40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1068: Resurgence!

"I remember it too!"

Han Tuhu's eyes lit up and said, "Ding Lingdang was born in the Great Desolate War Yuan, and President Li was also born in the Great Desolate War Yuan. In the Great Desolate War Yuan ten years ago, you should have a lot of intersections, right?"

Li Yao's eyes twitched and he nodded slowly: "There are indeed some intersections."

Han Tuhu excitedly said: "Then it will be easy! After returning to the Tianyuan Realm this time, President Li will find a way to get around Ding Lingdang. With President Li's keen eyes, he will definitely find many clues, thoroughly. Debunking the true face of this'explosive flame dragon'! By the way, what is the relationship between President Li and Ding Lingdang in the past, are you sure to get by her side and win her trust?"

Li Yao was expressionless: "It shouldn't be a big problem to get around her. We used to be lovers. To be more precise, she is my fiancée. I am going to marry her when I return to my hometown this time."

Han Tuhu: "..."

Suo Chaolong: "..."

Fire Ant King: "Ahem, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Really worthy of being a vulture Li Yao, and only you, a well-tempered hero, like a hero of steel like iron, is worthy of Ding Nv Xia's iron-clad strangeness. Woman!"

Suo Chaolong wiped sweat: "Yes, yes, think about it carefully, Ding Lingdang's suspicion is not very big, after all, she is a pure combat cultivator, relying on her personal charm to gather a group of supporters and admirers. They are not very organized, and the real "Abyss" seems unlikely to be such a person!"

Han Tuhu slapped the table: "Yes, if you say this, there is still another suspect who is more suspicious than President Li's fiancée!"

"This person is the most eye-catching new star of the Federation before the rise of President Li and Ding Lingdang, and one of the youngest cultivators in the Federation."

"What's even more frightening is that this person not only has outstanding combat power, but also has extraordinary talents in operation and management. He is an out-and-out compound cultivator!"

"Ten years ago, this talent was in his early thirties, and he started a sect and became the leader of a sect! In just ten years, his sect has swelled like a spar bomb, and his comprehensive strength has doubled every year! To this day, his sect has attracted countless most talented young monks from the Federation to join him. He has been selected as the'Federation Man of the Wind' twice in a row. It can be said that he is a well-deserved leader among young cultivators!"

"This person is Peng Hai, known as the'Demon Sword'! His sect, the'Double Jiaohui', ranks 92nd among the top 500 federations in comprehensive strength, and has long surpassed countless large sects with a long history!"

The Fire Ant King nodded and said: "Yes, the words of the demon sword Peng Hai are indeed more likely than Ding Lingdang. His "Double Jiaohui" is huge and well-organized. It involves the research and development of many magic weapons in the Federal Army, especially It is their magic weapon, the Monster Beast Detector, which has been upgraded to the ninth generation. It has a set of federal military personnel and is connected to the military crystal brain. It is one of the most important portable magic weapons!"

"If you say that the demon sword Peng Hai is the'Abyss', if he moves a little on the'Monster Beast Detector', the consequences will be disastrous!"

Han Tuhu frowned: "Wait, monster detector? I seem to have overlooked something..."

Li Yao gave a dry cough: "The monster detector is my invention, and Peng Hai, the demon sword, is my senior, and I can also be regarded as a guide for me to embark on the road of cultivation, and I also have a lot of shares in this'Double Jiaohui'. 'Double Jiao' refers to the two of us."

Suo Chaolong: "..."

Han Tuhu: "..."

Jin Xinyue: "Master, are you really sure, aren't you the'Abyss' sent by the Ancestor Youquan?"

"Okay, stop guessing."

Jin Tuyi, who had been listening quietly in the form of a mysterious shadow, finally spoke.

After three months of not seeing him, he grew older and older. Not only did his hair become white, his cheeks also climbed up with stripes, blooming with dark golden light.

Under normal circumstances, he half-squinted his eyes, as if sleeping instead of sleeping, as if he didn't respond to any stimuli from the outside world.

Only at this time, he opened his eyes slightly, and a faint light burst out.

Jin Tuyi said indifferently: "Neither Li Yao, Ding Lingdang or Peng Hai, the demon knife, are over forty or fifty years old. If they were the'Abyss', then the Ancestor Youquan 40 or 50 years ago gave a baby. , Or three or five year old children over here."

"Such a variable is really too big. A three or five-year-old child, even a teenager, even if he has the potential, who can guarantee that he will be able to successfully become a cultivator, or even a golden core powerhouse, and enter the federation. Core layer?"

"What's more, being too young makes it impossible to form absolute loyalty to Ancestor Youquan. Why can Ancestor Youquan be sure that such an'Abyss' will be loyal to him?"

"If you really want to send it, you must send at least a person in their 20s or 30s, or even their 30s or 50s. Anyway, a person who is cultivator has a good face. If he has practiced a special secret method, a person in his 50s or 60s can pretend to be a dozen or so. Twenty-year-old teenager."

Jin Tuyi's remarks were reasonable and everyone nodded together.

