40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1071: Secret Sword Game! (Fourth!)

Lu Zui's figure gradually faded, and a mysterious and elegant emblem gradually became clear.

Unlike the popular emblems made up of swords, guns, swords, halberds, dragons, tigers, and beasts in the Star Federation, the emblem has a pattern of "colorful clouds covering the moon". At first glance, there is no sharpness at all, only one can concentrate on observing the flow of cloud patterns. Only by looking at the color clouds and moonlight, two flying swords that are almost transparent and cross each other can be seen.

This is the symbol of the Federal Intelligence Agency-the Caiyun Yinyue Secret Sword Emblem!

Because of this badge, most federal people call the Federal Intelligence Agency-Secret Sword Bureau!

Since the establishment of the country five hundred years ago, the Xingyao Federation has not only suffered from positive threats, whether it is a monster race transformed into a human form, a cultivator who has fallen into a demon way, or a cultivator who has gone astray... If walking bombs are allowed to sneak into the Federation, just one can cause incalculable damage to densely populated towns.

After all, the army is better at large-scale battles on the frontal battlefield. It is extremely difficult to deal with this kind of "unrestricted warfare" involving infiltration, intelligence, arrest, sabotage, assassination, interrogation, and so on.

Therefore, in the fifty or sixty years after the founding of the Federation, the original dozens of small and medium intelligence agencies were merged together to form the "Secret Sword Bureau". The main task was to openly or secretly collect various intelligence inside and outside the Federation. The Federal Army and government agencies provide intelligence support, and form an elite combat team "Secret Swordsman" to deal with various threats launched by the monsters, demon and evil repairs, and maintain stability within the Federation.

Because of the characteristics of the cultivator and the monster race, a strong man is equivalent to an army. In many cases, the front battlefield is silent, but it is this kind of hidden front that penetrates into the interior, and various thrilling secret battles emerge in endlessly!

Therefore, the scale of the Secret Sword Bureau has continued to expand for hundreds of years. Today, the Secret Sword Bureau has more than 300,000 employees, as well as its own advanced magic weapon refining factory, exclusive training base, and secret source of funds. An independent kingdom impervious to wind and rain!

The Secret Sword Bureau administers three divisions, killing demons, eliminating demons, and refining the heart.

The Demon Slayer Division is responsible for dealing with all intelligence and threats related to the demon race; the Demon Elimination Division is responsible for solving the "God Demon Coming" incident and suppressing demons repairers; the Mind Refining Division is responsible for arresting those who go into troubles and engage in evil deeds, but they are with the demon Unrelated evil cultivator.

In the hundreds of years of fighting against monsters, gods, and evil repairs, the Secret Sword Bureau has mastered countless secret magical powers, and trained a large number of "Secret Swordsmen" who are proficient in infiltration, assassination, theft, heaven and earth listening, etc. , There are more than 30,000 registered "Secret Sword Envoys" alone, and there are not many "Dark Sword Walkers" who are not registered!

In densely populated and intricate urban areas, conducting assassination and anti-assassination, infiltration and reverse osmosis operations, the "Secret Swordsman" may be stronger than any special force in the Federal Army!

Seeing the "Caiyun Yinyue Secret Sword Battle Emblem" of the Secret Sword Bureau, Jin Xinyue's eyes twitched unconsciously.

For the Saintess of the Ten Thousand Demon Temple, the Secret Sword Bureau is a natural opponent. Although she has not penetrated into the Tianyuan Realm, many of her companions have infiltrated the past, and the ending...most of them are terrible.

Jin Xinyue understands the horror of the Secret Sword Bureau very well. This light-hearted battle emblem gave her a cold feeling of seeing a poisonous snake. She settled her mind and said: "If the'Nether Son' really lurks in the Federation Internally, it must be handled by the Secret Sword Bureau. They are experts in this field. Even if Master first finds Yi Yangtze River Current or Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao, he will eventually fall to the Secret Sword Bureau Director Lu Zui. On his shoulders, he led the Secret Sword Envoy to dig out all the'Nether Sons'!"

"Lu Zui is two hundred and eleven years old this year. He is a rare compound monk with the dual talents of management and research. He is the top authority in the fields of psychology, trace science, detective science, etc., and he is also registered in the Federation. The president of the Association of Meditation Masters, please master absolutely believe in his professional ability."

"The evidence in our hands can only be brought into full play by sending it to Lu Zui's hands."

"However, this person has worked on the dark front for a lifetime. Of course, he will not have any good feelings for the monster race. He is also an unswerving main combat faction, and he is best at trying to figure out people's hearts. I am afraid that he is better than Jiang Hailiu and Zhou Hengdao. It's hard to convince."

"On the Yangtze River Hailiu, Tieshuai Zhou Hengdao, and Secretary of the Secret Sword Lu Zui, they represent the realm of cultivation, the military, and the Intelligence Bureau, respectively. Whichever one is fine, it depends on how the master chooses."

"and many more!"

Li Yao raised his hand, "The three key figures are all the main battle faction? Is there a main peace faction?"


Jin Xinyue shook her head and said, "In the Federation, the attitude towards the monster race is divided into only the main battle faction, the firm main battle faction, the fanatical main battle faction and the frenzied main battle faction. There is no main battle faction."


