40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1070: Three key people!

Three days later, in the northeast of the blood demon world, there was a vast plain called "Nine Abyss".

This place is shrouded in colorful fog all the year round, and from time to time there are weird aurora soaring up into the sky, tearing up strange gaps in the sky.

When creatures stray into the aurora, they often disappear and appear in another world.

This is another fusion point between the blood demon and the Tianyuan realm, which is far away from the "dark extremity" of the Tianyuan realm, and is also the traditional marching route of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Therefore, in the periphery of the "Nine Abyss", the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons have established barracks and defense lines that stretch for hundreds of miles. Within the "Nine Abyss", there are even large-scale teleportation formations that can handle the demon warships and masters of the demon emperor's rank. Teleport to the Tianyuan Realm.

After Jin Tuyi took the power alone, he resolved to fix it with the Tianyuan Realm. These teleportation formations had not been used for three months, and a thin layer of dust fell. Until today, the largest teleportation formation was shining again. After the mysterious mysterious light, the aurora like breeze and drizzle between the heaven and the earth was swallowed.

Vulture Li Yao, about to go home!

In the barracks, he checked his equipment for the last time.

Considering that this time it was not to go back to fight, but to help the demon clan "submit the letter of descent", so the "dark bone battle armor and blood demon form" with "monstered energy" should best seldom appear in front of the world. Jin Tuyi specializes Prepared a mass-produced profound bone battle armor for Li Yao.

This mysterious bone battle armor is the standard equipment of the Federal Army. It is almost the same as the version that Li Yao participated in refining more than ten years ago. When worn on the body, the familiar interface and control system make countless past events come to mind. Li Yao again Thinking of the days when Ding Lingdang was "fight to the flesh" with Ding Lingdang on campus, I couldn't help feeling very much.

In addition to the necessary magic weapons, he carried the most letters, including a dozen demon emperor's autographs, secret letters with the imprint of demon marks, official documents stamped with the big seal of "The Commander of the Allied Forces of Demons", and left A secret letter with the imprint of Jin Tuyi's private monster pattern.

In addition to these official documents, there are also family letters from Han Tuhu and other flying tiger warriors, which write things that only them know, and also include their hair and blood samples.

With a little analysis, you can determine the authenticity of these things, so as to tell the people of the Tianyuan Realm-these lonely soldiers of the Federation Army who have penetrated into the foreign land are still alive!

In order to convince the top leaders of the Federation that the "Spore Project" and "Nether Sons" existed, Li Yao discussed with Jin Tuyi and Jin Xinyue for a long time. In the future, the history of the dragon will be sorted out clearly, and together with all the information that Lu Wuxin confessed, it constitutes A confidential document.

This document also contains samples of the "Demon God Virus" cultivated in the laboratory, as well as the frozen infected blood, plus various videos of "out of control variants".

Hard facts can definitely prove the existence of "Spore Project" and "Nether Sons"!

Next, the only question is how to deliver this key document to the key person!

"Master, are you ready?"

Jin Xinyue looked at Li Yao expectantly, the teleportation array was ready, and it could start teleportation at any time.

Li Yao smiled slightly, completed the last set of parameter adjustments for the basic version of the Xuan Bone Battle Armor, took the Xuan Bone Battle Armor back into the Universe Ring, and nodded.

"Okay, let's confirm it for the last time. The key figures in the Star Federation, the following three key figures, just like the'Big Four' of the Blood Demon Realm, have the power to turn things around!"

Jin Xinyue inspired a light curtain from the miniature crystal brain.

The light and shadow flickered, and gradually condensed into a three-dimensional human figure, a tall, vigorous and sturdy man!

His forehead is extremely high, as if to drill two horns from above the brow bone, like a giant dragon transformed into a human shape. His hands are huge, and the joints are as thick as tree tumors. There is a sense of power agitated by wind and thunder!

In the picture, he is making an impromptu speech. Although Jin Xinyue turned off her voice, her impassioned expression and decisive demeanor made people excited and gave birth to the urge to follow him to the death!

Jin Xinyue said: "Jiang Hailiu, the management-type Nascent Soul monk, the Speaker of the Xingyao Federation, and the Wuya Sect, one of the ten major sects of the Tianyuan Realm. The leader of the five hundred fortunes in the Federation for nine years is known as a miracle that is almost impossible to be surpassed! After leaving office, he entered the political arena and started from scratch. As the dignified "Sect Master of Wuya Sect", he became the depths of the great wilderness. The mayor of the remote town of "Wonshan City" has become an anecdote for a while."

"During his nine years as the mayor of Yuanshan, he built Yuanshan City from a small wild city into one of the four great towns in the wild, which can even be comparable to the city of Nu Tao, where the original wild battle court was located. With this political achievement, he returned to the inland. He passed all the way, and finally became the mayor of the capital Tiandu Special City. He stepped down as the mayor of the capital four years ago and participated in the presidential election, and he succeeded in one fell swoop!"

