40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1067: How to Train Your Dragon!

Everyone said in a cold sweat.

The Fire Ant King came up with the case: "Yes, this is like the style of the old ancestor Youquan! He has always been the best at manipulating people's hearts, playing tricks, and stabbing knives from the back. Only when it comes to attacking the Tianyuan Realm, he is uncharacteristically. , Almost madly smashed into a large number of Youquan Country's viable power, it is simply reckless!"

"I used to ask him in private before the two of us smashed our skins, but he always used the excuse of'exclude aliens' as an excuse to prevaricate me!"

"However, in the past few decades, he has been in power. Even the veteran aristocracy in Youquan, the "Master Xufeng" line, dare not oppose him face to face. Where can there be any "dissidents" to be ruled out?"

"At that time, I was busy with the construction of the'Chaos Blade', and I didn't have time to think about it. Until today, I finally figured it out!"

"Old Ancestor Youquan used the power of the'Youquan Kingdom' as nourishment to water the seeds of his own ambition. This kind of child is part of the'Youfu Army', and the other part is the more terrifying'Children of the Nether'!"

"The failures of'Beast Tide Invasion' have seriously consumed Youquan's domestic strength, but the'Nether Son' who has planted him in the Celestial Realm has gained enough combat exploits to infiltrate the Union Army and the major sects. Core layer!"

Han Tuhu trembled suddenly, as if he had developed malaria.

Everyone's eyes focused on him.

Han Tuhu took a deep breath and said, "I suddenly thought of something."

"The'War of Dawn' two years ago was the first ultra-large-scale attack by the Blood Demon Realm against the Tianyuan Realm. It mobilized the regular troops of the Youquan Kingdom and the Lion Slaughter Kingdom, and almost wiped out the entire great famine."

"Of course, the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance finally failed."

"On the surface, it seems that the failure was caused by the mutiny of the low-level monster races on the front line, but in fact, our Federal Army is preparing to implement the'Cancer Project' to cut off the back road and swallow the invading Ten Thousand Monster Allied Forces in one go!"

"In other words, no matter whether there is an unexpected mutiny, the Allied Forces of Demons will suffer a crushing defeat in this battle!"

"The fiasco of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance is the glorious victory of the Xingyao Federation. The Federation has not had such a big victory for more than 100 years. After the victory, it will naturally be rewarded and honored."

"Then, how many officers and cultivators with ‘great military exploits’ will climb to a higher position to deal with the next war. Will there be a few ‘children of the underworld’ among them?"

This is a question that no one can answer, and it is also a chilling question.

"Don't forget, there is one of the most terrifying ‘Abys’!"

Suo Chaolong gritted his teeth and said, "Other'children of the Nether', as long as they have acted and sent some information to the ancestors of Youquan, they will always leave clues and have the opportunity to extract them all!"

"But this'Abyss', according to Lu Wuxin's statement, has not transmitted a bit of information to Old Ancestor Youquan, nor has it done anything that harms the interests of the Federation. On the surface, he is the most standard. A true cultivator who is dedicated to his duties, heed the strong and helped the weak, slashed demons and demons, and defended his family and the country!"

"Furthermore, Ancestor Youquan will definitely take care of this ‘the abyss’ the most, and will create countless conditions for him, allowing him to easily reap a lot of military exploits and become a pivotal figure in the Federation step by step!"

"Maybe, this ‘Abyss’ is already a well-known hero in the Federation. He holds a key position in the core organization. There is a way to influence the direction of the Federation’s policy!"

"Without the slightest clue, lack of substantive evidence, how to dig out such a terrible'depth'?"

Seeing that everyone talked more and more entangled, Li Yao quickly sorted out his thoughts, stood up, and said loudly: "Fortunately, we have mastered some of the information sent back by the'Nether Sons'. As long as this information is sent to the federal high-level in time, If they conduct a comprehensive analysis, they can catch most of the'Nether Sons' in one go!"

"The destructive power of this incident may not be as great as we imagined. After all, the ancestor Youquan discovered that the'Chaotic Divine Water' could not exceed one hundred years. In other words, the one or two hundred-year-old'Yuan Ying Lao' in the Federation Strange', definitely not the'son of the nether'!"

"As long as you find these Yuanying bosses and make them believe in the authenticity of the information, the problem will be solved!"

"As for the'Abyss', although there is no evidence, a simple reasoning can also identify the suspect!"

Li Yao smiled slightly and said with confidence: "First of all, the Youquan ancestor 70 or 80 years ago could not have known that he would implement the'Spore Project' in the future. At that time, he sent the'Nether Sons' just for smuggling and intelligence. It’s too possible to put all your energy into cultivating an'depth' that will be hidden for decades, right?"

Everyone nodded.

Li Yao said indifferently: "After Youquan ancestor firmly controlled Youquan country, and even began to develop the'Demon God Virus' and conceived the'Spore Project', he would realize the importance of internal response and send out the'Abyss.' , It’s almost happened in the last thirty to fifty years."

"Hmph, this way, it's easy!"

"In the past 30 to 50 years, has there been any supernova that has suddenly emerged in the Star Federation? It's better to have both parents dead, no background, and encounters again and again along the way, soaring strength, incredible guys like the protagonist of a novel?"