Li Yao touched his nose, "When I didn't say, continue."

Jin Xinyue made a gesture, and under the "Caiyun Yinyue Secret Sword Badge", next to the Secretary of the Secret Sword Bureau Lu Zui, another middle-aged man with a chubby body and a smile appeared.

He held his belly in both hands, and the cheerful energy could almost float along the light curtain.

This is a middle-aged fat man who seems harmless to humans and animals, even if someone robs his seat in the theater, he doesn't know how to get angry.

But the fear rippling in Jin Xinyue's eyes was three points worse than seeing Lu Zui.

She took a deep breath, and introduced as calmly as possible: "After the spring breeze, the golden core is strong, the deputy director of the Secret Sword Bureau, the first department, that is, the head of the'monster slasher', is directly responsible for responding to the threat of the monster race. In ten years, all of our demons who infiltrated the Tianyuan realm were almost captured by him. They are extremely terrifying characters!"

"Lu Zui is the Secretary of the Secret Sword. He is in charge of the overall situation behind the town. After the spring breeze is the frontline person in charge. After the master returns from the blood demon realm to the Tianyuan realm, he is very likely to meet him, so the disciple took him out alone. introduce."

Li Yao was stunned: "The strong golden core?"

It's not that he looks down on people. It's just that after the Fei Xing Realm and Xiao Xuance's high-ranking Yuan Ying talked and laughed, he was chased by dozens of Demon Emperors in the Blood Demon Realm. Now the apprentice brought out a golden pill, it was really not enough!

Jin Xinyue immediately understood Li Yao's thoughts and said, "Master, don't take it lightly. The Secret Sword Bureau has fought against the monster race, the devil and the evil cultivator for hundreds of years, and has mastered countless vicious secret methods, the secret sword. The masters trained in the game cannot easily use their realm to judge their strength. Their true combat effectiveness is often one or two levels higher than the realm."

"And since this'passing the spring breeze' can squeeze out a lot of masters of Yuan Ying and serve as the most important first division chief, it naturally excels."

"He may be the first compound cultivator in the history of the Star Federation to span four major fields. He has amazing accomplishments in the fields of combat, creation, management, and research."

Li Yao was dumbfounded: "What!"

What is most lacking in 40,000 years of cultivation? Compound talents!

Compound cultivators with dual talents are rare in existence, and the major forces are fighting for it!

If the combat talent is paired with any other talent, it can exert amazing effects in the ubiquitous fighting. This is what Li Yao, who possesses both the "battle" and "creation" dual talents, knows best.

Along the way, countless dilemmas, which were exhausted by mountains and rivers, were all blown up by him with a spar bomb!

Dual talents are already something you can meet but you can't ask for it. After the spring breeze, it spans four areas? It's a monster!

No wonder, a golden pill is worthy of Jin Xinyue's solemnity!

Li Yao was surprised: "There is such a fierce man? Why haven't I heard of it before!"

Jin Xinyue said: "The Secret Sword Bureau's actions were originally extremely secretive. The most important first place to lead the Secret Sword Bureau after the spring breeze is the target of countless monsters assassinations. Therefore, he has no reputation in the Federation. But everyone knows it, known as the'most terrifying golden pill of the Heavenly Origin Realm', and its threat is still higher than that of many Yuan Ying bosses."

"Countless monsters sharpened their swords and Huohuo wanted to kill the spring breeze, but decades have passed, and the spring breeze is still alive and kicking, but those monsters have turned into dead bones in the mound!"


Li Yao licked his lips, the war intent in his eyes surged up again, and murmured, "I am the ultimate golden core. He is the most terrifying golden core across the four realms of the Tianyuan realm. I really don't know the two of us. In the case of the match, who will win and who will lose?"

Jin Xinyue frowned and said, "Master—"

Li Yao grinned: "Don't worry, I'm just joking. Actually, I have already made a careful plan for the whole thing. If everything goes well, the problem can be solved without a single shot!"

Jin Xinyue's eyes lit up: "What is Master going to do?"

Li Yao snapped his fingers and said: "I am the ultimate golden core. The momentum transmitted to the Tianyuan Realm must be very large, and it will emit violent psychic energy fluctuations, and it is very likely that it will be discovered by the Federal Army.

"When a large number of Federation forces arrived, I would ascend and let out my face, so that they could see that I was the legendary'Super Federation Hero', Vulture Li Yao!"

"With my reputation in the Federation, all grassroots soldiers will definitely gather me in groups, worship me, follow my words, and the major media will rush to report!"

"At that time, I took the opportunity to have a direct dialogue with the Federation on the Yangtze River and Ocean Currents, the military leader Zhou Hengdao, and the secret sword director Lu Zui!"

"Living Super Federation heroes! This is a good thing that hasn't been produced for five hundred years! They have no reason to ignore it, right?"

"When they come, the four of us will close the doors and spread out the papers to study carefully. Okay, everything is done!"

Jin Xinyue: "...This is Master's plan?"

Li Yao: "Yes, this is my first plan."

Jin Xinyue: "So, there is a backup plan?"

Li Yao: "Yes, four words, adapt to your circumstances!"


Thanks to the book friends, the Mavericks were discharged from the hospital yesterday, so today they resumed their long-lost four watch, roar!

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