military exploits, never want to enter the core decision-making level of a sect!"

"Of course, it is not necessary to go directly to the battlefield to fight with monsters. After all, many cultivators are not good at fighting, but at least they have to go to the Great Wilderness and serve the people in their best way. All cultivators are united. Resist the'beast tide outbreak'."

Jin Xinyue said: "Master, on the other hand, even if a cultivator has no background, as long as he has a lot of military exploits, he may rise quickly, gain a lot of fame, practice secrets, treasures of heaven and earth, and important sects. Status?"

Li Yao and Han Tuhu nodded at the same time.

Regardless of origin, only strength and military exploits are considered, this is the most proud ethos of the Xingyao Federation.

Jin Xinyue asked again: "So, in the Xingyao Federation, resisting the'beast tide outbreak' is the fastest way to gain combat exploits?"

Li Yao said, "In the past one or two hundred years, the evil in the inland of the Federation has subsided. Only the Great Wilderness is still surging. If you want to gain military exploits, of course you have to go to the Great Wilderness!"

"Fighting against the tide of beasts in the Great Wilderness and fighting with the monster race, although the risk factor is very high, the benefits are also extremely huge. After fighting for several years, you will not die. If you have enough combat exploits, you will be regarded as a hero of all eyes. Go to the peak of cultivation and enter the management and even decision-making level of the cultivation sect!"

"If there is a chance to kill a powerful monster, or to withstand a critical outbreak of beasts, it is more likely to become famous overnight and soar into the sky!

Li Yao himself is the best example.

When he had just learned to control the crystal armor, he was in the depths of the "Leiyin Mountain Range" with the silver-blooded monster clan team led by the liontu country young master Wang Ji for a few days and nights, and finally retreated.

This incident made him famous overnight, after which the "Monster Beast Detector" he refined was a great success, and his fame was also a very important reason.

At this point, Li Yao's eyes trembled and he realized something.

Han Tuhu's eyes widened round, and he whispered.

Jin Xinyue smiled bitterly: "Master, it seems that we have always underestimated the ancestor of Youquan. Over the past few decades, he has been frantically driving Youquan's Insect Sea to attack the Tianyuan realm. He is not simply trying to take advantage of the chaos to capture.' The test body' is so simple."

"First of all, by destroying the human towns in the Great Wilderness through the'Beast Tide Outburst', all the identity information in it can be destroyed, and some fake information can even be forged and mixed in a mess of true information, so that the'Nether Son' can obtain legal status. , Infiltrate the Federation."

"These'children of the nether' have amazing talents for cultivation, and they have a'blood feud' with the monster race. Under the leadership of the Federation's priority policy, it is easy to enter the Federation Army and major sects."

"Well, after they have gained a firm foothold in the Federal Army and the major factions, in order to gain military exploits, they will avenge their non-existent family members. It is reasonable for them to go to the wilderness and resist the outbreak of the beast wave?"

"These'Children of Nether' were originally from the monster race, and they are fully aware of the weakness and combat mode of the monster race, and they are more likely to have been ventilating with Youquan ancestors a long time ago, knowing when and where the'beast tide erupted' appeared. "

"Hehe, most of the'Beast Tide Outbursts' were instigated by Old Ancestor Youquan, even if it was an offensive launched by the Lion Tuguo, as an ally, Ancestor Youquan would definitely know the relevant information."

"As long as you put all this information in, let his'children of the nether' know that it is ten times easier for these'children of the nether' to make a military exploit than others?"

"Even, when a'Nether Son' encounters a bottleneck, Youquan Ancestor can also'tailor-made' an'Beast Tide Outburst' for him, and let him finally defeat the Demon Race after'a **** battle'. After defending the homeland, wouldn't it be concocted one after another'Federation Heroes'?"

"How fast is the rise of these ‘federation heroes’ among the Union army and sects that ordinary cultivators can compare?"

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