"During Jiang Hailiu's presidency, he encountered the'War of Dawn' in which the Blood Demon Realm attacked the Tianyuan Realm on a large scale. In the end, because of the low-level demon clan mutiny, the Xingyao Federation won a big victory.

"This is the first glorious victory of the Federation in 100 years. Jiang Hailiu's reputation has also risen to the apex. Many people regard him as the hope of the Federation. Re-election is almost a certainty!"

"Jiang Hailiu’s political career started in the great wilderness town of Yuanshan City. He has a special affection for the great wilderness. When the Allied Demon Army destroyed the great wilderness, the Yuanshan City built by Jiang Hailiu was also destroyed, and Jiang Hailiu also became It is not easy to persuade him if he is a determined main combatant."

"However, a person who can become the Speaker of the Federal Assembly will naturally not be arrogant. As long as he sees these documents, he believes that he will make the right choice."

Li Yao bit his nails: "So, you want to meet the Federal Speaker in person?"

"Yes, it's like sneaking into Tongtian City and seeing my father. This is a masterpiece of Master, shouldn't it be difficult for you?"

Jin Xinyue said, "The Pantheon Palace once formulated hundreds of infiltration and assassination plans against the Federation Speaker. These plans have all imported Master’s crystal brain. When Master is fine, you can study it to see how the penetration is better. ."

"The good news is that Jiang Hailiu is 177 years old this year. It is absolutely impossible to be an'Abyss', but the staff and bodyguards around him are not necessarily. Therefore, if Master chooses him, he must meet him in person. He himself, it is best not to transfer these confidential documents through his staff."

Li Yao nodded, of course he knew such a simple truth.

Jin Xinyue made a gesture, and the three-dimensional light curtain suddenly shattered into thousands of stars. After rotating for a while, they gathered into a new human form.

This time, it was a veteran with white beard and hair, and his beard exploded like a halberd. He was dressed in the uniform of the Marshal of the Federal Army. With a pair of big goose-egg eyes, he stared at the camera with full expression, as if he could break through the light curtain. Just like jumping directly to Li Yao!

"The goal of the Federation Speaker is too obvious, and the defense is too strict. It may not be the best choice. Master has been restored to the status of an'active soldier' ​​by the Federation Army. He is still a'super federation hero' and has a high popularity in the army. It might be easier to follow the military route!"

"Zhou Hengdao, two hundred and twenty-six years old, has the dual abilities of fighting and management, and is a complex metaphysical cultivator."

"Among the Tianyuan cultivators, he can be regarded as an outlier. He has not graduated from the'Nine Elite Joint School', and his parents are not cultivators. Before the age of twenty, he was a pure ordinary person, a small soldier in the Federal Army. ."

"He has been in the Great Wilderness expeditions, in the sea of ​​blood, from the big soldiers, step by step, he has performed almost all the basic command positions of the Federal Army, and he has left his footprints on all the most difficult battlefields. He was wounded 925 times, setting a federal record. Now, 77% of his body's organs have been replaced with psychic prostheses, so he has the nickname'Tie Shuai'!"

"Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao, the current Chief of Staff of the Federal Army, is a well-deserved soul figure of the Federal Army, and the biggest leader of the military!"

Li Yao nodded, and Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao, this is a hero of the older generation who has been famous for hundreds of years, and there is no need for Jin Xinyue to introduce him. Every federal teenager is clear.

In the structure of the Star Federation, the Speaker is the nominal commander-in-chief of the armed forces, but this status symbol has a stronger meaning.

There is a specialization in the technical industry, and the speaker is good at civil affairs. The most important decision is the general policy of war and peace, and the highest command at the practical level is still on the head of the "Chief of General Staff of the Federal Army."

Before Li Yao entered the realm of cultivation, he had a deep relationship with the Federal Army. He could also be regarded as a member of the Federal Army. He also had the autographs of Han Tuhu and other Federal Army soldiers. Perhaps he persuaded Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao. It is a more convenient choice.

Jin Xinyue said: "The only problem with Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao is that he is a fanatical main combat faction, and he is extremely stubborn. Many people call him'Tie Shuai' face to face, and call him'Iron Head' behind his back. Are you a soldier? , This is also normal."

"So, whether you choose to discuss the ocean currents of the Yangtze River or Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao, please master according to the actual situation in the Tianyuan Realm to decide."

"Or, they didn't choose either, and there was a third, more direct option, the Director of the Federal Intelligence Agency, Lu Zui."

In the light curtain, Tie Shuai Zhou Heng's image of swallowing thousands of miles with a sword gradually turned into an image of a middle-aged man wearing casual clothes with a hooked nose and deeply sunken eye sockets.

This person does not have the power of the rivers and oceans, nor the domineering of Zhou Hengdao. He is like the most mediocre middle-aged office worker. Even his hair is dull and there is no button on his sleeve, so he can't feel it at all. The breath of the strong.

Li Yao faintly felt that if he passed in front of this "Director of the Federal Intelligence Agency" Lu Zui, he would definitely not notice his existence!

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