Li Yao thought deeply: "If you say this, the scope of suspicion will be extended to cultivators in their 50s and 60s to early 100s."

Everyone looked at each other, this range is really too big.

Fifties or sixties to over one hundred years old, it is the "year of play" for a cultivator, experience, experience and resource accumulation have reached the peak, while physical fitness and spiritual strength have not yet begun to decline, it is the most precious golden years !

The leaders of many core departments in the Federation are such "young and strong" practitioners.

Moreover, to be the leader of the core department, which one is not killed out of the sea of ​​blood, which one is not a hero of military exploits, and which one is not "a rare cultivation genius"?

According to this standard, it is almost necessary to grab the chiefs of the major factions of the Federation, the middle and high-level officers of the Federal Army, the directors of government agencies, and the chiefs of government agencies.

Jin Tuyi coughed softly: "We have no evidence now. It is impossible to come up with a definite result even if we sit here and think of dawn. It is better to analyze the purpose of the ancestor Youquan, and infer these'children of the nether' and'the abyss. 'What are you going to do?"

Everyone nodded repeatedly, and Li Yao said, "Yes, no matter how deep the'Nether's Son' and the'Abyss' are hidden, they will always jump out. As long as they know their purpose in advance, they can adopt targeted strategies!"

Fire Ant King's eyes are piercing: "Has the commander guessed it?"

Jin Tuyi smiled and shook his head somewhat laboriously: "Ancestor Youquan has turned into a desperate mad dog. The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry. Who can guess how to'jump'?"

"However, one thing is certain."

"For the enthusiastic main battle faction in the Star Federation, this moment is the best time to attack the blood demon world in five hundred years!"

In a word, everyone almost stood up.

Jin Tuyi gasped crudely: "In the past hundred years, the comprehensive strength of the blood demon world has always been above the heavenly element realm, pressing against the celestial element realm, but the development speed of the celestial element realm is faster than the blood demon realm, so the celestial element realm has taken a defensive position. Space for time, I want to rely on technological development to accumulate absolute advantages before making a counterattack."

"If there is no sudden change, such an absolute advantage will not be formed until at least a few decades."

"However, the situation is different now. The destruction of the'Blood Demon Eye' took away 14 demon emperors and countless elites in one go. The ravages of the demon **** virus greatly consumed the blood demon world's grassroots forces and contained a large number of troops. In this process, we vigorously seized power and created countless opponents!"

"Among the Four Great Demon Kingdoms, there are simply too many old nobles who want to treat us with flesh and blood!"

"If it takes a few years, the Blood Demon Realm will naturally be able to get over from such chaos. However, at this moment, it is indeed the Blood Demon Realm in the last millennium, with the least demon emperor, the most chaotic army, the sharpest internal contradictions, and the plague. The most raging moment!"

"Do you think that the most steadfast protagonist in the Star Federation, those who have invested all of their wealth, and even most of the assets of the entire sect, on the'Victory Fund', will they let this opportunity pass?"

Everyone took a breath of air, and Jin Xinyue frowned and said: "It is impossible for the Star Federation to know our internal affairs!"

Jin Tuyi smiled and said, "What if'Children of Nether' let them know?"

Everyone was silent, and the atmosphere instantly became more depressed than before.

Jin Tuyi took a difficult sip of water, took a breath for a long time, gently massaged his temples, closed his eyes and said: "The core of the Spore Project is to provoke a'world war' between the Tianyuan Realm and the Blood Demon Realm. In this world-destroying war, look for an opportunity to release the demon-god virus and create a cruel new world."

"The first plan of Spore Project is to start this decisive battle in Tiandu City through the Eye of the Blood Demon."

"Now, the first plan has failed."

"However, if the'Nether Sons' can persuade the senior officials of the Xingyao Federation to convince them that this is the weakest moment in the Blood Demon Realm, and the aggressive attack at this moment, the Blood Demon Realm will be completely suppressed and a large number of demon races will be arrested as mine slaves. Responding to the expedition to the true human empire a hundred years later... Then, who said that the Spore Project could not be revived?

Li Yao suddenly stood up: "Let's go to Lu Wuxin, dig out all the other half of the intelligence, and then immediately return to the Tianyuan Realm, give all the intelligence to the Federation high-level officials, and tell them all the truth!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Before Li Yao's voice fell, there was a furious slamming on the door outside the meeting room, and the heavy steel plates were smashed with convex marks.

Everyone looked at each other, heightened their vigilance, and opened the door to take a look, but it was Wei Tianqing, the wolf clan demon emperor who was in charge of guarding Lu Wuxin.

"General Wei, what are you doing here?"

The Fire Ant King stood up and said in a deep voice, "Aren't you supposed to be watching Lu Wuxin? This'crazy doctor' is sinister and cunning, with many tricks, and it is possible to escape at any time!"

Wei Tianqing's face was pale, and his furry wolf tail swayed like a dog's tail in the violent wind. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said: "He, he can't escape, he's dead!"


Li Yao, Jin Xinyue, Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong all jumped!

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