"By the way, this guy's status is not necessarily very high, but he can influence the situation of the Federation at a certain level; in addition, he is very likely to obtain the 40,000-year-old ancient ruins unearthed from the Chaos Ruins from the Ancestor Youquan. Cultivating secret techniques, so he is still a person who is proficient in ancient cultivation techniques!"

"Whoever meets these conditions is the ‘Abyss’!"

Li Yao hammered the table hard and cut the railway line firmly, "Everyone, think about it, if there is such a guy, as long as you control him in time, then everything will be fine!"

Everyone suddenly realized that they nodded their heads again and again, thinking hard about the Tianyuan monks who met these conditions.

After a while, everyone raised their heads almost at the same time, "Whhhhhhhh", and all their meaningful gazes gathered on Li Yao.

Li Yao oozes cold sweat on his forehead: "Yes, there is a problem?"

Jin Xinyue gave a dry cough, tugged Li Yao's sleeve, and whispered: "Master, the guy you are talking about seems to be you."

Li Yao blinked his black and white eyes: "Really?"


Jin Xinyue said, "Your parents have died since childhood. You are an orphan. You still grew up in the'Magic Tomb'. No one can confirm your path. After that, you rose up miraculously and climbed in just over a decade.' In the ultimate golden core's realm, the combat power can be comparable to the US dollar infant monk!"

"By the way, you are still a ‘super federation hero’. You have great influence in the three realms of Tianyuan, Fei Xing, and Blood Demon, and you can definitely influence the changes of the situation!"

"As for the ancient secret technique, I remember that the master's refining technique is inherited from the ancient cultivation line, and the most famous one is the ancient technique forging, right?"

"Hey, the more you talk about it, the more you look like it, Master, reminisce carefully, are you really not the ‘Abyss’?"

After that, everyone nodded and shook their heads again and again, "Just kidding, how could Li Yao be the Abyss? If he is the Abyss, why bother to destroy the Eye of the Blood Demon and make the Spore Project. Did you fall short?"

"Moreover, jumping to the Flying Star Realm is simply unpredictable. The chance of surviving is too small. It's impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Li Yao scratched his hair and said, "I hope I am the Abyss. When Ancestor Youquan finds me, I will blow his head with a punch and say, "I quit," everything is wrong. It's all solved!"

Everyone laughed in one sentence, and the tension finally eased a little.

The fire ant king's antennae trembled slightly, and one person was found from the memory bank: "Li Yao can't be the'Abyss', I have a better candidate here!"

"She was born in the Great Wilderness. She lost her parents in the'Beast Tide Eruption' since she was a child. She is as deep as the monsters, and she is also a cultivator. She was once one of the youngest foundation-building monks in the Federation. , His strength has skyrocketed, and he is now the youngest Golden Core powerhouse in the Federation, the number one master among the younger generation, and an idol popular with thousands of young people!"

"Since ten years ago, she has been wandering in the depths of the Great Wilderness, and even retreated across the Federal Army. When the Great Wilderness implemented the'scorched earth strategy' and lacked supply points, she still went deep into the Great Wilderness alone, launching guerrilla warfare and hunting. war!"

"The mysterious trails, fierce tactics, and cruel style have made many monsters discouraged, and they have also established a reputation within the Federation!"

"It is said that countless Yuanying bosses are very optimistic about her and give her all the money. Before Li Yao returned, she had been created by the federal government as an'image project' and was recognized by everyone as a'federal hero'! "

"She is the captain of the first commando of the Great Wilderness Battle Group, Ding Lingdang with the title of ‘Blasting Flame Demon Dragon’!"

Suo Chaolong's eyes were wide open, and there was a hint of fear in the depths of his eyes: "Yes, this witch is indeed the nemesis of our monster race in the Great Wilderness. The cruelty of the method and the harshness of the behavior make the monsters point! No! Before the Young Demon Clan left for the expedition, they said that they would rather confront the Federation's full crystal armor battle group head-on, rather than crash into the'explosive flame dragon'!"

"Just by listening to her nickname, you know how cruel she is! Ten years ago, she was originally called the'flaming witch', but after seeing her brutal methods, all the monster races said, where is this? She's a woman, she's a very tyrannical Tyrannosaurus, so she is called the "Blasting Flame Dragon"!"

Li Yao: "..."

Fire Ant King: "However, there seems to be no problem with her origin. One of her parents is the Federation Army and the other is a teacher from the Great Desert War Academy. She has a very clear background."

Suo Chaolong: "Born can be faked. Didn't she encounter the besieged besieged city when she was young, and her parents died, but she survived? Maybe at that time, the real Ding Lingdang was dead, but the fake Ding Lingdang was dead. Come in!"

Fire Ant King: "That said, it is indeed possible that this'Blazing Devil Dragon' is the most determined main combat faction among the younger generations of the Federation. It screams all day long to calm the blood demon world and gathers by her side. There are many young cultivators in, and all of them are very fanatical, and they have formed a force that cannot be underestimated! To say that in the Federation, who is most likely to hinder peace talks, she must be at the forefront of the list! She does have the power to instigate the federal policy. Ability!"

"That's right!"

Suo Chaolong slapped his thigh, "Ancestor Youquan now hopes that Tianyuan and the Blood Demon will kill the two realms, so that he can fish in troubled waters, so this terrifying'Blazing Devil Dragon' must be even more terrifying'Abyss'! If you want the peace talks to succeed, you must stop this female dragon from raging! President Li, right?"

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